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This project is mirrored from Pull mirroring updated .
  • 1.8.0
    ded8be55 · 1.8.0 ·
  • 1.7.3
    a60acd52 · 1.7.3 ·
  • 1.7.2
    a665d3b9 · 1.7.2 ·
  • 1.7.1
    987eb7af · 1.7.1 ·
  • 1.7.0
    f6214aaa · 1.7.0 ·
  • 1.6.1
    55b10b43 · 1.6.1 ·
  • 1.6.0
    af054ef3 · 1.6.0 ·
  • 1.5.0
    c2788747 · 1.5.0 ·
  • 1.4.0
    3bd54129 · 1.4.0 ·
  • 1.3.0
    ab4cabbd · 1.3.0 ·
  • 1.2.0
    b5a8ce95 · 1.2.0 ·
  • 1.1.0
    271ee2a2 · 1.1.0 ·
  • 1.0.0
    04eeb6f2 · 1.0.0 ·
    1.0.0 (2021-12-21)
    This release is huge, containing not only a rename but many new features and bug fixes. To name some of the highlights:
    - The bridge has now been renamed from `matrix-github` to `matrix-hookshot`.
    - Now supports JIRA and Generic Webhooks in addition to GitHub and GitLab.
    - Includes new commands and metrics reporting.
    - Includes complete documentation.
    As always, please contact me ( if you require any help getting this setup and please report any bugs you encounter!
    - The bridge now supports generic webhook bridging. ([\#77](
    - Add support for JIRA. ([\#82](
    - Add Provisioning API. Extra thanks to @turt2live for supporting this change. ([\#83](
    - GitHub support no longer needs an installation ID defined.
      Licence in package.json now accurately reflects `LICENCE`
      GitHub workflows can now be run with `!gh workflow run` on GitHubRepo connections. ([\#85](
    - Add `!hookshot` setup command for quickly setting up new rooms with the bridge. ([\#88](
    - Issues created with !gh create show the issue number inside a reaction.
      GitHubRepo connections can now optionally show a small diff for PRs.
      PRs can be reviewed by replying with a ✅ or a ❌ and a small text message. ([\#93](
    - Add support for `includingLabels`/`excludingLabels` state config for GitHubRepo and GitLab Repo connections, allowing rooms to recieve a subset of issue and PR/MR notifications based on labels. ([\#95](
    - Add automatic changelog generation via [Towncrier]( ([\#96](
    - Add support for exporting [Prometheus]( metrics. ([\#99](
    - Switch to using the `vm2` module for improved sandboxing of transformation functions ([\#101](
    - Allow running multiple resources on the same HTTP listener. See the new `listeners` config.([\#102](
    Improved Documentation
    - Add documentation for most functionality in the bridge. ([\#90](
    Internal Changes
    - The bridge now depends on Rust modules for some functionality. ([\#78](
    - The project has been renamed `matrix-hookshot`. ([\#81](
    - Use quotes instead of brackets in GH PRs. Thanks @Twi1ightSparkle! ([\#92](
    - Fix spelling of received. Thanks @andybalaam! ([\#94](
    - CI jobs now report the diff between the generated config and the in-tree sample config. ([\#97](
  • 0.1.0
    07bd0e8b · Urgh version ·