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index.ts 10.14 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
import ciInfo from "ci-info";
import Commander from "commander";
import Conf from "conf";
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import { blue, bold, cyan, green, red, yellow } from "picocolors";
import prompts from "prompts";
import checkForUpdate from "update-check";
import { createApp } from "./create-app";
import { getPkgManager } from "./helpers/get-pkg-manager";
import { isFolderEmpty } from "./helpers/is-folder-empty";
import { validateNpmName } from "./helpers/validate-pkg";
import packageJson from "./package.json";

let projectPath: string = "";

const handleSigTerm = () => process.exit(0);

process.on("SIGINT", handleSigTerm);
process.on("SIGTERM", handleSigTerm);

const onPromptState = (state: any) => {
  if (state.aborted) {
    // If we don't re-enable the terminal cursor before exiting
    // the program, the cursor will remain hidden

const program = new Commander.Command(
  .usage(`${green("<project-directory>")} [options]`)
  .action((name) => {
    projectPath = name;

  Initialize with eslint config.

  Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the application using npm

  Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the application using pnpm

  Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the application using Yarn

  Explicitly tell the CLI to reset any stored preferences

const packageManager = !!program.useNpm
  ? "npm"
  : !!program.usePnpm
    ? "pnpm"
    : !!program.useYarn
      ? "yarn"
      : getPkgManager();

async function run(): Promise<void> {
  const conf = new Conf({ projectName: "create-llama" });

  if (program.resetPreferences) {
    console.log(`Preferences reset successfully`);

  if (typeof projectPath === "string") {
    projectPath = projectPath.trim();

  if (!projectPath) {
    const res = await prompts({
      onState: onPromptState,
      type: "text",
      name: "path",
      message: "What is your project named?",
      initial: "my-app",
      validate: (name) => {
        const validation = validateNpmName(path.basename(path.resolve(name)));
        if (validation.valid) {
          return true;
        return "Invalid project name: " + validation.problems![0];

    if (typeof res.path === "string") {
      projectPath = res.path.trim();

  if (!projectPath) {
      "\nPlease specify the project directory:\n" +
        `  ${cyan(} ${green("<project-directory>")}\n` +
        "For example:\n" +
        `  ${cyan(} ${green("my-next-app")}\n\n` +
        `Run ${cyan(`${} --help`)} to see all options.`,

  const resolvedProjectPath = path.resolve(projectPath);
  const projectName = path.basename(resolvedProjectPath);

  const { valid, problems } = validateNpmName(projectName);
  if (!valid) {
      `Could not create a project called ${red(
      )} because of npm naming restrictions:`,

    problems!.forEach((p) => console.error(`    ${red(bold("*"))} ${p}`));

   * Verify the project dir is empty or doesn't exist
  const root = path.resolve(resolvedProjectPath);
  const appName = path.basename(root);
  const folderExists = fs.existsSync(root);

  if (folderExists && !isFolderEmpty(root, appName)) {

  const preferences = (conf.get("preferences") || {}) as Record<
    boolean | string

  const defaults: typeof preferences = {
    template: "simple",
    framework: "nextjs",
    engine: "simple",
    ui: "html",
    eslint: true,
    frontend: false,
    openAIKey: "",
  const getPrefOrDefault = (field: string) =>
    preferences[field] ?? defaults[field];

  const handlers = {
    onCancel: () => {

  if (!program.template) {
    if (ciInfo.isCI) {
      program.template = getPrefOrDefault("template");
    } else {
      const { template } = await prompts(
          type: "select",
          name: "template",
          message: "Which template would you like to use?",
          choices: [
            { title: "Chat without streaming", value: "simple" },
            { title: "Chat with streaming", value: "streaming" },
          initial: 1,
      program.template = template;
      preferences.template = template;

  if (!program.framework) {
    if (ciInfo.isCI) {
      program.framework = getPrefOrDefault("framework");
    } else {
      const { framework } = await prompts(
          type: "select",
          name: "framework",
          message: "Which framework would you like to use?",
          choices: [
            { title: "NextJS", value: "nextjs" },
            { title: "Express", value: "express" },
            { title: "FastAPI (Python)", value: "fastapi" },
          initial: 0,
      program.framework = framework;
      preferences.framework = framework;

  if (program.framework === "express" || program.framework === "fastapi") {
    // if a backend-only framework is selected, ask whether we should create a frontend
    if (!program.frontend) {
      if (ciInfo.isCI) {
        program.frontend = getPrefOrDefault("frontend");
      } else {
        const styledNextJS = blue("NextJS");
        const styledBackend = green(
          program.framework === "express"
            ? "Express "
            : program.framework === "fastapi"
              ? "FastAPI (Python) "
              : "",
        const { frontend } = await prompts({
          onState: onPromptState,
          type: "toggle",
          name: "frontend",
          message: `Would you like to generate a ${styledNextJS} frontend for your ${styledBackend}backend?`,
          initial: getPrefOrDefault("frontend"),
          active: "Yes",
          inactive: "No",
        program.frontend = Boolean(frontend);
        preferences.frontend = Boolean(frontend);

  if (program.framework === "nextjs" || program.frontend) {
    if (!program.ui) {
      if (ciInfo.isCI) {
        program.ui = getPrefOrDefault("ui");
      } else {
        const { ui } = await prompts(
            type: "select",
            name: "ui",
            message: "Which UI would you like to use?",
            choices: [
              { title: "Just HTML", value: "html" },
              { title: "Shadcn", value: "shadcn" },
            initial: 0,
        program.ui = ui;
        preferences.ui = ui;

  if (program.framework === "express" || program.framework === "nextjs") {
    if (!program.engine) {
      if (ciInfo.isCI) {
        program.engine = getPrefOrDefault("engine");
      } else {
        const { engine } = await prompts(
            type: "select",
            name: "engine",
            message: "Which chat engine would you like to use?",
            choices: [
              { title: "ContextChatEngine", value: "context" },
                title: "SimpleChatEngine (no data, just chat)",
                value: "simple",
            initial: 0,
        program.engine = engine;
        preferences.engine = engine;

  if (!program.openAIKey) {
    const { key } = await prompts(
        type: "text",
        name: "key",
        message: "Please provide your OpenAI API key (leave blank to skip):",
    program.openAIKey = key;
    preferences.openAIKey = key;

  if (
    program.framework !== "fastapi" &&
    !process.argv.includes("--eslint") &&
  ) {
    if (ciInfo.isCI) {
      program.eslint = getPrefOrDefault("eslint");
    } else {
      const styledEslint = blue("ESLint");
      const { eslint } = await prompts({
        onState: onPromptState,
        type: "toggle",
        name: "eslint",
        message: `Would you like to use ${styledEslint}?`,
        initial: getPrefOrDefault("eslint"),
        active: "Yes",
        inactive: "No",
      program.eslint = Boolean(eslint);
      preferences.eslint = Boolean(eslint);

  await createApp({
    template: program.template,
    framework: program.framework,
    engine: program.engine,
    ui: program.ui,
    appPath: resolvedProjectPath,
    eslint: program.eslint,
    frontend: program.frontend,
    openAIKey: program.openAIKey,
  conf.set("preferences", preferences);

const update = checkForUpdate(packageJson).catch(() => null);

async function notifyUpdate(): Promise<void> {
  try {
    const res = await update;
    if (res?.latest) {
      const updateMessage =
        packageManager === "yarn"
          ? "yarn global add create-llama@latest"
          : packageManager === "pnpm"
            ? "pnpm add -g create-llama@latest"
            : "npm i -g create-llama@latest";

        yellow(bold("A new version of `create-llama` is available!")) +
          "\n" +
          "You can update by running: " +
          cyan(updateMessage) +
  } catch {
    // ignore error

  .catch(async (reason) => {
    console.log("Aborting installation.");
    if (reason.command) {
      console.log(`  ${cyan(reason.command)} has failed.`);
    } else {
        red("Unexpected error. Please report it as a bug:") + "\n",

    await notifyUpdate();
