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Commit 34990eea authored by Ming Ding's avatar Ming Ding
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sparse 2d and cache qkv

parent 8abd84d6
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import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Function
from torch.autograd.function import once_differentiable
from localAttention import (similar_forward,
__all__ = ['f_similar', 'f_weighting', 'LocalAttention', 'TorchLocalAttention']
class similarFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, x_ori, x_loc, kH, kW, casual_mask=False):
ctx.save_for_backward(x_ori, x_loc)
ctx.kHW = (kH, kW)
ctx.casual_mask = casual_mask
output = similar_forward(x_ori, x_loc, kH, kW, casual_mask)
return output
def backward(ctx, grad_outputs):
x_ori, x_loc = ctx.saved_tensors
kH, kW = ctx.kHW
casual_mask = ctx.casual_mask
grad_ori = similar_backward(x_ori, x_loc, grad_outputs, kH, kW, True, casual_mask)
grad_loc = similar_backward(x_ori, x_loc, grad_outputs, kH, kW, False, casual_mask)
return grad_ori, grad_loc, None, None, None
class weightingFunction(Function):
def forward(ctx, x_ori, x_weight, kH, kW, casual_mask=False):
ctx.save_for_backward(x_ori, x_weight)
ctx.kHW = (kH, kW)
ctx.casual_mask = casual_mask
output = weighting_forward(x_ori, x_weight, kH, kW, casual_mask)
return output
def backward(ctx, grad_outputs):
x_ori, x_weight = ctx.saved_tensors
kH, kW = ctx.kHW
casual_mask = ctx.casual_mask
grad_ori = weighting_backward_ori(x_ori, x_weight, grad_outputs, kH, kW, casual_mask)
grad_weight = weighting_backward_weight(x_ori, x_weight, grad_outputs, kH, kW, casual_mask)
return grad_ori, grad_weight, None, None, None
f_similar = similarFunction.apply
f_weighting = weightingFunction.apply
class LocalAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, inp_channels, out_channels, kH, kW):
super(LocalAttention, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inp_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(inp_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(inp_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
self.kH = kH
self.kW = kW
def forward(self, x):
x1 = self.conv1(x)
x2 = self.conv2(x)
x3 = self.conv3(x)
weight = f_similar(x1, x2, self.kH, self.kW)
weight = F.softmax(weight, -1)
out = f_weighting(x3, weight, self.kH, self.kW)
return out
class TorchLocalAttention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, inp_channels, out_channels, kH, kW):
super(TorchLocalAttention, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inp_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(inp_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(inp_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
self.kH = kH
self.kW = kW
def f_similar(x_theta, x_phi, kh, kw, casual_mask=False):
n, c, h, w = x_theta.size() # (N, inter_channels, H, W)
pad = (kh // 2, kw // 2)
x_theta = x_theta.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous()
x_theta = x_theta.view(n * h * w, 1, c)
x_phi = F.unfold(x_phi, kernel_size=(kh, kw), stride=1, padding=pad)
x_phi = x_phi.contiguous().view(n, c, kh * kw, h * w)
x_phi = x_phi.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
x_phi = x_phi.view(n * h * w, c, kh * kw)
out = x_theta @ x_phi
out = out.view(n, h, w, kh * kw)
if casual_mask:
out = out[..., :kh * kw // 2 + 1]
return out
def f_weighting(x_theta, x_phi, kh, kw, casual_mask=False):
n, c, h, w = x_theta.size() # (N, inter_channels, H, W)
pad = (kh // 2, kw // 2)
x_theta = F.unfold(x_theta, kernel_size=(kh, kw), stride=1, padding=pad)
x_theta = x_theta.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
x_theta = x_theta.view(n * h * w, c, kh * kw)
if casual_mask:
x_theta = x_theta[..., :kh * kw // 2 + 1]
x_phi = x_phi.view(n * h * w, kh * kw // 2 + 1, 1)
x_phi = x_phi.view(n * h * w, kh * kw, 1)
out = torch.matmul(x_theta, x_phi)
out = out.squeeze(-1)
out = out.view(n, h, w, c)
out = out.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
return out
def forward(self, x):
x1 = self.conv1(x)
x2 = self.conv2(x)
x3 = self.conv3(x)
weight = self.f_similar(x1, x2, self.kH, self.kW)
weight = F.softmax(weight, -1)
out = self.f_weighting(x3, weight, self.kH, self.kW)
return out
if __name__ == '__main__':
b, c, h, w = 8, 3, 32, 32
kH, kW = 5, 5
x = torch.rand(b, c, h, w).cuda()
m = LocalAttention(c, c, kH, kW)
y = m(x)
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This diff is collapsed.
...@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ ...@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
import torch import torch
import math
def ensure_divisibility(numerator, denominator): def ensure_divisibility(numerator, denominator):
...@@ -78,3 +79,6 @@ def split_out_sums(x, BLOCK_SIZE=32, all_ret=False): ...@@ -78,3 +79,6 @@ def split_out_sums(x, BLOCK_SIZE=32, all_ret=False):
return oris.reshape(b, -1, *rs), sums.reshape(b, -1, *rs) return oris.reshape(b, -1, *rs), sums.reshape(b, -1, *rs)
else: else:
return sums.reshape(b, -1, *rs) return sums.reshape(b, -1, *rs)
def sqrt(x):
return int(math.sqrt(x) + 1e-4)
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import math
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch
import numpy as np
from mpu.sparse_transformer import standard_attention, sparse_attention_1d, sparse_attention_2d
def test_sparse_attention_1d():
s, w, times = 4096 + 128, 128, 2
num_pivot = 768
b = 2
g = s // w
q, k, v = raw = torch.rand(3, b, 16, s, 64, dtype=torch.float, device='cuda', requires_grad=True)
q1, k1, v1 = raw1 = torch.tensor(raw.cpu().detach().numpy(), dtype=torch.float, device='cuda', requires_grad=True)
txt_indices = [torch.arange(0, 128, dtype=torch.long, device='cuda'), torch.arange(0, 22, dtype=torch.long, device='cuda')]
img_indices = [torch.arange(128, s, dtype=torch.long, device='cuda'), torch.arange(22, s, dtype=torch.long, device='cuda')]
pivot_idx = torch.stack([
torch.tensor(random.sample(range(len(img_indices[i]) - times*w), k=num_pivot - len(text_idx)), dtype=torch.long, device=text_idx.device)
), dim=0)
for i, text_idx in enumerate(txt_indices)
]) # -times * w to verify inference
tmp = torch.ones((g-times+1, w , w), device='cuda', dtype=torch.long)
tmp = torch.tril(1 - torch.block_diag(*tmp))
rmask = torch.nn.functional.pad(tmp, (0, (times-1)*w, (times-1)*w, 0)) # pad (left, right, top, bottom)
pivot_attention_mask = rmask.expand(b, s, s).gather(dim=-1, index=pivot_idx.unsqueeze(1).expand(b, s, num_pivot))
real_mask = torch.ones((b, s, s), device='cuda', dtype=torch.long) - rmask
for i in range(b):
real_mask[i][:, pivot_idx[i]] = 1
# test inference
# q_part = q[..., -1:, :]
# r0 = standard_attention(q, k, v, real_mask)
# r0 = r0[..., -1:, :]
# pw_idx =, torch.arange(s-times*w, s, device='cuda', dtype=torch.long).expand(b, -1)), dim=-1)
# r1 = sparse_attention_inference(q_part, k, v, pw_idx)
# print(( (r1-r0).abs() / (r1.abs()+r0.abs())).max())
import time
r0 = standard_attention(q1, k1, v1, real_mask)
t0 = time.time()
r1 = standard_attention(q1, k1, v1, real_mask)
t1 = time.time()
r2 = sparse_attention(q, k, v, pivot_idx, pivot_attention_mask, w, times)
t2 = time.time()
print('times: standard ', t1-t0, ' sparse ', t2-t1)
print(( (r1-r2).abs() / (r1.abs()+r2.abs())).max())
l2 = r2.mean()
l1 = r1.mean()
g1 = raw1.grad
g2 = raw.grad
print( (g1-g2).abs().max())
# import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
def test_sparse_attention_2d():
dtype = torch.float
device = 'cuda'
b, n_head, hn = 1, 40, 2560
h = w = 32
layout = [10, 10, 10+h*w, 10+h*w*5]
k1 = 9
k2 = 7
qkv = torch.rand(3, b, layout[-1], hn, dtype=dtype, device=device)
qkv2 = qkv.clone()
mask = torch.zeros(b, layout[-1], layout[-1], dtype=dtype, device=device)
m = mask[0]
for i in range(layout[1]):
m[i, :i+1] = 1
m[layout[1]:, :layout[0]] = 1
for i in tqdm(range(layout[1], layout[2])):
x = (i - layout[1]) // w
y = (i - layout[1]) % w
lx = max(0, x - k1 // 2)
ly = max(0, y - k1 // 2)
rx = min(h-1, x + k1 // 2)
ry = min(w-1, y + k1 // 2)
m[i, layout[1]:layout[2]].view(h, w)[lx:x, ly:ry+1] = 1
m[i, layout[1]:layout[2]].view(h, w)[x, ly:y+1] = 1
for i in tqdm(range(layout[2], layout[3])):
x = (i - layout[2]) // (2*w)
y = (i - layout[2]) % (2*w)
lx = max(0, x - k1 // 2)
ly = max(0, y - k1 // 2)
rx = min(2*h-1, x + k1 // 2)
ry = min(2*w-1, y + k1 // 2)
m[i, layout[2]:layout[3]].view(h*2, w*2)[lx:x, ly:ry+1] = 1
m[i, layout[2]:layout[3]].view(h*2, w*2)[x, ly:y+1] = 1
x = x // 2
y = y // 2
lx = max(0, x - k2 // 2)
ly = max(0, y - k2 // 2)
rx = min(h-1, x + k2 // 2)
ry = min(w-1, y + k2 // 2)
m[i, layout[1]:layout[2]].view(h, w)[lx:rx+1, ly:ry+1] = 1
# mask[1:] = mask[0]
# mask[1][layout[1]:, layout[0]-1] = 0
print('finish making mask...')
import time
t0 = time.time()
qkv_tmp = qkv.view(3, b, layout[-1], n_head, hn//n_head).permute(0, 1, 3, 2, 4).contiguous()
r1 = standard_attention(*qkv_tmp, mask.unsqueeze(1)).transpose(1, 2).reshape(b, layout[3], hn)
t1 = time.time()
r2 = sparse_attention_2d(*qkv2, n_head, layout, mask[...,:layout[0]].unsqueeze(1), kernel_size=k1, kernel_size2=k2)
t2 = time.time()
print('times: standard ', t1-t0, ' sparse ', t2-t1)
print(( (r1[:,:layout[0]]-r2[:,:layout[0]]).abs() / (r1[:,:layout[0]].abs()+r2[:,:layout[0]].abs())).max())
print(( (r1[:,layout[1]:]-r2[:,layout[1]:]).abs() / (r1[:,layout[1]:].abs()+r2[:,layout[1]:].abs())).max())
l2 = r2[:,layout[1]:].mean()
l1 = r1[:,layout[1]:].mean()
g1 = qkv.grad
g2 = qkv2.grad
print( (g1-g2).abs().max())
# import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
def seed_torch(seed=1029):
torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) # if you are using multi-GPU.
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = False
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