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Commit 8759546a authored by Alan Christopher Thomas's avatar Alan Christopher Thomas
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Revert "Remove prometheus"

This reverts commit 2a22b798.
parent 2a22b798
Branches prometheus
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name: Prometheus (node_exporter)
protocol: https
- text: HTTPS Package for Prometheus

23.3 KiB

If you want to connect to a `node_exporter` instance independently, and you have client HTTPS authentication configured, you'll need to present a client certificate signed by your CA.
## With curl
Pass your certificate, private key, and root CA certificate to `curl` to authenticate your request over TLS.
$ curl --cert {{ client_cert }} --key {{ client_key }} --cacert {{ ca_cert }} https://node-exporter-node:9100/metrics
## With Firefox
Firefox requires that you import a PKCS#12 (`.p12`) certificate bundle. So, you'll need to create that file using your client certificate and key.
$ openssl pkcs12 -export -in {{ client_cert }} -inkey {{ client_key }} -name myuser > firefox.p12
You'll have to enter a dummy password to encrypt the file (which you'll decrypt immediately when you import it into Firefox).
Go to Firefox's [Privacy & Security Preferences](about:preferences#privacy) and choose View Certificates... under Certificates. In the "Your Certificates" tab you can import your `.p12` file.
Now let's configure Prometheus to authenticate in the role of client to your `node_exporter` server. Here's an example job configuration block that you'd add to your `prometheus.yml`:
- job_name: 'node'
scheme: https
# Prometheus will check that the node_exporter presents a certificate
# signed by this ca.
ca_file: '{{ ca_cert }}'
# The cert and key are presented to node_exporter to authenticate
# Prometheus as a client.
cert_file: '{{ client_cert }}'
key_file: '{{ client_key }}'
- targets: ['node_exporter_node:9100']
Reload Prometheus, and confirm that the Prometheus dashboard shows your node_exporter target endpoints as "UP"—and using the `https://` scheme.
\ No newline at end of file
Copy the `{{ server_cert }}`, `{{ server_key }}`, and `{{ ca_cert }}` files to a `node_exporter` configuration directory. You may need to make a directory for this, eg. `/etc/node_exporter`.
$ sudo cp {{ server_cert }} /etc/node_exporter/server.crt
$ sudo cp {{ server_key }} /etc/node_exporter/server.key
$ sudo cp {{ ca_cert }} /etc/node_exporter/root_ca.crt
Make sure these files are owned and readable only by the user that `node_exporter` runs as.
Now create a file called `/etc/node_exporter/web-config.yml`:
# This is the server certificate for your `node_exporter` server.
cert_file: "/etc/node_exporter/server.crt"
key_file: "/etc/node_exporter/server.key"
# RequireAndVerifyClientCert is the most secure option; clients
# must present a valid client certificate signed by your CA.
client_auth_type: "RequireAndVerifyClientCert"
# This is the CA the client certificate must be signed by.
client_ca_file: "/etc/node_exporter/root_ca.crt"
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