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hi.json 124.68 KiB
"setting": {
"options": "विकल्प",
"plugin": "प्लग-इन",
"builtin-plugins": "कोर प्लग-इन",
"plugin-options": "प्लग-इन विकल्प",
"folder-path-example-placeholder": "उदाहरण के लिए: फोल्डर १/फोल्डर २",
"file-path-example-placeholder": "उदाहरण के लिए: फोल्डर/नोट",
"msg-restart-required": "इस विकल्प को प्रभावी होने के लिए पुनरारंभ की आवश्यकता है।",
"editor": {
"name": "एडिटर",
"section-behavior": "व्यवहार",
"section-display": "डिस्प्ले",
"option-spellcheck": "स्पेल चेक",
"option-spellcheck-description": "स्पेल चेक को चालू करता है। अभी के लिए केवल अंग्रेजी (युस) के साथ काम करता है।",
"spellcheck-languages": "भाषा की वर्तनी जांच करें ",
"spellcheck-languages-description": "वर्तनी-जांचकर्ता के उपयोग के लिए भाषाएँ चुनें।",
"spellcheck-languages-mac-description": "मूल वर्तनी जांचकर्ता स्वचालित रूप से macOS पर आपके लिए उपयोग की जा रही भाषा का पता लगाएगा।",
"spellcheck-dict": "वर्तनी जांच शब्दकोश",
"spellcheck-dict-empty": "वर्तनी जांच शब्दकोश खाली है।",
"option-show-inline-title": "इनलाइन शीर्षक दिखाएँ",
"option-show-inline-title-description": "फ़ाइल नाम को फ़ाइल सामग्री के साथ एक संपादन योग्य शीर्षक के रूप में प्रदर्शित करता है।",
"option-readable-line-length": "पढ़ने के लिए लाइन की लम्बाई ",
"option-readable-line-description": "अधिकतम लाइन लंबाई को सीमित करता है। कम सामग्री स्क्रीन पर फिट करता है, लेकिन लंबे पैराग्राफ को अधिक पढ़ने योग्य बनाता है।",
"option-strict-line-break": "सख्त पंक्ति विच्छेद",
"option-strict-line-break-description": "पूर्वावलोकन मोड में, मार्कडाउन विनिर्देशों के अनुसार सिंगल लाइन ब्रेक को अनदेखा करें। पूर्वावलोकन में दिखाने के लिए सिंगल लाइन ब्रेक के लिए इसे बंद करें।",
"option-properties-in-document": "दस्तावेज़ में गुण",
"option-properties-in-document-description": "चुनें कि संपादक के भीतर गुण कैसे प्रदर्शित किए जाते हैं। गुणों को YAML के रूप में प्रदर्शित करने के लिए \"स्रोत\" का चयन करें।",
"option-properties-hidden": "छुपा",
"option-properties-visible": "प्रकट",
"option-properties-source": "स्रोत",
"option-show-file-properties": "दस्तावेज़ में गुण दिखाएं",
"option-show-file-properties-description": "फ़ाइल के शीर्ष पर गुण अनुभाग दिखाएँ.",
"option-auto-pair-brackets": "स्वतः कोष्ठक बंद",
"option-auto-pair-brackets-description": "कोष्ठक और उद्धरण-चिन्ह स्वतः बंद करें।",
"option-auto-pair-markdown": "स्वतः कोष्ठक मार्कडाउन सिंटैक्स",
"option-auto-pair-markdown-description": "बोल्ड और इटैलिक के लिए प्रतीकों को स्वचालित रूप से जोड़ें।",
"option-smart-indent-lists": "स्मार्ट इंडेंट सूचियाँ",
"option-smart-indent-lists-description": "अपने लिए इंडेंटेशन और सूची मार्कर का ध्यान रखें।",
"option-fold-heading": "शीर्षक मोड़े",
"option-fold-heading-description": "आपको हर चीज़ को एक शीर्षक के अंतर्गत मोड़ने दें।",
"option-fold-indent": "इंडेंट मोड़े",
"option-fold-indent-description": "आपको समान इंडेंटेशन के एक हिस्से, जैसे सूचियाँ, को मोड़ने दें।",
"option-default-new-tab-view": "नए टैब के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप",
"option-default-new-tab-view-description": "डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप जिसमें एक नया मार्कडाउन टैब खुलता है।",
"option-default-new-tab-view-editing": "संपादन रूप",
"option-default-new-tab-view-reading": "पठन रूप",
"option-open-tab-in-foreground": "हमेशा नए टैब पर फोकस करें",
"option-open-tab-in-foreground-description": "जब आप किसी लिंक को नए टैब में खोलें, तो तुरंत उस पर स्विच करें।",
"option-default-editing-mode": "डिफ़ॉल्ट संपादन तरीका",
"option-default-editing-mode-description": "नया फलक डिफ़ॉल्ट संपादन तरीके के साथ प्रारंभ होगा।",
"option-default-editing-mode-source": "स्रोत तरीका",
"option-default-editing-mode-live-preview": "सीधा पूर्वावलोकन",
"option-show-line-number": "पंक्ति संख्या दिखाएं",
"option-show-line-number-description": "गटर में लाइन नंबर दिखाएँ।",
"option-indentation-guide": "इंडेंटेशन गाइड दिखाएं",
"option-indentation-guide-description": "दृश्य मार्गदर्शन के लिए बुलेट बिंदुओं के बीच लंबवत संबंध रेखाएं दिखाएं।",
"option-use-tabs": "टैब प्रयोग करें",
"option-use-tabs-description": "\"टैब\" बटन दबाते समय इंडेंट करने के लिए टैब का उपयोग करें। रिक्त स्थान का उपयोग करने के लिए इसे बंद पर सेट करें।",
"option-tab-size": "टैब विस्तार",
"option-tab-size-description": "एक टैब के समतुल्य रिक्त स्थानों की संख्या.",
"option-rtl": "दाएं-से-बाएं",
"option-rtl-description": "नोट्स की टेक्स्ट दिशा को दाएं से बाएं प्रदर्शित करने के लिए सेट करता है।",
"option-auto-convert-html": "HTML स्वत: परिवर्तित करें",
"option-auto-convert-html-description": "वेबपेजों से चिपकाने और खींचने और छोड़ने पर HTML को स्वचालित रूप से मार्कडाउन में परिवर्तित करें। बिना रूपांतरण के पेस्ट करने के लिए Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+V का उपयोग करें।",
"option-vim-key-bindings": "Vim बटन बाइंडिंग",
"option-vim-key-bindings-description": "आपको स्रोत संपादक में Vim बटन बाइंडिंग का उपयोग करने दें।",
"option-vim-key-bindings-mobile": "मोबाइल उपकरणों पर, यह सेटिंग प्रति-डिवाइस है और कॉन्फ़िगरेशन फ़ाइल के माध्यम से सिंक्रनाइज़ नहीं की जाती है।",
"label-confirm-enable-vim": "विम मोड में प्रवेश की पुष्टि करें",
"label-vim-warning": "Vim मोड कुशल टेक्स्ट संपादन के लिए है लेकिन यह काफी प्रतिकूल हो सकता है। यदि आप Vim से परिचित नहीं हैं, तो यह विकल्प ऐसा दिखा सकता है जैसे ओब्सीडियन ने काम करना बंद कर दिया है।",
"label-vim-test": "यह सत्यापित करने के लिए कि आप Vim के चारों ओर अपना रास्ता जानते हैं, कृपया नीचे सहेजे बिना Vim को छोड़ने का आदेश दर्ज करें:",
"label-vim-your-answer": "आपका उत्तर",
"placeholder-enter-command": "आदेश डालें...",
"button-confirm-enable-vim": "मुझे Vim इनेब्ल करने दीजिए",
"msg-vim-mode-enabled": "आदेश सही है. Vim मोड अब सक्षम है।",
"msg-vim-mode-not-enabled": "आदेश ग़लत है. आपकी सुरक्षा के लिए Vim मोड अक्षम रहता है।",
"msg-vim-mode-please-enter-command": "कृपया Vim मोड को सक्षम करने के लिए कमांड दर्ज करें"
"file": {
"name": "सञ्चिकाएँ और परिसन्धियाँ",
"option-confirm-file-deletion": "सञ्चिका हटाए जाने की पुष्टि करें",
"option-confirm-file-deletion-description": "क्या आप सञ्चिका हटाने की पुष्टि के लिए सञ्केत पाना चाहते हैं।",
"option-delete-destination": "हटाई गई सञ्चिकाएँ",
"option-delete-destination-description": "सञ्चिकाओं को हटाने के बाद उनका क्या करें?",
"option-choice-system-trash": "सम्विधा के कचरे में ले जाएँ",
"option-choice-vault-trash": "Obsidian के कचरे में ले जाएँ (.trash सञ्चय)",
"option-choice-permanent-delete": "स्थायी रूप से हटाएं",
"option-always-update-links": "आंतरिक परिसन्धियाों को हमेशा अद्यतन करें",
"option-always-update-links-description": "किसी सञ्चिका का नाम बदलने या संकेत देने के बाद परिसन्धि को स्वचालित रूप से अद्यतन करना है या नहीं",
"option-new-note-location": "नई टिप्पणी का पूर्वनिर्धारित स्थान",
"option-new-note-location-description": "नई बनाई गई टिप्पणियाँ कहां रखें? प्लगइन सेटिंग्स इसे प्रत्यादेश कर देंगी",
"option-choice-vault-root": "तिजोरी की जड़",
"option-choice-current-folder": "वही सञ्चय जिसमें सञ्चिका है",
"option-choice-specified-folder": "नीचे निर्दिष्ट निर्देशित सञ्चय में",
"option-new-file-folder-path": "नई टिप्पणी बनाने के लिए सञ्चय",
"option-new-file-folder-path-description": "नई बनाई गई टिप्पणियाँ इस सञ्चय के अंतर्गत दिखाई देंगे। प्लगइन सेटिंग्स इसे प्रत्यादेश कर देंगी",
"option-use-wiki-links": "[[Wikilinks]] का प्रयोग करें",
"option-use-wiki-links-description": "Markdown परिसन्धियाों और चित्रों के बजाय [[links]] और ![[images]] के लिए Wikilink स्वतः उत्पन्न करें। इसके बजाय मार्कडाउन लिंक बनाने के लिए इस विकल्प को अक्षम करें",
"option-show-unsupported-files": "सभी सञ्चिका विस्तारों का पता लगाएं",
"option-show-unsupported-files-description": "किसी भी विस्तार वाली सञ्चिकाएँ दिखाएं, भले ही Obsidian उन्हें मूल रूप से नहीं खोल सके, ताकि आप उनसे परिसन्धियाँ बना सकें और उन्हें File Explorer और Quick Switcher में देख सकें",
"option-link-autocompleted-format": "नया परिसन्धि का प्रारूप",
"option-link-autocompleted-format-description": "स्वचालित रूप से आंतरिक परिसन्धि बनाते समय कौन सी परिसन्धियाँ डालनी चाहिए?",
"option-choice-shortest-linktext": "जब संभव हो सबसे छोटा रास्ता",
"option-choice-relative-path": "सञ्चिका से संबंधित पथ",
"option-choice-absolute-path": "तिजोरी में पूर्ण पथ",
"option-new-attachment-location": "नये अनुबद्धों के लिए पूर्वनिर्धारित स्थान",
"option-new-attachment-location-description": "जहां नए जोड़े गए अनुबद्ध रखे गए हैं",
"option-choice-subdirectory": "वर्तमान सञ्चय के अंतर्गत उपसञ्चय में",
"option-attachment-folder-path": "अनुबद्ध सञ्चय पथ",
"option-attachment-folder-path-description": "नव निर्मित अनुबद्ध सञ्चिकाएँ यहां दिखाई देंगी। इसमें drag and drop या pasting के माध्यम से बनाए गए चित्र और audio recording शामिल हैं",
"option-attachment-subfolder-path": "उपसञ्चय का नाम",
"option-attachment-subfolder-path-description": "यदि आपकी सञ्चिका \"vault/folder\", के अंतर्गत है, और आपने उपसञ्चय का नाम \"attachments\", किया है, तो अनुबद्ध \"vault/folder/attachments\" में सहेजे जाएंगे",
"option-attachment-subfolder-path-placeholder": "अनुबद्ध",
"option-excluded-files": "बहिष्कृत सञ्चिकाएँ",
"option-excluded-files-desc": "बहिष्कृत सञ्चिकाएँ विभिन्न स्थानों, जैसे Quick Switcher, link suggestion और Graph View में या तो छिपी हुई होंगी या कम ध्यान देने योग्य होंगी",
"label-no-excluded-filters-applied": "अभी कोई बहिष्कृत शोधक लागू नहीं किया गया है। नीचे एक जोड़ें",
"label-excluded-filters-applied": "निम्नलिखित शोधकओं से मेल खाने वाली सञ्चिकाएँ वर्तमान में बाहर रखी गई हैं:",
"label-excluded-filter": "शोधक",
"message-empty-filter": "शोधक खाली नहीं हो सकता",
"placeholder-excluded-filter": "पथ या \"/regex/\" दर्ज करें..."
"appearance": {
"name": "रूप",
"option-base-theme": "आधार थीम",
"option-base-theme-description": "ओब्सीडियन की डिफाल्ट रंग प्रणाली चुनें।",
"option-accent-color": "Accent color",
"option-accent-color-description": "Choose the accent color used throughout the app.",
"dark-theme": "काली",
"light-theme": "सफेद",
"system-theme": "Adapt to system",
"option-font": "Font",
"option-advanced": "Advanced",
"option-interface": "Interface",
"option-interface-font": "Interface font",
"option-interface-font-description": "Set base font for all of Obsidian.",
"option-zoom-level": "Zoom level",
"option-zoom-level-description": "Controls the overall zoom level of the app.",
"option-text-font": "Text font",
"option-text-font-description": "Set font for editing and reading views.",
"option-monospace-font": "Monospace font",
"option-monospace-font-description": "Set font for places like code blocks and frontmatter.",
"label-single-font-currently-in-effect": " Currently applied font: ",
"label-multiple-fonts-currently-in-effect": " The following fonts are currently applied:",
"option-font-placeholder": "Enter font name...",
"label-no-custom-font-set": "No custom font is applied right now. Add one below.",
"label-font-applied": "The first font from this list that is available on your system will be applied.",
"msg-font-not-found": "This font is not detected on your system.",
"msg-font-found": "This font is detected on your system.",
"label-font-name": "Font name",
"option-community-themes": "कम्युनिटी थीम खोलें",
"option-community-themes-description": "कम्युनिटी के द्वारा बनायी गयी अद्भुत थीम्स की समीक्षा करें और प्रयोग करें ।",
"button-browse-community-themes": "ब्राउज़",
"option-font-size": "Font size",
"option-font-size-description": "Font size in pixels that affects editor and preview.",
"option-font-size-action": "Quick font size adjustment",
"option-font-size-action-description": "Adjust the font size using Ctrl + Scroll, or using the trackpad pinch-zoom gesture.",
"option-themes": "थीम्स",
"option-manage-themes-description": "Manage installed themes and browse community themes.",
"option-theme-button-manage": "Manage",
"option-choice-none": "None",
"option-native-menus": "Native menus",
"option-native-menus-desc": "Menus throughout the app will match the operating system. They will not be affected by your theme.",
"button-reload-themes": "Reload themes",
"msg-reloaded-themes": "Reloaded custom CSS themes.",
"button-open-themes-folder": "Open themes folder",
"option-css-snippets": "CSS snippets",
"label-no-css-snippets-found": "No CSS snippets found in the snippets folder.",
"no-snippet-description": "CSS Snippets are stored in \"{{path}}\".",
"button-reload-snippets": "Reload snippets",
"button-open-snippets-folder": "Open snippets folder",
"msg-reloaded-snippets": "Reloaded CSS snippets.",
"option-toggle-snippet-description": "Apply CSS snippet at \"{{path}}\".",
"label-installed-themes": "Installed themes",
"label-screenshot-unavailable": "Screenshot unavailable",
"label-default-theme": "Default",
"tooltip-click-to-enlarge": "Click to enlarge",
"button-update": "Update",
"label-currently-active": "Active",
"option-frame-style": "Window frame style",
"option-frame-description": "Determines the styling of the title bar of Obsidian windows. Requires a full restart to take effect.",
"option-frame-hidden": "Hidden (default)",
"option-frame-obsidian": "Obsidian frame",
"option-frame-native": "Native frame",
"option-custom-icon": "Custom app icon",
"option-custom-icon-desc": "Set a custom icon for the app",
"button-choose-custom-icon": "Choose custom icon",
"option-configure-ribbon": "Ribbon menu",
"option-configure-ribbon-desc": "Configure what commands appear in the ribbon menu in the navigation bar.",
"option-mobile-quick-ribbon-item": "Quick access ribbon item",
"option-mobile-quick-ribbon-item-desc": "Tapping on the ribbon item in the navigation menu will active this ribbon item. Tap and hold will still show the menu.",
"option-mobile-quick-ribbon-default": "Open ribbon menu",
"button-configure": "Configure",
"option-show-ribbon": "Show ribbon",
"option-show-ribbon-desc": "Display vertical toolbar on the side of the window.",
"label-additional-ribbon-items": "Other ribbon items",
"label-modal-configuration": "Ribbon Configuration",
"label-modal-configuration-desc": "Choose what items you want to be active in the ribbon. Drag and drop to change the order.",
"option-show-view-header": "Show tab title bar",
"option-show-view-header-desc": "Display the header at the top of every tab.",
"msg-updates-found": "Found {{count}} theme to update.",
"msg-updates-found_plural": "Found {{count}} themes to update.",
"button-check-for-updates": "Check for updates",
"button-view-updates": "View updates",
"button-update-all-themes": "Update all",
"label-current-themes": "Current community themes",
"label-currently-installed": "You currently have {{count}} theme installed.",
"label-currently-installed_plural": "You currently have {{count}} themes installed."
"hotkeys": {
"name": "हॉटकी",
"option-search": "Search hotkeys",
"option-search-desc": "Showing {{count}} hotkey. ",
"option-search-desc_plural": "Showing {{count}} hotkeys. ",
"option-search-conflict": "{{count}} command with conflicts.",
"option-search-conflict_plural": "{{count}} commands with conflicts.",
"prompt-filter": "फ़िल्टर...",
"tooltip-delete-hotkey": "हॉटकी हटाएी",
"label-waiting-for-hotkey-press": "हॉटकी दबाएँ...",
"label-show-all": "All",
"label-show-unassigned": "Unassigned",
"label-show-assigned": "Assigned",
"label-show-user-assigned": "Assigned by me",
"tooltip-restore-default": "डिफ़ॉल्ट सेटिंग्स को पुनर्स्थापित करें",
"tooltip-customize-command": "कमांड को बदलें",
"tooltip-hotkey-single-conflict": "यह हॉटकी संघर्ष करता है \"{{command}}\" कमांड के साथो",
"tooltip-hotkey-multiple-conflicts": "यह हॉटकी संघर्ष करता है {{count}} कमांडो के साथो",
"label-blank-hotkey": "खाली"
"about": {
"name": "General",
"label-commercial-license": "Commercial license",
"label-license-key": "License key",
"license-key-placeholder": "Your license key...",
"label-activate-license": "एक्टिवटे लाइसेंस",
"button-activate": "Activate",
"label-unknown-version": "अनजान",
"label-current-version": "Current version: ",
"label-install-version": "(Installer version: {{version}})",
"label-up-to-date": "Your app is up to date!",
"label-read-changelog": "Read the changelog.",
"label-manual-update-required": "To support the latest features and to receive the latest security patches, Obsidian needs a major installer update. You need to manually download and reinstall Obsidian.",
"label-download": "Download",
"label-new-version-ready": "A new version is ready to be installed. ",
"label-relaunch-to-update": "Relaunch the app to update.",
"label-disabled-updates": "Updates are disabled.",
"label-checking-for-updates": "Checking for updates...",
"button-relaunch": "Relaunch",
"button-check-for-updates": "Check for updates",
"option-auto-update": "Automatic updates",
"option-auto-update-description": "Turn this off to prevent the app from checking for updates.",
"option-get-help": "Get help",
"option-get-help-description": "Get help on using Obsidian.",
"button-open": "Open",
"option-language": "Language",
"option-language-description": "Change the display language.",
"option-insider-build": "Receive insider builds",
"option-insider-build-description": "Auto-update to insider builds to try out new features. Note that these builds are bleeding edge and might be less stable.",
"option-advanced": "Advanced",
"option-hw-acceleration": "Hardware Acceleration",
"option-hw-acceleration-description": "Turns on Hardware Acceleration, which uses your GPU to make Obsidian smoother.",
"option-hw-acceleration-warning": "If you turn this off, app performance will be severely degraded.",
"option-config-location": "Override config folder",
"option-config-location-description": "Use a different config folder than the default one. Must start with a dot.",
"option-config-location-warning": "Config location must be a valid folder name that starts with a dot.",
"label-license": "License",
"label-your-commercial-license-key": "Your commercial license key is \"{{key}}\".",
"label-commercial-license-info": "Registered to \"{{company}}\" for {{seats}} users. Valid until {{expiry}}.",
"label-validating-commercial-license": "Validating...",
"label-invalid-commercial-license": "License invalid: ",
"button-remove-commercial-license": "Remove",
"option-catalyst": "Catalyst license",
"option-catalyst-desc": "You currently have the {{tier}} Catalyst license. Thanks for your support!",
"option-catalyst-desc-no-license": "You don't have a Catalyst license right now. Catalyst license is a one-time donation to support Obsidian development.",
"label-app": "App",
"label-add-own-language": "See how to add your language to Obsidian."
"account": {
"name": "खाता",
"option-your-account": "Your account",
"option-your-account-desc": "You're currently signed in {{name}} ({{email}}).",
"option-your-account-desc-no-login": "You're not logged in right now. An account is only needed for Obsidian Sync, Obsidian Publish, and Catalyst insider builds.",
"label-insider": "इंसाईडर",
"label-supporter": "समर्थक",
"label-vip": "वीआईपी",
"button-upgrade-catalyst": "Upgrade",
"option-commercial-license": "Commercial license",
"option-commercial-license-desc": "If you use Obsidian for commercial purpose, you may need to get a commercial license.",
"button-purchase": "Purchase",
"button-log-out": "लॉग आउट ",
"label-log-in": "लॉग इन",
"label-sign-up": "Sign up",
"label-email": "ईमेल",
"placeholder-email": "आपका ईमेल...",
"label-password": "पासवर्ड",
"placeholder-password": "आपका पासवर्ड...",
"label-forgot-password": "Forgot password?",
"button-login": "लॉग इन",
"message-empty-email": "ईमेल खाली नहीं हो सकता।",
"message-invalid-email": "ईमेल मान्य नहीं है।",
"message-empty-password": "पासवर्ड खाली नहीं हो सकता।",
"message-login-failed": "लॉगिन विफल, कृपया अपना ईमेल और पासवर्ड दोबारा जांचें।",
"label-no-account": "खाता नहीं है? ",
"link-sign-up-now": "अभी साइनअप करें",
"label-mfa-code": "6-digit 2FA code",
"mfa-wrong-format": "The 2FA authenticator code must be 6 digits.",
"mfa-verification-failed": "2FA code is incorrect, please double check your authenticator app."
"core-plugin": {
"plugin-list": "Plugin list",
"option-search-plugin": "Search core plugins",
"option-search-plugin-description": "Filter plugins by name or description.",
"placeholder-search-plugin": "Search plugins..."
"third-party-plugin": {
"name": "Third-party plugin",
"option-restricted-mode": "Restricted mode",
"option-restricted-mode-description": "Restricted Mode is off. Turn on to disable community plugins.",
"button-turn-on": "Turn on",
"option-browse-community-plugins": "Community plugins",
"option-browse-community-plugins-description": "Browse and install third-party plugins made by our amazing community.",
"button-browse": "Browse",
"label-exit-restricted-mode": "Exit Restricted Mode",
"label-exit-restricted-mode-description-1": "Community plugins, like any other software you install, could potentially cause data integrity and security issues.",
"label-exit-restricted-mode-description-2": "Plugin security is important to us. Here's what we do:",
"label-exit-restricted-mode-description-3": "Despite our efforts, there is still a small chance that a community plugin might misbehave.",
"label-code-review": "Initial code review",
"label-code-review-desc": "Plugins undergo an initial code review by our team before they appear in the store.",
"label-open-source": "Open source",
"label-open-source-desc": "Most plugins are open source on GitHub, so you can inspect the code yourself.",
"label-peer-audit": "Peer audit",
"label-peer-audit-desc": "We have a large community of developers who watch out for each other.",
"label-report-mechanism": "Report mechanism",
"label-report-mechanism-desc": "We follow up and remove faulty plugins upon user report.",
"label-exit-restricted-mode-disable-confirmation": "Would you like to exit Restricted Mode to enable community plugins? We strongly recommend making backups of your data before doing so.",
"label-learn-more": "Learn more about plugin security",
"button-turn-on-community-plugins": "Turn on community plugins",
"label-trust-author": "Do you trust the author of this vault?",
"label-trust-author-description-1": "You're opening this vault for the first time, and it comes with some plugins.",
"label-trust-author-description-2": "If you obtained this vault from someone else, please note that plugins of unknown origin might pose security risks.",
"label-trust-author-description-3": "If you do not fully trust the author of this vault, we recommend staying in Restricted Mode, so the plugins in this vault do not run.",
"button-enable-plugins": "Trust author and enable plugins",
"button-dont-trust-author": "Browse vault in Restricted Mode",
"placeholder-community-plugins": "Search community plugins...",
"msg-failed-load-plugins": "Failed to load community plugins.",
"label-installed": "Installed",
"button-install": "Install",
"button-enable": "Enable",
"button-disable": "Disable",
"button-copy-share-link": "शेयर लिंक कॉपी करें",
"button-donate": "दान करें",
"label-no-results-found": "कोई परिणाम नहीं मिले",
"label-no-recent-files-found": "No recent files found. Type to search...",
"msg-failed-to-load-manifest": "Failed to load plugin manifest.",
"label-version": "Version: {{version}}",
"label-currently-installed-version": " (currently installed: {{version}})",
"label-by-author": "लेखक: ",
"label-repository": "Repository: ",
"label-last-update": "Last update: ",
"tooltip-view-last-update": "View the latest update",
"label-unsupported": "This plugin does not support your device.",
"button-update": "Update",
"label-no-readme": "This plugin did not provide a README file.",
"msg-installing-plugin": "Installing plugin \"{{name}}\"...",
"msg-failed-to-install-plugin": "Failed to install plugin \"{{name}}\".",
"msg-successfully-installed-plugin": "Successfully installed plugin \"{{name}}\".",
"label-installed-plugins": "Installed plugins",
"button-reload-plugins": "Reload plugins",
"msg-reloaded-third-party-plugins": "Reloaded third-party plugins.",
"label-uninstall": "Uninstall",
"label-uninstall-plugin": "Uninstall plugin",
"label-uninstall-plugin-confirmation": "Are you sure you want to uninstall this plugin? This will delete the folder of the plugin.",
"button-open-plugins-folder": "Open plugins folder",
"button-check-for-updates": "Check for updates",
"button-update-all-plugins": "Update all",
"label-current-plugins": "Current plugins",
"label-currently-installed": "You currently have {{count}} plugin installed.",
"label-currently-installed_plural": "You currently have {{count}} plugins installed.",
"label-debug-startup-time": "Debug startup time",
"label-debug-startup-time-description": "Show a message with how long each plugin took to initialize when starting the app.",
"msg-no-updates-found": "No plugin updates found.",
"msg-updates-found": "Found {{count}} plugin to update.",
"msg-updates-found_plural": "Found {{count}} plugins to update.",
"msg-update-plugin": "Update to version {{version}}",
"option-search-installed-plugin": "Search installed plugins",
"option-search-installed-plugin-description": "Filter installed plugins by name or description.",
"placeholder-search-installed-plugin": "Search installed plugins...",
"show-installed-only": "Show installed only",
"label-donate-modal-title": "{{name}} का समर्थन करने के लिए दान करें",
"label-donate-modal-text1": "Plugin developers are community volunteers who make amazing things out of passion. If you find this plugin useful, please consider funding its development.",
"label-donate-modal-text2": "100% of your contribution will go to the plugin developer; Obsidian does not take a cut. The funding platform they choose might charge a fee.",
"label-donate-modal-text3": "आपके उदार समर्थन के लिए धन्यवाद!",
"label-support-this-plugin": "Support this plugin:",
"label-search-summary": "Showing {{pluginCount}}:",
"label-by-popularity": "Most downloaded",
"label-by-released": "Recently released",
"label-by-updated": "Recently updated",
"label-alphabetical": "Alphabetical",
"label-last-updated": "Updated {{time}}"
"mobile-toolbar": {
"name": "Mobile toolbar",
"option-configure-quick-action": "Configure mobile Quick Action",
"option-configure-quick-action-description": "Configure which command to trigger when pull down from the top. The current command is set to \"{{command}}\".",
"button-configure": "Configure",
"placeholder-select-quick-action": "Select Quick Action...",
"quick-action-disabled": "None",
"manage-toolbar-options": "Manage toolbar options",
"option-internal-link": "Add internal link",
"option-internal-embed": "Add embed",
"option-tag": "Add tag",
"option-heading": "Toggle heading",
"option-strikethrough": "Toggle strikethrough",
"option-highlight": "Toggle highlight",
"option-code": "Toggle code",
"option-blockquote": "Toggle blockquote",
"option-inline-math": "Toggle inline math",
"option-math-block": "Toggle math block",
"option-markdown-link": "Add Markdown link",
"option-bullet-list": "Toggle bullet list",
"option-numbered-list": "Toggle numbered list",
"option-indent-list": "Indent list item",
"option-unindent-list": "Unindent list item",
"option-undo": "Undo",
"option-redo": "Redo",
"option-move-caret-up": "Move caret up",
"option-move-caret-down": "Move caret down",
"option-move-caret-left": "Move caret left",
"option-move-caret-right": "Move caret right",
"option-first-line": "Go to first line",
"option-last-line": "Go to last line",
"option-toggle-keyboard": "Toggle keyboard",
"option-configure-toolbar": "Configure mobile toolbar",
"option-added-options": "Added options",
"option-more-toolbar-options": "More toolbar options",
"option-attach": "Insert attachment",
"option-add-command": "Add global command",
"option-add-command-description": "Select any global command to add to the toolbar."
"editor": {
"search": {
"placeholder-find": "Find",
"placeholder-replace": "Replace",
"label-exit-search": "खोज मोड से बाहर निकलें",
"label-next": "अगला",
"label-previous": "पिछला",
"label-find-all": "Find all",
"label-replace": "बदलें",
"label-replace-all": "सबको बदली करें"
"link-suggestion": {
"label-type-hash": "# टाइप करें",
"label-link-heading": "to link heading",
"label-type-block": "^ टाइप करें",
"label-link-block": "to link blocks",
"label-type-pipe": "| टाइप करें",
"label-change-display-text": "to change display text",
"label-no-alias": "Display text",
"label-no-heading": "Heading",
"label-no-match-found": "कोई मेल नहीं मिला",
"label-image-size": "Image size: {{size}}px wide",
"label-accept": "to accept"
"spellcheck": {
"no-suggestion": "No suggestions...",
"add-to-dictionary": "इसे शब्दकोश में जोड़ें"
"menu": {
"edit-link": "Edit link",
"edit-tag": "Edit tag",
"label-edit-block": "Edit this block"
"heading-suggestion": {
"label-no-heading": "No heading",
"label-heading-level": "Heading {{level}}"
"print-modal": {
"title": "Export to PDF",
"caption": "Export \"{{filename}}\" to PDF with the setting below.",
"setting-page-size": "Page size",
"setting-page-size-a3": "A3",
"setting-page-size-a4": "A4",
"setting-page-size-a5": "A5",
"setting-page-size-legal": "Legal",
"setting-page-size-letter": "Letter",
"setting-page-size-tabloid": "Tabloid",
"setting-include-file-name": "Include file name as title",
"setting-landscape": "Landscape",
"setting-margin": "Margin",
"setting-margin-default": "Default",
"setting-margin-minimal": "Minimal",
"setting-margin-none": "None",
"setting-downscale-percent": "Downscale percent",
"button-export-to-pdf": "Export to PDF"
"link-popover": {
"tooltip-follow-link": "Follow link",
"tooltip-open-link": "Open link",
"tooltip-search-tag": "Search tag"
"interface": {
"embed-cannot-find": "Cannot find:",
"embed-open-in-default-app-tooltip": "Open in default app",
"empty-sidebar": "The sidebar is empty, try dragging a pane here.",
"sidebar-expand": "Expand",
"sidebar-collapse": "Collapse",
"msg-fail-to-save-file": "Failed to save file \"{{filepath}}\". {{message}}.",
"msg-failed-to-load-plugin": "Failed to load plugin “{{plugin}}”",
"msg-failed-to-load-file": "Failed to open “{{filepath}}”",
"msg-failed-to-open-href": "Cannot open location “{{href}}”",
"no-file": "No file",
"msg-file-changed": "\"{{file}}\" has been modified externally, merging changes automatically.",
"switch-vault": "Open another vault",
"manage-vaults": "Manage vaults...",
"help": "Help",
"settings": "Settings",
"drag-to-rearrange": "Drag to rearrange",
"msg-switched-to-read": "Switched default view mode to reading view.",
"msg-switched-to-edit": "Switched default view mode to editor.",
"msg-upgrade-installer": "To use this feature, please re-install with latest installer available from our website.",
"tooltip-restore-default-settings": "Restore default settings",
"label-copy": "Copy to clipboard",
"label-copy-short": "Copy",
"copied_generic": "Copied to your clipboard",
"copied": "{{item}} copied to your clipboard",
"url": "Url",
"msg-open-file-through-uri": "Opened file \"{{path}}\"",
"msg-file-not-found-through-uri": "File \"{{name}}\" not found.",
"delete-action-short-name": "Delete",
"msg-indexing": "Obsidian is indexing your vault...\nThis should only happen once.\nSome functionality may not be available until this is complete.",
"msg-indexing-complete": "Indexing complete.",
"msg-sandbox-vault": "This is a sandbox vault.\nChanges you make in this vault will be lost.",
"label-enter-to-create": "Enter to create",
"label-update-available": "Update Available",
"label-debug-info": "Debug info",
"button-learn-more": "Learn more",
"button-not-now": "Not now",
"button-add": "Add",
"button-manage": "Manage",
"label-new-tab": "New tab",
"option-hide-ribbon": "Hide ribbon",
"msg-tab-busy": "This tab is currently busy, please try again later",
"formatting": {
"label-formatting": "Format",
"label-paragraph": "Paragraph",
"label-insert": "Insert",
"insert-link": "Add link",
"insert-external-link": "Add external link",
"insert-callout": "Callout",
"insert-horizontal-rule": "Horizontal rule",
"insert-code-block": "Code block",
"insert-math-block": "Math block",
"insert-table": "Table",
"toggle-bold": "Bold",
"toggle-code": "Code",
"toggle-comments": "Comment",
"toggle-highlight": "Highlight",
"toggle-italics": "Italic",
"toggle-strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"toggle-math": "Math",
"toggle-bullet-list": "Bullet list",
"toggle-checklist": "Task list",
"toggle-numbered-list": "Numbered list",
"set-heading": "Heading {{level}}",
"no-heading": "Body",
"clear": "Clear formatting",
"toggle-quote": "Quote"
"empty-state": {
"no-file-open": "No file is open",
"create-new-file": "Create new file",
"go-to-file": "Go to file",
"see-recent-files": "See recent files",
"close": "Close",
"unknown-pane-title": "Plugin no longer active",
"unknown-pane-desc": "The plugin that created this pane ({{type}}) has gone away"
"menu": {
"edit-view": "Edit (Ctrl/Cmd+Click to edit in new pane)",
"read-view": "Current view: reading",
"ribbon": "Ribbon",
"left-sidebar": "Left sidebar",
"right-sidebar": "Right sidebar",
"switch-to-edit-view": "Click to edit",
"switch-to-read-view": "Click to read",
"mod-click-open-new-tab": "{{key}}+Click to open in new tab",
"find": "Find...",
"replace": "Replace...",
"edit": "Edit",
"remove": "Remove",
"rename": "Rename",
"preview": "Preview",
"more-options": "More options",
"close": "Close",
"close-all": "Close all",
"close-others": "Close others",
"close-right": "Close tabs to the right",
"pin": "Pin",
"unpin": "Unpin",
"unlink-tab": "Unlink tab",
"link-tab": "Link with tab...",
"toggle-source-mode": "Source mode",
"toggle-reading-view": "Reading view",
"add-property": "Add file property",
"delete-file": "Delete file",
"create-file": "Create this file",
"open-link": "Open link",
"open-in-new-tab": "Open in new tab",
"open-to-the-right": "Open to the right",
"copy-url": "Copy url",
"close-current-tab": "Close current tab",
"copy": "Copy",
"cut": "Cut",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste-as-plain-text": "Paste as plain text",
"lookup-selection": "Look up “{{selection}}”",
"select-all": "Select all",
"rename-heading": "Rename this heading...",
"rename-blockid": "Rename this block ID...",
"open-in-new-window": "Open in new window",
"move-to-new-window": "Move to new window",
"open-in-browser": "Open in browser",
"stack-tabs": "Stack tabs",
"unstack-tabs": "Unstack tabs",
"open-linked-view": "Open linked view"
"tooltip": {
"click-to-expand": "बड़ा करने के लिए क्लिक करे ",
"click-to-collapse": "छोटा करने के लिए क्लिक करे",
"alias": "Alias",
"not-created-yet": "Not created yet, select to create"
"start-screen": {
"label-version": "Version",
"label-create-local-vault": "Create local vault",
"option-open-folder-as-vault": "Open folder as vault",
"option-open-folder-as-vault-description": "Choose an existing folder of Markdown files.",
"option-create-vault": "Create new vault",
"option-create-vault-description": "Create a new Obsidian vault under a folder.",
"option-connect-obsidian-sync": "Connect to Obsidian Sync",
"option-connect-obsidian-sync-description": "Set up a synced vault with existing remote vault.",
"option-new-vault-name": "Vault name",
"option-new-vault-name-description": "Pick a name for your awesome vault.",
"option-new-vault-location": "Location",
"option-new-vault-location-description": "Pick a place to put your new vault.",
"label-new-vault-location-preview": "Your new vault will be placed in: ",
"option-reveal-vault-in-explorer": "Reveal vault in system explorer",
"option-reveal-vault-in-explorer-mac": "Reveal vault in Finder",
"option-rename-vault": "Rename vault...",
"option-copy-vault-i-d": "Copy vault ID",
"msg-error-rename-exists": "There is already a vault with this name.",
"msg-error-nested": "Cannot move vault into a subfolder of itself.",
"msg-error-rename-open": "Can't rename a currently open vault.",
"msg-rename-failed": "Failed to rename vault.",
"msg-rename-success": "Successfully renamed vault.",
"option-move-vault": "Move vault...",
"msg-move-select-dest": "Select destination folder",
"msg-error-move-exists": "There is already a vault at the destination.",
"msg-error-move-open": "Can't move a currently open vault.",
"msg-move-failed": "Failed to move vault.",
"msg-move-success": "Successfully moved vault.",
"option-remove": "Remove from list",
"button-quick-start": "Quick start",
"button-open": "Open",
"button-browse": "Browse",
"button-connect": "Connect",
"button-create-vault": "Create",
"button-back": "Back",
"msg-empty-vault-name": "Vault name cannot be empty.",
"msg-trailing-dot-vault-name": "Vault name cannot end with a dot.",
"msg-invalid-folder": "Please pick a valid folder.",
"msg-failed-to-create-vault": "Failed to create vault.",
"msg-failed-to-create-vault-at-location": "Could not create vault at the given location. Please double check the location and permission.",
"msg-error-failed-to-open-vault": "Failed to open.",
"msg-error-remove-current-open-vault": "Can't remove a currently open vault.",
"option-get-help": "Get Help",
"option-user-email": "Email",
"placeholder-your-email": "Your email...",
"option-user-password": "Password",
"placeholder-your-password": "Your password...",
"button-sign-in": "Sign in",
"button-setup": "Setup",
"option-connect-vault-desc": "Create a synced vault on this device.",
"tooltip-own-vault": "This is a remote vault owned by you.",
"tooltip-shared-vault": "This is a remote vault shared with you."
"starter-content": {
"welcome-filename": "Welcome",
"welcome-file-content": "This is your new *vault*.\n\nMake a note of something, [[create a link]], or try [the Importer](!\n\nWhen you're ready, delete this note and make the vault your own."
"drag-and-drop": {
"insert-link-here": "Insert link here",
"insert-links-here": "Insert links here",
"move-into-folder": "Move into \"{{folder}}\"",
"star-this-file": "Star this file",
"star-these-files": "Star these files",
"open-in-this-tab": "Open in this tab",
"open-as-tab": "Open as new tab"
"window": {
"maximize": "Maximize",
"minimize": "Minimize",
"restore-down": "Restore down",
"close-window": "Close window",
"go-back": "Go back",
"go-forward": "Go forward"
"start-up": {
"loading-obsidian": "Loading Obsidian...",
"obsidian-load-error": "An error occurred while loading Obsidian.",
"button-reload-app": "Reload app",
"button-reload-app-in-safe-mode": "Reload app in safe mode",
"button-open-another-vault": "Open another vault",
"loading-components": "Loading components...",
"loading-plugins": "Loading plugins...",
"loading-vault": "Loading vault...",
"msg-failed-to-load-vault": "Failed to load vault: ",
"loading-cache": "Loading cache...",
"loading-workspace": "Loading workspace..."
"mobile": {
"action-import": "Import into vault",
"action-insert-text-desc": "Add text to file:",
"action-choose-file-to-insert": "Choose a file to insert",
"action-insert-text-into-file": "Insert text into {{filename}}",
"action-insert-link-into-file": "Insert link into {{filename}}",
"msg-importing": "Importing...",
"msg-import-success": "Import success",
"msg-failed-to-import-file": "Failed to import file {{filename}}",
"msg-back-again-to-exit": "Press back again to exit."
"help-screen": {
"label-official-help-site": "Official help site",
"label-official-help-site-desc": "Read the official help documentation of Obsidian, available in multiple languages.",
"action-visit": "Visit",
"label-discord-chat": "Discord chat",
"label-discord-chat-desc": "Discord is the best place to chat with other experienced Obsidian users from around the world.",
"action-join": "Join",
"label-forum": "Official forum",
"label-forum-desc": "Help each other, post feature requests, report bugs, and have in-depth discussions about knowledge management.",
"label-sandbox-vault": "Sandbox vault",
"label-sandbox-vault-desc": "Play around and experiment with various features. Please note your changes will not be saved."
"commands": {
"save-file": "करंट फाइल सेव करे",
"follow-cursor-link": "कर्सर के नीचे लिंक को फॉलो करे",
"open-cursor-link-in-new-tab": "Open link under cursor in new tab",
"open-cursor-link-to-the-right": "Open link under cursor to the right",
"open-cursor-link-in-new-window": "Open link under cursor in new window",
"navigate-tab-above": "Focus on tab group above",
"navigate-tab-below": "Focus on tab group below",
"navigate-tab-left": "Focus on tab group to the left",
"navigate-tab-right": "Focus on tab group to the right",
"toggle-pin": "पिन टॉगल करें",
"split-right": "Split right",
"split-down": "Split down",
"toggle-stacked-tabs": "Toggle stacked tabs",
"navigate-back": "वापस नेविगेट करें",
"navigate-forward": "आगे नेविगेट करें",
"use-dark-mode": "डार्क मोड का उपयोग करें",
"use-light-mode": "लाइट मोड का उपयोग करें",
"change-theme": "Change theme",
"search-current-file": "वर्तमान फ़ाइल खोजें",
"search-replace-current-file": "वर्तमान फ़ाइल में खोजें और बदलें",
"add-property": "Add file property",
"add-alias": "Add alias",
"edit-property": "Edit file property",
"clear-properties": "Clear file properties",
"open-settings": "सेटिंग्स खोलें",
"open-help": "हेल्प खोले",
"toggle-edit": "Toggle editing/reading view",
"toggle-source-mode": "Toggle Live Preview/Source mode",
"delete-current-file": "वर्तमान फ़ाइल नष्ट करे",
"new-tab": "New tab",
"show-trash": "Show trash",
"close-all-tabs": "Close all tabs",
"close-active-tab": "Close current tab",
"close-others-in-tab-group": "Close others in tab group",
"close-other-tabs": "Close all other tabs",
"close-tab-group": "Close this tab group",
"toggle-left-sidebar": "बाएं साइडबार को टॉगल करें",
"toggle-ribbon": "Toggle ribbon",
"toggle-right-sidebar": "दाएं साइडबार को टॉगल करें",
"toggle-default-new-tab-mode": "Toggle default mode for new tabs",
"add-cursor-above": "Add cursor above",
"add-cursor-below": "Add cursor below",
"focus-editor": "Focus on editor",
"toggle-fold-properties": "Toggle fold properties in current file",
"toggle-fold": "करंट लाइन पर फोल्ड टॉगल करे ",
"fold-all": "सब हैडिंग और लिस्ट को बंद करे",
"unfold-all": "सब हैडिंग और लिस्ट को खोले",
"fold-more": "Fold more",
"fold-less": "Fold less",
"swap-line-up": "लाइन को ऊपर डाले",
"swap-line-down": "लाइन को नीचे डाले",
"remove-heading": "Remove heading",
"toggle-heading": "Set as heading {{level}}",
"toggle-bold": "चयन के लिए बोल्ड टॉगल करें",
"toggle-italics": "चयन के लिए इटैलिक टॉगल करें",
"toggle-highlight": "चयन के लिए हाइलाइट टॉगल करें",
"toggle-comments": "Toggle comments for selection",
"clear-formatting": "Clear formatting",
"insert-link": "लिंक डालें",
"toggle-spellcheck": "Toggle spellcheck",
"delete-paragraph": "पैराग्राफ हटाएं",
"toggle-checklist": "Toggle checklist status",
"cycle-list-checklist": "Cycle bullet/checkbox",
"insert-callout": "Insert callout",
"insert-code-block": "Insert code block",
"insert-math-block": "Insert math block",
"insert-horizontal-rule": "Insert horizontal rule",
"insert-table": "Insert table",
"edit-file-title": "Edit file title",
"copy-path": "Copy file path",
"copy-url": "Copy Obsidian URL",
"export-pdf": "Export to PDF",
"reload": "Reload app without saving",
"undo-close-tab": "Undo close tab",
"context-menu": "Show context menu under cursor",
"show-debug-info": "Show debug info",
"open-sandbox-vault": "Open sandbox vault",
"always-on-top": "Toggle window always on top",
"zoom-in": "Zoom in",
"zoom-out": "Zoom out",
"reset-zoom": "Reset zoom",
"toggle-preview": "एडिट / प्रीव्यू मोड को टॉगल करे",
"move-to-new-window": "Move current pane to new window",
"open-in-new-window": "Open current pane in new window",
"rename-current-file": "Rename current file",
"go-to-prev-tab": "Go to previous tab",
"go-to-next-tab": "Go to next tab",
"go-to-last-tab": "Go to last tab",
"go-to-nth-tab": "Go to tab #{{n}}",
"show-release-notes": "Show release notes"
"dialogue": {
"label-link-affected": "यह {{links}} को इन {{files}} मैं प्रभावित करेगा।",
"msg-updated-links": "{{files}} में {{links}} अपडेटेड है।",
"label-update-links": "लिंक्स अपडेट करें",
"label-confirm-update-link-to-file": "क्या आप इंटरनल लिंक्स को अपडेट करना चाहते हैं जो इस फाइल से जुड़े है?",
"button-always-update": "हमेशा अपडेट करे",
"button-just-once": "खाली एक बार करे",
"button-do-not-update": "अपडेट न करें",
"label-confirm-deletion": "क्या आप पक्का इसे नष्ट करना चाहते हैं \"{{filename}}\"?",
"label-move-to-system-trash": "इसे आपके सिस्टम ट्रैश में ले जाया जाएगा।",
"label-move-to-vault-trash": "इसे आपके ओब्सीडियन ट्रैश में ले जाया जाएगा जो की आपके \".trash\" छिपा फ़ोल्डर में स्थित है।",
"label-permanent-delete": "ये फाइल हमेशा के लिए नष्ट हो जायेगा।",
"label-non-empty-folder": "ये फोल्डर खाली नहीं है।",
"label-delete-folder-warning": "अगर आप आगे बढ़ेंगे तोह इस फोल्डर के अंदर सब फाइल्स नष्ट होजाएंग।",
"label-delete-folder": "फोल्डर नष्ट करो",
"button-delete": "नष्ट करो",
"button-delete-do-not-ask-again": "नष्ट करो और वापिस मत पूछो",
"label-do-not-ask-again": "Don't ask again",
"label-existing-backlink": "अभी के लिए इस नोट की ओर {{links}} संकेत हैं।",
"label-existing-backlink_plural": "There are currently {{links}} pointing to this note.",
"label-delete-file": "फ़ाइल नष्ट करें",
"button-manage": "Manage",
"button-cancel": "Cancel",
"button-done": "Done",
"button-save": "Save",
"button-stop": "Stop",
"button-continue": "Continue",
"button-choose": "Choose",
"preparing-pdf": "Preparing PDF...",
"label-rename-file": "Rename file",
"label-rename-file-generic": "File name",
"label-new-name": "New name",
"msg-rename-success": "Successfully renamed file.",
"msg-merge-failed": "Failed to merge notes: {{message}}",
"msg-file-or-folder-not-found": "The file or folder “{{path}}” does not exist.",
"label-rename-heading": "Rename heading",
"label-rename-blockid": "Rename block ID"
"menu-items": {
"new-file": "Create Note",
"new-file-to-the-right": "New Note to the Right",
"new-window": "New Window",
"open-switcher": "Open Quickly...",
"open-vault": "Open Vault...",
"close-tab": "Close Tab",
"close-window": "Close Window",
"find": "Find",
"replace": "Replace",
"insert-callout": "Callout",
"insert-markdown-link": "Markdown Link",
"insert-wikilink": "Link",
"set-heading": "Heading {{level}}",
"no-heading": "No Heading",
"insert-quote": "Quote",
"export-pdf": "Export PDF",
"insert-attachment": "Insert Attachment...",
"insert-codeblock": "Code Block",
"insert-math-block": "Math Block",
"insert-table": "Table",
"toggle-bullet-list": "Bullet List",
"toggle-numbered-list": "Numbered List",
"toggle-checklist": "Task List",
"toggle-bold": "Bold",
"toggle-code": "Code",
"toggle-comment": "Comment",
"toggle-italics": "Italics",
"toggle-inline-math": "Math",
"toggle-highlight": "Highlight",
"toggle-strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"toggle-comments": "Comment",
"folding-menu": "Folding",
"fold-all": "Fold All",
"unfold-all": "Unfold All",
"fold-more": "Fold More",
"fold-less": "Fold Less",
"source-mode": "Source Mode",
"reading-view": "Reading View",
"show-debug-info": "Show Debug Info",
"open-sandbox": "Open Sandbox Vault",
"navigate-back": "Navigate Back",
"navigate-forward": "Navigate Forward",
"toggle-left-sidebar": "Toggle Left Sidebar",
"toggle-right-sidebar": "Toggle Right Sidebar",
"toggle-ribbon": "Ribbon",
"split-right": "Split Right",
"split-down": "Split Down",
"release-notes": "Release Notes"
"plugins": {
"name": "Plugins",
"file-explorer": {
"name": "File explorer",
"desc": "See all the files in your vault.",
"action-open": "Open file explorer",
"action-show": "Show file explorer",
"action-create-note": "Create new note",
"action-create-folder": "Create new folder",
"action-create-note-in-current-tab": "Create new note in current tab",
"action-create-note-to-the-right": "Create note to the right",
"action-collapse-all": "Collapse all",
"action-expand-all": "Expand all",
"action-new-note": "New note",
"action-new-folder": "New folder",
"action-change-sort": "Change sort order",
"action-reveal-file": "Reveal file in file explorer",
"action-reveal-active-file": "Reveal active file in file explorer",
"command-make-a-copy": "Make a copy of the current file",
"command-move-file": "Move file to another folder",
"action-move-file": "Move file to...",
"action-move-folder": "Move folder to...",
"action-move-items": "Move {{count}} items to...",
"prompt-type-folder": "Type a folder",
"label-no-folders": "No folders found.",
"instruction-navigate": "to navigate",
"instruction-move": "to move",
"instruction-create": "to create",
"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss",
"label-sort-a-to-z": "Sort by file name (A to Z)",
"label-sort-z-to-a": "Sort by file name (Z to A)",
"label-sort-new-to-old": "Sort by edit time (new to old)",
"label-sort-old-to-new": "Sort by edit time (old to new)",
"label-sort-created-old-to-new": "Created time (old to new)",
"label-sort-created-new-to-old": "Created time (new to old)",
"menu-opt-new-note": "New note",
"menu-opt-new-folder": "New folder",
"menu-opt-rename": "Rename",
"menu-opt-delete": "Delete",
"menu-opt-make-copy": "Make a copy",
"msg-invalid-characters": "File name cannot contain any of the following characters: ",
"msg-unsafe-characters": "Links will not work with file names containing any of these characters: ",
"msg-file-already-exists": "There's already a file with the same name",
"msg-empty-file-name": "File name cannot be empty.",
"msg-bad-dotfile": "File name must not start with a dot.",
"tooltip-modified-time": "Last modified at {{time}}",
"tooltip-created-time": "Created at {{time}}",
"tooltip-folders-files-count": "{{fileCount}}, {{folderCount}}",
"action-move-file-short-name": "Move",
"label-untitled-file": "Untitled",
"label-untitled-folder": "Untitled",
"msg-set-attachment-folder": "Attachments will be saved to \"{{path}}\" from now on."
"search": {
"name": "Search",
"desc": "Search for keyword in all the notes.",
"action-open-search": "Search in all files",
"label-collapse-results": "Collapse results",
"label-match-case": "Match case",
"label-explain-search-term": "Explain search term",
"label-more-context": "Show more context",
"label-result-count": "{{count}} result",
"label-result-count_plural": "{{count}} results",
"label-toggle-search-settings": "Search settings",
"prompt-start-search": "Type to start search...",
"label-match-text": "Matches text: ",
"label-match-regex": "Matches regex: ",
"label-match-exact-text": "Contains exact text: ",
"label-match-greater-than": "Greater than: ",
"label-match-less-than": "Less than: ",
"label-match-true": "Is true",
"label-match-false": "Is false",
"label-match-empty": "Is empty",
"label-match-property": "Contains property:",
"label-match-all": "Match all of: ",
"label-match-any": "Match any of: ",
"label-excluding": "Excluding: ",
"label-case-sensitive": "Case sensitive",
"label-case-insensitive": "Case insensitive",
"label-match-file-path": "Match file path: ",
"label-match-file-name": "Match file name: ",
"label-match-content": "Match file content: ",
"label-match-task": "Match task: ",
"label-match-task-todo": "Match task (todo): ",
"label-match-task-done": "Match task (done): ",
"label-match-line": "Match line: ",
"label-match-block": "Match block: ",
"label-match-section": "Match section: ",
"label-match-tag": "Match tag: ",
"label-no-matches": "No matches found.",
"matches-with-count": "... and {{count}} more match.",
"matches-with-count_plural": "... and {{count}} more matches.",
"label-copy-search-results": "Copy search results",
"button-copy-results": "Copy results",
"msg-successfully-copied": "Results copied to your clipboard.",
"option-show-path": "Show path",
"option-show-path-description": "Display full path of the file rather than just the file name.",
"option-link-style": "Link style",
"option-link-style-description": "Optionally turn each file result in to a link.",
"option-choice-link-style-none": "None",
"option-choice-link-style-wikilink": "Wikilink",
"option-choice-link-style-markdown-link": "Markdown link",
"option-list-prefix": "List prefix",
"option-list-prefix-description": "Optionally add a list item prefix to each file result.",
"option-choice-list-style-none": "None",
"option-choice-list-style-dash": "Dash (-)",
"option-choice-list-style-asterisk": "Asterisk (*)",
"option-choice-list-style-numbered": "Numbered",
"tooltip-clear-search": "Clear search",
"label-search-options": "Search options",
"label-properties-group": "Properties",
"label-tags-group": "Tags",
"tooltip-read-more": "Read more",
"label-history": "History",
"tooltip-clear-history": "Clear search history",
"label-path-option-description": "match path of the file",
"label-file-name-option-description": "match file name",
"label-tag-option-description": "search for tags",
"label-line-option-description": "search keywords on same line",
"label-section-option-description": "search keywords under same heading",
"label-property-option-description": "match property",
"menu-opt-search-for": "Search for \"{{keyword}}\"",
"menu-opt-search-in-folder": "Search in folder"
"quick-switcher": {
"name": "Quick switcher",
"desc": "Jump to any files without leaving your keyboard. Ctrl/Cmd+O to activate.",
"short-name": "Switcher",
"action-open": "Open quick switcher",
"instruction-navigate": "to navigate",
"instruction-open": "to open",
"instruction-open-in-new-tab": "to open in new tab",
"instruction-open-to-the-right": "to open to the right",
"instruction-create": "to create",
"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss",
"instruction-select": "to select",
"label-no-note-create-new": "No notes found. Enter to create a new one.",
"prompt-type-file-name": "Type file to switch to or create...",
"label-enter-to-create": "Enter to create",
"tooltip-not-created-yet": "Not created yet, select to create",
"option-show-existing-only": "Show existing only",
"option-show-existing-only-description": "Whether to show links to files that are not yet created.",
"option-show-attachments": "Show attachments",
"option-show-attachments-desc": "Show attachment files like images, videos, and PDFs.",
"option-show-all-file-types": "Show all file types",
"option-show-all-file-types-desc": "Show all files including ones that Obsidian can't open. The file will be opened with the default app for that file type."
"graph-view": {
"name": "Graph view",
"desc": "See a graph overview of which notes link to which.",
"action-open": "Open graph view",
"action-open-local": "Open local graph",
"action-copy-screenshot": "Copy screenshot",
"tab-title": "Graph of {{displayText}}",
"label-filters": "Filters",
"prompt-filter-nodes": "Search files...",
"option-depth": "Depth",
"option-depth-description": "Show nodes this number of links away",
"option-neighbor-links": "Neighbor links",
"option-neighbor-links-description": "Show links between neighbors.",
"option-forelinks": "Outgoing links",
"option-forelinks-description": "Show links to other files",
"option-backlinks": "Incoming links",
"option-backlinks-description": "Show links from other files",
"option-show-tags": "Tags",
"option-show-tags-description": "Tags are linked to the files that contain them",
"option-show-attachments": "Attachments",
"option-show-attachments-description": "Show attachments included by files",
"option-show-existing-files-only": "Existing files only",
"option-show-existing-files-only-description": "When checked, links to nonexistent files are not shown",
"option-show-orphans": "Orphans",
"option-show-orphans-description": "Show files that are not linked to any other file",
"label-display": "Display",
"option-show-arrows": "Arrows",
"option-show-arrows-description": "Show arrows when zoomed in",
"option-text-fade": "Text fade threshold",
"option-node-size": "Node size",
"option-link-thickness": "Link thickness",
"label-forces": "Forces",
"option-center-force": "Center force",
"option-link-force": "Link force",
"option-link-distance": "Link distance",
"option-repel-force": "Repel force",
"tooltip-open-graph-settings": "Open graph settings",
"msg-screenshot-copied": "Screenshot copied to the clipboard.",
"label-groups": "Groups",
"placeholder-enter-query": "Enter query...",
"tooltip-delete-graph": "Delete group",
"button-new-group": "New group",
"tooltip-click-to-change-drag-to-reorder": "Click to change color\nDrag to reorder groups",
"action-timelapse": "Start graph timelapse animation",
"tooltip-start-timelapse-animation": "Start timelapse animation",
"button-animate-timelapse": "Animate"
"backlinks": {
"name": "बैकलिंक",
"desc": "स्टेटस बार में बैकलिंक्स की संख्या दिखाएं।",
"action-open": "बैकलिंक्स खोलें",
"action-show": "बैकलिंक्स पैनल दिखाएं",
"action-open-for-current": "वर्तमान फ़ाइल के लिए बैकलिंक्स खोलें",
"action-toggle-backlinks-in-document": "दस्तावेजों में बैकलिंक्स टॉगल करें",
"menu-opt-backlinks-in-document": "Backlinks in document",
"label-linked-mentions": "लिंक्ड मेनशान",
"label-no-backlinks": "कोई लिंक्ड मेनशान नहीं मिला।",
"label-unlinked-mentions": "अनलिंक्ड मेनशान",
"label-show-search": "सरच फ़िल्टर दिखाएं",
"label-link-button-text": "लिंक",
"tab-title": "{{displayText}} के लिए बैकलिंक",
"label-no-unlinked-mentions": "कोई अनलिंक्ड मेनशान नहीं मिला।",
"ellipsis": "...",
"option-backlink-in-document": "Backlink in document",
"option-backlink-in-document-desc": "Show backlinks in document by default when opening new panes."
"outgoing-links": {
"name": "Outgoing Links",
"desc": "Show outgoing links and detect unlinked mentions of other notes in the current note.",
"action-open": "Open outgoing links",
"action-show": "Show outgoing links pane",
"action-open-for-current": "Open outgoing links for the current file",
"tab-title": "Outgoing links from {{displayText}}",
"label-links": "Links",
"label-no-links": "No links found.",
"label-unlinked-mentions": "Unlinked mentions",
"tooltip-link-file": "Link this file",
"tooltip-not-created": "Not created yet"
"tag-pane": {
"name": "Tag pane",
"short-name": "Tags",
"desc": "Displays all your tags and along with their number of occurrences.",
"action-show": "Show tag pane",
"label-no-tags": "No tags found.",
"label-sort-by-name-a-to-z": "Tag name (A to Z)",
"label-sort-by-name-z-to-a": "Tag name (Z to A)",
"label-sort-by-frequency-high-to-low": "Frequency (high to low)",
"label-sort-by-frequency-low-to-high": "Frequency (low to high)",
"action-show-nested-tags": "Show nested tags",
"action-collapse-all": "Collapse all",
"action-expand-all": "Expand all"
"properties": {
"name": "Properties view",
"desc": "Show the metadata for your files.",
"name-global": "All properties",
"name-local": "File properties",
"tab-title": "File properties for {{displayText}}",
"action-show": "Show all properties",
"action-show-local": "Show file properties",
"action-edit": "Edit",
"opt-unassign-type": "Unassign type",
"label-no-properties": "No properties found.",
"label-invalid-properties": "Invalid properties.",
"label-sort-by-name-a-to-z": "Property name (A to Z)",
"label-sort-by-name-z-to-a": "Property name (Z to A)",
"label-sort-by-frequency-high-to-low": "Frequency (high to low)",
"label-sort-by-frequency-low-to-high": "Frequency (low to high)",
"label-change-property-type": "Change property type",
"msg-merge-properties-warning": "Merge property “{{oldKey}}” with “{{newKey}}”?",
"msg-merge-properties-warning-desc": "In case of conflicts, the values will be merged or the value from “{{oldKey}}” will be used.",
"action-collapse-all": "Collapse all",
"action-expand-all": "Expand all",
"action-open-local": "Open file properties",
"action-open-daily-note": "Open daily note"
"page-preview": {
"name": "Page preview",
"desc": "Preview a note when hovering an internal link. Ctrl/Cmd + hover in editor mode.",
"label-empty-attachment": "“{{linktext}}” could not be found.",
"label-empty-note": "\"{{linktext}}\" is not created yet. Click to create.",
"label-source-editor": "Editor",
"label-source-preview": "Preview",
"label-source-search": "Search, Backlinks, and Outgoing links",
"label-require-mod": "Require {{key}} to trigger page preview on hover"
"bookmarks": {
"name": "Bookmarks",
"desc": "Bookmark frequently used files and searches.",
"action-show": "Show bookmarks",
"action-collapse-all": "Collapse all",
"action-new-bookmark": "Bookmark the active tab...",
"action-new-group": "New bookmark group",
"action-bookmark": "Bookmark...",
"action-add-bookmark": "Add bookmark",
"action-edit-bookmark": "Edit bookmark",
"action-bookmark-block": "Bookmark block under cursor...",
"action-bookmark-heading": "Bookmark heading under cursor...",
"action-bookmark-search": "Bookmark current search...",
"action-remove-bookmark": "Remove bookmark for current file",
"action-bookmark-tab-group": "Bookmark {{count}} tab...",
"action-bookmark-tab-group_plural": "Bookmark {{count}} tabs...",
"action-bookmark-all-tabs": "Bookmark all tabs...",
"action-bookmark-graph": "Bookmark this graph...",
"label-bookmark": "Bookmark",
"label-bookmarked": "Bookmarked",
"label-bookmark-with-count": "{{count}} bookmark",
"label-bookmark-with-count_plural": "{{count}} bookmarks",
"label-no-bookmarks": "No bookmarks found",
"label-invalid-data": "Failed to load bookmarks.",
"label-invalid-data-desc": "The data file is corrupted.",
"label-untitled-group": "Untitled group",
"label-untitled-graph": "Untitled Graph",
"menu-opt-edit": "Edit...",
"menu-opt-remove": "Remove",
"menu-opt-rename": "Rename",
"menu-opt-bookmark-block": "Bookmark this block...",
"menu-opt-bookmark-heading": "Bookmark this heading...",
"msg-no-search-query": "No search query to bookmark.",
"option-path": "Path",
"option-query": "Query",
"option-u-r-l": "URL",
"option-title": "Title",
"option-group": "Bookmark group",
"placeholder-bookmark-group": "Bookmarks"
"custom-css": {
"name": "Custom CSS",
"desc": "Reads \"obsidian.css\" in the vault and applies it.",
"setting-community-themes": "Community themes",
"msg-fetching-themes": "Fetching community theme data...",
"prompt-filter": "Filter...",
"label-dark-theme-only": "Dark themes only",
"label-light-theme-only": "Light themes only",
"label-use": "Use",
"label-stop-use": "Stop using this theme",
"label-install-and-use": "Install and use",
"label-update": "Update",
"label-no-readme": "This theme did not provide a README file.",
"tooltip-remove-theme": "Remove theme",
"label-visit-on-github": "Visit on GitHub",
"msg-load-error": "Could not load community themes, please check your network.",
"msg-now-using-theme": "You're now using {{title}} as your CSS theme.",
"msg-deleted-theme": "The theme {{title}} has been deleted.",
"msg-updated-theme": "The theme {{title}} has been updated.",
"label-installed": "Installed",
"label-legacy": "Legacy",
"button-update-all-themes": "Update all",
"msg-failed-load-themes": "Failed to load community themes.",
"msg-no-updates-found": "No theme updates found.",
"msg-updates-found": "Found {{count}} theme to update.",
"msg-updates-found_plural": "Found {{count}} themes to update.",
"msg-failed-to-install-theme": "Failed to install theme \"{{name}}\".",
"msg-successfully-installed-theme": "Successfully installed theme \"{{name}}\".",
"msg-installing-theme": "Installing theme \"{{name}}\"...",
"label-search-summary": "Showing {{themeCount}}:",
"label-update-available": "Update available"
"command-palette": {
"name": "Command palette",
"desc": "Type a command to invoke it. No need to use the UI or remember the shortcut.",
"action-open": "Open command palette",
"instruction-navigate": "to navigate",
"instruction-use": "to use",
"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss",
"label-no-commands": "No commands found.",
"prompt-type-command": "Type a command...",
"label-pinned-commands": "Pinned commands",
"option-add-new-pin": "New pinned command",
"option-add-new-pin-description": "Pinned commands will appear at the top of all commands when no search query is present."
"markdown-format-importer": {
"name": "Markdown format importer",
"desc": "Convert Markdown from other apps to Obsidian format.",
"action-open": "Open Markdown importer",
"option-roam-tag-fixer": "Roam Research tag fixer",
"option-roam-tag-fixer-description": "Converts \"#tag\" and \"#[[tag]]\" to \"[[tag]]\".",
"option-roam-highlight-fixer": "Roam Research highlight fixer",
"option-roam-highlight-fixer-description": "Converts \"^^highlight^^\" to \"==highlight==\".",
"option-roam-todo-converter": "Roam Research TODO converter",
"option-roam-todo-converter-description": "Converts \"{{[[TODO]]}}\" to \"[ ]\".",
"option-bear-highlight-fixer": "Bear highlight fixer",
"option-bear-highlight-fixer-description": "Converts \"::highlight::\" to \"==highlight==\".",
"zettelkasten-link-fixer": "Zettelkasten link fixer",
"zettelkasten-link-fixer-description": "Fixes \"[[UID]]\" links to full \"[[UID File Name]]\".",
"zettelkasten-link-beautifier": "Zettelkasten link beautifier",
"zettelkasten-link-beautifier-description": "Fixes \"[[UID]]\" links and also beautify them \"[[UID File Name|File Name]]\".",
"msg-all-files-warning": "Warning: the importer will convert all the files in your vault, not just the current file.",
"msg-override-files-warning": "Your files will be overwritten. Back up all your files before attempting conversion.",
"label-start-conversion": "Start Conversion",
"label-stop": "Stop",
"label-go-back": "Go back",
"label-done": "Done",
"label-processing": "Processing...",
"label-cancelling": "Cancelling...",
"label-finished": "Finished!",
"label-processed-files": "Processed files",
"label-modified-files": "Modified files",
"label-total-replacements": "Total replacements"
"daily-notes": {
"name": "Daily notes",
"desc": "Open today's daily note, or create one if not present.",
"short-name": "Today",
"action-open": "Open today's note",
"action-open-previous": "Open previous daily note",
"action-open-next": "Open next daily note",
"action-insert-text": "Insert text into daily note",
"action-insert-link": "Insert link into daily note",
"msg-fail-format": "Failed to create daily note. \"{{format}}\" is not a valid format.",
"msg-fail-folder": "Failed to create daily note. Folder \"{{folderOption}}\" not found.",
"msg-fail-template-file": "Failed to create daily note. Template file \"{{template}}\" not found.",
"msg-no-previous": "There's no daily note before this one.",
"msg-no-next": "There's no daily note after this one.",
"option-date-format": "Date format",
"label-refer-to-syntax": "For more syntax, refer to: ",
"label-syntax-link": "format reference",
"label-syntax-live-preview": "Here is what it will look like: ",
"option-new-file-location": "New file location",
"option-new-file-location-description": "The folder path to create the new daily note.",
"option-template": "Template file location",
"option-template-description": "The file path to use as template.",
"option-open-on-start": "Open daily note on startup",
"option-open-on-start-description": "Open your daily note automatically whenever you open this vault."
"unique-note-creator": {
"name": "Unique note creator",
"desc": "Create notes with unique timestamp prefixes, for workflows like zettelkasten or slip box.",
"short-name": "Unique",
"action-create-note": "Create new unique note",
"option-new-file-location": "New file location",
"option-new-file-location-description": "The folder path to create the new unique note.",
"msg-folder-not-found": "Failed to create unique note. Folder \"{{folderOption}}\" not found.",
"option-template-file": "Template file location",
"option-template-file-description": "The file path to use as template.",
"option-template-file-placeholder": "Example: folder1/note",
"option-id-format": "Unique prefix format",
"msg-template-file-not-found": "Failed to create unique note. Template file \"{{template}}\" not found.",
"msg-failed-to-generate": "Failed to generate a unique note with the format \"{{format}}"
"random-note": {
"name": "Random note",
"desc": "Opens a random note. Useful for reviewing and discovering.",
"short-name": "Random",
"action-open": "Open random note"
"outline": {
"name": "Outline",
"desc": "Displays the outline of the current file or linked pane.",
"action-open": "Open outline",
"action-show": "Show outline pane",
"action-open-for-current": "Open outline of the current file",
"tab-title": "Outline of {{displayText}}",
"label-no-headings": "No headings found."
"word-count": {
"name": "Word count",
"desc": "Show word count in the status bar."
"slides": {
"name": "Slides",
"desc": "Present from Markdown. Use \"---\" to separate slides.",
"action-start": "Start presentation"
"audio-recorder": {
"name": "Audio recorder",
"desc": "Record audio and save as attachment.",
"action-start": "Start recording audio",
"action-stop": "Stop recording audio",
"action-toggle": "Start/stop recording",
"msg-access-denied": "Microphone access was denied, please enable it from the preference pane.",
"msg-pending-grant": "Please grant microphone permission to start recording.",
"msg-no-microphone": "No microphone is connected."
"open-with-default-app": {
"name": "डिफ़ॉल्ट ऐप में खोलें",
"desc": "डिफ़ॉल्ट ऐप में यह फ़ाइल खोलने के लिए बटन लगायें।",
"action-open-file": "डिफ़ॉल्ट ऐप में खोलें",
"action-open-file-mobile": "Share",
"action-show-in-folder": "फ़ोल्डर में खोलें",
"action-show-in-folder-mac": "Reveal in Finder"
"templates": {
"name": "Templates",
"desc": "Insert template content from a folder of template files.",
"action-insert": "Insert template",
"action-insert-current-date": "Insert current date",
"action-insert-current-time": "Insert current time",
"option-template-folder-location": "Template folder location",
"option-template-folder-location-description": "Files in this folder will be available as templates.",
"option-template-date-format": "Date format",
"option-template-date-format-description": "{{date}} in the template file will be replaced with this value.",
"option-template-date-format-description2": "You can also use {{date:YYYY-MM-DD}} to override the format once.",
"option-template-time-format": "Time format",
"option-template-time-format-description": "{{time}} in the template file will be replaced with this value.",
"option-template-time-format-description2": "You can also use {{time:HH:mm}} to override the format once.",
"instruction-navigate": "to navigate",
"instruction-insert": "to insert template",
"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss",
"msg-no-templates-found": "No templates found",
"msg-fail-invalid-folder": "Failed to list templates. Template folder is invalid.",
"msg-fail-folder-not-found": "Failed to list templates. Folder \"{{folderOption}}\" not found.",
"msg-fail-invalid-template-properties": "Unable to insert template, the properties in the template file could not be read.",
"msg-no-folder-set": "Failed to list templates. No template folder configured.",
"prompt-type-template": "Type name of a template..."
"translucency": {
"name": "Translucent window",
"desc": "Turn on translucency effect to enhance a sense of depth. Best used with dark mode. Not supported on Linux."
"slash-command": {
"name": "Slash commands",
"desc": "Enable the ability to trigger slash commands in the editor by typing the forward slash."
"editor-status": {
"name": "Editor status",
"desc": "Adds a status bar item to show and change the current editor mode.",
"read": "Reading",
"edit-source": "Source mode",
"edit-live-preview": "Live Preview"
"publish": {
"name": "Publish",
"desc": "Publish your notes through Obsidian Publish.",
"action-publish-changes": "Publish changes",
"action-publish-file": "Publish current file",
"label-no-internet-access": "You need access to the internet to publish changes.",
"label-publish-service-description": "Obsidian Publish is an add-on paid service that lets you publish your notes online directly from Obsidian.",
"label-please-login": "To start publishing, please log in or create a new Obsidian account.",
"label-no-publish-subscription": "You do not have an Obsidian Publish subscription yet.",
"button-purchase": "Purchase",
"label-manage-sites": "Manage sites",
"label-no-sites": "You don't have any sites.",
"button-choose": "Choose",
"tooltip-edit-site-id": "Edit site ID",
"tooltip-delete-site": "Delete site",
"label-delete-site-confirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this site?",
"label-delete-site-details": "This will immediately and permanently delete your site.",
"label-confirm-delete-site": "Confirm delete site \"{{site}}\"",
"option-site-id": "Site ID",
"option-site-id-description": "Your site will be at{site id}. You can change this later. Only lower case letters, numbers, and dashes are allowed.",
"option-site-id-placeholder": "Pick a site ID",
"button-create": "Create",
"msg-invalid-site-id": "Site ID can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes.",
"msg-site-id-in-use": "This site ID is in use, please try another one.",
"msg-create-site-issue": "That was an issue when creating your site.",
"label-site-options": "Site options",
"option-site-general": "General",
"option-site-components": "Components",
"option-site-appearance": "Appearance",
"option-site-reading-experience": "Reading experience",
"option-site-misc": "Other site settings",
"option-site-name": "Site name",
"option-site-name-description": "Name of your published site. It will show up in the page title of your site.",
"option-site-name-placeholder": "Name of your site",
"option-home-page-file": "Homepage file",
"option-home-page-file-description": "The first page the user sees when landing on your published site",
"option-home-page-file-placeholder": "Pick a published file",
"option-logo": "Logo",
"option-logo-description": "Pick an image file as your site logo.",
"option-logo-placeholder": "Any any uploaded image in your vault...",
"option-site-collaboration": "Site collaboration",
"option-site-collaboration-desc": "Manage collaborators for this site.",
"option-customize-navigation": "Customize navigation",
"option-customize-navigation-desc": "Override the order of navigation items and hide pages or folders from showing.",
"option-navigation-order": "Navigation item display order",
"option-hide-items-in-navigation": "Hide pages or folders from navigation",
"option-hide-items-in-navigation-desc": "Right click and select \"Hide\" to prevent specific pages from appearing in the site navigation. The pages will still be accessible via links or accessing the URL directly.",
"option-show-hidden-items": "Show hidden",
"button-customize-sidebar": "Manage",
"label-navigation-modal-title": "Navigation",
"label-navigation-modal-desc": "Drag and drop to customize the order in which navigation items appear on your Publish site.",
"option-hide-in-navigation": "Hide in navigation",
"button-manage-collaborators": "Manage",
"option-theme": "Theme",
"option-theme-description": "Choose default color scheme for your site.",
"option-theme-system": "Adapt to system",
"option-show-theme-toggle": "Light/dark toggle",
"option-show-theme-toggle-description": "Let the visitor toggle between light and dark theme on their own.",
"option-show-navigation": "Show navigation",
"option-show-navigation-description": "Display a list of all published pages on the left side of your published site.",
"option-show-search": "Show search bar",
"option-show-search-description": "Display a search bar at top of the navigation that lets the visitors search pages and headings on your site.",
"option-show-graph": "Show graph view",
"option-show-graph-description": "Display a small local graph on each page.",
"option-show-outline": "Show table of contents",
"option-show-outline-description": "Display the outline of headings on each page.",
"option-show-backlinks": "Show backlinks",
"option-show-backlinks-description": "Show backlink section at the end of each page.",
"option-sliding-window-mode": "Use sliding windows",
"option-sliding-window-mode-description": "Open pages in new panes to the right. Allows scrolling through panes horizontally.",
"option-hover-preview-file": "Show hover preview",
"option-hover-preview-file-description": "Display page preview when hovering links.",
"option-hide-title": "Hide page title",
"option-hide-title-description": "Hide the page title heading. Useful when you have your own headings at the beginning of each page.",
"option-readable-line-length": "Readable line length",
"option-readable-line-length-description": "Limit maximum line length. Fits less content on the screen, but makes long paragraphs more readable.",
"option-site-password": "Passwords",
"option-site-password-description": "Restrict access to your site with passwords.",
"option-google-analytics": "Google Analytics tracking code",
"option-google-analytics-description": "Configure Google Analytics for your site. Only available for visitors from your custom domain URL. Please check with your local laws and regulations first.",
"button-manage-passwords": "Manage",
"button-save-site-settings": "Save site settings",
"msg-updated-options": "Updated options for your site.",
"button-go-back": "Back",
"label-publishing-to": "Publishing to",
"tooltip-switch-site": "Switch site",
"button-add-linked": "Add linked",
"tooltip-add-linked": "Add all files that are linked by currently selected items",
"msg-added-linked-files": "{{count}} linked file has been added.",
"msg-added-linked-files_plural": "{{count}} linked files have been added.",
"tooltip-open-site-options": "Change site options",
"label-no-changes-detected": "No changes were detected.",
"label-changed-files-to-be-published": "Changes",
"label-unchanged-files-already-published": "Unchanged (select to delete)",
"label-file-selected": " selected",
"button-select-all-files": "Select all",
"label-custom-navigation-title": "Navigation items",
"button-deselect-all-files": "Deselect all",
"label-new-files-to-be-published": "New",
"button-publish": "Publish",
"msg-no-permission-to-publish-to-site": "You do not have permissions to publish to the current site.",
"msg-select-at-least-one-file": "Please select at least one file.",
"label-upload-changes": "Upload changes",
"button-done": "Done",
"button-stop": "Stop",
"label-status-uploading": "Uploading",
"label-status-to-publish": "To publish",
"label-status-to-delete": "To delete",
"label-status-published": "Published",
"label-status-deleted": "Deleted",
"label-status-failed": "Failed",
"label-status-cancelled": "Cancelled",
"button-change": "Change",
"label-clear-cache": "It takes up to a few minutes for the changes to show up on your site. If you do not see your latest changes, try clearing the cache in your browser.",
"label-visit-site": "You can visit your site here: ",
"msg-something-went-wrong": "Something went wrong. Please check the developer console for details.",
"msg-network-error": "A network error occurred. ",
"label-manage-passwords": "Manage passwords",
"label-add-password": "Add password",
"action-new-password": "New password",
"label-no-password": "Your site currently does not have any passwords. Anyone can visit it.",
"label-have-password": "Your site is password protected. If you have multiple passwords, visitors can access your site by entering any of them.",
"option-password-name": "Password",
"option-password-desc": "A hash of your password will be stored securely. Once the password is set, it cannot be revealed in plaintext.",
"option-password-placeholder": "Your password",
"option-nickname-name": "Nickname (optional)",
"option-nickname-desc": "Set a nickname to remind yourself what or who the password is for.",
"action-add-password": "Add this password",
"label-untitled-password": "Untitled password",
"label-password-created-time": "Created {{time}}",
"msg-added-new-password": "Added new password.",
"option-custom-domain": "Custom domain",
"option-custom-domain-desc": "Use your own domain rather than the{site id} URL.",
"option-noindex": "Disallow search engine indexing",
"option-noindex-desc": "Prevent search engines from indexing your site.",
"button-configure": "Configure",
"label-configure-custom-domain": "Configure custom domain",
"option-custom-url-name": "Custom URL",
"option-custom-url-desc": "The URL that your site will be located at.",
"option-custom-url-placeholder": "",
"option-custom-url-redirect": "Redirect to your custom domain",
"option-custom-url-redirect-desc": "Redirect visitors on to your custom domain.",
"button-update-custom-domain": "Update domain setting",
"label-custom-domain-instructions": "Please refer to our {{link}} on our help site for more information.",
"label-custom-domain-link-name": "custom domain setup guide",
"label-site-usage": "You're using {{site}} out of your {{limit}}.",
"button-add-more-sites": "Buy more sites",
"label-no-sites-bought": "You haven't bought any sites.",
"button-get-site": "Get a site",
"label-manage-sharing": "Manage sharing for \"{{name}}\"",
"label-sharing-with-users": "This site is currently shared with the following people.",
"label-not-sharing": "This site is not currently shared with anyone.",
"label-invite-pending": "Pending",
"tooltip-remove-user": "Remove user",
"option-invite-user": "Invite user",
"placeholder-invite-user": "Enter their email...",
"error-email-must-be-valid": "Please enter a valid email to invite someone.",
"msg-enable-publish-plugin": "Please enable the Publish core plugin in Settings -> Core plugins to view sites.",
"label-your-sites": "Your sites",
"label-sites-shared-with-you": "Sites shared with you",
"tooltip-leave-site-sharing": "Stop collaborating on this site",
"label-leave-site-confirmation": "Confirm stop site collaboration",
"label-leave-site-confirmation-details": "This will remove this site from the list of sites shared with you. This action cannot be reverted.",
"label-leave-site-confirmation-details-2": "Please contact the owner of the site if you wish to collaborate on this site again.",
"button-leave": "Leave",
"label-compare-with-live": "Compare with live version",
"button-use-live-version": "Use live version",
"label-confirm-override": "Confirm overriding local version",
"label-confirm-override-1": "Are you sure you want to override the local version?",
"label-confirm-override-2": "The live version will be used and your local version will be discarded. Please make backups if necessary.",
"button-proceed": "Proceed",
"message-successfully-used-live-version": "Successfully used live version to override your local version.",
"label-open-file": "Open file",
"tooltip-manage-publish-filters": "Manage publish filters",
"option-included-folders": "Included folders",
"option-included-folders-desc": "Files under these folders will automatically be selected when you review changes to publish.",
"option-currently-included-folders": " These folders are currently included:",
"option-excluded-folders": "Excluded folders",
"option-excluded-folders-desc": "Files under these folders won't show up when you review changes to publish. This setting takes priority over included folders above.",
"label-number-of-folders-included": "Obsidian Publish is currently including {{folders}}.",
"label-number-of-folders-excluded": "Obsidian Publish is currently excluding {{folders}}.",
"label-manage-included-folders": "Manage included folders",
"label-manage-excluded-folders": "Manage excluded folders",
"label-add-included-folder": "Include a folder",
"label-add-included-folder-desc": "You can include both existing folders and folders that have not been created yet.",
"tooltip-contact-support": "Contact support",
"label-navigation-preview": "Navigation preview"
"workspaces": {
"name": "Workspaces",
"desc": "Save and load workspace layout.",
"action-load-layout": "Load workspace layout",
"action-manage-layouts": "Manage workspace layouts",
"action-save": "Save layout",
"action-save-and-load-layout": "Save and load another layout",
"placeholder-save-current-layout-as": "Save current workspace layout as...",
"button-save": "Save",
"button-load": "Load",
"tooltip-delete-layout": "Delete layout",
"msg-delete-layout-success": "Successfully deleted layout.",
"msg-enter-name": "Please enter a name for the new layout.",
"msg-save-layout-success": "Successfully saved layout.",
"label-no-layout-found": "No saved layout found.",
"label-workspace-modified-time": "Modified {{time}}",
"placeholder-type-to-search-layouts": "Type layout name..."
"sync": {
"name": "Sync",
"desc": "Synchronize your files through Obsidian Sync.",
"action-view-version-history": "View version history",
"menu-opt-view-version-history": "Open version history",
"action-view-sync-sidebar": "Show Sync history",
"action-activity-log": "Open activity log",
"label-load-more": "Load more",
"label-show-diff": "Show diff",
"label-copy-to-clipboard": "Copy to clipboard",
"label-restore-this-version": "Restore this version",
"msg-already-latest-version": "This version is already the latest version.",
"msg-restored-version": "Successfully restored version from {{time}}",
"label-file-deleted": "This file was deleted",
"label-file-deleted-via": "Deleted via {{ device }}",
"label-file-renamed-from": "This file was renamed from \"{{filepath}}\"",
"label-revision": "1 revision",
"label-revision_plural": "{{revisions}} revisions",
"label-via-device": "via {{device}}",
"label-no-history": "No sync history for this file.",
"label-empty-file": "Empty",
"label-unable-to-retrieve": "Unable to retrieve version history",
"label-setting-files": "Setting files",
"label-deleted-files": "Deleted files",
"label-version-history": "Version history",
"label-click-to-see-history": "Click on a deleted file to see its history.",
"label-create-remote-vault": "Create remote vault",
"msg-please-enter-password": "Please enter a password.",
"msg-vault-name-cannot-be-empty": "Vault name cannot be empty.",
"msg-successfully-created-vault": "Successfully create remote vault \"{{name}}\".",
"label-remote-vault-explanation": "Remote vaults securely synchronize your vault between devices.",
"option-vault-name": "Vault name",
"option-vault-name-desc": "Helps you remember what this vault is for.",
"option-vault-region": "Region",
"option-vault-region-desc": "Select the server region closest to you to store the remote vault. This cannot be changed in the future.",
"option-vault-name-placeholder": "My awesome vault",
"option-use-custom-encryption-password": "Customize end-to-end encryption password",
"option-use-custom-encryption-password-desc": "If you turn this off, we will securely manage an encryption key for you.",
"option-use-custom-encryption-password-desc-warning": "This option cannot be changed later.",
"option-encryption-password": "Encryption password",
"option-encryption-password-desc": "This password cannot be changed later.",
"option-encryption-password-desc-warning": "If you forget this password, any remote data will remain unusable forever.",
"option-encryption-password-desc-2": "This does not affect your local data.",
"label-encryption-password-explanation": "The remote vault “{{name}}” is currently encrypted. Enter your password to unlock.",
"option-encryption-password-placeholder": "Your password",
"label-unlock-encrypted-vault": "Unlock your remote vault",
"button-unlock-vault": "Unlock vault",
"label-remote-vaults": "Your remote vaults",
"label-vault-created-time": "Created {{time}}",
"tooltip-delete-remote-vault": "Delete",
"tooltip-rename-remote-vault": "Rename",
"label-rename-remote-vault": "Rename remote vault \"{{name}}\"",
"label-rename-remote-vault-desc": "Enter a new name for this remote vault.",
"tooltip-manage-sharing": "Manage sharing",
"label-confirm-delete-remote-vault": "Confirm delete vault",
"label-confirm-delete-remote-vault-question": "Are you sure you want to delete this remote vault?",
"label-confirm-delete-remote-vault-result": "All data on our server, including version history, will be deleted. Your local files will stay intact.",
"label-confirm-delete-remote-vault-warning": "This action is permanent and irreversible.",
"msg-remote-vault-deleted": "{{name}} has been deleted.",
"msg-disconnect-from-deleted-vault": "Obsidian Sync: The connected remote vault no longer exists.",
"button-connect-to-remote-vault": "Connect",
"button-disconnect-from-remote-vault": "Disconnect",
"label-sync-status": "Sync: {{status}}",
"label-not-remote-vaults": "You don't have any remote vaults.",
"label-no-subscription": "You don't have an active Obsidian Sync subscription.",
"label-please-visit": "Please visit",
"label-preview-unsupported-file-type": "Unable to preview {{type}} files.",
"button-create-new-remote-vault": "Create new vault",
"label-sync-log": "Sync log",
"option-event-type": "Event type",
"option-event-type-desc": "Only show log items of the selected type.",
"option-event-type-all": "All",
"option-event-type-errors": "Errors",
"option-event-type-merge-conflicts": "Merge conflicts",
"button-copy-sync-log": "Copy sync log",
"msg-successfully-copied-sync-log": "Successfully copied sync log.",
"button-retry": "Retry",
"button-purchase-subscription": "Purchase",
"label-third-party-sync-warning": "Conflicting file sync service detected",
"label-third-party-sync-warning-desc": "Warning: Your vault seems to be using {{service}} as a third party sync service. If you use Obsidian Sync with this vault, you may run into conflicts, file corruption, or data loss.",
"label-icloud-drive-warning": "If you are using iCloud Drive, your Documents and Desktop folders might be synced by iCloud. This could cause conflicts with Obsidian Sync.",
"option-remote-vault": "Remote vault",
"button-choose-remote-vault": "Choose",
"button-manage-remote-vault": "Manage",
"option-remote-vault-desc-connected": "Currently connected to the \"{{name}}\" remote vault.",
"option-remote-vault-desc-not-connected": "Currently not connected to any remote vault.",
"option-sync-status": "Sync status",
"option-sync-status-desc-paused": "Obsidian Sync is currently paused.",
"option-sync-status-desc-running": "Obsidian Sync is currently running.",
"option-device-name": "Device name",
"option-device-name-desc": "This name will be displayed in the sync log. Leave empty to use the default name.",
"button-resume": "Resume",
"button-pause": "Pause",
"option-view-deleted-files": "Deleted files",
"option-view-deleted-files-desc": "View and restore deleted files.",
"option-sync-log": "Sync activity",
"option-sync-log-desc": "View recent sync activities for debugging.",
"button-view": "View",
"button-bulk-restore": "Bulk restore",
"button-restore-selected-files": "Restore selected files",
"msg-restoring": "Restoring...",
"msg-restoring-complete": "`Restore complete: {{succeeded}} succeeded and {{failed}} failed.`",
"option-vault-size": "Vault size",
"option-vault-size-desc": "You are using {{size}} out of {{limit}}",
"option-vault-size-unknown": "Unable to retrieve your vault size.",
"option-vault-size-loading": "Retrieving your vault size...",
"option-over-size": "Vault size over limit",
"option-almost-over-size": "Vault size approaching limit",
"msg-largest-files": "View largest files",
"msg-largest-files-desc": "These are the remote files that are taking the most space. After deleting attachments, use the purge button to free up remote vault space.",
"button-upgrade-storage": "Upgrade storage",
"button-purge-remote": "Purge",
"button-hide-my-changes": "Hide my changes",
"tooltip-purge-remote": "Permanently purge deleted attachments from remote vault to save space.",
"msg-purge-complete": "Purge complete.",
"option-prevent-sleep": "Prevent device sleep",
"option-prevent-sleep-desc": "Prevents the device from going to sleep when there are still files to be synced.",
"option-selective-sync": "Selective sync",
"option-excluded-folders": "Excluded folders",
"option-excluded-folder-desc": "Prevent certain folders from being synced.",
"option-currently-excluded-folders": " These folders currently excluded:",
"button-manage-excluded-folders": "Manage",
"option-sync-image": "Sync images",
"option-sync-image-desc": "Sync image files with these extensions: {{extensions}}.",
"option-sync-audio": "Sync audio",
"option-sync-audio-desc": "Sync audio files with these extensions: {{extensions}}.",
"option-sync-video": "Sync videos",
"option-sync-video-desc": "Sync video files with these extensions: {{extensions}}.",
"option-sync-pdf": "Sync PDFs",
"option-sync-pdf-desc": "Sync PDF files.",
"option-sync-unsupported": "Sync all other types",
"option-sync-unsupported-desc": "Sync unsupported file types.",
"option-vault-config-sync": "Vault configuration sync",
"option-view-config-files": "Settings version history",
"option-view-config-files-desc": "View and restore version history of setting files.",
"option-sync-app": "Main settings",
"option-sync-app-desc": "Enable to sync editor settings, files & links settings, custom hotkeys, etc.",
"option-sync-appearance": "Appearance settings",
"option-sync-appearance-desc": "Sync appearance settings like dark mode, active theme, and enabled snippets.",
"option-sync-appearance-data": "Themes and snippets",
"option-sync-appearance-data-desc": "Sync downloaded themes and snippets. Whether they are enabled depends on the previous setting.",
"option-sync-hotkey": "Hotkeys",
"option-sync-hotkey-desc": "Sync custom hotkeys.",
"option-sync-core-plugin": "Active core plugin list",
"option-sync-core-plugin-desc": "Sync which core plugins are enabled.",
"option-sync-core-plugin-data": "Core plugin settings",
"option-sync-core-plugin-data-desc": "Sync core plugin settings.",
"option-sync-community-plugin": "Active community plugin list",
"option-sync-community-plugin-desc": "Sync which community plugins are enabled.",
"option-sync-community-plugin-data": "Installed community plugins",
"option-sync-community-plugin-data-desc": "Sync installed community plugins (.js, .css, and manifest.json files) and their settings.",
"label-sync-introduction": "Obsidian Sync is Obsidian's add-on sync service with end-to-end encryption and version history.",
"label-account-required": "To start syncing, please log in or create a new Obsidian account.",
"label-current-file": "Current file",
"label-sync-changes": "Sync changes",
"label-today": "Today",
"label-yesterday": "Yesterday",
"label-this-week": "This week",
"label-older": "Older",
"label-last-sync": "Last sync",
"label-more": "{{count}} more",
"button-sign-up": "Sign up",
"button-log-in": "Log in",
"label-manage-excluded-folders": "Manage excluded folders",
"label-number-of-folders-excluded": "{{folders}} are currently excluded from being synced.",
"label-add-excluded-folder": "Exclude a folder",
"label-add-excluded-folder-desc": "You can exclude both existing folders and folders that have not been created yet.",
"tooltip-remove-excluded-folder": "Remove from excluded list",
"label-setup-connection": "Setup connection",
"label-now-connected-to-vault": "You're now connected to \"{{name}}\".",
"button-start-syncing": "Start syncing",
"label-confirm-merge-vault": "Confirm Merge Vault",
"msg-vault-has-notes": "Your local vault already contains some notes.",
"msg-vault-merge-warning": "If you connect to the remote vault \"{{name}}\", notes in your local vault will be merged with notes from your remote vault. In case of conflicts, the most recent version of the note will be preserved.",
"tooltip-update-setting-on-all-devices": "Please update this option and restart app on all the devices where you want it to take effect.",
"label-sharing-with-users": "This remote vault is currently shared with the following people.",
"label-not-sharing": "This remote vault is not currently shared with anyone.",
"label-vaults-shared-with-you": "Vaults shared with you",
"tooltip-leave-vault-sharing": "Stop collaborating on this vault",
"label-leave-vault-confirmation": "Confirm stop vault collaboration",
"label-leave-vault-confirmation-details": "This will remove this vault from the list of vaults shared with you. This action cannot be reverted.",
"label-leave-vault-confirmation-details-2": "Please contact the owner of the vault if you wish to collaborate on this vault again.",
"button-leave": "Leave",
"msg-error-failed-to-fetch": "Failed to load remote vaults.",
"label-require-subscription-to-connect": "You need an Obsidian Sync subscription to connect to this vault.",
"option-contact-support": "Contact support",
"option-contact-support-desc": "If you run into any issues with Obsidian Sync, please contact us so we can help you out! You can reach us at",
"button-copy-debug": "Copy debug info",
"button-email-support": "Email support",
"label-sync-disconnected": "Sync is not connected to a remote vault.",
"msg-remote-vault-limit-hit": "Obsidian Sync lets you create up to 5 remote vaults. In order to create a new remote vault, please remove an existing one."
"file-recovery": {
"name": "File recovery",
"desc": "Let you restore recent snapshots to recover from accidental data loss. Snapshots are only saved for Markdown files.",
"action-open": "Open saved snapshots",
"option-interval": "Snapshot interval",
"option-interval-description": "Minimal interval in minutes between two snapshots.",
"option-keep": "History length",
"option-keep-description": "Length in days snapshots is kept for.",
"option-open-history": "Snapshots",
"option-open-history-description": "View and restore saved snapshots.",
"button-view-snapshots": "View",
"option-clear": "Clear history",
"option-clear-description": "Wipe all snapshots.",
"button-clear-history": "Clear",
"label-clear-warning": "Are you sure you want to delete all snapshots? Note that only snapshots will be removed. All files inside your vault will not be affected.",
"msg-clear-complete": "Snapshots cleared.",
"label-no-history-found": "No snapshots found.",
"placeholder-choose-file": "Choose a file...",
"label-select-file": "Please select a file on the left to view snapshots."
"note-composer": {
"name": "Note composer",
"desc": "Merge, split, and refactor notes.",
"option-confirm-file-merge": "Confirm file merge",
"option-confirm-file-merge-description": "Prompt before merge two files.",
"option-split-replacement-text": "Text after extraction",
"option-split-replacement-text-description": "What to show in place of the selected text after extracting it.",
"option-choice-split-replacement-text-link": "Link to new file",
"option-choice-split-replacement-text-embed": "Embed new file",
"option-choice-split-replacement-text-none": "None",
"option-template-file": "Template file location",
"option-template-file-description": "Template file to use when merging or extracting. Available variables: {{content}}, {{fromTitle}}, {{newTitle}}, {{date:FORMAT}}, e.g. {{date:YYYY-MM-DD}}.",
"command-merge-file": "Merge current file with another file...",
"action-merge-file": "Merge entire file with...",
"label-no-files": "No files found.",
"instruction-navigate": "to navigate",
"instruction-merge": "to merge",
"instruction-create-new": "to create new",
"instruction-merge-at-top": "to merge at top",
"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss",
"prompt-select-file-to-merge": "Select file to merge into...",
"label-merge-file": "Merge file",
"label-confirm-file-merge": "Are you sure you want to merge \"{{file}}\" into \"{{destination}}\"? \"{{file}}\" will be deleted.",
"button-merge": "Merge",
"command-split-file": "Extract current selection...",
"command-extract-heading": "Extract this heading...",
"instruction-append": "to move to bottom",
"instruction-prepend": "to move to top",
"msg-fail-to-fetch-template": "Failed to fetch template file: \"{{template}}\" not found.",
"msg-fail-to-find-heading": "Failed to find heading"
"canvas": {
"name": "Canvas",
"desc": "Arrange and connect notes on an infinite canvas.",
"action-add-note": "Add note from vault",
"action-add-media": "Add media from vault",
"action-add-card": "Add card",
"action-add-website": "Add web page",
"action-create-group": "Create group",
"action-create-with-size": "Create a card with specific size",
"action-convert-to-file": "Convert to file...",
"action-drag-to-add-note": "Drag to add note from vault",
"action-drag-to-add-media": "Drag to add media from vault",
"action-drag-to-add-card": "Drag to add card",
"action-edit-label": "Edit label",
"action-remove-label": "Remove label",
"action-search-file": "Search for file",
"action-set-color": "Set color",
"action-align": "Align",
"action-align-left": "Align left",
"action-align-center": "Align center",
"action-align-right": "Align right",
"action-align-top": "Align top",
"action-align-middle": "Align middle",
"action-align-bottom": "Align bottom",
"action-distribute-horizontal-spacing": "Distribute horizontal spacing",
"action-distribute-vertical-spacing": "Distribute vertical spacing",
"action-justify-horizontally": "Justify horizontally",
"action-justify-vertically": "Justify vertically",
"action-arrange-horizontally": "Arrange in a row",
"action-arrange-vertically": "Arrange in a column",
"action-arrange-grid": "Arrange in a grid",
"action-export-png": "Export as image",
"action-jump-to-group": "Jump to group",
"action-set-background": "Set background",
"action-edit-background": "Edit background",
"action-replace-background": "Replace background",
"action-remove-background": "Remove background",
"label-no-images": "No images found.",
"label-export-png-desc": "Export \"{{title}}\" with a PNG file with the settings below.",
"label-export-png-dimensions": "Estimated image dimensions: {{dimensions}}",
"label-distribute": "Distribute",
"label-justify": "Justify",
"label-arrange": "Arrange",
"label-always": "Always",
"label-hover": "On hover",
"label-never": "Never",
"label-no-section-found": "No section found",
"option-wheel-behavior": "Default mouse wheel behavior",
"option-mod-drag-behavior": "Default {{key}} behavior",
"option-show-menu": "Show menu",
"option-new-canvas-location": "Default location for new canvas files",
"option-new-canvas-location-description": "Where newly created canvas files are placed.",
"option-new-canvas-folder-path": "Folder to create new canvas files in",
"option-new-canvas-folder-path-description": "Newly created canvas files will appear under this folder.",
"option-node-label": "Display card label",
"option-snap-to-grid": "Snap to grid",
"option-snap-to-grid-desc": "Snap cards to the background grid when moving and resizing.",
"option-snap-to-objects": "Snap to objects",
"option-snap-to-objects-desc": "Snap cards to nearby objects when moving and resizing.",
"option-zoom-breakpoint": "Zoom threshold for hiding card content",
"option-zoom-breakpoint-desc": "Lower values will increase performance but hide card content sooner when zooming out.",
"option-export-png-show-logo": "Show logo",
"option-export-png-show-logo-desc": "This will add an Obsidian logo to the bottom left.",
"option-export-png-privacy-mode": "Privacy mode",
"option-export-png-privacy-mode-desc": "This will obscure any text on your canvas.",
"option-export-png-zoom": "Zoom",
"option-export-png-zoom-desc": "A higher zoom will generate a higher resolution image.",
"option-export-png-frame": "Viewport",
"option-export-png-frame-desc": "Choose to render the entire canvas or just the current visible viewport.",
"option-export-png-frame-full": "Full canvas",
"option-export-png-frame-viewport": "Viewport only",
"option-background-cover": "Cover",
"option-background-ratio": "Keep aspect ratio",
"option-background-repeat": "Repeat",
"action-new-canvas": "New canvas",
"action-remove": "Remove",
"action-narrow-heading": "Narrow to heading...",
"action-narrow-block": "Narrow to block...",
"action-swap-file": "Swap file...",
"action-change-url": "Change URL...",
"action-zoom-to-fit": "Zoom to fit",
"action-zoom-to-selection": "Zoom to selection",
"action-reload-page": "Reload page",
"action-follow-connection": "Follow connection",
"command-create-new-canvas": "Create new canvas",
"command-convert-to-file": "Convert to file...",
"instruction-narrow-heading": "to embed heading",
"instruction-narrow-block": "to embed block",
"instruction-jump-to-group": "to navigate to group",
"prompt-to-narrow": "Type name of heading",
"label-enter-url": "Enter URL",
"label-empty-embed": "\"{{linktext}}\" could not be found.",
"prompt-add-text": "Add text...",
"prompt-start-search": "Type to search...",
"label-canvas-help": "Canvas help",
"label-canvas-settings": "Canvas settings",
"label-no-narrow": "Show entire file",
"label-readonly": "Read-only",
"label-disable-readonly": "Disable read-only",
"label-pan": "Pan",
"label-pan-horizontal": "Pan horizontally",
"label-zoom": "Zoom",
"label-select-all": "Select all",
"label-add-remove-selection": "Add to / remove from selection",
"label-clone-card": "Clone card",
"label-constrain-movement-axis": "Constrain card movement to axis",
"label-disable-drag-snapping": "Disable snapping while dragging",
"label-remove-card": "Remove card",
"label-drag-from-below": "Drag from below or double click",
"label-longpress": "Touch and hold to add / move / select",
"label-drag-pan": "Drag to pan",
"label-pinch-zoom": "Pinch to zoom",
"label-space-drag-pan": "Space + Drag to pan",
"label-scroll-to-zoom": "Scroll to zoom",
"label-untitled-group": "Untitled group",
"label-line-direction": "Line direction",
"label-nondirectional": "Nondirectional",
"label-unidirectional": "Unidirectional",
"label-bidirectional": "Bidirectional",
"label-image": "Image",
"label-style": "Style",
"msg-no-groups-found": "No groups found",
"msg-export-failed-empty-canvas": "Cannot export an empty canvas"
"pdf": {
"action-highlight-all": "Highlight all",
"action-match-diacritics": "Match diacritics",
"action-whole-words": "Whole words",
"action-show-thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"action-show-outline": "Table of contents",
"action-reveal-in-outline": "Reveal page in table of contents",
"action-toggle-sidebar": "Toggle sidebar",
"action-previous-page": "Previous page",
"action-next-page": "Next page",
"action-fit-width": "Fit width",
"action-fit-height": "Fit height",
"action-save-p-d-f-location": "Save current position in document",
"action-copy-annotation": "Copy annotation",
"action-copy-quote": "Copy as quote",
"action-copy-selection-link": "Copy link to selection",
"action-copy-annot-link": "Copy link to annotation",
"action-copy-section-link": "Copy link to section",
"action-copy-section-link-title": "Copy link to “{{title}}”",
"action-copy-page-link": "Copy link to page {{page}}",
"msg-max-search-results": "{{current}} of over {{limit}} matches",
"msg-search-count": "{{current}} of {{total}} match",
"msg-search-count_plural": "{{current}} of {{total}} matches",
"msg-password-protected": "This PDF is password protected",
"msg-invalid-password": "Invalid password",
"msg-enter-password": "Enter the password below",
"label-of-pages": "of {{count}}",
"label-page-of-pages": "({{current}} of {{count}})",
"label-spread-single": "Single page",
"label-spread-odd": "Two page (odd)",
"label-spread-even": "Two page (even)",
"tooltip-sidebar-options": "Sidebar options",
"tooltip-display-options": "Display options",
"label-adapt-to-theme": "Adapt to theme",
"label-page": "page {{page}}",
"page_landmark": "Page {{page}}",
"thumb_page_title": "Page {{page}}",
"thumb_page_canvas": "Page {{page}}",
"text_annotation_type": "[{{type}} Annotation]",
"annotation_date_string": "{{date}}, {{time}}"
"properties": {
"types": {
"option-multitext": "List",
"option-unknown": "Unknown",
"option-text": "Text",
"option-aliases": "Aliases",
"option-tags": "Tags",
"option-date": "Date",
"option-datetime": "Date & time",
"option-number": "Number",
"option-checkbox": "Checkbox"
"value-suggestion": {
"key-link-note": "Type [[",
"instruction-link-note": "to link note",
"instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss"
"option-property-type": "Property type",
"msg-empty-property-name": "Property name cannot be empty.",
"msg-duplicate-property-name": "Property already exists",
"msg-invalid-tag": "Invalid tag name",
"msg-invalid-number": "Invalid number",
"msg-invalid-properties": "Failed to read properties.",
"label-no-value": "No value",
"label-heading": "Properties",
"label-invalid-yaml-marker": "Syntax error. Your frontmatter is invalid.",
"label-add-property-button": "Add property",
"label-type-mismatch-warning": "Type mismatch, expected {{type}}",
"label-migration-warning-desc": "Are you sure you want to change the type? Some of the data associated with this property key is incompatible."
"table": {
"label-column": "Column",
"label-row": "Row",
"action-row-after": "Add row after",
"action-column-after": "Add column after",
"action-row-before": "Add row before",
"action-row-up": "Move row up",
"action-row-down": "Move row down",
"action-column-before": "Add column before",
"action-column-left": "Move column left",
"action-column-right": "Move column right",
"action-duplicate-row": "Duplicate row",
"action-duplicate-column": "Duplicate column",
"action-delete-row": "Delete row",
"action-delete-column": "Delete column",
"action-align-left": "Align left",
"action-align-center": "Align center",
"action-align-right": "Align right",
"action-delete-selection": "Delete cells",
"action-clear-selection": "Clear cells",
"action-sort-a-z": "Sort by column (A to Z)",
"action-sort-z-a": "Sort by column (Z to A)",
"label-command": "Table: {{command}}"
"callout": {
"option-type": "Callout type",
"type": {
"info": "Info",
"important": "Important",
"tip": "Tip",
"success": "Success",
"question": "Question",
"warning": "Warning",
"quote": "Quote",
"example": "Example"
"option-other": "Other...",
"option-other-placeholder": "Callout type..."
"nouns": {
"count": "{{count}}",
"word-with-count": "{{count}} शब्द",
"word-with-count_plural": "{{count}} शब्द",
"character-with-count": "{{count}} अक्षर",
"character-with-count_plural": "{{count}} अक्षर",
"link-with-count": "{{count}} लिंक",
"link-with-count_plural": "{{count}} लिंक",
"file-with-count": "{{count}} फ़ाइल",
"file-with-count_plural": "{{count}} फ़ाइल",
"folder-with-count": "{{count}} फ़ोल्डर",
"folder-with-count_plural": "{{count}} फ़ोल्डर",
"backlink-with-count": "{{count}} बैकलिंक",
"backlink-with-count_plural": "{{count}} बैकलिंक",
"tabs-with-count": "{{count}} tab",
"tabs-with-count_plural": "{{count}} tabs",
"properties-with-count": "{{count}} property",
"properties-with-count_plural": "{{count}} properties",
"site-with-count": "{{count}} साइट",
"site-with-count_plural": "{{count}} साइट",
"plugin-with-count": "{{count}} प्लग-इन",
"plugin-with-count_plural": "{{count}} प्लग-इन",
"theme-with-count": "{{count}} theme",
"theme-with-count_plural": "{{count}} themes"