This is a monorepo built with Turborepo
Right now there are two packages of importance:
packages/core which is the main NPM library llamaindex
apps/simple is where the demo code lives
Turborepo docs
You can checkout how Turborepo works using the default
Getting Started
Install NodeJS. Preferably v18 using nvm or n.
Inside the LlamaIndexTS directory:
npm i -g pnpm ts-node
pnpm install
Note: we use pnpm in this repo, which has a lot of the same functionality and CLI options as npm but it does do some things better in a monorepo, like centralizing dependencies and caching.
PNPM's has documentation on its workspace feature and Turborepo had some useful documentation also.
Running Typescript
When we publish to NPM we will have a tsc compiled version of the library in JS. For now, the easiest thing to do is use ts-node.
Test cases
To run them, run
pnpm run test
To write new test cases write them in packages/core/src/tests
We use Jest to write our test cases. Jest comes with a bunch of built in assertions using the expect function:
Demo applications
There is an existing "simple" demos folder with mainly NodeJS scripts. Feel free to add additional demos to that folder. If you would like to try out your changes in the core package with a new demo, you need to run the build command in the README.
You can create new demo applications in the apps folder. Just run pnpm init in the folder after you create it to create its own package.json
Installing packages
To install packages for a specific package or demo application, run
pnpm add [NPM Package] --filter [package or application i.e. core or simple]
To install packages for every package or application run
pnpm add -w [NPM Package]
To contribute to the docs, go to the docs website folder and run the Docusaurus instance.
cd apps/docs
pnpm install
pnpm start
That should start a webserver which will serve the docs on https://localhost:3000
Any changes you make should be reflected in the browser. If you need to regenerate the API docs and find that your TSDoc isn't getting the updates, feel free to remove apps/docs/api. It will automatically regenerate itself when you run pnpm start again.