# Llama Recipes: Examples to get started using the Llama models from Meta
# Llama Cookbook: The Official Guide to building with Llama Models
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> Note: We recently did a refactor of the repo, [archive-main](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-recipes/tree/archive-main) is a snapshot branch from before the refactor
> Note: We recently did a refactor of the repo, [archive-main](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-recipes/tree/archive-main) is a snapshot branch from before the refactor
@@ -45,132 +45,21 @@ A: We recently did a refactor of the repo, [archive-main](https://github.com/met
@@ -45,132 +45,21 @@ A: We recently did a refactor of the repo, [archive-main](https://github.com/met
A: Official [Llama models website](https://www.llama.com)
A: Official [Llama models website](https://www.llama.com)
## Getting Started
## Contributing
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
### Prerequisites
## License
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#### PyTorch Nightlies
See the License file for Meta Llama 3.2 [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3_2/LICENSE) and Acceptable Use Policy [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3_2/USE_POLICY.md)
If you want to use PyTorch nightlies instead of the stable release, go to [this guide](https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/) to retrieve the right `--extra-index-url URL` parameter for the `pip install` commands on your platform.
### Installing
See the License file for Meta Llama 3.1 [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3_1/LICENSE) and Acceptable Use Policy [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3_1/USE_POLICY.md)
Llama-recipes provides a pip distribution for easy install and usage in other projects. Alternatively, it can be installed from source.
> [!NOTE]
See the License file for Meta Llama 3 [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3/LICENSE) and Acceptable Use Policy [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3/USE_POLICY.md)
> Ensure you use the correct CUDA version (from `nvidia-smi`) when installing the PyTorch wheels. Here we are using 11.8 as `cu118`.
> H100 GPUs work better with CUDA >12.0
See the License file for Meta Llama 2 [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama2/LICENSE) and Acceptable Use Policy [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama2/USE_POLICY.md)
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#### Install with pip
pip install llama-recipes
#### Install with optional dependencies
Llama-recipes offers the installation of optional packages. There are three optional dependency groups.
To run the unit tests we can install the required dependencies with:
pip install llama-recipes[tests]
For the vLLM example we need additional requirements that can be installed with:
pip install llama-recipes[vllm]
To use the sensitive topics safety checker install with:
pip install llama-recipes[auditnlg]
Some recipes require the presence of langchain. To install the packages follow the recipe description or install with:
pip install llama-recipes[langchain]
Optional dependencies can also be combined with [option1,option2].
#### Install from source
To install from source e.g. for development use these commands. We're using hatchling as our build backend which requires an up-to-date pip as well as setuptools package.
You can find Llama models on Hugging Face hub [here](https://huggingface.co/meta-llama), **where models with `hf` in the name are already converted to Hugging Face checkpoints so no further conversion is needed**. The conversion step below is only for original model weights from Meta that are hosted on Hugging Face model hub as well.
#### Model conversion to Hugging Face
If you have the model checkpoints downloaded from the Meta website, you can convert it to the Hugging Face format with:
## Install Hugging Face Transformers from source
pip freeze | grep transformers ## verify it is version 4.45.0 or higher
| [policies](src/llama_recipes/policies/) | Contains FSDP scripts to provide different policies, such as mixed precision, transformer wrapping policy and activation checkpointing along with any precision optimizer (used for running FSDP with pure bf16 mode). |
| [utils](src/llama_recipes/utils/) | Utility files for:<br/> - `train_utils.py` provides training/eval loop and more train utils.<br/> - `dataset_utils.py` to get preprocessed datasets.<br/> - `config_utils.py` to override the configs received from CLI.<br/> - `fsdp_utils.py` provides FSDP wrapping policy for PEFT methods.<br/> - `memory_utils.py` context manager to track different memory stats in train loop. |
## Supported Features
The recipes and modules in this repository support the following features:
# Llama Recipes: Examples to get started using the Llama models from Meta
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> Note: We recently did a refactor of the repo, [archive-main](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-recipes/tree/archive-main) is a snapshot branch from before the refactor
Welcome to the official repository for helping you get started with [inference](./getting-started/inference/), [fine-tuning](./getting-started/finetuning) and [end-to-end use-cases](./end-to-end-use-cases) of building with the Llama Model family.
The examples cover the most popular community approaches, popular use-cases and the latest Llama 3.2 Vision and Llama 3.2 Text, in this repository.
> [!TIP]
> Repository Structure:
> * [Start building with the Llama 3.2 models](./getting-started/)
> * [End to End Use cases with Llama model family](./end-to-end-use-cases)
> * [Examples of building with 3rd Party Llama Providers](./3p-integrations)
> * [Model Benchmarks](./benchmarks)
> [!TIP]
> Get started with Llama 3.2 with these new recipes:
> * [Multimodal Inference with Llama 3.2 Vision](./getting-started/inference/local_inference/README.md#multimodal-inference)
> * [Inference on Llama Guard 1B + Multimodal inference on Llama Guard 11B-Vision](./end-to-end-use-cases/responsible_ai/llama_guard/llama_guard_text_and_vision_inference.ipynb)
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> [!NOTE]
> Llama 3.2 follows the same prompt template as Llama 3.1, with a new special token `<|image|>` representing the input image for the multimodal models.
> More details on the prompt templates for image reasoning, tool-calling and code interpreter can be found [on the documentation website](https://llama.meta.com/docs/model-cards-and-prompt-formats/llama3_2).
## Repository Structure:
-[3P Integrations](./3p-integrations): Getting Started Recipes and End to End Use-Cases from various Llama providers
-[End to End Use Cases](./end-to-end-use-cases): As the name suggests, spanning various domains and applications
-[Getting Started](./getting-started/): Reference for inferencing, fine-tuning and RAG examples
-[Benchmarks](./benchmarks): Reference implementation for some benchmarks
## FAQ:
- Q: Some links are broken/folders are missing:
A: We recently did a refactor of the repo, [archive-main](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-recipes/tree/archive-main) is a snapshot branch from before the refactor
- Where can we find details about the latest models?
A: Official [Llama models website](https://www.llama.com)
## Getting Started
## Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
| [policies](src/llama_recipes/policies/) | Contains FSDP scripts to provide different policies, such as mixed precision, transformer wrapping policy and activation checkpointing along with any precision optimizer (used for running FSDP with pure bf16 mode). |
| [utils](src/llama_recipes/utils/) | Utility files for:<br/> - `train_utils.py` provides training/eval loop and more train utils.<br/> - `dataset_utils.py` to get preprocessed datasets.<br/> - `config_utils.py` to override the configs received from CLI.<br/> - `fsdp_utils.py` provides FSDP wrapping policy for PEFT methods.<br/> - `memory_utils.py` context manager to track different memory stats in train loop. |
## Supported Features
The recipes and modules in this repository support the following features:
| FSDP checkpoint conversion to HF for inference | ✅ |
| W&B experiment tracker | ✅ |
## Contributing
Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
## License
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See the License file for Meta Llama 3.2 [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3_2/LICENSE) and Acceptable Use Policy [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3_2/USE_POLICY.md)
See the License file for Meta Llama 3.1 [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3_1/LICENSE) and Acceptable Use Policy [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3_1/USE_POLICY.md)
See the License file for Meta Llama 3 [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3/LICENSE) and Acceptable Use Policy [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama3/USE_POLICY.md)
See the License file for Meta Llama 2 [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama2/LICENSE) and Acceptable Use Policy [here](https://github.com/meta-llama/llama-models/blob/main/models/llama2/USE_POLICY.md)