@@ -9,3 +9,52 @@ Right now there are two packages of importance:
packages/core which is the main NPM library @llamaindex/core
apps/simple is where the demo code lives
### Turborepo docs
You can checkout how Turborepo works using the built in [README-turborepo.md](README-turborepo.md)
## Getting Started
Install NodeJS. Preferably v18 using nvm or n.
Inside the llamascript directory:
npm i -g pnpm ts-node
pnpm install
Note: we use pnpm in this repo, which has a lot of the same functionality and CLI options as npm but it does do some things better in a monorepo, like centralizing dependencies and caching.
PNPM's has documentation on its [workspace feature](https://pnpm.io/workspaces) and Turborepo had some [useful documentation also](https://turbo.build/repo/docs/core-concepts/monorepos/running-tasks).
### Test cases
To run them, run
pnpm run test
To write new test cases write them in packages/core/src/tests
We use Jest https://jestjs.io/ to write our test cases. Jest comes with a bunch of built in assertions using the expect function: https://jestjs.io/docs/expect
### Demo applications
You can create new demo applications in the apps folder. Just run pnpm init in the folder after you create it to create its own package.json
### Installing packages
To install packages for a specific package or demo application, run
pnpm add [NPM Package] --filter [package or application i.e. core or simple]
To install packages for every package or application run