/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
import { execSync } from "child_process";
import { Command } from "commander";
import { bold, cyan, green, red, yellow } from "picocolors";
import terminalLink from "terminal-link";
import { createApp } from "./create-app";
import { EXAMPLE_FILE, getDataSources } from "./helpers/datasources";
import { getPkgManager } from "./helpers/get-pkg-manager";
import { isFolderEmpty } from "./helpers/is-folder-empty";
import { initializeGlobalAgent } from "./helpers/proxy";
import { getTools } from "./helpers/tools";
import { validateNpmName } from "./helpers/validate-pkg";
import packageJson from "./package.json";
import { askQuestions } from "./questions/index";
import { QuestionArgs } from "./questions/types";
import { onPromptState } from "./questions/utils";
// Run the initialization function
let projectPath: string = "";
const handleSigTerm = () => process.exit(0);
process.on("SIGINT", handleSigTerm);
process.on("SIGTERM", handleSigTerm);
const program = new Command(
.usage(`${green("[project-directory]")} [options]`)
if (name) {
projectPath = name;
Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the application using npm
Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the application using pnpm
Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the application using Yarn
"--template <template>",
Select a template to bootstrap the application with.
"--framework <framework>",
Select a framework to bootstrap the application with.
Huu Le (Lee)
"--files <path>",
Specify the path to a local file or folder for chatting.
Marcus Schiesser
Select to use an example PDF as data source.
"--web-source <url>",
Specify a website URL to use as a data source.
"--db-source <connection-string>",
Specify a database connection string to use as a data source.
"--open-ai-key <key>",
Provide an OpenAI API key.
"--ui <ui>",
Select a UI to bootstrap the application with.
Generate a frontend for your backend.
Do not generate a frontend for your backend.
"--port <port>",
Select UI port.
"--external-port <external>",
Huu Le (Lee)
Huu Le (Lee)
Choose an action after installation. For example, 'runApp' or 'dependencies'. The default option is just to generate the app.
"--vector-db <vectorDb>",
Select which vector database you would like to use, such as 'none', 'pg' or 'mongo'. The default option is not to use a vector database and use the local filesystem instead ('none').
"--tools <tools>",
Specify the tools you want to use by providing a comma-separated list. For example, 'wikipedia.WikipediaToolSpec,google.GoogleSearchToolSpec'. Use 'none' to not using any tools.
(tools, _) => {
if (tools === "none") {
return [];
} else {
return getTools(tools.split(","));
Marcus Schiesser
Enable LlamaParse.
"--llama-cloud-key <key>",
Provide a LlamaCloud API key.
"--observability <observability>",
Specify observability tools to use. Eg: none, opentelemetry
Allow interactive selection of LLM and embedding models of different model providers.
Allow interactive selection of all features.
"--agents <agents>",
Select which agents to use for the multi-agent template (e.g: financial_report, blog).
const options = program.opts();
if (
process.argv.includes("--no-llama-parse") ||
options.template === "extractor"
Marcus Schiesser
if (process.argv.includes("--no-files")) {
} else if (process.argv.includes("--example-file")) {
options.dataSources = getDataSources(options.files, options.exampleFile);
} else if (process.argv.includes("--llamacloud")) {
options.dataSources = [EXAMPLE_FILE];
options.vectorDb = "llamacloud";
} else if (process.argv.includes("--web-source")) {
type: "web",
config: {
baseUrl: options.webSource,
prefix: options.webSource,
depth: 1,
} else if (process.argv.includes("--db-source")) {
type: "db",
config: {
uri: options.dbSource,
queries: options.dbQuery || "SELECT * FROM mytable",
const packageManager = !!options.useNpm
async function run(): Promise<void> {
if (typeof projectPath === "string") {
projectPath = projectPath.trim();
if (!projectPath) {
const res = await prompts({
onState: onPromptState,
type: "text",
name: "path",
message: "What is your project named?",
initial: "my-app",
const validation = validateNpmName(path.basename(path.resolve(name)));
return "Invalid project name: " + validation.problems![0];
if (typeof res.path === "string") {
projectPath = res.path.trim();
if (!projectPath) {
"\nPlease specify the project directory:\n" +
` ${cyan(} ${green("<project-directory>")}\n` +
"For example:\n" +
` ${cyan(} ${green("my-app")}\n\n` +
`Run ${cyan(`${} --help`)} to see all options.`,
const resolvedProjectPath = path.resolve(projectPath);
const projectName = path.basename(resolvedProjectPath);
const { valid, problems } = validateNpmName(projectName);
if (!valid) {
`Could not create a project called ${red(
)} because of npm naming restrictions:`,
problems!.forEach((p) => console.error(` ${red(bold("*"))} ${p}`));
* Verify the project dir is empty or doesn't exist
const root = path.resolve(resolvedProjectPath);
const appName = path.basename(root);
const folderExists = fs.existsSync(root);
if (folderExists && !isFolderEmpty(root, appName)) {
const answers = await askQuestions(options as unknown as QuestionArgs);
appPath: resolvedProjectPath,
externalPort: options.externalPort,
if (answers.postInstallAction === "VSCode") {
console.log(`Starting VSCode in ${root}...`);
try {
execSync(`code . --new-window --goto`, {
stdio: "inherit",
cwd: root,
} catch (error) {
`Failed to start VSCode in ${root}.
Got error: ${(error as Error).message}.\n`,
`Make sure you have VSCode installed and added to your PATH (shell alias will not work).
Please check ${cyan(
"This documentation",
)} for more information.`,
} else if (answers.postInstallAction === "runApp") {
console.log(`Running app in ${root}...`);
const update = checkForUpdate(packageJson).catch(() => null);
async function notifyUpdate(): Promise<void> {
try {
if (res?.latest) {
const updateMessage =
? "pnpm add -g create-llama@latest"
: "npm i -g create-llama@latest";
yellow(bold("A new version of `create-llama` is available!")) +
"\n" +
"You can update by running: " +
} catch {
// ignore error
.catch(async (reason) => {
console.log("Aborting installation.");
red("Unexpected error. Please report it as a bug:") + "\n",