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Unverified Commit 7c90e1b6 authored by Alex Yang's avatar Alex Yang Committed by GitHub
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docs(next): update homepage & init setup toturial (#1386)

parent 21ba0a80
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with 1183 additions and 82 deletions
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import { DOCUMENT_URL } from "@/lib/const";
import { SiStackblitz } from "@icons-pack/react-simple-icons";
import { Bot, Terminal } from "lucide-react";
import { Blocks, Bot, Footprints, Terminal } from "lucide-react";
import Link from "next/link";
export default function HomePage() {
......@@ -26,7 +32,7 @@ export default function HomePage() {
<div className="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-4">
<Link href="/docs/llamaindex">
<Link href={DOCUMENT_URL}>
<Button variant="outline">Get Started</Button>
<NpmInstall />
......@@ -43,6 +49,49 @@ export default function HomePage() {
<div className="mt-4" />
<div className="grid grid-cols-1 border-r md:grid-cols-2">
heading="Adding AI feature from simple to complex"
description="LlamaIndex.TS is designed to be simple to start with and can be extended to build complex AI applications."
`import { OpenAI } from "llamaindex";
const llm = new OpenAI();
const response = await llm.complete({ prompt: "How are you?" });`,
`import { OpenAI } from "llamaindex";
const llm = new OpenAI();
const response = await{
messages: [{ content: "Tell me a joke.", role: "user" }],
`import { OpenAI, ChatMemoryBuffer } from "llamaindex";
const llm = new OpenAI({ model: 'gpt4o-turbo' });
const buffer = new ChatMemoryBuffer({
tokenLimit: 128_000,
buffer.put({ content: "Tell me a joke.", role: "user" })
const response = await{
messages: buffer.getMessages(),
stream: true
`import { OpenAIAgent, ChatMemoryBuffer } from "llamaindex";
const agent = new OpenAIAgent({
tools: [...myTools]
const buffer = new ChatMemoryBuffer({
tokenLimit: 128_000,
buffer.put({ content: "Analysis the data based on the given data.", role: "user" })
buffer.put({ content: \`\${data}\`, role: "user" })
const response = await{
message: buffer.getMessages(),
......@@ -50,8 +99,7 @@ export default function HomePage() {
description="Build agents for RAG using LlamaIndex.TS. Agents are the core building blocks of RAG applications."
import { FunctionTool } from "llamaindex";
code={`import { FunctionTool } from "llamaindex";
import { OpenAIAgent } from "@llamaindex/openai";
const interpreterTool = FunctionTool.from(...);
......@@ -67,6 +115,27 @@ await'...');`}
heading="LLM / Data Loader / Vector Store"
description="LlamaIndex.TS provides various providers to turn your data into valuable insights."
<div className="mt-8 flex flex-col gap-8">
<h3 className="text-lg font-semibold text-fd-muted-foreground mb-2">
<InfiniteLLMProviders />
<h3 className="text-lg font-semibold text-fd-muted-foreground mb-2">
Vector Store
<InfiniteVectorStoreProviders />
subheading="Create Llama CLI"
import { DOCUMENT_URL } from "@/lib/const";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";
export default async function Page(props: {
params: Promise<{
any: string[];
}) {
const path = await props.params.then(({ any }) => any.join("/"));
return redirect(new URL(path, DOCUMENT_URL).toString());
import { DOCUMENT_URL } from "@/lib/const";
import type { BaseLayoutProps } from "fumadocs-ui/layouts/shared";
......@@ -11,10 +12,11 @@ export const baseOptions: BaseLayoutProps = {
nav: {
title: "LlamaIndex.TS",
githubUrl: "",
links: [
text: "Documentation",
url: "/docs/llamaindex",
active: "nested-url",
import { RootProvider } from "fumadocs-ui/provider";
import { Inter } from "next/font/google";
import type { ReactNode } from "react";
import "shiki-magic-move/dist/style.css";
import "./global.css";
const inter = Inter({
import { InfiniteSlider } from "@/components/ui/infinite-slider";
import { SiAnthropic, SiOpenai } from "@icons-pack/react-simple-icons";
import Image from "next/image";
export function InfiniteLLMProviders() {
return (
<InfiniteSlider gap={24} reverse>
<SiOpenai className="h-[60px] w-auto" />
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
alt="Microsoft Azure"
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
<SiAnthropic className="h-[60px] w-auto" />
alt="Amazon Web Services"
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
export function InfiniteVectorStoreProviders() {
return (
<InfiniteSlider gap={24}>
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
className="h-[60px] w-auto"
"use client";
import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { CodeBlock, Pre } from "fumadocs-ui/components/codeblock";
import { RotateCcw } from "lucide-react";
import { useTheme } from "next-themes";
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { createHighlighter, type HighlighterCore } from "shiki";
import { ShikiMagicMove } from "shiki-magic-move/react";
const highlighterPromise = createHighlighter({
themes: ["github-light", "github-dark"],
langs: ["js", "ts", "tsx"],
export type MagicMoveProps = {
code: string[];
export function MagicMove(props: MagicMoveProps) {
const [move, setMove] = useState<number>(0);
const currentCode = props.code[move];
const [highlighter, setHighlighter] = useState<HighlighterCore>();
const { resolvedTheme } = useTheme();
useEffect(() => {
async function initializeHighlighter() {
setHighlighter(await highlighterPromise);
}, []);
const animate = useCallback(() => {
setMove((move) => (move + 1) % props.code.length);
}, [props.code]);
useEffect(() => {
if (move === props.code.length - 1) {
} else {
const interval = setInterval(animate, 3000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
}, [animate, move, props.code]);
return (
<CodeBlock allowCopy={false}>
{highlighter && (
theme={resolvedTheme === "dark" ? "github-dark" : "github-light"}
duration: 800,
stagger: 0.3,
lineNumbers: false,
containerStyle: false,
"absolute bottom-2 right-2",
move !== props.code.length - 1 ? "hidden" : "",
disabled={move !== props.code.length - 1}
<RotateCcw />
"use client";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { animate, motion, useMotionValue } from "framer-motion";
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import useMeasure from "react-use-measure";
type InfiniteSliderProps = {
children: React.ReactNode;
gap?: number;
duration?: number;
durationOnHover?: number;
direction?: "horizontal" | "vertical";
reverse?: boolean;
className?: string;
export function InfiniteSlider({
gap = 16,
duration = 25,
direction = "horizontal",
reverse = false,
}: InfiniteSliderProps) {
const [currentDuration, setCurrentDuration] = useState(duration);
const [ref, { width, height }] = useMeasure();
const translation = useMotionValue(0);
const [isTransitioning, setIsTransitioning] = useState(false);
const [key, setKey] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
let controls;
const size = direction === "horizontal" ? width : height;
const contentSize = size + gap;
const from = reverse ? -contentSize / 2 : 0;
const to = reverse ? 0 : -contentSize / 2;
if (isTransitioning) {
controls = animate(translation, [translation.get(), to], {
ease: "linear",
currentDuration * Math.abs((translation.get() - to) / contentSize),
onComplete: () => {
setKey((prevKey) => prevKey + 1);
} else {
controls = animate(translation, [from, to], {
ease: "linear",
duration: currentDuration,
repeat: Infinity,
repeatType: "loop",
repeatDelay: 0,
onRepeat: () => {
return controls?.stop;
}, [
const hoverProps = durationOnHover
? {
onHoverStart: () => {
onHoverEnd: () => {
: {};
return (
<div className={cn("overflow-hidden", className)}>
className="flex w-max items-center"
...(direction === "horizontal"
? { x: translation }
: { y: translation }),
gap: `${gap}px`,
flexDirection: direction === "horizontal" ? "row" : "column",
title: What is LlamaIndex?
description: LlamaIndex is a framework for building LLM-powered applications.
title: Getting Started with LlamaIndex.TS
description: Install llamaindex by running a single command.
import {
} from "@icons-pack/react-simple-icons";
import { CodeBlock, Pre } from "fumadocs-ui/components/codeblock";
import { Tab, Tabs } from "fumadocs-ui/components/tabs";
LlamaIndex helps you ingest, structure, and access private or domain-specific data. It's available [as a Python package]( and in TypeScript (this package).
LlamaIndex.TS offers the core features of LlamaIndex for JS Runtime-agnostic (Node.js, Deno, and Bun) applications.
## 🚀 Why LlamaIndex.TS?
LLMs offer a natural language interface between humans and inferred data. Widely available models come pre-trained on huge amounts of publicly available data, from Wikipedia and mailing lists to textbooks and source code.
Applications built on top of LLMs often require augmenting these models with private or domain-specific data. That data is often distributed across siloed applications and data stores. It's behind APIs, in SQL databases, or trapped in PDFs and slide decks.
LlamaIndex.TS helps you unlock that data and then build powerful applications with it.
## 🦙 What is LlamaIndex for?
LlamaIndex.TS handles several major use cases:
- **Structured Data Extraction**: turning complex, unstructured and semi-structured data into uniform, programmatically accessible formats.
- **Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)**: answering queries across your internal data by providing LLMs with up-to-date, semantically relevant context including Question and Answer systems and chat bots.
- **Autonomous Agents**: building software that is capable of intelligently selecting and using tools to accomplish tasks in an interactive, unsupervised manner.
## 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Who is LlamaIndex for?
LlamaIndex targets the "AI Engineer": developers building software in any domain that can be enhanced by LLM-powered functionality, without needing to be an expert in machine learning or natural language processing.
Our high-level API allows beginner users to use LlamaIndex.TS to ingest, index, and query their data in just a few lines of code.
For more complex applications, our lower-level APIs allow advanced users to customize and extend any module—data connectors, indices, retrievers, and query engines, to fit their needs.
## Getting Started
<Tabs items={["npm", "yarn", "pnpm"]}>
<Tab value="npm">
<CodeBlock language="shell">
<Pre>npm install llamaindex</Pre>
<Tab value="yarn">
<CodeBlock language="shell">
<Pre>yarn add llamaindex</Pre>
<Tab value="pnpm">
<CodeBlock language="shell">
<Pre>pnpm add llamaindex</Pre>
```shell tab="npm"
npm install llamaindex
Our documentation includes [Installation Instructions](./getting_started/installation.mdx) and a [Starter Tutorial](./getting_started/starter_tutorial/retrieval_augmented_generation.mdx) to build your first application.
```shell tab="yarn"
yarn add llamaindex
Once you're up and running, [High-Level Concepts](./getting_started/ has an overview of LlamaIndex's modular architecture. For more hands-on practical examples, look through our Examples section on the sidebar.
```shell tab="pnpm"
pnpm add llamaindex
## 🗺️ Ecosystem
To download or contribute, find LlamaIndex on:
## What's next?
icon={<SiGithub />}
title="I'm new to RAG"
description="Learn more about RAG (Retrieval-augmented generation) using LlamaIndex.TS."
icon={<SiNpm />}
title="I want to try LlamaIndex.TS"
description="Learn how to use LlamaIndex.TS with different JS runtime and frameworks."
title="I want to improve performance when using LlamaIndex.TS"
description="Learn how to improve performance, reduce bundle size, improve accuracy."
## Community
Need help? Have a feature suggestion? Join the LlamaIndex community:
<Card icon={<SiX />} title="Twitter" href="" />
icon={<SiDiscord />}
title="Show me code examples"
description="Explore code examples using LlamaIndex.TS."
......@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
"title": "LlamaIndex",
"description": "The Data framework for LLM",
"root": true,
"pages": ["---Guide---", "index"]
"pages": ["---Guide---", "index", "starter"]
title: More
description: More
import {
} from "@icons-pack/react-simple-icons";
## 🗺️ Ecosystem
To download or contribute, find LlamaIndex on:
icon={<SiGithub />}
icon={<SiNpm />}
## Community
Need help? Have a feature suggestion? Join the LlamaIndex community:
<Card icon={<SiX />} title="Twitter" href="" />
icon={<SiDiscord />}
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