package utils
import (
v20230301 ""
apiserver ""
// APIErrorMsg attempts to parse .Message from the API JSON response.
// Otherwise it returns the full response body.
func APIErrorMsg(r io.Reader) string {
body, err := io.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return "Failed to read Smallstep API response"
e := &v20230301.Error{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(body, e); err != nil {
return string(body)
return e.Message
type dereferencable interface {
string |
bool |
int |
[]string |
v20230301.EndpointKeyInfoType |
// Deref gets the default value for a pointer type. This makes it easier to work
// with the generated API client code, which uses pointers for optional fields.
func Deref[T dereferencable](v *T) (r T) {
if v != nil {
r = *v
func ToIntPointer(i64 *int64) *int {
if i64 == nil {
return nil
i := int(*i64)
return &i
func ToStringPointer[In Str, Out Str](str *In) *Out {
if str == nil {
return nil
s := Out(*str)
return &s
// Describe parses descriptions for a component from its schema in Smallstep's
// OpenAPI spec. This ensures the terraform attribute documentation is kept in
// sync with the API spec.
func Describe(component string) (string, map[string]string, error) {
spec, err := apiserver.GetSwagger()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
componentSchema, ok := spec.Components.Schemas[component]
if !ok || componentSchema.Value == nil {
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("no schema found for %q in OpenAPI spec", component)
description := componentSchema.Value.Description
props := componentSchema.Value.Properties
// provisioner schema uses AllOf
for _, s := range componentSchema.Value.AllOf {
if s == nil || s.Value == nil {
if len(s.Value.Properties) > 0 {
props = s.Value.Properties
for k, p := range s.Value.Properties {
props[k] = p
propertyDescriptions := make(map[string]string, len(props))
d := schema.Value.Description
if len(schema.Value.Enum) > 0 {
for _, enum := range schema.Value.Enum {
d += fmt.Sprintf(" `%s`", enum)
} else if schema.Value.Items != nil && schema.Value.Items.Value != nil && len(schema.Value.Items.Value.Enum) > 0 {
d += " Allowed values:"
for _, enum := range schema.Value.Items.Value.Enum {
d += fmt.Sprintf(" `%s`", enum)
propertyDescriptions[prop] = d
return description, propertyDescriptions, nil