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no.json 113.14 KiB
	"setting": {
		"options": "Options",
		"plugin": "Utvidelse",
		"builtin-plugins": "Core plugins",
		"plugin-options": "Plugin options",
		"folder-path-example-placeholder": "Eksempel: mappe 1/mappe 2",
		"file-path-example-placeholder": "Eksempel: mappe/notat",
		"msg-restart-required": "Changing this option requires a restart to take effect.",
		"editor": {
			"name": "Editor",
			"section-behavior": "Behavior",
			"section-display": "Display",
			"option-spellcheck": "Stavekontroll",
			"option-spellcheck-description": "Skrur på stavekontroll. Dette funker enn så lenge bare for engelsk (US)",
			"spellcheck-languages": "Spellcheck languages",
			"spellcheck-languages-description": "Choose the languages for the spellchecker to use.",
			"spellcheck-languages-mac-description": "The native spellchecker will automatically detect the language being used for you on macOS.",
			"spellcheck-dict": "Ordbok for stavekontroll",
			"spellcheck-dict-empty": "Ordboken er tom.",
			"option-show-inline-title": "Vis filnavn som tittel med innhold",
			"option-show-inline-title-description": "Viser filnavn som overskrift som kan endres sammen med innehold.",
			"option-readable-line-length": "Lesbar lengde på linjene",
			"option-readable-line-description": "Begrenser lengden på hver linje. Mindre innhold får plass på skjermen, men lange avsnitt blir enklere å lese.",
			"option-strict-line-break": "Nøye linjeskift",
			"option-strict-line-break-description": "Krever doble linjeskift, slik som i Markdown-spesifikasjonene. Skru denne av for å vise enkle linjeskift i forhåndsvisningsmodus.",
			"option-properties-in-document": "Properties in document",
			"option-properties-in-document-description": "Choose how properties are displayed within the editor. Select \"source\" to have the properties displayed as YAML.",
			"option-properties-hidden": "Hidden",
			"option-properties-visible": "Visible",
			"option-properties-source": "Source",
			"option-show-file-properties": "Show properties in document",
			"option-show-file-properties-description": "Show the properties section at the top of the file.",
			"option-auto-pair-brackets": "Automatiske parenteser",
			"option-auto-pair-brackets-description": "Lukker parenteser og anførselstegn automatisk.",
			"option-auto-pair-markdown": "Automatisk Markdown syntaks",
			"option-auto-pair-markdown-description": "Setter automatisk inn symboler for kursiv og fet skrift.",
			"option-smart-indent-lists": "Smarte lister",
			"option-smart-indent-lists-description": "Tar hånd om innrykk og listetegn for deg.",
			"option-fold-heading": "Skjul under overskrift",
			"option-fold-heading-description": "Lar deg skjule innholdet under hver overskrift.",
			"option-fold-indent": "Skjul under innrykk",
			"option-fold-indent-description": "Lar deg skjule innhold som er innrykket, som for eksempel innhold under en liste.",
			"option-default-new-tab-view": "Default view for new tabs",
			"option-default-new-tab-view-description": "The default view that a new Markdown tab gets opened in.",
			"option-default-new-tab-view-editing": "Editing view",
			"option-default-new-tab-view-reading": "Reading view",
			"option-open-tab-in-foreground": "Alltid fokuser på nye tabs",
			"option-open-tab-in-foreground-description": "Hvis du åpner leng tik nytt tab, hopp til den med en gang.",
			"option-default-editing-mode": "Default editing mode",
			"option-default-editing-mode-description": "The default editing mode a new pane will start with.",
			"option-default-editing-mode-source": "Source mode",
			"option-default-editing-mode-live-preview": "Live Preview",
			"option-show-line-number": "Vis linjenummer",
			"option-show-line-number-description": "Viser linjenummer ved siden av innholdet.",
			"option-indentation-guide": "Show indentation guides",
			"option-indentation-guide-description": "Show vertical relationship lines between bullet points for visual guidance.",
			"option-use-tabs": "Bruk tab-er",
			"option-use-tabs-description": "Setter inn et tab-tegn når du trykker \"Tab\"-knappen. Skru funksjonen av for å bruke mellomrom-tegn.",
			"option-tab-size": "Tab size",
			"option-tab-size-description": "Number of spaces a tab is equivalent to.",
			"option-rtl": "Right-to-left (RTL)",
			"option-rtl-description": "Sets the text direction of notes to display in right-to-left.",
			"option-auto-convert-html": "Auto convert HTML",
			"option-auto-convert-html-description": "Automatically convert HTML to Markdown when pasting and drag-and-drop from webpages. Use Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+V to paste without conversion.",
			"option-vim-key-bindings": "Vim-hurtigtaster",
			"option-vim-key-bindings-description": "Lar deg bruke hurtigtaster som i Vim.",
			"option-vim-key-bindings-mobile": "On mobile devices, this setting is per-device and is not synchronized through the config file.",
			"label-confirm-enable-vim": "Confirm entering Vim mode",
			"label-vim-warning": "Vim mode is for efficient text editing but can be quite counter-intuitive. If you're not familiar with Vim, this option might make it look like Obsidian has stopped working.",
			"label-vim-test": "To verify that you know your way around Vim, please enter the command to quit Vim without saving below:",
			"label-vim-your-answer": "Your answer",
			"placeholder-enter-command": "Enter command...",
			"button-confirm-enable-vim": "Let me enable Vim",
			"msg-vim-mode-enabled": "Command is correct. Vim mode now enabled.",
			"msg-vim-mode-not-enabled": "Command is incorrect. Vim mode remains disabled to protect you.",
			"msg-vim-mode-please-enter-command": "Please enter the command to enable Vim mode"
		"file": {
			"name": "Files & Links",
			"option-confirm-file-deletion": "Bekreft sletting",
			"option-confirm-file-deletion-description": "Hvorvidt du ønsker å bli spurt før du sletter en fil.",
			"option-delete-destination": "Slettede filer",
			"option-delete-destination-description": "Hva du ønsker å gjøre med slettede filer.",
			"option-choice-system-trash": "Flytt til systemets papirkurv",
			"option-choice-vault-trash": "Flytt til Obsidians papirkurv (.trash-mappen)",
			"option-choice-permanent-delete": "Slett permanent",
			"option-always-update-links": "Alltid oppdater lenker",
			"option-always-update-links-description": "Hvorvidt du vil oppdatere lenker automatisk eller bli spurt hver gang du endrer navn på en fil.",
			"option-new-note-location": "Standard plassering av nytt notat",
			"option-new-note-location-description": "Hvor nye notater skal plasseres. Innstillinger for utvidelsene overkjører denne regelen.",
			"option-choice-vault-root": "Hvelvets rotmappe",
			"option-choice-current-folder": "Samme mappe som filen er i",
			"option-choice-specified-folder": "Egendefinert mappe (spesifisert nedenfor)",
			"option-new-file-folder-path": "Nye notater plasseres i denne mappen:",
			"option-new-file-folder-path-description": "Innstillinger for utvidelsene overkjører denne regelen.",
			"option-use-wiki-links": "Use [[Wikilinks]]",
			"option-use-wiki-links-description": "Auto-generate Wikilinks for [[links]] and ![[images]] instead of Markdown links and images. Disable this option to generate Markdown links instead.",
			"option-show-unsupported-files": "Detect all file extensions",
			"option-show-unsupported-files-description": "Show files with any extension even if Obsidian can't open them natively, so that you can link to them and see them in File Explorer and Quick Switcher.",
			"option-link-autocompleted-format": "Format på nye lenker",
			"option-link-autocompleted-format-description": "Hvilket format som ønskes på automatisk genererte interne lenker.",
			"option-choice-shortest-linktext": "Kortest mulig søkesti",
			"option-choice-relative-path": "Relativ søkesti til filen",
			"option-choice-absolute-path": "Absolutt søkesti, relativt til hvelvet",
			"option-new-attachment-location": "Default location for new attachments",
			"option-new-attachment-location-description": "Where newly added attachments are placed.",
			"option-choice-subdirectory": "In subfolder under current folder",
			"option-attachment-folder-path": "Søkesti til vedleggsmappe",
			"option-attachment-folder-path-description": "Nye vedlegg plasseres her. Dette kan være bilder lagt til via copy-paste eller lydinnspillinger.",
			"option-attachment-subfolder-path": "Subfolder name",
			"option-attachment-subfolder-path-description": "If your file is under \"vault/folder\", and your set subfolder name to \"attachments\", attachments will be saved to \"vault/folder/attachments\".",
			"option-attachment-subfolder-path-placeholder": "attachments",
			"option-excluded-files": "Excluded files",
			"option-excluded-files-desc": "Excluded files will be either hidden or less noticeable in various places, such as Quick Switcher, link suggestion, and Graph View.",
			"label-no-excluded-filters-applied": "No excluded filter is applied right now. Add one below.",
			"label-excluded-filters-applied": "Files matching the following filters are currently excluded:",
			"label-excluded-filter": "Filter",
			"message-empty-filter": "Filter cannot be empty",
			"placeholder-excluded-filter": "Enter path or \"/regex/\"..."
		"appearance": {
			"name": "Programstil",
			"option-base-theme": "Base theme",
			"option-base-theme-description": "Choose Obsidian’s default color scheme.",
			"option-accent-color": "Accent color",
			"option-accent-color-description": "Choose the accent color used throughout the app.",
			"dark-theme": "Dark",
			"light-theme": "Light",
			"system-theme": "Adapt to system",
			"option-font": "Font",
			"option-advanced": "Advanced",
			"option-interface": "Interface",
			"option-interface-font": "Interface font",
			"option-interface-font-description": "Set base font for all of Obsidian.",
			"option-zoom-level": "Zoom level",
			"option-zoom-level-description": "Controls the overall zoom level of the app.",
			"option-text-font": "Text font",
			"option-text-font-description": "Set font for editing and reading views.",
			"option-monospace-font": "Monospace font",
			"option-monospace-font-description": "Set font for places like code blocks and frontmatter.",
			"label-single-font-currently-in-effect": " Currently applied font: ",
			"label-multiple-fonts-currently-in-effect": " The following fonts are currently applied:",
			"option-font-placeholder": "Enter font name...",
			"label-no-custom-font-set": "No custom font is applied right now. Add one below.",
			"label-font-applied": "The first font from this list that is available on your system will be applied.",
			"msg-font-not-found": "This font is not detected on your system.",
			"msg-font-found": "This font is detected on your system.",
			"label-font-name": "Font name",
			"option-community-themes": "Åpne Brukerstiler",
			"option-community-themes-description": "Forhåndsvis og bruk stiler lagd av andre brukere.",
			"button-browse-community-themes": "Browse",
			"option-font-size": "Font size",
			"option-font-size-description": "Font size in pixels that affects editor and preview.",
			"option-font-size-action": "Quick font size adjustment",
			"option-font-size-action-description": "Adjust the font size using Ctrl + Scroll, or using the trackpad pinch-zoom gesture.",
			"option-themes": "Themes",
			"option-manage-themes-description": "Manage installed themes and browse community themes.",
			"option-theme-button-manage": "Manage",
			"option-choice-none": "None",
			"option-native-menus": "Native menus",
			"option-native-menus-desc": "Menus throughout the app will match the operating system. They will not be affected by your theme.",
			"button-reload-themes": "Reload themes",
			"msg-reloaded-themes": "Reloaded custom CSS themes.",
			"button-open-themes-folder": "Open themes folder",
			"option-css-snippets": "CSS snippets",
			"label-no-css-snippets-found": "No CSS snippets found in the snippets folder.",
			"no-snippet-description": "CSS Snippets are stored in \"{{path}}\".",
			"button-reload-snippets": "Reload snippets",
			"button-open-snippets-folder": "Open snippets folder",
			"msg-reloaded-snippets": "Reloaded CSS snippets.",
			"option-toggle-snippet-description": "Apply CSS snippet at \"{{path}}\".",
			"label-installed-themes": "Installed themes",
			"label-screenshot-unavailable": "Screenshot unavailable",
			"label-default-theme": "Default",
			"tooltip-click-to-enlarge": "Click to enlarge",
			"button-update": "Update",
			"label-currently-active": "Active",
			"option-frame-style": "Window frame style",
			"option-frame-description": "Determines the styling of the title bar of Obsidian windows. Requires a full restart to take effect.",
			"option-frame-hidden": "Hidden (default)",
			"option-frame-obsidian": "Obsidian frame",
			"option-frame-native": "Native frame",
			"option-custom-icon": "Custom app icon",
			"option-custom-icon-desc": "Set a custom icon for the app",
			"button-choose-custom-icon": "Choose custom icon",
			"option-configure-ribbon": "Ribbon menu",
			"option-configure-ribbon-desc": "Configure what commands appear in the ribbon menu in the navigation bar.",
			"option-mobile-quick-ribbon-item": "Quick access ribbon item",
			"option-mobile-quick-ribbon-item-desc": "Tapping on the ribbon item in the navigation menu will active this ribbon item. Tap and hold will still show the menu.",
			"option-mobile-quick-ribbon-default": "Open ribbon menu",
			"button-configure": "Configure",
			"option-show-ribbon": "Show ribbon",
			"option-show-ribbon-desc": "Display vertical toolbar on the side of the window.",
			"label-additional-ribbon-items": "Other ribbon items",
			"label-modal-configuration": "Ribbon Configuration",
			"label-modal-configuration-desc": "Choose what items you want to be active in the ribbon. Drag and drop to change the order.",
			"option-show-view-header": "Show tab title bar",
			"option-show-view-header-desc": "Display the header at the top of every tab.",
			"msg-updates-found": "Found {{count}} theme to update.",
			"msg-updates-found_plural": "Found {{count}} themes to update.",
			"button-check-for-updates": "Check for updates",
			"button-view-updates": "View updates",
			"button-update-all-themes": "Update all",
			"label-current-themes": "Current community themes",
			"label-currently-installed": "You currently have {{count}} theme installed.",
			"label-currently-installed_plural": "You currently have {{count}} themes installed."
		"hotkeys": {
			"name": "Hurtigtaster",
			"option-search": "Search hotkeys",
			"option-search-desc": "Showing {{count}} hotkey. ",
			"option-search-desc_plural": "Showing {{count}} hotkeys. ",
			"option-search-conflict": "{{count}} command with conflicts.",
			"option-search-conflict_plural": "{{count}} commands with conflicts.",
			"prompt-filter": "Filtrer...",
			"tooltip-delete-hotkey": "Slett hurtigtast",
			"label-waiting-for-hotkey-press": "Trykk hurtigtast...",
			"label-show-all": "All",
			"label-show-unassigned": "Unassigned",
			"label-show-assigned": "Assigned",
			"label-show-user-assigned": "Assigned by me",
			"tooltip-restore-default": "Tilbake til standard",
			"tooltip-customize-command": "Endre hurtigtast",
			"tooltip-hotkey-single-conflict": "This hotkey conflicts with \"{{command}}\"",
			"tooltip-hotkey-multiple-conflicts": "This hotkey conflicts with {{count}} other commands",
			"label-blank-hotkey": "Blank"
		"about": {
			"name": "Om",
			"label-commercial-license": "Commercial license",
			"label-license-key": "Lisensnøkkel",
			"license-key-placeholder": "Din lisensnøkkel...",
			"label-activate-license": "Aktiver lisens",
			"button-activate": "Aktiver",
			"label-unknown-version": "Ukjent",
			"label-current-version": "Gjeldende versjon: ",
			"label-install-version": "(Versjon av installasjonsprogram: {{version}})",
			"label-up-to-date": "Obsidian er oppdatert!",
			"label-read-changelog": "Les endringsloggen.",
			"label-manual-update-required": "To support the latest features and to receive the latest security patches, Obsidian needs a major installer update. You need to manually download and reinstall Obsidian.",
			"label-download": "Download",
			"label-new-version-ready": "En ny versjon er klar til å bli installert. ",
			"label-relaunch-to-update": "Start appen på nytt for å installere.",
			"label-disabled-updates": "Oppdateringer er deaktivert.",
			"label-checking-for-updates": "Ser etter oppdateringer...",
			"button-relaunch": "Start på nytt",
			"button-check-for-updates": "Se etter oppdateringer",
			"option-auto-update": "Automatiske oppdateringer",
			"option-auto-update-description": "Skru av for å forhindre Obsidian fra å se etter nye oppdateringer.",
			"option-get-help": "Get help",
			"option-get-help-description": "Get help on using Obsidian.",
			"button-open": "Åpne",
			"option-language": "Språk",
			"option-language-description": "Endre språket.",
			"option-insider-build": "Få Insider-versjoner",
			"option-insider-build-description": "Oppgrader til Insider-versjoner for å teste de nyeste funksjonene. Vær oppmerksom på at disse versjonene kan være mindre stabile.",
			"option-advanced": "Advanced",
			"option-hw-acceleration": "Hardware Acceleration",
			"option-hw-acceleration-description": "Turns on Hardware Acceleration, which uses your GPU to make Obsidian smoother.",
			"option-hw-acceleration-warning": "If you turn this off, app performance will be severely degraded.",
			"option-config-location": "Override config folder",
			"option-config-location-description": "Use a different config folder than the default one. Must start with a dot.",
			"option-config-location-warning": "Config location must be a valid folder name that starts with a dot.",
			"label-license": "Lisens",
			"label-your-commercial-license-key": "Your commercial license key is \"{{key}}\".",
			"label-commercial-license-info": "Registrert på \"{{company}}\" for {{seats}} brukere. Gyldig til {{expiry}}.",
			"label-validating-commercial-license": "Validerer..",
			"label-invalid-commercial-license": "Ugyldig lisens: ",
			"button-remove-commercial-license": "Remove",
			"option-catalyst": "Catalyst license",
			"option-catalyst-desc": "You currently have the {{tier}} Catalyst license. Thanks for your support!",
			"option-catalyst-desc-no-license": "You don't have a Catalyst license right now. Catalyst license is a one-time donation to support Obsidian development.",
			"label-app": "App",
			"label-add-own-language": "See how to add your language to Obsidian."
		"account": {
			"name": "Bruker",
			"option-your-account": "Your account",
			"option-your-account-desc": "Du er logget inn som {{name}} ({{email}}).",
			"option-your-account-desc-no-login": "Du er ikke logget inn nå. Brukeren trenges bare for Obsidian Sync, Obsidian Publish, og Catalyst insider builds.",
			"label-insider": "insider",
			"label-supporter": "supporter",
			"label-vip": "VIP",
			"button-upgrade-catalyst": "Upgrade",
			"option-commercial-license": "Commercial license",
			"option-commercial-license-desc": "If you use Obsidian for commercial purpose, you may need to get a commercial license.",
			"button-purchase": "Purchase",
			"button-log-out": "Logg ut",
			"label-log-in": "Logg inn",
			"label-sign-up": "Sign up",
			"label-email": "Email",
			"placeholder-email": "Din email...",
			"label-password": "Passord",
			"placeholder-password": "Ditt passord...",
			"label-forgot-password": "Forgot password?",
			"button-login": "Log inn",
			"message-empty-email": "Du må oppgi en email.",
			"message-invalid-email": "Ugyldig email.",
			"message-empty-password": "Du må oppgi et passord.",
			"message-login-failed": "Innlogging feilet, vennligst sjekk at emailen og passordet er riktig.",
			"label-no-account": "Har du ikke en bruker? ",
			"link-sign-up-now": "Registrer deg nå",
			"label-mfa-code": "6-digit 2FA code",
			"mfa-wrong-format": "The 2FA authenticator code must be 6 digits.",
			"mfa-verification-failed": "2FA code is incorrect, please double check your authenticator app."
		"core-plugin": {
			"plugin-list": "Plugin list",
			"option-search-plugin": "Search core plugins",
			"option-search-plugin-description": "Filter plugins by name or description.",
			"placeholder-search-plugin": "Search plugins..."
		"third-party-plugin": {
			"name": "Third-party plugin",
			"option-restricted-mode": "Restricted mode",
			"option-restricted-mode-description": "Restricted Mode is off. Turn on to disable community plugins.",
			"button-turn-on": "Turn on",
			"option-browse-community-plugins": "Community plugins",
			"option-browse-community-plugins-description": "Browse and install third-party plugins made by our amazing community.",
			"button-browse": "Browse",
			"label-exit-restricted-mode": "Exit Restricted Mode",
			"label-exit-restricted-mode-description-1": "Community plugins, like any other software you install, could potentially cause data integrity and security issues.",
			"label-exit-restricted-mode-description-2": "Plugin security is important to us. Here's what we do:",
			"label-exit-restricted-mode-description-3": "Despite our efforts, there is still a small chance that a community plugin might misbehave.",
			"label-code-review": "Initial code review",
			"label-code-review-desc": "Plugins undergo an initial code review by our team before they appear in the store.",
			"label-open-source": "Open source",
			"label-open-source-desc": "Most plugins are open source on GitHub, so you can inspect the code yourself.",
			"label-peer-audit": "Peer audit",
			"label-peer-audit-desc": "We have a large community of developers who watch out for each other.",
			"label-report-mechanism": "Report mechanism",
			"label-report-mechanism-desc": "We follow up and remove faulty plugins upon user report.",
			"label-exit-restricted-mode-disable-confirmation": "Would you like to exit Restricted Mode to enable community plugins? We strongly recommend making backups of your data before doing so.",
			"label-learn-more": "Learn more about plugin security",
			"button-turn-on-community-plugins": "Turn on community plugins",
			"label-trust-author": "Do you trust the author of this vault?",
			"label-trust-author-description-1": "You're opening this vault for the first time, and it comes with some plugins.",
			"label-trust-author-description-2": "If you obtained this vault from someone else, please note that plugins of unknown origin might pose security risks.",
			"label-trust-author-description-3": "If you do not fully trust the author of this vault, we recommend staying in Restricted Mode, so the plugins in this vault do not run.",
			"button-enable-plugins": "Trust author and enable plugins",
			"button-dont-trust-author": "Browse vault in Restricted Mode",
			"placeholder-community-plugins": "Search community plugins...",
			"msg-failed-load-plugins": "Failed to load community plugins.",
			"label-installed": "Installed",
			"button-install": "Install",
			"button-enable": "Enable",
			"button-disable": "Disable",
			"button-copy-share-link": "Copy share link",
			"button-donate": "Donate",
			"label-no-results-found": "No results found.",
			"label-no-recent-files-found": "No recent files found. Type to search...",
			"msg-failed-to-load-manifest": "Failed to load plugin manifest.",
			"label-version": "Version: {{version}}",
			"label-currently-installed-version": " (currently installed: {{version}})",
			"label-by-author": "By ",
			"label-repository": "Repository: ",
			"label-last-update": "Last update: ",
			"tooltip-view-last-update": "View the latest update",
			"label-unsupported": "This plugin does not support your device.",
			"button-update": "Update",
			"label-no-readme": "This plugin did not provide a README file.",
			"msg-installing-plugin": "Installing plugin \"{{name}}\"...",
			"msg-failed-to-install-plugin": "Failed to install plugin \"{{name}}\".",
			"msg-successfully-installed-plugin": "Successfully installed plugin \"{{name}}\".",
			"label-installed-plugins": "Installed plugins",
			"button-reload-plugins": "Reload plugins",
			"msg-reloaded-third-party-plugins": "Reloaded third-party plugins.",
			"label-uninstall": "Uninstall",
			"label-uninstall-plugin": "Uninstall plugin",
			"label-uninstall-plugin-confirmation": "Are you sure you want to uninstall this plugin? This will delete the folder of the plugin.",
			"button-open-plugins-folder": "Open plugins folder",
			"button-check-for-updates": "Check for updates",
			"button-update-all-plugins": "Update all",
			"label-current-plugins": "Current plugins",
			"label-currently-installed": "You currently have {{count}} plugin installed.",
			"label-currently-installed_plural": "You currently have {{count}} plugins installed.",
			"label-debug-startup-time": "Debug startup time",
			"label-debug-startup-time-description": "Show a message with how long each plugin took to initialize when starting the app.",
			"msg-no-updates-found": "No plugin updates found.",
			"msg-updates-found": "Found {{count}} plugin to update.",
			"msg-updates-found_plural": "Found {{count}} plugins to update.",
			"msg-update-plugin": "Update to version {{version}}",
			"option-search-installed-plugin": "Search installed plugins",
			"option-search-installed-plugin-description": "Filter installed plugins by name or description.",
			"placeholder-search-installed-plugin": "Search installed plugins...",
			"show-installed-only": "Show installed only",
			"label-donate-modal-title": "Donate to support {{name}}",
			"label-donate-modal-text1": "Plugin developers are community volunteers who make amazing things out of passion. If you find this plugin useful, please consider funding its development.",
			"label-donate-modal-text2": "100% of your contribution will go to the plugin developer; Obsidian does not take a cut. The funding platform they choose might charge a fee.",
			"label-donate-modal-text3": "Thanks for your generous support!",
			"label-support-this-plugin": "Support this plugin:",
			"label-search-summary": "Showing {{pluginCount}}:",
			"label-by-popularity": "Most downloaded",
			"label-by-released": "Recently released",
			"label-by-updated": "Recently updated",
			"label-alphabetical": "Alphabetical",
			"label-last-updated": "Updated {{time}}"
		"mobile-toolbar": {
			"name": "Mobile toolbar",
			"option-configure-quick-action": "Configure mobile Quick Action",
			"option-configure-quick-action-description": "Configure which command to trigger when pull down from the top. The current command is set to \"{{command}}\".",
			"button-configure": "Configure",
			"placeholder-select-quick-action": "Select Quick Action...",
			"quick-action-disabled": "None",
			"manage-toolbar-options": "Manage toolbar options",
			"option-internal-link": "Add internal link",
			"option-internal-embed": "Add embed",
			"option-tag": "Add tag",
			"option-heading": "Toggle heading",
			"option-strikethrough": "Toggle strikethrough",
			"option-highlight": "Toggle highlight",
			"option-code": "Toggle code",
			"option-blockquote": "Toggle blockquote",
			"option-inline-math": "Toggle inline math",
			"option-math-block": "Toggle math block",
			"option-markdown-link": "Add Markdown link",
			"option-bullet-list": "Toggle bullet list",
			"option-numbered-list": "Toggle numbered list",
			"option-indent-list": "Indent list item",
			"option-unindent-list": "Unindent list item",
			"option-undo": "Undo",
			"option-redo": "Redo",
			"option-move-caret-up": "Move caret up",
			"option-move-caret-down": "Move caret down",
			"option-move-caret-left": "Move caret left",
			"option-move-caret-right": "Move caret right",
			"option-first-line": "Go to first line",
			"option-last-line": "Go to last line",
			"option-toggle-keyboard": "Toggle keyboard",
			"option-configure-toolbar": "Configure mobile toolbar",
			"option-added-options": "Added options",
			"option-more-toolbar-options": "More toolbar options",
			"option-attach": "Insert attachment",
			"option-add-command": "Add global command",
			"option-add-command-description": "Select any global command to add to the toolbar."
	"editor": {
		"search": {
			"placeholder-find": "Find",
			"placeholder-replace": "Replace",
			"label-exit-search": "Lukk søk",
			"label-next": "Neste",
			"label-previous": "Forrige",
			"label-find-all": "Find all",
			"label-replace": "Erstatt",
			"label-replace-all": "Erstatt alle"
		"link-suggestion": {
			"label-type-hash": "Skriv #",
			"label-link-heading": "for overskriftslenker",
			"label-type-block": "Type ^",
			"label-link-block": "to link blocks",
			"label-type-pipe": "Skriv |",
			"label-change-display-text": "for å endre tekst på lenke",
			"label-no-alias": "Display text",
			"label-no-heading": "Heading",
			"label-no-match-found": "No match found",
			"label-image-size": "Image size: {{size}}px wide",
			"label-accept": "to accept"
		"spellcheck": {
			"no-suggestion": "Ingen forslag...",
			"add-to-dictionary": "legg til i ordbok"
		"menu": {
			"edit-link": "Edit link",
			"edit-tag": "Edit tag",
			"label-edit-block": "Edit this block"
		"heading-suggestion": {
			"label-no-heading": "No heading",
			"label-heading-level": "Heading {{level}}"
		"print-modal": {
			"title": "Export to PDF",
			"caption": "Export \"{{filename}}\" to PDF with the setting below.",
			"setting-page-size": "Page size",
			"setting-page-size-a3": "A3",
			"setting-page-size-a4": "A4",
			"setting-page-size-a5": "A5",
			"setting-page-size-legal": "Legal",
			"setting-page-size-letter": "Letter",
			"setting-page-size-tabloid": "Tabloid",
			"setting-include-file-name": "Include file name as title",
			"setting-landscape": "Landscape",
			"setting-margin": "Margin",
			"setting-margin-default": "Default",
			"setting-margin-minimal": "Minimal",
			"setting-margin-none": "None",
			"setting-downscale-percent": "Downscale percent",
			"button-export-to-pdf": "Export to PDF"
		"link-popover": {
			"tooltip-follow-link": "Follow link",
			"tooltip-open-link": "Open link",
			"tooltip-search-tag": "Search tag"
	"interface": {
		"embed-cannot-find": "Cannot find:",
		"embed-open-in-default-app-tooltip": "Åpne i standardapp",
		"empty-sidebar": "Sidestolpen er tom, prøv å dra et panel hit.",
		"sidebar-expand": "Utvid",
		"sidebar-collapse": "Lukk",
		"msg-fail-to-save-file": "Lagring av \"{{filepath}}\" feilet. {{message}}.",
		"msg-failed-to-load-plugin": "Failed to load plugin “{{plugin}}”",
		"msg-failed-to-load-file": "Failed to open “{{filepath}}”",
		"msg-failed-to-open-href": "Cannot open location “{{href}}”",
		"no-file": "Ingen fil",
		"msg-file-changed": "\"{{file}}\" has been modified externally, merging changes automatically.",
		"switch-vault": "Åpne et annet hvelv",
		"manage-vaults": "Manage vaults...",
		"help": "Hjelp",
		"settings": "Innstillinger",
		"drag-to-rearrange": "Dra for å omordne",
		"msg-switched-to-read": "Switched default view mode to reading view.",
		"msg-switched-to-edit": "Endret standard modus til editor.",
		"msg-upgrade-installer": "To use this feature, please re-install with latest installer available from our website.",
		"tooltip-restore-default-settings": "Restore default settings",
		"label-copy": "Copy to clipboard",
		"label-copy-short": "Copy",
		"copied_generic": "Copied to your clipboard",
		"copied": "{{item}} copied to your clipboard",
		"url": "Url",
		"msg-open-file-through-uri": "Opened file \"{{path}}\"",
		"msg-file-not-found-through-uri": "File \"{{name}}\" not found.",
		"delete-action-short-name": "Delete",
		"msg-indexing": "Obsidian is indexing your vault...\nThis should only happen once.\nSome functionality may not be available until this is complete.",
		"msg-indexing-complete": "Indexing complete.",
		"msg-sandbox-vault": "This is a sandbox vault.\nChanges you make in this vault will be lost.",
		"label-enter-to-create": "Enter to create",
		"label-update-available": "Update Available",
		"label-debug-info": "Debug info",
		"button-learn-more": "Learn more",
		"button-not-now": "Not now",
		"button-add": "Add",
		"button-manage": "Manage",
		"label-new-tab": "New tab",
		"option-hide-ribbon": "Hide ribbon",
		"msg-tab-busy": "This tab is currently busy, please try again later",
		"formatting": {
			"label-formatting": "Format",
			"label-paragraph": "Paragraph",
			"label-insert": "Insert",
			"insert-link": "Add link",
			"insert-external-link": "Add external link",
			"insert-callout": "Callout",
			"insert-horizontal-rule": "Horizontal rule",
			"insert-code-block": "Code block",
			"insert-math-block": "Math block",
			"insert-table": "Table",
			"toggle-bold": "Bold",
			"toggle-code": "Code",
			"toggle-comments": "Comment",
			"toggle-highlight": "Highlight",
			"toggle-italics": "Italic",
			"toggle-strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
			"toggle-math": "Math",
			"toggle-bullet-list": "Bullet list",
			"toggle-checklist": "Task list",
			"toggle-numbered-list": "Numbered list",
			"set-heading": "Heading {{level}}",
			"no-heading": "Body",
			"clear": "Clear formatting",
			"toggle-quote": "Quote"
		"empty-state": {
			"no-file-open": "Ingen åpne filer",
			"create-new-file": "Lag ny fil",
			"go-to-file": "Gå til fil",
			"see-recent-files": "Se nylig brukte filer",
			"close": "Lukk",
			"unknown-pane-title": "Plugin no longer active",
			"unknown-pane-desc": "The plugin that created this pane ({{type}}) has gone away"
		"menu": {
			"edit-view": "Rediger (Ctrl/Cmd+Klikk for å redigere i nytt panel)",
			"read-view": "Current view: reading",
			"ribbon": "Ribbon",
			"left-sidebar": "Left sidebar",
			"right-sidebar": "Right sidebar",
			"switch-to-edit-view": "Click to edit",
			"switch-to-read-view": "Click to read",
			"mod-click-open-new-tab": "{{key}}+Click to open in new tab",
			"find": "Finn...",
			"replace": "Erstatt...",
			"edit": "Rediger",
			"remove": "Remove",
			"rename": "Rename",
			"preview": "Forhåndsvisning",
			"more-options": "Flere valg",
			"close": "Lukk",
			"close-all": "Close all",
			"close-others": "Close others",
			"close-right": "Close tabs to the right",
			"pin": "Fest",
			"unpin": "Unpin",
			"unlink-tab": "Unlink tab",
			"link-tab": "Link with tab...",
			"toggle-source-mode": "Source mode",
			"toggle-reading-view": "Reading view",
			"add-property": "Add file property",
			"delete-file": "Slett fil",
			"create-file": "Create this file",
			"open-link": "Open link",
			"open-in-new-tab": "Open in new tab",
			"open-to-the-right": "Open to the right",
			"copy-url": "Copy url",
			"close-current-tab": "Close current tab",
			"copy": "Copy",
			"cut": "Cut",
			"paste": "Paste",
			"paste-as-plain-text": "Paste as plain text",
			"lookup-selection": "Look up “{{selection}}”",
			"select-all": "Select all",
			"rename-heading": "Rename this heading...",
			"rename-blockid": "Rename this block ID...",
			"open-in-new-window": "Open in new window",
			"move-to-new-window": "Move to new window",
			"open-in-browser": "Open in browser",
			"stack-tabs": "Stack tabs",
			"unstack-tabs": "Unstack tabs",
			"open-linked-view": "Open linked view"
		"tooltip": {
			"click-to-expand": "Klikk for å utvide",
			"click-to-collapse": "Klikk for å lukke",
			"alias": "Alias",
			"not-created-yet": "Not created yet, select to create"
		"start-screen": {
			"label-version": "Version",
			"label-create-local-vault": "Create local vault",
			"option-open-folder-as-vault": "Open folder as vault",
			"option-open-folder-as-vault-description": "Choose an existing folder of Markdown files.",
			"option-create-vault": "Create new vault",
			"option-create-vault-description": "Create a new Obsidian vault under a folder.",
			"option-connect-obsidian-sync": "Connect to Obsidian Sync",
			"option-connect-obsidian-sync-description": "Set up a synced vault with existing remote vault.",
			"option-new-vault-name": "Vault name",
			"option-new-vault-name-description": "Pick a name for your awesome vault.",
			"option-new-vault-location": "Location",
			"option-new-vault-location-description": "Pick a place to put your new vault.",
			"label-new-vault-location-preview": "Your new vault will be placed in: ",
			"option-reveal-vault-in-explorer": "Reveal vault in system explorer",
			"option-reveal-vault-in-explorer-mac": "Reveal vault in Finder",
			"option-rename-vault": "Rename vault...",
			"option-copy-vault-i-d": "Copy vault ID",
			"msg-error-rename-exists": "There is already a vault with this name.",
			"msg-error-nested": "Cannot move vault into a subfolder of itself.",
			"msg-error-rename-open": "Can't rename a currently open vault.",
			"msg-rename-failed": "Failed to rename vault.",
			"msg-rename-success": "Successfully renamed vault.",
			"option-move-vault": "Move vault...",
			"msg-move-select-dest": "Select destination folder",
			"msg-error-move-exists": "There is already a vault at the destination.",
			"msg-error-move-open": "Can't move a currently open vault.",
			"msg-move-failed": "Failed to move vault.",
			"msg-move-success": "Successfully moved vault.",
			"option-remove": "Remove from list",
			"button-quick-start": "Quick start",
			"button-open": "Open",
			"button-browse": "Browse",
			"button-connect": "Connect",
			"button-create-vault": "Create",
			"button-back": "Back",
			"msg-empty-vault-name": "Vault name cannot be empty.",
			"msg-trailing-dot-vault-name": "Vault name cannot end with a dot.",
			"msg-invalid-folder": "Please pick a valid folder.",
			"msg-failed-to-create-vault": "Failed to create vault.",
			"msg-failed-to-create-vault-at-location": "Could not create vault at the given location. Please double check the location and permission.",
			"msg-error-failed-to-open-vault": "Failed to open.",
			"msg-error-remove-current-open-vault": "Can't remove a currently open vault.",
			"option-get-help": "Get Help",
			"option-user-email": "Email",
			"placeholder-your-email": "Your email...",
			"option-user-password": "Password",
			"placeholder-your-password": "Your password...",
			"button-sign-in": "Sign in",
			"button-setup": "Setup",
			"option-connect-vault-desc": "Create a synced vault on this device.",
			"tooltip-own-vault": "This is a remote vault owned by you.",
			"tooltip-shared-vault": "This is a remote vault shared with you."
		"starter-content": {
			"welcome-filename": "Welcome",
			"welcome-file-content": "This is your new *vault*.\n\nMake a note of something, [[create a link]], or try [the Importer](!\n\nWhen you're ready, delete this note and make the vault your own."
		"drag-and-drop": {
			"insert-link-here": "Insert link here",
			"insert-links-here": "Insert links here",
			"move-into-folder": "Move into \"{{folder}}\"",
			"star-this-file": "Star this file",
			"star-these-files": "Star these files",
			"open-in-this-tab": "Open in this tab",
			"open-as-tab": "Open as new tab"
		"window": {
			"maximize": "Maximize",
			"minimize": "Minimize",
			"restore-down": "Restore down",
			"close-window": "Close window",
			"go-back": "Go back",
			"go-forward": "Go forward"
		"start-up": {
			"loading-obsidian": "Loading Obsidian...",
			"obsidian-load-error": "An error occurred while loading Obsidian.",
			"button-reload-app": "Reload app",
			"button-reload-app-in-safe-mode": "Reload app in safe mode",
			"button-open-another-vault": "Open another vault",
			"loading-components": "Loading components...",
			"loading-plugins": "Loading plugins...",
			"loading-vault": "Loading vault...",
			"msg-failed-to-load-vault": "Failed to load vault: ",
			"loading-cache": "Loading cache...",
			"loading-workspace": "Loading workspace..."
		"mobile": {
			"action-import": "Import into vault",
			"action-insert-text-desc": "Add text to file:",
			"action-choose-file-to-insert": "Choose a file to insert",
			"action-insert-text-into-file": "Insert text into {{filename}}",
			"action-insert-link-into-file": "Insert link into {{filename}}",
			"msg-importing": "Importing...",
			"msg-import-success": "Import success",
			"msg-failed-to-import-file": "Failed to import file {{filename}}",
			"msg-back-again-to-exit": "Press back again to exit."
		"help-screen": {
			"label-official-help-site": "Official help site",
			"label-official-help-site-desc": "Read the official help documentation of Obsidian, available in multiple languages.",
			"action-visit": "Visit",
			"label-discord-chat": "Discord chat",
			"label-discord-chat-desc": "Discord is the best place to chat with other experienced Obsidian users from around the world.",
			"action-join": "Join",
			"label-forum": "Official forum",
			"label-forum-desc": "Help each other, post feature requests, report bugs, and have in-depth discussions about knowledge management.",
			"label-sandbox-vault": "Sandbox vault",
			"label-sandbox-vault-desc": "Play around and experiment with various features. Please note your changes will not be saved."
	"commands": {
		"save-file": "Lagre denne filen",
		"follow-cursor-link": "Følg denne lenken",
		"open-cursor-link-in-new-tab": "Open link under cursor in new tab",
		"open-cursor-link-to-the-right": "Open link under cursor to the right",
		"open-cursor-link-in-new-window": "Open link under cursor in new window",
		"navigate-tab-above": "Focus on tab group above",
		"navigate-tab-below": "Focus on tab group below",
		"navigate-tab-left": "Focus on tab group to the left",
		"navigate-tab-right": "Focus on tab group to the right",
		"toggle-pin": "Veksle feste",
		"split-right": "Split right",
		"split-down": "Split down",
		"toggle-stacked-tabs": "Toggle stacked tabs",
		"navigate-back": "Naviger tilbake",
		"navigate-forward": "Naviger fremover",
		"use-dark-mode": "Bruk mørkt tema",
		"use-light-mode": "Bruk lyst tema",
		"change-theme": "Change theme",
		"search-current-file": "Søk i gjeldende fil",
		"search-replace-current-file": "Søk og erstatt i gjeldende fil",
		"add-property": "Add file property",
		"add-alias": "Add alias",
		"edit-property": "Edit file property",
		"clear-properties": "Clear file properties",
		"open-settings": "Åpne innstillinger",
		"open-help": "Åpne hjelpetekst",
		"toggle-edit": "Toggle editing/reading view",
		"toggle-source-mode": "Toggle Live Preview/Source mode",
		"delete-current-file": "Slett gjeldende fil",
		"new-tab": "New tab",
		"show-trash": "Show trash",
		"close-all-tabs": "Close all tabs",
		"close-active-tab": "Close current tab",
		"close-others-in-tab-group": "Close others in tab group",
		"close-other-tabs": "Close all other tabs",
		"close-tab-group": "Close this tab group",
		"toggle-left-sidebar": "Åpne/lukk venstre sidestolpe",
		"toggle-ribbon": "Toggle ribbon",
		"toggle-right-sidebar": "Åpne/lukk høyre sidestolpe",
		"toggle-default-new-tab-mode": "Toggle default mode for new tabs",
		"add-cursor-above": "Add cursor above",
		"add-cursor-below": "Add cursor below",
		"focus-editor": "Focus on editor",
		"toggle-fold-properties": "Toggle fold properties in current file",
		"toggle-fold": "Åpne/skjul innhold på gjeldende linje",
		"fold-all": "Skjul under alle overskrifter og lister",
		"unfold-all": "Vis alt under overskrifter og lister",
		"fold-more": "Fold more",
		"fold-less": "Fold less",
		"swap-line-up": "Flytt linje oppover",
		"swap-line-down": "Flytt linje nedover",
		"remove-heading": "Remove heading",
		"toggle-heading": "Set as heading {{level}}",
		"toggle-bold": "Fet skrift for markert tekst",
		"toggle-italics": "Kursiv for markert tekst",
		"toggle-highlight": "Fremhev markert tekst",
		"toggle-comments": "Toggle comments for selection",
		"clear-formatting": "Clear formatting",
		"insert-link": "Sett inn lenke",
		"toggle-spellcheck": "Toggle spellcheck",
		"delete-paragraph": "Slett avsnitt",
		"toggle-checklist": "Toggle checklist status",
		"cycle-list-checklist": "Cycle bullet/checkbox",
		"insert-callout": "Insert callout",
		"insert-code-block": "Insert code block",
		"insert-math-block": "Insert math block",
		"insert-horizontal-rule": "Insert horizontal rule",
		"insert-table": "Insert table",
		"edit-file-title": "Rediger tittel",
		"copy-path": "Kopier søkesti",
		"copy-url": "Copy Obsidian URL",
		"export-pdf": "Export to PDF",
		"reload": "Reload app without saving",
		"undo-close-tab": "Undo close tab",
		"context-menu": "Show context menu under cursor",
		"show-debug-info": "Show debug info",
		"open-sandbox-vault": "Open sandbox vault",
		"always-on-top": "Toggle window always on top",
		"zoom-in": "Zoom in",
		"zoom-out": "Zoom out",
		"reset-zoom": "Reset zoom",
		"toggle-preview": "Veksle mellom redigering- og forhåndsvisningsmodus",
		"move-to-new-window": "Move current pane to new window",
		"open-in-new-window": "Open current pane in new window",
		"rename-current-file": "Rename current file",
		"go-to-prev-tab": "Go to previous tab",
		"go-to-next-tab": "Go to next tab",
		"go-to-last-tab": "Go to last tab",
		"go-to-nth-tab": "Go to tab #{{n}}",
		"show-release-notes": "Show release notes"
	"dialogue": {
		"label-link-affected": "Dette vil påvirke {{links}} i {{files}}.",
		"msg-updated-links": "Endret {{links}} i {{files}}.",
		"label-update-links": "Endre lenker",
		"label-confirm-update-link-to-file": "Vil du endre lenker som peker til denne filen?",
		"button-always-update": "Alltid endre",
		"button-just-once": "Bare denne gangen",
		"button-do-not-update": "Ikke endre",
		"label-confirm-deletion": "Er du sikker på at du vil slette \"{{filename}}\"?",
		"label-move-to-system-trash": "Filen blir flyttet til systemets papirkurv",
		"label-move-to-vault-trash": "Filen blir flyttet til Obsidians papirkurv, den skjulte mappen \".trash\", plassert i hvelvet ditt.",
		"label-permanent-delete": "Filen blir slettet permanent.",
		"label-non-empty-folder": "Denne mappen er ikke tom.",
		"label-delete-folder-warning": "Hvis du fortsetter, vil alle filer i mappen bli slettet.",
		"label-delete-folder": "Slett mappe",
		"button-delete": "Slett",
		"button-delete-do-not-ask-again": "Slett og ikke spør igjen",
		"label-do-not-ask-again": "Don't ask again",
		"label-existing-backlink": "Det er {{links}} som peker mot denne filen.",
		"label-existing-backlink_plural": "There are currently {{links}} pointing to this note.",
		"label-delete-file": "Slett fil",
		"button-manage": "Manage",
		"button-cancel": "Cancel",
		"button-done": "Done",
		"button-save": "Save",
		"button-stop": "Stop",
		"button-continue": "Continue",
		"button-choose": "Choose",
		"preparing-pdf": "Preparing PDF...",
		"label-rename-file": "Rename file",
		"label-rename-file-generic": "File name",
		"label-new-name": "New name",
		"msg-rename-success": "Successfully renamed file.",
		"msg-merge-failed": "Failed to merge notes: {{message}}",
		"msg-file-or-folder-not-found": "The file or folder “{{path}}” does not exist.",
		"label-rename-heading": "Rename heading",
		"label-rename-blockid": "Rename block ID"
	"menu-items": {
		"new-file": "Create Note",
		"new-file-to-the-right": "New Note to the Right",
		"new-window": "New Window",
		"open-switcher": "Open Quickly...",
		"open-vault": "Open Vault...",
		"close-tab": "Close Tab",
		"close-window": "Close Window",
		"find": "Find",
		"replace": "Replace",
		"insert-callout": "Callout",
		"insert-markdown-link": "Markdown Link",
		"insert-wikilink": "Link",
		"set-heading": "Heading {{level}}",
		"no-heading": "No Heading",
		"insert-quote": "Quote",
		"export-pdf": "Export PDF",
		"insert-attachment": "Insert Attachment...",
		"insert-codeblock": "Code Block",
		"insert-math-block": "Math Block",
		"insert-table": "Table",
		"toggle-bullet-list": "Bullet List",
		"toggle-numbered-list": "Numbered List",
		"toggle-checklist": "Task List",
		"toggle-bold": "Bold",
		"toggle-code": "Code",
		"toggle-comment": "Comment",
		"toggle-italics": "Italics",
		"toggle-inline-math": "Math",
		"toggle-highlight": "Highlight",
		"toggle-strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
		"toggle-comments": "Comment",
		"folding-menu": "Folding",
		"fold-all": "Fold All",
		"unfold-all": "Unfold All",
		"fold-more": "Fold More",
		"fold-less": "Fold Less",
		"source-mode": "Source Mode",
		"reading-view": "Reading View",
		"show-debug-info": "Show Debug Info",
		"open-sandbox": "Open Sandbox Vault",
		"navigate-back": "Navigate Back",
		"navigate-forward": "Navigate Forward",
		"toggle-left-sidebar": "Toggle Left Sidebar",
		"toggle-right-sidebar": "Toggle Right Sidebar",
		"toggle-ribbon": "Ribbon",
		"split-right": "Split Right",
		"split-down": "Split Down",
		"release-notes": "Release Notes"
	"plugins": {
		"name": "Utvidelser",
		"file-explorer": {
			"name": "Filutforsker",
			"desc": "Se alle filene i hvelvet ditt.",
			"action-open": "Open file explorer",
			"action-show": "Show file explorer",
			"action-create-note": "Lag nytt notat",
			"action-create-folder": "Create new folder",
			"action-create-note-in-current-tab": "Create new note in current tab",
			"action-create-note-to-the-right": "Create note to the right",
			"action-collapse-all": "Collapse all",
			"action-expand-all": "Expand all",
			"action-new-note": "Nytt notat",
			"action-new-folder": "Ny mappe",
			"action-change-sort": "Endre sorteringsrekkefølge",
			"action-reveal-file": "Vis fil i filutforsker",
			"action-reveal-active-file": "Vis aktiv fil i filutforsker",
			"command-make-a-copy": "Make a copy of the current file",
			"command-move-file": "Move file to another folder",
			"action-move-file": "Move file to...",
			"action-move-folder": "Move folder to...",
			"action-move-items": "Move {{count}} items to...",
			"prompt-type-folder": "Type a folder",
			"label-no-folders": "No folders found.",
			"instruction-navigate": "to navigate",
			"instruction-move": "to move",
			"instruction-create": "to create",
			"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss",
			"label-sort-a-to-z": "Sorter etter navn (A til Å)",
			"label-sort-z-to-a": "Sort etter navn (Å til A)",
			"label-sort-new-to-old": "Sorter etter redigeringstid (ny til gammel)",
			"label-sort-old-to-new": "Sorter etter redigeringstid (gammel til ny)",
			"label-sort-created-old-to-new": "Sorter etter opprettelsesstid (gammel til ny)",
			"label-sort-created-new-to-old": "Sorter etter opprettelsesstid (ny til gammel)",
			"menu-opt-new-note": "Nytt notat",
			"menu-opt-new-folder": "Ny mappe",
			"menu-opt-rename": "Endre navn",
			"menu-opt-delete": "Slett",
			"menu-opt-make-copy": "Lag en kopi",
			"msg-invalid-characters": "Filnavn kan ikke inneholde noen av de følgende tegnene: ",
			"msg-unsafe-characters": "Links will not work with file names containing any of these characters: ",
			"msg-file-already-exists": "Det finnes allerede en fil med det samme navnet",
			"msg-empty-file-name": "Du må oppgi et filnavn.",
			"msg-bad-dotfile": "File name must not start with a dot.",
			"tooltip-modified-time": "Last modified at {{time}}",
			"tooltip-created-time": "Created at {{time}}",
			"tooltip-folders-files-count": "{{fileCount}}, {{folderCount}}",
			"action-move-file-short-name": "Move",
			"label-untitled-file": "Untitled",
			"label-untitled-folder": "Untitled",
			"msg-set-attachment-folder": "Attachments will be saved to \"{{path}}\" from now on."
		"search": {
			"name": "Søk",
			"desc": "Søk etter nøkkelord i alle notater.",
			"action-open-search": "Søk i alle filer",
			"label-collapse-results": "Lukk resultater",
			"label-match-case": "Skill mellom store og små bokstaver",
			"label-explain-search-term": "Forklar søkelogikk",
			"label-more-context": "Vis mer kontekst",
			"label-result-count": "{{count}} result",
			"label-result-count_plural": "{{count}} results",
			"label-toggle-search-settings": "Search settings",
			"prompt-start-search": "Skriv her for å søke...",
			"label-match-text": "Søker etter tekst: ",
			"label-match-regex": "Søker etter regex: ",
			"label-match-exact-text": "Inneholder nøyaktig tekst: ",
			"label-match-greater-than": "Greater than: ",
			"label-match-less-than": "Less than: ",
			"label-match-true": "Is true",
			"label-match-false": "Is false",
			"label-match-empty": "Is empty",
			"label-match-property": "Contains property:",
			"label-match-all": "Matcher alle: ",
			"label-match-any": "Matcher noen: ",
			"label-excluding": "Ekskluderer: ",
			"label-case-sensitive": "Skill mellom store og små bokstaver",
			"label-case-insensitive": "Ikke skill mellom store og små bokstaver",
			"label-match-file-path": "Søker etter søkesti: ",
			"label-match-file-name": "Søker etter filnavn: ",
			"label-match-content": "Søker etter innhold: ",
			"label-match-task": "Match task: ",
			"label-match-task-todo": "Match task (todo): ",
			"label-match-task-done": "Match task (done): ",
			"label-match-line": "Match line: ",
			"label-match-block": "Match block: ",
			"label-match-section": "Match section: ",
			"label-match-tag": "Søker etter tag: ",
			"label-no-matches": "Ingen søkeresultater.",
			"matches-with-count": "... og {{count}} søkeresultat til.",
			"matches-with-count_plural": "... og {{count}} flere søkeresultater.",
			"label-copy-search-results": "Copy search results",
			"button-copy-results": "Copy results",
			"msg-successfully-copied": "Results copied to your clipboard.",
			"option-show-path": "Show path",
			"option-show-path-description": "Display full path of the file rather than just the file name.",
			"option-link-style": "Link style",
			"option-link-style-description": "Optionally turn each file result in to a link.",
			"option-choice-link-style-none": "None",
			"option-choice-link-style-wikilink": "Wikilink",
			"option-choice-link-style-markdown-link": "Markdown link",
			"option-list-prefix": "List prefix",
			"option-list-prefix-description": "Optionally add a list item prefix to each file result.",
			"option-choice-list-style-none": "None",
			"option-choice-list-style-dash": "Dash (-)",
			"option-choice-list-style-asterisk": "Asterisk (*)",
			"option-choice-list-style-numbered": "Numbered",
			"tooltip-clear-search": "Clear search",
			"label-search-options": "Search options",
			"label-properties-group": "Properties",
			"label-tags-group": "Tags",
			"tooltip-read-more": "Read more",
			"label-history": "History",
			"tooltip-clear-history": "Clear search history",
			"label-path-option-description": "match path of the file",
			"label-file-name-option-description": "match file name",
			"label-tag-option-description": "search for tags",
			"label-line-option-description": "search keywords on same line",
			"label-section-option-description": "search keywords under same heading",
			"label-property-option-description": "match property",
			"menu-opt-search-for": "Search for \"{{keyword}}\"",
			"menu-opt-search-in-folder": "Search in folder"
		"quick-switcher": {
			"name": "Hurtigåpner",
			"desc": "Åpne raskt en annen fil uten å forlate tastaturet. Ctrl/Cmd+O for å aktivere.",
			"short-name": "Switcher",
			"action-open": "Åpne hurtigåpner",
			"instruction-navigate": "for å velge",
			"instruction-open": "for å åpne",
			"instruction-open-in-new-tab": "to open in new tab",
			"instruction-open-to-the-right": "to open to the right",
			"instruction-create": "for å lage nytt notat",
			"instruction-dismiss": "for å lukke",
			"instruction-select": "to select",
			"label-no-note-create-new": "Ingen notater funnet. Trykk enter for å lage nytt.",
			"prompt-type-file-name": "Skriv inn notat du vil åpne eller lage...",
			"label-enter-to-create": "Trykk enter for å lage",
			"tooltip-not-created-yet": "Not created yet, select to create",
			"option-show-existing-only": "Show existing only",
			"option-show-existing-only-description": "Whether to show links to files that are not yet created.",
			"option-show-attachments": "Show attachments",
			"option-show-attachments-desc": "Show attachment files like images, videos, and PDFs.",
			"option-show-all-file-types": "Show all file types",
			"option-show-all-file-types-desc": "Show all files including ones that Obsidian can't open. The file will be opened with the default app for that file type."
		"graph-view": {
			"name": "Grafvisnining",
			"desc": "Se en graf over alle notatene dine, og hvordan de knyttes sammen.",
			"action-open": "Åpne grafvisning",
			"action-open-local": "Åpne lokal graf",
			"action-copy-screenshot": "Kopier skjermbilde",
			"tab-title": "Graf til {{displayText}}",
			"label-filters": "Filters",
			"prompt-filter-nodes": "Search files...",
			"option-depth": "Depth",
			"option-depth-description": "Show nodes this number of links away",
			"option-neighbor-links": "Neighbor links",
			"option-neighbor-links-description": "Vis koblinger mellom naboer.",
			"option-forelinks": "Outgoing links",
			"option-forelinks-description": "Show links to other files",
			"option-backlinks": "Incoming links",
			"option-backlinks-description": "Show links from other files",
			"option-show-tags": "Tags",
			"option-show-tags-description": "Tags are linked to the files that contain them",
			"option-show-attachments": "Attachments",
			"option-show-attachments-description": "Show attachments included by files",
			"option-show-existing-files-only": "Existing files only",
			"option-show-existing-files-only-description": "When checked, links to nonexistent files are not shown",
			"option-show-orphans": "Orphans",
			"option-show-orphans-description": "Show files that are not linked to any other file",
			"label-display": "Display",
			"option-show-arrows": "Arrows",
			"option-show-arrows-description": "Show arrows when zoomed in",
			"option-text-fade": "Text fade threshold",
			"option-node-size": "Node size",
			"option-link-thickness": "Link thickness",
			"label-forces": "Forces",
			"option-center-force": "Center force",
			"option-link-force": "Link force",
			"option-link-distance": "Link distance",
			"option-repel-force": "Repel force",
			"tooltip-open-graph-settings": "Open graph settings",
			"msg-screenshot-copied": "Screenshot copied to the clipboard.",
			"label-groups": "Groups",
			"placeholder-enter-query": "Enter query...",
			"tooltip-delete-graph": "Delete group",
			"button-new-group": "New group",
			"tooltip-click-to-change-drag-to-reorder": "Click to change color\nDrag to reorder groups",
			"action-timelapse": "Start graph timelapse animation",
			"tooltip-start-timelapse-animation": "Start timelapse animation",
			"button-animate-timelapse": "Animate"
		"backlinks": {
			"name": "Lenker tilbake",
			"desc": "Viser antall lenker tilbake til filen på statusbaren.",
			"action-open": "Vis lenker bakover",
			"action-show": "Show backlinks pane",
			"action-open-for-current": "Vis lenker bakover for denne filen",
			"action-toggle-backlinks-in-document": "Toggle backlinks in document",
			"menu-opt-backlinks-in-document": "Backlinks in document",
			"label-linked-mentions": "Lenker som fører hit",
			"label-no-backlinks": "Ingen lenker ble funnet.",
			"label-unlinked-mentions": "Potensielle lenker",
			"label-show-search": "Show search filter",
			"label-link-button-text": "Lenke",
			"tab-title": "Lenker som fører til {{displayText}}",
			"label-no-unlinked-mentions": "Ingen potensielle lenker funnet.",
			"ellipsis": "...",
			"option-backlink-in-document": "Backlink in document",
			"option-backlink-in-document-desc": "Show backlinks in document by default when opening new panes."
		"outgoing-links": {
			"name": "Outgoing Links",
			"desc": "Show outgoing links and detect unlinked mentions of other notes in the current note.",
			"action-open": "Open outgoing links",
			"action-show": "Show outgoing links pane",
			"action-open-for-current": "Open outgoing links for the current file",
			"tab-title": "Outgoing links from {{displayText}}",
			"label-links": "Links",
			"label-no-links": "No links found.",
			"label-unlinked-mentions": "Unlinked mentions",
			"tooltip-link-file": "Link this file",
			"tooltip-not-created": "Not created yet"
		"tag-pane": {
			"name": "Tag-panel",
			"short-name": "Tags",
			"desc": "Viser alle tags og antall ganger de er brukt.",
			"action-show": "Show tag pane",
			"label-no-tags": "Ingen tags funnet.",
			"label-sort-by-name-a-to-z": "Tag name (A to Z)",
			"label-sort-by-name-z-to-a": "Tag name (Z to A)",
			"label-sort-by-frequency-high-to-low": "Frequency (high to low)",
			"label-sort-by-frequency-low-to-high": "Frequency (low to high)",
			"action-show-nested-tags": "Show nested tags",
			"action-collapse-all": "Collapse all",
			"action-expand-all": "Expand all"
		"properties": {
			"name": "Egenskapsvisning",
			"desc": "Vis metadata for filene dine.",
			"name-global": "Alle egenskaper",
			"name-local": "Filegenskaper",
			"tab-title": "Filegenskaper for {{displayText}}",
			"action-show": "Vis alle egenskaper",
			"action-show-local": "Vis filegenskaper",
			"action-edit": "Rediger",
			"opt-unassign-type": "Frigjør type",
			"label-no-properties": "Ingen egenskaper funnet.",
			"label-invalid-properties": "Invalid properties.",
			"label-sort-by-name-a-to-z": "Navn på egenskap (A til Å)",
			"label-sort-by-name-z-to-a": "Navn på egenskap (Å til A)",
			"label-sort-by-frequency-high-to-low": "Frekvens (høy til lav)",
			"label-sort-by-frequency-low-to-high": "Frekvens (lav til høy)",
			"label-change-property-type": "Change property type",
			"msg-merge-properties-warning": "Merge property “{{oldKey}}” with “{{newKey}}”?",
			"msg-merge-properties-warning-desc": "In case of conflicts, the values will be merged or the value from “{{oldKey}}” will be used.",
			"action-collapse-all": "Lukk alle",
			"action-expand-all": "Utvid alle",
			"action-open-local": "Åpne filegenskaper",
			"action-open-daily-note": "Open daily note"
		"page-preview": {
			"name": "Forhåndsvisning av notat",
			"desc": "Forhåndsvis notater ved å holde pekeren over en intern lenke. Hold Ctrl/Cmd i redigeringsmodus.",
			"label-empty-attachment": "“{{linktext}}” could not be found.",
			"label-empty-note": "\"{{linktext}}\" er ikke lagd enda. Klikk for å åpne.",
			"label-source-editor": "Editor",
			"label-source-preview": "Preview",
			"label-source-search": "Search, Backlinks, and Outgoing links",
			"label-require-mod": "Require {{key}} to trigger page preview on hover"
		"bookmarks": {
			"name": "Bookmarks",
			"desc": "Bookmark frequently used files and searches.",
			"action-show": "Show bookmarks",
			"action-collapse-all": "Collapse all",
			"action-new-bookmark": "Bookmark the active tab...",
			"action-new-group": "New bookmark group",
			"action-bookmark": "Bookmark...",
			"action-add-bookmark": "Add bookmark",
			"action-edit-bookmark": "Edit bookmark",
			"action-bookmark-block": "Bookmark block under cursor...",
			"action-bookmark-heading": "Bookmark heading under cursor...",
			"action-bookmark-search": "Bookmark current search...",
			"action-remove-bookmark": "Remove bookmark for current file",
			"action-bookmark-tab-group": "Bookmark {{count}} tab...",
			"action-bookmark-tab-group_plural": "Bookmark {{count}} tabs...",
			"action-bookmark-all-tabs": "Bookmark all tabs...",
			"action-bookmark-graph": "Bookmark this graph...",
			"label-bookmark": "Bookmark",
			"label-bookmarked": "Bookmarked",
			"label-bookmark-with-count": "{{count}} bookmark",
			"label-bookmark-with-count_plural": "{{count}} bookmarks",
			"label-no-bookmarks": "No bookmarks found",
			"label-invalid-data": "Failed to load bookmarks.",
			"label-invalid-data-desc": "The data file is corrupted.",
			"label-untitled-group": "Untitled group",
			"label-untitled-graph": "Untitled Graph",
			"menu-opt-edit": "Edit...",
			"menu-opt-remove": "Remove",
			"menu-opt-rename": "Rename",
			"menu-opt-bookmark-block": "Bookmark this block...",
			"menu-opt-bookmark-heading": "Bookmark this heading...",
			"msg-no-search-query": "No search query to bookmark.",
			"option-path": "Path",
			"option-query": "Query",
			"option-u-r-l": "URL",
			"option-title": "Title",
			"option-group": "Bookmark group",
			"placeholder-bookmark-group": "Bookmarks"
		"custom-css": {
			"name": "Egen CSS",
			"desc": "Leser av \"obsidian.css\" i hvelvet.",
			"setting-community-themes": "Stiler av andre brukere",
			"msg-fetching-themes": "Henter brukerstiler...",
			"prompt-filter": "Filtrer...",
			"label-dark-theme-only": "Dark themes only",
			"label-light-theme-only": "Light themes only",
			"label-use": "Bruk",
			"label-stop-use": "Stop using this theme",
			"label-install-and-use": "Install and use",
			"label-update": "Update",
			"label-no-readme": "This theme did not provide a README file.",
			"tooltip-remove-theme": "Remove theme",
			"label-visit-on-github": "Se på GitHub",
			"msg-load-error": "Fikk ikke lastet brukerstiler, vennligst sjekk nettverket.",
			"msg-now-using-theme": "You're now using {{title}} as your CSS theme.",
			"msg-deleted-theme": "The theme {{title}} has been deleted.",
			"msg-updated-theme": "The theme {{title}} has been updated.",
			"label-installed": "Installed",
			"label-legacy": "Legacy",
			"button-update-all-themes": "Update all",
			"msg-failed-load-themes": "Failed to load community themes.",
			"msg-no-updates-found": "No theme updates found.",
			"msg-updates-found": "Found {{count}} theme to update.",
			"msg-updates-found_plural": "Found {{count}} themes to update.",
			"msg-failed-to-install-theme": "Failed to install theme \"{{name}}\".",
			"msg-successfully-installed-theme": "Successfully installed theme \"{{name}}\".",
			"msg-installing-theme": "Installing theme \"{{name}}\"...",
			"label-search-summary": "Showing {{themeCount}}:",
			"label-update-available": "Update available"
		"command-palette": {
			"name": "Kommandovelger",
			"desc": "Skriv inn en kommando for å aktivere den, så trenger du hverken huske den eller bruke menyene.",
			"action-open": "Åpne kommandovelger",
			"instruction-navigate": "for å velge",
			"instruction-use": "for å aktivere",
			"instruction-dismiss": "for å lukke",
			"label-no-commands": "Ingen kommandoer funnet.",
			"prompt-type-command": "Skriv en kommando...",
			"label-pinned-commands": "Pinned commands",
			"option-add-new-pin": "New pinned command",
			"option-add-new-pin-description": "Pinned commands will appear at the top of all commands when no search query is present."
		"markdown-format-importer": {
			"name": "Markdown-importør",
			"desc": "Konverter Markdown fra andre apper til Obsidians format.",
			"action-open": "Åpne Markdown-importør",
			"option-roam-tag-fixer": "Fiks tags fra Roam Research",
			"option-roam-tag-fixer-description": "Endrer \"#tag\" og \"#[[tag]]\" til \"[[tag]]\".",
			"option-roam-highlight-fixer": "Fiks highlights fra Roam Research",
			"option-roam-highlight-fixer-description": "Endrer \"^^highlight^^\" til \"==highlight==\".",
			"option-roam-todo-converter": "Fiks TODOs fra Roam Research",
			"option-roam-todo-converter-description": "Endrer \"{{[[TODO]]}}\" til \"[ ]\".",
			"option-bear-highlight-fixer": "Bear highlight fixer",
			"option-bear-highlight-fixer-description": "Converts \"::highlight::\" to \"==highlight==\".",
			"zettelkasten-link-fixer": "Fiks Zettelkasten-lenker",
			"zettelkasten-link-fixer-description": "Endrer \"[[UID]]\" til det fulle formatet \"[[UID Filnavn]]\".",
			"zettelkasten-link-beautifier": "Endre til vakre Zettelkasten-lenker",
			"zettelkasten-link-beautifier-description": "Endrer \"[[UID]]\" til fullt format og gjør dem mer lesbare \"[[UID Filnavn|Filnavn]]\".",
			"msg-all-files-warning": "Advarsel: Importøren ender alle filene i hvelvet, ikke bare den aktive.",
			"msg-override-files-warning": "Filene dine blir endret. Lag en backup for du godkjenner.",
			"label-start-conversion": "Start konvertering",
			"label-stop": "Stopp",
			"label-go-back": "Gå tilbake",
			"label-done": "Ferdig",
			"label-processing": "Prosesserer...",
			"label-cancelling": "Stopper...",
			"label-finished": "Ferdig!",
			"label-processed-files": "Prosesserte filer",
			"label-modified-files": "Endrede filer",
			"label-total-replacements": "Totalt antall endringer"
		"daily-notes": {
			"name": "Daglige notater",
			"desc": "Åpne dagens notat eller lag en hvis den ikke fins fra før.",
			"short-name": "Today",
			"action-open": "Åpne dagens notat",
			"action-open-previous": "Åpne gårsdagens notat",
			"action-open-next": "Åpne morgendagens notat",
			"action-insert-text": "Insert text into daily note",
			"action-insert-link": "Insert link into daily note",
			"msg-fail-format": "Klarte ikke å lage notat. \"{{format}}\" er ikke et gyldig format.",
			"msg-fail-folder": "Klarte ikke å lage notat. Mappen \"{{folderOption}}\" finnes ikke.",
			"msg-fail-template-file": "Klarte ikke å lage notat. Malen \"{{template}}\" finnes ikke.",
			"msg-no-previous": "Finnes ingen tidligere dagsnotater.",
			"msg-no-next": "Finnes ingen dagsnotater etter denne.",
			"option-date-format": "Datoformat",
			"label-refer-to-syntax": "For mer syntaks, se: ",
			"label-syntax-link": "formatreferanse",
			"label-syntax-live-preview": "Slik vil det set ut: ",
			"option-new-file-location": "Mappe å plassere nye filer",
			"option-new-file-location-description": "Søkesti til nye dagsnotater.",
			"option-template": "Søkesti til mal",
			"option-template-description": "Filen du vil bruke som mal til dagsnotater.",
			"option-open-on-start": "Open daily note on startup",
			"option-open-on-start-description": "Open your daily note automatically whenever you open this vault."
		"unique-note-creator": {
			"name": "Unique note creator",
			"desc": "Create notes with unique timestamp prefixes, for workflows like zettelkasten or slip box.",
			"short-name": "Unique",
			"action-create-note": "Create new unique note",
			"option-new-file-location": "New file location",
			"option-new-file-location-description": "The folder path to create the new unique note.",
			"msg-folder-not-found": "Failed to create unique note. Folder \"{{folderOption}}\" not found.",
			"option-template-file": "Template file location",
			"option-template-file-description": "The file path to use as template.",
			"option-template-file-placeholder": "Example: folder1/note",
			"option-id-format": "Unique prefix format",
			"msg-template-file-not-found": "Failed to create unique note. Template file \"{{template}}\" not found.",
			"msg-failed-to-generate": "Failed to generate a unique note with the format \"{{format}}"
		"random-note": {
			"name": "Tilfeldig notat",
			"desc": "Åpner et tilfeldig notat. Nyttig for å gjenoppdage gamle notater.",
			"short-name": "Random",
			"action-open": "Åpne tilfeldig notat"
		"outline": {
			"name": "Disposisjon",
			"desc": "Viser en disposisjon av den aktive filen.",
			"action-open": "Åpne disposisjon",
			"action-show": "Show outline pane",
			"action-open-for-current": "Open outline of the current file",
			"tab-title": "Disposjon til {{displayText}}",
			"label-no-headings": "Ingen overskrifter funnet."
		"word-count": {
			"name": "Antall ord",
			"desc": "Vis antall ord i statusbaren."
		"slides": {
			"name": "Presentasjonsmodus",
			"desc": "Lag en presentasjon fra Markdown. Bruk \"---\" for å skille mellom lysbilder.",
			"action-start": "Start presentasjon"
		"audio-recorder": {
			"name": "Lydinnspilling",
			"desc": "Spill inn lyd og lagre som et vedlegg.",
			"action-start": "Start lydinnspilling",
			"action-stop": "Stopp lydinnspilling",
			"action-toggle": "Start/stopp lydinnspilling",
			"msg-access-denied": "fikk ikke tilgang til mikrofon. Vennligst gi tilgang gjennom Preference-panelet.",
			"msg-pending-grant": "Vennligst gi tilgang til mikrofonen.",
			"msg-no-microphone": "Ingen mikrofon tilgjengelig."
		"open-with-default-app": {
			"name": "Åpne i standardapp",
			"desc": "Legg til en app som åpner filen i standardappen.",
			"action-open-file": "Åpne i standardapp",
			"action-open-file-mobile": "Share",
			"action-show-in-folder": "Vis i mappe",
			"action-show-in-folder-mac": "Reveal in Finder"
		"templates": {
			"name": "Maler",
			"desc": "Sett inn innhold fra en mappe med maler.",
			"action-insert": "Sett inn mal",
			"action-insert-current-date": "Insert current date",
			"action-insert-current-time": "Insert current time",
			"option-template-folder-location": "Søkesti til malmappe",
			"option-template-folder-location-description": "Filer i denne mappen er tilgjengelige som maler.",
			"option-template-date-format": "Dato-format",
			"option-template-date-format-description": "{{date}} i malen blir erstattet med denne verdien.",
			"option-template-date-format-description2": "Du kan også skrive {{date:YYYY-MM-DD}} for å spesifisere formatet.",
			"option-template-time-format": "Tidsformat",
			"option-template-time-format-description": "{{time}} i malen blir erstattet med denne verdien.",
			"option-template-time-format-description2": "Du kan også skrive {{time:HH:mm}} for å spesifisere formatet.",
			"instruction-navigate": "for å velge",
			"instruction-insert": "for å sette inn mal",
			"instruction-dismiss": "for å lukke",
			"msg-no-templates-found": "Ingen maler funnet",
			"msg-fail-invalid-folder": "Klarte ikke å finne maler. Malmappen er ikke gyldig.",
			"msg-fail-folder-not-found": "Klarte ikke å finne maler. Mappen \"{{folderOption}}\" finnes ikke.",
			"msg-fail-invalid-template-properties": "Unable to insert template, the properties in the template file could not be read.",
			"msg-no-folder-set": "Failed to list templates. No template folder configured.",
			"prompt-type-template": "Skriv inn navnet på en mal..."
		"translucency": {
			"name": "Gjennomsiktig vindu",
			"desc": "Skru på gjennomsiktighet for å gi en følelse av dybde. Funker best i mørkt modus. Støttes ikke av Linux."
		"slash-command": {
			"name": "Slash commands",
			"desc": "Enable the ability to trigger slash commands in the editor by typing the forward slash."
		"editor-status": {
			"name": "Editor status",
			"desc": "Adds a status bar item to show and change the current editor mode.",
			"read": "Reading",
			"edit-source": "Source mode",
			"edit-live-preview": "Live Preview"
		"publish": {
			"name": "Publish",
			"desc": "Publish your notes through Obsidian Publish.",
			"action-publish-changes": "Publish changes",
			"action-publish-file": "Publish current file",
			"label-no-internet-access": "You need access to the internet to publish changes.",
			"label-publish-service-description": "Obsidian Publish is an add-on paid service that lets you publish your notes online directly from Obsidian.",
			"label-please-login": "To start publishing, please log in or create a new Obsidian account.",
			"label-no-publish-subscription": "You do not have an Obsidian Publish subscription yet.",
			"button-purchase": "Purchase",
			"label-manage-sites": "Manage sites",
			"label-no-sites": "You don't have any sites.",
			"button-choose": "Choose",
			"tooltip-edit-site-id": "Edit site ID",
			"tooltip-delete-site": "Delete site",
			"label-delete-site-confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this site?",
			"label-delete-site-details": "This will immediately and permanently delete your site.",
			"label-confirm-delete-site": "Confirm delete site \"{{site}}\"",
			"option-site-id": "Site ID",
			"option-site-id-description": "Your site will be at{site id}. You can change this later. Only lower case letters, numbers, and dashes are allowed.",
			"option-site-id-placeholder": "Pick a site ID",
			"button-create": "Create",
			"msg-invalid-site-id": "Site ID can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes.",
			"msg-site-id-in-use": "This site ID is in use, please try another one.",
			"msg-create-site-issue": "That was an issue when creating your site.",
			"label-site-options": "Site options",
			"option-site-general": "General",
			"option-site-components": "Components",
			"option-site-appearance": "Appearance",
			"option-site-reading-experience": "Reading experience",
			"option-site-misc": "Other site settings",
			"option-site-name": "Site name",
			"option-site-name-description": "Name of your published site. It will show up in the page title of your site.",
			"option-site-name-placeholder": "Name of your site",
			"option-home-page-file": "Homepage file",
			"option-home-page-file-description": "The first page the user sees when landing on your published site",
			"option-home-page-file-placeholder": "Pick a published file",
			"option-logo": "Logo",
			"option-logo-description": "Pick an image file as your site logo.",
			"option-logo-placeholder": "Any any uploaded image in your vault...",
			"option-site-collaboration": "Site collaboration",
			"option-site-collaboration-desc": "Manage collaborators for this site.",
			"option-customize-navigation": "Customize navigation",
			"option-customize-navigation-desc": "Override the order of navigation items and hide pages or folders from showing.",
			"option-navigation-order": "Navigation item display order",
			"option-hide-items-in-navigation": "Hide pages or folders from navigation",
			"option-hide-items-in-navigation-desc": "Right click and select \"Hide\" to prevent specific pages from appearing in the site navigation. The pages will still be accessible via links or accessing the URL directly.",
			"option-show-hidden-items": "Show hidden",
			"button-customize-sidebar": "Manage",
			"label-navigation-modal-title": "Navigation",
			"label-navigation-modal-desc": "Drag and drop to customize the order in which navigation items appear on your Publish site.",
			"option-hide-in-navigation": "Hide in navigation",
			"button-manage-collaborators": "Manage",
			"option-theme": "Theme",
			"option-theme-description": "Choose default color scheme for your site.",
			"option-theme-system": "Adapt to system",
			"option-show-theme-toggle": "Light/dark toggle",
			"option-show-theme-toggle-description": "Let the visitor toggle between light and dark theme on their own.",
			"option-show-navigation": "Show navigation",
			"option-show-navigation-description": "Display a list of all published pages on the left side of your published site.",
			"option-show-search": "Show search bar",
			"option-show-search-description": "Display a search bar at top of the navigation that lets the visitors search pages and headings on your site.",
			"option-show-graph": "Show graph view",
			"option-show-graph-description": "Display a small local graph on each page.",
			"option-show-outline": "Show table of contents",
			"option-show-outline-description": "Display the outline of headings on each page.",
			"option-show-backlinks": "Show backlinks",
			"option-show-backlinks-description": "Show backlink section at the end of each page.",
			"option-sliding-window-mode": "Use sliding windows",
			"option-sliding-window-mode-description": "Open pages in new panes to the right. Allows scrolling through panes horizontally.",
			"option-hover-preview-file": "Show hover preview",
			"option-hover-preview-file-description": "Display page preview when hovering links.",
			"option-hide-title": "Hide page title",
			"option-hide-title-description": "Hide the page title heading. Useful when you have your own headings at the beginning of each page.",
			"option-readable-line-length": "Readable line length",
			"option-readable-line-length-description": "Limit maximum line length. Fits less content on the screen, but makes long paragraphs more readable.",
			"option-site-password": "Passwords",
			"option-site-password-description": "Restrict access to your site with passwords.",
			"option-google-analytics": "Google Analytics tracking code",
			"option-google-analytics-description": "Configure Google Analytics for your site. Only available for visitors from your custom domain URL. Please check with your local laws and regulations first.",
			"button-manage-passwords": "Manage",
			"button-save-site-settings": "Save site settings",
			"msg-updated-options": "Updated options for your site.",
			"button-go-back": "Back",
			"label-publishing-to": "Publishing to",
			"tooltip-switch-site": "Switch site",
			"button-add-linked": "Add linked",
			"tooltip-add-linked": "Add all files that are linked by currently selected items",
			"msg-added-linked-files": "{{count}} linked file has been added.",
			"msg-added-linked-files_plural": "{{count}} linked files have been added.",
			"tooltip-open-site-options": "Change site options",
			"label-no-changes-detected": "No changes were detected.",
			"label-changed-files-to-be-published": "Changes",
			"label-unchanged-files-already-published": "Unchanged (select to delete)",
			"label-file-selected": " selected",
			"button-select-all-files": "Select all",
			"label-custom-navigation-title": "Navigation items",
			"button-deselect-all-files": "Deselect all",
			"label-new-files-to-be-published": "New",
			"button-publish": "Publish",
			"msg-no-permission-to-publish-to-site": "You do not have permissions to publish to the current site.",
			"msg-select-at-least-one-file": "Please select at least one file.",
			"label-upload-changes": "Upload changes",
			"button-done": "Done",
			"button-stop": "Stop",
			"label-status-uploading": "Uploading",
			"label-status-to-publish": "To publish",
			"label-status-to-delete": "To delete",
			"label-status-published": "Published",
			"label-status-deleted": "Deleted",
			"label-status-failed": "Failed",
			"label-status-cancelled": "Cancelled",
			"button-change": "Change",
			"label-clear-cache": "It takes up to a few minutes for the changes to show up on your site. If you do not see your latest changes, try clearing the cache in your browser.",
			"label-visit-site": "You can visit your site here: ",
			"msg-something-went-wrong": "Something went wrong. Please check the developer console for details.",
			"msg-network-error": "A network error occurred. ",
			"label-manage-passwords": "Manage passwords",
			"label-add-password": "Add password",
			"action-new-password": "New password",
			"label-no-password": "Your site currently does not have any passwords. Anyone can visit it.",
			"label-have-password": "Your site is password protected. If you have multiple passwords, visitors can access your site by entering any of them.",
			"option-password-name": "Password",
			"option-password-desc": "A hash of your password will be stored securely. Once the password is set, it cannot be revealed in plaintext.",
			"option-password-placeholder": "Your password",
			"option-nickname-name": "Nickname (optional)",
			"option-nickname-desc": "Set a nickname to remind yourself what or who the password is for.",
			"action-add-password": "Add this password",
			"label-untitled-password": "Untitled password",
			"label-password-created-time": "Created {{time}}",
			"msg-added-new-password": "Added new password.",
			"option-custom-domain": "Custom domain",
			"option-custom-domain-desc": "Use your own domain rather than the{site id} URL.",
			"option-noindex": "Disallow search engine indexing",
			"option-noindex-desc": "Prevent search engines from indexing your site.",
			"button-configure": "Configure",
			"label-configure-custom-domain": "Configure custom domain",
			"option-custom-url-name": "Custom URL",
			"option-custom-url-desc": "The URL that your site will be located at.",
			"option-custom-url-placeholder": "",
			"option-custom-url-redirect": "Redirect to your custom domain",
			"option-custom-url-redirect-desc": "Redirect visitors on to your custom domain.",
			"button-update-custom-domain": "Update domain setting",
			"label-custom-domain-instructions": "Please refer to our {{link}} on our help site for more information.",
			"label-custom-domain-link-name": "custom domain setup guide",
			"label-site-usage": "You're using {{site}} out of your {{limit}}.",
			"button-add-more-sites": "Buy more sites",
			"label-no-sites-bought": "You haven't bought any sites.",
			"button-get-site": "Get a site",
			"label-manage-sharing": "Manage sharing for \"{{name}}\"",
			"label-sharing-with-users": "This site is currently shared with the following people.",
			"label-not-sharing": "This site is not currently shared with anyone.",
			"label-invite-pending": "Pending",
			"tooltip-remove-user": "Remove user",
			"option-invite-user": "Invite user",
			"placeholder-invite-user": "Enter their email...",
			"error-email-must-be-valid": "Please enter a valid email to invite someone.",
			"msg-enable-publish-plugin": "Please enable the Publish core plugin in Settings -> Core plugins to view sites.",
			"label-your-sites": "Your sites",
			"label-sites-shared-with-you": "Sites shared with you",
			"tooltip-leave-site-sharing": "Stop collaborating on this site",
			"label-leave-site-confirmation": "Confirm stop site collaboration",
			"label-leave-site-confirmation-details": "This will remove this site from the list of sites shared with you. This action cannot be reverted.",
			"label-leave-site-confirmation-details-2": "Please contact the owner of the site if you wish to collaborate on this site again.",
			"button-leave": "Leave",
			"label-compare-with-live": "Compare with live version",
			"button-use-live-version": "Use live version",
			"label-confirm-override": "Confirm overriding local version",
			"label-confirm-override-1": "Are you sure you want to override the local version?",
			"label-confirm-override-2": "The live version will be used and your local version will be discarded. Please make backups if necessary.",
			"button-proceed": "Proceed",
			"message-successfully-used-live-version": "Successfully used live version to override your local version.",
			"label-open-file": "Open file",
			"tooltip-manage-publish-filters": "Manage publish filters",
			"option-included-folders": "Included folders",
			"option-included-folders-desc": "Files under these folders will automatically be selected when you review changes to publish.",
			"option-currently-included-folders": " These folders are currently included:",
			"option-excluded-folders": "Excluded folders",
			"option-excluded-folders-desc": "Files under these folders won't show up when you review changes to publish. This setting takes priority over included folders above.",
			"label-number-of-folders-included": "Obsidian Publish is currently including {{folders}}.",
			"label-number-of-folders-excluded": "Obsidian Publish is currently excluding {{folders}}.",
			"label-manage-included-folders": "Manage included folders",
			"label-manage-excluded-folders": "Manage excluded folders",
			"label-add-included-folder": "Include a folder",
			"label-add-included-folder-desc": "You can include both existing folders and folders that have not been created yet.",
			"tooltip-contact-support": "Contact support",
			"label-navigation-preview": "Navigation preview"
		"workspaces": {
			"name": "Workspaces",
			"desc": "Save and load workspace layout.",
			"action-load-layout": "Load workspace layout",
			"action-manage-layouts": "Manage workspace layouts",
			"action-save": "Save layout",
			"action-save-and-load-layout": "Save and load another layout",
			"placeholder-save-current-layout-as": "Save current workspace layout as...",
			"button-save": "Save",
			"button-load": "Load",
			"tooltip-delete-layout": "Delete layout",
			"msg-delete-layout-success": "Successfully deleted layout.",
			"msg-enter-name": "Please enter a name for the new layout.",
			"msg-save-layout-success": "Successfully saved layout.",
			"label-no-layout-found": "No saved layout found.",
			"label-workspace-modified-time": "Modified {{time}}",
			"placeholder-type-to-search-layouts": "Type layout name..."
		"sync": {
			"name": "Sync",
			"desc": "Synchronize your files through Obsidian Sync.",
			"action-view-version-history": "View version history",
			"menu-opt-view-version-history": "Open version history",
			"action-view-sync-sidebar": "Show Sync history",
			"action-activity-log": "Open activity log",
			"label-load-more": "Load more",
			"label-show-diff": "Show diff",
			"label-copy-to-clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
			"label-restore-this-version": "Restore this version",
			"msg-already-latest-version": "This version is already the latest version.",
			"msg-restored-version": "Successfully restored version from {{time}}",
			"label-file-deleted": "This file was deleted",
			"label-file-deleted-via": "Deleted via {{ device }}",
			"label-file-renamed-from": "This file was renamed from \"{{filepath}}\"",
			"label-revision": "1 revision",
			"label-revision_plural": "{{revisions}} revisions",
			"label-via-device": "via {{device}}",
			"label-no-history": "No sync history for this file.",
			"label-empty-file": "Empty",
			"label-unable-to-retrieve": "Unable to retrieve version history",
			"label-setting-files": "Setting files",
			"label-deleted-files": "Deleted files",
			"label-version-history": "Version history",
			"label-click-to-see-history": "Click on a deleted file to see its history.",
			"label-create-remote-vault": "Create remote vault",
			"msg-please-enter-password": "Please enter a password.",
			"msg-vault-name-cannot-be-empty": "Vault name cannot be empty.",
			"msg-successfully-created-vault": "Successfully create remote vault \"{{name}}\".",
			"label-remote-vault-explanation": "Remote vaults securely synchronize your vault between devices.",
			"option-vault-name": "Vault name",
			"option-vault-name-desc": "Helps you remember what this vault is for.",
			"option-vault-region": "Region",
			"option-vault-region-desc": "Select the server region closest to you to store the remote vault. This cannot be changed in the future.",
			"option-vault-name-placeholder": "My awesome vault",
			"option-use-custom-encryption-password": "Customize end-to-end encryption password",
			"option-use-custom-encryption-password-desc": "If you turn this off, we will securely manage an encryption key for you.",
			"option-use-custom-encryption-password-desc-warning": "This option cannot be changed later.",
			"option-encryption-password": "Encryption password",
			"option-encryption-password-desc": "This password cannot be changed later.",
			"option-encryption-password-desc-warning": "If you forget this password, any remote data will remain unusable forever.",
			"option-encryption-password-desc-2": "This does not affect your local data.",
			"label-encryption-password-explanation": "The remote vault “{{name}}” is currently encrypted. Enter your password to unlock.",
			"option-encryption-password-placeholder": "Your password",
			"label-unlock-encrypted-vault": "Unlock your remote vault",
			"button-unlock-vault": "Unlock vault",
			"label-remote-vaults": "Your remote vaults",
			"label-vault-created-time": "Created {{time}}",
			"tooltip-delete-remote-vault": "Delete",
			"tooltip-rename-remote-vault": "Rename",
			"label-rename-remote-vault": "Rename remote vault \"{{name}}\"",
			"label-rename-remote-vault-desc": "Enter a new name for this remote vault.",
			"tooltip-manage-sharing": "Manage sharing",
			"label-confirm-delete-remote-vault": "Confirm delete vault",
			"label-confirm-delete-remote-vault-question": "Are you sure you want to delete this remote vault?",
			"label-confirm-delete-remote-vault-result": "All data on our server, including version history, will be deleted. Your local files will stay intact.",
			"label-confirm-delete-remote-vault-warning": "This action is permanent and irreversible.",
			"msg-remote-vault-deleted": "{{name}} has been deleted.",
			"msg-disconnect-from-deleted-vault": "Obsidian Sync: The connected remote vault no longer exists.",
			"button-connect-to-remote-vault": "Connect",
			"button-disconnect-from-remote-vault": "Disconnect",
			"label-sync-status": "Sync: {{status}}",
			"label-not-remote-vaults": "You don't have any remote vaults.",
			"label-no-subscription": "You don't have an active Obsidian Sync subscription.",
			"label-please-visit": "Please visit",
			"label-preview-unsupported-file-type": "Unable to preview {{type}} files.",
			"button-create-new-remote-vault": "Create new vault",
			"label-sync-log": "Sync log",
			"option-event-type": "Event type",
			"option-event-type-desc": "Only show log items of the selected type.",
			"option-event-type-all": "All",
			"option-event-type-errors": "Errors",
			"option-event-type-merge-conflicts": "Merge conflicts",
			"button-copy-sync-log": "Copy sync log",
			"msg-successfully-copied-sync-log": "Successfully copied sync log.",
			"button-retry": "Retry",
			"button-purchase-subscription": "Purchase",
			"label-third-party-sync-warning": "Conflicting file sync service detected",
			"label-third-party-sync-warning-desc": "Warning: Your vault seems to be using {{service}} as a third party sync service. If you use Obsidian Sync with this vault, you may run into conflicts, file corruption, or data loss.",
			"label-icloud-drive-warning": "If you are using iCloud Drive, your Documents and Desktop folders might be synced by iCloud. This could cause conflicts with Obsidian Sync.",
			"option-remote-vault": "Remote vault",
			"button-choose-remote-vault": "Choose",
			"button-manage-remote-vault": "Manage",
			"option-remote-vault-desc-connected": "Currently connected to the \"{{name}}\" remote vault.",
			"option-remote-vault-desc-not-connected": "Currently not connected to any remote vault.",
			"option-sync-status": "Sync status",
			"option-sync-status-desc-paused": "Obsidian Sync is currently paused.",
			"option-sync-status-desc-running": "Obsidian Sync is currently running.",
			"option-device-name": "Device name",
			"option-device-name-desc": "This name will be displayed in the sync log. Leave empty to use the default name.",
			"button-resume": "Resume",
			"button-pause": "Pause",
			"option-view-deleted-files": "Deleted files",
			"option-view-deleted-files-desc": "View and restore deleted files.",
			"option-sync-log": "Sync activity",
			"option-sync-log-desc": "View recent sync activities for debugging.",
			"button-view": "View",
			"button-bulk-restore": "Bulk restore",
			"button-restore-selected-files": "Restore selected files",
			"msg-restoring": "Restoring...",
			"msg-restoring-complete": "`Restore complete: {{succeeded}} succeeded and {{failed}} failed.`",
			"option-vault-size": "Vault size",
			"option-vault-size-desc": "You are using {{size}} out of {{limit}}",
			"option-vault-size-unknown": "Unable to retrieve your vault size.",
			"option-vault-size-loading": "Retrieving your vault size...",
			"option-over-size": "Vault size over limit",
			"option-almost-over-size": "Vault size approaching limit",
			"msg-largest-files": "View largest files",
			"msg-largest-files-desc": "These are the remote files that are taking the most space. After deleting attachments, use the purge button to free up remote vault space.",
			"button-upgrade-storage": "Upgrade storage",
			"button-purge-remote": "Purge",
			"button-hide-my-changes": "Hide my changes",
			"tooltip-purge-remote": "Permanently purge deleted attachments from remote vault to save space.",
			"msg-purge-complete": "Purge complete.",
			"option-prevent-sleep": "Prevent device sleep",
			"option-prevent-sleep-desc": "Prevents the device from going to sleep when there are still files to be synced.",
			"option-selective-sync": "Selective sync",
			"option-excluded-folders": "Excluded folders",
			"option-excluded-folder-desc": "Prevent certain folders from being synced.",
			"option-currently-excluded-folders": " These folders currently excluded:",
			"button-manage-excluded-folders": "Manage",
			"option-sync-image": "Sync images",
			"option-sync-image-desc": "Sync image files with these extensions: {{extensions}}.",
			"option-sync-audio": "Sync audio",
			"option-sync-audio-desc": "Sync audio files with these extensions: {{extensions}}.",
			"option-sync-video": "Sync videos",
			"option-sync-video-desc": "Sync video files with these extensions: {{extensions}}.",
			"option-sync-pdf": "Sync PDFs",
			"option-sync-pdf-desc": "Sync PDF files.",
			"option-sync-unsupported": "Sync all other types",
			"option-sync-unsupported-desc": "Sync unsupported file types.",
			"option-vault-config-sync": "Vault configuration sync",
			"option-view-config-files": "Settings version history",
			"option-view-config-files-desc": "View and restore version history of setting files.",
			"option-sync-app": "Main settings",
			"option-sync-app-desc": "Enable to sync editor settings, files & links settings, custom hotkeys, etc.",
			"option-sync-appearance": "Appearance settings",
			"option-sync-appearance-desc": "Sync appearance settings like dark mode, active theme, and enabled snippets.",
			"option-sync-appearance-data": "Themes and snippets",
			"option-sync-appearance-data-desc": "Sync downloaded themes and snippets. Whether they are enabled depends on the previous setting.",
			"option-sync-hotkey": "Hotkeys",
			"option-sync-hotkey-desc": "Sync custom hotkeys.",
			"option-sync-core-plugin": "Active core plugin list",
			"option-sync-core-plugin-desc": "Sync which core plugins are enabled.",
			"option-sync-core-plugin-data": "Core plugin settings",
			"option-sync-core-plugin-data-desc": "Sync core plugin settings.",
			"option-sync-community-plugin": "Active community plugin list",
			"option-sync-community-plugin-desc": "Sync which community plugins are enabled.",
			"option-sync-community-plugin-data": "Installed community plugins",
			"option-sync-community-plugin-data-desc": "Sync installed community plugins (.js, .css, and manifest.json files) and their settings.",
			"label-sync-introduction": "Obsidian Sync is Obsidian's add-on sync service with end-to-end encryption and version history.",
			"label-account-required": "To start syncing, please log in or create a new Obsidian account.",
			"label-current-file": "Current file",
			"label-sync-changes": "Sync changes",
			"label-today": "Today",
			"label-yesterday": "Yesterday",
			"label-this-week": "This week",
			"label-older": "Older",
			"label-last-sync": "Last sync",
			"label-more": "{{count}} more",
			"button-sign-up": "Sign up",
			"button-log-in": "Log in",
			"label-manage-excluded-folders": "Manage excluded folders",
			"label-number-of-folders-excluded": "{{folders}} are currently excluded from being synced.",
			"label-add-excluded-folder": "Exclude a folder",
			"label-add-excluded-folder-desc": "You can exclude both existing folders and folders that have not been created yet.",
			"tooltip-remove-excluded-folder": "Remove from excluded list",
			"label-setup-connection": "Setup connection",
			"label-now-connected-to-vault": "You're now connected to \"{{name}}\".",
			"button-start-syncing": "Start syncing",
			"label-confirm-merge-vault": "Confirm Merge Vault",
			"msg-vault-has-notes": "Your local vault already contains some notes.",
			"msg-vault-merge-warning": "If you connect to the remote vault \"{{name}}\", notes in your local vault will be merged with notes from your remote vault. In case of conflicts, the most recent version of the note will be preserved.",
			"tooltip-update-setting-on-all-devices": "Please update this option and restart app on all the devices where you want it to take effect.",
			"label-sharing-with-users": "This remote vault is currently shared with the following people.",
			"label-not-sharing": "This remote vault is not currently shared with anyone.",
			"label-vaults-shared-with-you": "Vaults shared with you",
			"tooltip-leave-vault-sharing": "Stop collaborating on this vault",
			"label-leave-vault-confirmation": "Confirm stop vault collaboration",
			"label-leave-vault-confirmation-details": "This will remove this vault from the list of vaults shared with you. This action cannot be reverted.",
			"label-leave-vault-confirmation-details-2": "Please contact the owner of the vault if you wish to collaborate on this vault again.",
			"button-leave": "Leave",
			"msg-error-failed-to-fetch": "Failed to load remote vaults.",
			"label-require-subscription-to-connect": "You need an Obsidian Sync subscription to connect to this vault.",
			"option-contact-support": "Contact support",
			"option-contact-support-desc": "If you run into any issues with Obsidian Sync, please contact us so we can help you out! You can reach us at",
			"button-copy-debug": "Copy debug info",
			"button-email-support": "Email support",
			"label-sync-disconnected": "Sync is not connected to a remote vault.",
			"msg-remote-vault-limit-hit": "Obsidian Sync lets you create up to 5 remote vaults. In order to create a new remote vault, please remove an existing one."
		"file-recovery": {
			"name": "File recovery",
			"desc": "Let you restore recent snapshots to recover from accidental data loss. Snapshots are only saved for Markdown files.",
			"action-open": "Open saved snapshots",
			"option-interval": "Snapshot interval",
			"option-interval-description": "Minimal interval in minutes between two snapshots.",
			"option-keep": "History length",
			"option-keep-description": "Length in days snapshots is kept for.",
			"option-open-history": "Snapshots",
			"option-open-history-description": "View and restore saved snapshots.",
			"button-view-snapshots": "View",
			"option-clear": "Clear history",
			"option-clear-description": "Wipe all snapshots.",
			"button-clear-history": "Clear",
			"label-clear-warning": "Are you sure you want to delete all snapshots? Note that only snapshots will be removed. All files inside your vault will not be affected.",
			"msg-clear-complete": "Snapshots cleared.",
			"label-no-history-found": "No snapshots found.",
			"placeholder-choose-file": "Choose a file...",
			"label-select-file": "Please select a file on the left to view snapshots."
		"note-composer": {
			"name": "Note composer",
			"desc": "Merge, split, and refactor notes.",
			"option-confirm-file-merge": "Confirm file merge",
			"option-confirm-file-merge-description": "Prompt before merge two files.",
			"option-split-replacement-text": "Text after extraction",
			"option-split-replacement-text-description": "What to show in place of the selected text after extracting it.",
			"option-choice-split-replacement-text-link": "Link to new file",
			"option-choice-split-replacement-text-embed": "Embed new file",
			"option-choice-split-replacement-text-none": "None",
			"option-template-file": "Template file location",
			"option-template-file-description": "Template file to use when merging or extracting. Available variables: {{content}}, {{fromTitle}}, {{newTitle}}, {{date:FORMAT}}, e.g. {{date:YYYY-MM-DD}}.",
			"command-merge-file": "Merge current file with another file...",
			"action-merge-file": "Merge entire file with...",
			"label-no-files": "No files found.",
			"instruction-navigate": "to navigate",
			"instruction-merge": "to merge",
			"instruction-create-new": "to create new",
			"instruction-merge-at-top": "to merge at top",
			"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss",
			"prompt-select-file-to-merge": "Select file to merge into...",
			"label-merge-file": "Merge file",
			"label-confirm-file-merge": "Are you sure you want to merge \"{{file}}\" into \"{{destination}}\"? \"{{file}}\" will be deleted.",
			"button-merge": "Merge",
			"command-split-file": "Extract current selection...",
			"command-extract-heading": "Extract this heading...",
			"instruction-append": "to move to bottom",
			"instruction-prepend": "to move to top",
			"msg-fail-to-fetch-template": "Failed to fetch template file: \"{{template}}\" not found.",
			"msg-fail-to-find-heading": "Failed to find heading"
		"canvas": {
			"name": "Canvas",
			"desc": "Plasser og koble sammen notater på en uendelig canvas.",
			"action-add-note": "Legg til notat fra vault",
			"action-add-media": "Legg till media fra vault",
			"action-add-card": "Legg til kort",
			"action-add-website": "Legg till hjemmeside",
			"action-create-group": "Opprett gruppe",
			"action-create-with-size": "Opprett kort med spesifikt størrelse",
			"action-convert-to-file": "Konverter til fil...",
			"action-drag-to-add-note": "Dra for å legge til notat fra vault",
			"action-drag-to-add-media": "Dra for å legge til media fra vault",
			"action-drag-to-add-card": "Dra for å legge til kort",
			"action-edit-label": "Rediger label",
			"action-remove-label": "Fjern label",
			"action-search-file": "Søk etter fil",
			"action-set-color": "Velg farge",
			"action-align": "Align",
			"action-align-left": "Align venstre",
			"action-align-center": "Align senter",
			"action-align-right": "Align høyre",
			"action-align-top": "Align opp",
			"action-align-middle": "Align midt",
			"action-align-bottom": "Align nede",
			"action-distribute-horizontal-spacing": "Fordel horisontalt",
			"action-distribute-vertical-spacing": "Fordel vertikalt",
			"action-justify-horizontally": "Justify horizontally",
			"action-justify-vertically": "Justify vertically",
			"action-arrange-horizontally": "Arrange in a row",
			"action-arrange-vertically": "Arrange in a column",
			"action-arrange-grid": "Arrange in a grid",
			"action-export-png": "Eksporter som bilde",
			"action-jump-to-group": "Hopp til gruppe",
			"action-set-background": "Set background",
			"action-edit-background": "Edit background",
			"action-replace-background": "Replace background",
			"action-remove-background": "Remove background",
			"label-no-images": "No images found.",
			"label-export-png-desc": "Export \"{{title}}\" with a PNG file with the settings below.",
			"label-export-png-dimensions": "Estimated image dimensions: {{dimensions}}",
			"label-distribute": "Distribute",
			"label-justify": "Justify",
			"label-arrange": "Arrange",
			"label-always": "Always",
			"label-hover": "On hover",
			"label-never": "Never",
			"label-no-section-found": "No section found",
			"option-wheel-behavior": "Default mouse wheel behavior",
			"option-mod-drag-behavior": "Default {{key}} behavior",
			"option-show-menu": "Show menu",
			"option-new-canvas-location": "Default location for new canvas files",
			"option-new-canvas-location-description": "Where newly created canvas files are placed.",
			"option-new-canvas-folder-path": "Folder to create new canvas files in",
			"option-new-canvas-folder-path-description": "Newly created canvas files will appear under this folder.",
			"option-node-label": "Display card label",
			"option-snap-to-grid": "Snap to grid",
			"option-snap-to-grid-desc": "Snap cards to the background grid when moving and resizing.",
			"option-snap-to-objects": "Snap to objects",
			"option-snap-to-objects-desc": "Snap cards to nearby objects when moving and resizing.",
			"option-zoom-breakpoint": "Zoom threshold for hiding card content",
			"option-zoom-breakpoint-desc": "Lower values will increase performance but hide card content sooner when zooming out.",
			"option-export-png-show-logo": "Show logo",
			"option-export-png-show-logo-desc": "This will add an Obsidian logo to the bottom left.",
			"option-export-png-privacy-mode": "Privacy mode",
			"option-export-png-privacy-mode-desc": "This will obscure any text on your canvas.",
			"option-export-png-zoom": "Zoom",
			"option-export-png-zoom-desc": "A higher zoom will generate a higher resolution image.",
			"option-export-png-frame": "Viewport",
			"option-export-png-frame-desc": "Choose to render the entire canvas or just the current visible viewport.",
			"option-export-png-frame-full": "Full canvas",
			"option-export-png-frame-viewport": "Viewport only",
			"option-background-cover": "Cover",
			"option-background-ratio": "Keep aspect ratio",
			"option-background-repeat": "Repeat",
			"action-new-canvas": "New canvas",
			"action-remove": "Remove",
			"action-narrow-heading": "Narrow to heading...",
			"action-narrow-block": "Narrow to block...",
			"action-swap-file": "Swap file...",
			"action-change-url": "Change URL...",
			"action-zoom-to-fit": "Zoom to fit",
			"action-zoom-to-selection": "Zoom to selection",
			"action-reload-page": "Reload page",
			"action-follow-connection": "Follow connection",
			"command-create-new-canvas": "Create new canvas",
			"command-convert-to-file": "Convert to file...",
			"instruction-narrow-heading": "to embed heading",
			"instruction-narrow-block": "to embed block",
			"instruction-jump-to-group": "to navigate to group",
			"prompt-to-narrow": "Type name of heading",
			"label-enter-url": "Enter URL",
			"label-empty-embed": "\"{{linktext}}\" could not be found.",
			"prompt-add-text": "Add text...",
			"prompt-start-search": "Type to search...",
			"label-canvas-help": "Canvas help",
			"label-canvas-settings": "Canvas settings",
			"label-no-narrow": "Show entire file",
			"label-readonly": "Read-only",
			"label-disable-readonly": "Disable read-only",
			"label-pan": "Pan",
			"label-pan-horizontal": "Pan horizontally",
			"label-zoom": "Zoom",
			"label-select-all": "Select all",
			"label-add-remove-selection": "Add to / remove from selection",
			"label-clone-card": "Clone card",
			"label-constrain-movement-axis": "Constrain card movement to axis",
			"label-disable-drag-snapping": "Disable snapping while dragging",
			"label-remove-card": "Remove card",
			"label-drag-from-below": "Drag from below or double click",
			"label-longpress": "Touch and hold to add / move / select",
			"label-drag-pan": "Drag to pan",
			"label-pinch-zoom": "Pinch to zoom",
			"label-space-drag-pan": "Space + Drag to pan",
			"label-scroll-to-zoom": "Scroll to zoom",
			"label-untitled-group": "Untitled group",
			"label-line-direction": "Line direction",
			"label-nondirectional": "Nondirectional",
			"label-unidirectional": "Unidirectional",
			"label-bidirectional": "Bidirectional",
			"label-image": "Image",
			"label-style": "Style",
			"msg-no-groups-found": "No groups found",
			"msg-export-failed-empty-canvas": "Cannot export an empty canvas"
	"pdf": {
		"action-highlight-all": "Highlight all",
		"action-match-diacritics": "Match diacritics",
		"action-whole-words": "Whole words",
		"action-show-thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
		"action-show-outline": "Table of contents",
		"action-reveal-in-outline": "Reveal page in table of contents",
		"action-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
		"action-previous-page": "Previous page",
		"action-next-page": "Next page",
		"action-fit-width": "Fit width",
		"action-fit-height": "Fit height",
		"action-save-p-d-f-location": "Save current position in document",
		"action-copy-annotation": "Copy annotation",
		"action-copy-quote": "Copy as quote",
		"action-copy-selection-link": "Copy link to selection",
		"action-copy-annot-link": "Copy link to annotation",
		"action-copy-section-link": "Copy link to section",
		"action-copy-section-link-title": "Copy link to “{{title}}”",
		"action-copy-page-link": "Copy link to page {{page}}",
		"msg-max-search-results": "{{current}} of over {{limit}} matches",
		"msg-search-count": "{{current}} of {{total}} match",
		"msg-search-count_plural": "{{current}} of {{total}} matches",
		"msg-password-protected": "This PDF is password protected",
		"msg-invalid-password": "Invalid password",
		"msg-enter-password": "Enter the password below",
		"label-of-pages": "of {{count}}",
		"label-page-of-pages": "({{current}} of {{count}})",
		"label-spread-single": "Single page",
		"label-spread-odd": "Two page (odd)",
		"label-spread-even": "Two page (even)",
		"tooltip-sidebar-options": "Sidebar options",
		"tooltip-display-options": "Display options",
		"label-adapt-to-theme": "Adapt to theme",
		"label-page": "page {{page}}",
		"page_landmark": "Page {{page}}",
		"thumb_page_title": "Page {{page}}",
		"thumb_page_canvas": "Page {{page}}",
		"text_annotation_type": "[{{type}} Annotation]",
		"annotation_date_string": "{{date}}, {{time}}"
	"properties": {
		"types": {
			"option-multitext": "List",
			"option-unknown": "Unknown",
			"option-text": "Text",
			"option-aliases": "Aliases",
			"option-tags": "Tags",
			"option-date": "Date",
			"option-datetime": "Date & time",
			"option-number": "Number",
			"option-checkbox": "Checkbox"
		"value-suggestion": {
			"key-link-note": "Type [[",
			"instruction-link-note": "to link note",
			"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss"
		"option-property-type": "Property type",
		"msg-empty-property-name": "Property name cannot be empty.",
		"msg-duplicate-property-name": "Property already exists",
		"msg-invalid-tag": "Invalid tag name",
		"msg-invalid-number": "Invalid number",
		"msg-invalid-properties": "Failed to read properties.",
		"label-no-value": "No value",
		"label-heading": "Properties",
		"label-invalid-yaml-marker": "Syntax error. Your frontmatter is invalid.",
		"label-add-property-button": "Add property",
		"label-type-mismatch-warning": "Type mismatch, expected {{type}}",
		"label-migration-warning-desc": "Are you sure you want to change the type? Some of the data associated with this property key is incompatible."
	"table": {
		"label-column": "Column",
		"label-row": "Row",
		"action-row-after": "Add row after",
		"action-column-after": "Add column after",
		"action-row-before": "Add row before",
		"action-row-up": "Move row up",
		"action-row-down": "Move row down",
		"action-column-before": "Add column before",
		"action-column-left": "Move column left",
		"action-column-right": "Move column right",
		"action-duplicate-row": "Duplicate row",
		"action-duplicate-column": "Duplicate column",
		"action-delete-row": "Delete row",
		"action-delete-column": "Delete column",
		"action-align-left": "Align left",
		"action-align-center": "Align center",
		"action-align-right": "Align right",
		"action-delete-selection": "Delete cells",
		"action-clear-selection": "Clear cells",
		"action-sort-a-z": "Sort by column (A to Z)",
		"action-sort-z-a": "Sort by column (Z to A)",
		"label-command": "Table: {{command}}"
	"callout": {
		"option-type": "Callout type",
		"type": {
			"info": "Info",
			"important": "Important",
			"tip": "Tip",
			"success": "Success",
			"question": "Question",
			"warning": "Warning",
			"quote": "Quote",
			"example": "Example"
		"option-other": "Other...",
		"option-other-placeholder": "Callout type..."
	"nouns": {
		"count": "{{count}}",
		"word-with-count": "{{count}} ord",
		"word-with-count_plural": "{{count}} ord",
		"character-with-count": "{{count}} tegn",
		"character-with-count_plural": "{{count}} tegn",
		"link-with-count": "{{count}} lenke",
		"link-with-count_plural": "{{count}} lenker",
		"file-with-count": "{{count}} fil",
		"file-with-count_plural": "{{count}} filer",
		"folder-with-count": "{{count}} folder",
		"folder-with-count_plural": "{{count}} folders",
		"backlink-with-count": "{{count}} lenke tilbake",
		"backlink-with-count_plural": "{{count}} lenker tilbake",
		"tabs-with-count": "{{count}} tab",
		"tabs-with-count_plural": "{{count}} tabs",
		"properties-with-count": "{{count}} property",
		"properties-with-count_plural": "{{count}} properties",
		"site-with-count": "{{count}} site",
		"site-with-count_plural": "{{count}} sites",
		"plugin-with-count": "{{count}} plugin",
		"plugin-with-count_plural": "{{count}} plugins",
		"theme-with-count": "{{count}} theme",
		"theme-with-count_plural": "{{count}} themes"