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Thank you for interest in translate Obsidian. Please add any controversial terms to this file to aid future decisions during Documentation or UI translation, creating a consistent experience.

Currently, Obsidian is in development and as new features are added so is more text, if you find a term that is not translated yet, feel free to name it. In the translation file (pt-BR.json), we have different text strings for singular and plural nouns, but it doesn't have a distinction for gender nouns. If you have to translate a word, keep that in mind since it can create some inconsistencies.

In doubt, feel free to ask our amazing community their opinion on the Forum or Discord (We have a special Portuguese channel!).

Please keep the term list alphabetically sorted.

Original Term pt-BR translation
alias Apelido
app Aplicativo
arrows Setas
auto-complete Autocompletar/Autocompletamento
auto-complete list Lista de autocompletamento
backlinks Link inverso
build Compilação
cache cache
callout Frase de destaque
canva Tela (quando não se refere ao nome do plugin)
catalyst Catalyst
checklist Caixa de marcação
clipboard Área de transferência
collapse Recolher
command palette Paleta de comandos
converter Conversor
custom Personalizar/personalizado
delete Excluir
expand Expandir
fixer Conversor
fold Esconder
folder Pasta
frame Quadro
frontmatter Pré-texto
graph Gráfico
heading Seção
homepage raiz
ID Identificação
indent Indentar/indentação
link Inserir/Criar link/link
live preview Visualização ao vivo
match Corresponder
merge Mesclar
node nódulo
note nota
Obsidian Obsidian (Always capitalized)
Obsidian Publish Obsidian Publish
Outgoing Links Links de saída
palette Paleta
pane Painel
plugin Plugin
preview Visualizar/visualização
page preview Espiar
quick action Ação rápida
quick start Início rápido
quick switcher Navegação rápida
regex Regex
ribbon Menu
sandbox Sandbox
screenshot Captura de tela
search Localizar
sidebar Barra lateral
site Site
snippet --> Extrato ou Fragmento (Ambos fazem sentido)
source mode Modo de origem
spellcheck Verificação ortográfica
starred Favoritos/Favoritado
supporter Apoiador
tag etiqueta
template Modelo
timelapse timelapse
toggle Alternar
toolbar Barra de ferramentas
unlink remover link
Unlinked mentions menções desvinculadas
vault Cofre
wikilink wikilink
workspace Área de trabalho
wrap Quebra automática de linha
zoom Ampliar