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import importlib
import os
import tempfile
from unittest.mock import mock_open, patch

import pytest
import time

from semantic_router.encoders import BaseEncoder, CohereEncoder, OpenAIEncoder
from semantic_router.index.local import LocalIndex
from semantic_router.index.pinecone import PineconeIndex
from semantic_router.index.qdrant import QdrantIndex
from semantic_router.layer import LayerConfig, RouteLayer
from semantic_router.llms.base import BaseLLM
from semantic_router.route import Route

def mock_encoder_call(utterances):
    # Define a mapping of utterances to return values
    mock_responses = {
        "Hello": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
        "Hi": [0.4, 0.5, 0.6],
        "Goodbye": [0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
        "Bye": [1.0, 1.1, 1.2],
        "Au revoir": [1.3, 1.4, 1.5],
    return [mock_responses.get(u, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) for u in utterances]

def layer_json():
    return """{
    "encoder_type": "cohere",
    "encoder_name": "embed-english-v3.0",
    "routes": [
            "name": "politics",
            "utterances": [
                "isn't politics the best thing ever",
                "why don't you tell me about your political opinions"
            "description": null,
            "function_schema": null
            "name": "chitchat",
            "utterances": [
                "how's the weather today?",
                "how are things going?"
            "description": null,
            "function_schema": null

def layer_yaml():
    return """encoder_name: embed-english-v3.0
encoder_type: cohere
- description: null
  function_schema: null
  name: politics
  - isn't politics the best thing ever
  - why don't you tell me about your political opinions
- description: null
  function_schema: null
  name: chitchat
  - how's the weather today?
  - how are things going?

def base_encoder():
    return BaseEncoder(name="test-encoder", score_threshold=0.5)

def cohere_encoder(mocker):
    mocker.patch.object(CohereEncoder, "__call__", side_effect=mock_encoder_call)
    return CohereEncoder(name="test-cohere-encoder", cohere_api_key="test_api_key")

def openai_encoder(mocker):
    mocker.patch.object(OpenAIEncoder, "__call__", side_effect=mock_encoder_call)
    return OpenAIEncoder(name="test-openai-encoder", openai_api_key="test_api_key")

def routes():
    return [
        Route(name="Route 1", utterances=["Hello", "Hi"]),
        Route(name="Route 2", utterances=["Goodbye", "Bye", "Au revoir"]),

def routes_2():
    return [
        Route(name="Route 1", utterances=["Hello"]),
        Route(name="Route 2", utterances=["Hello"]),

def routes_3():
    return [
        Route(name="Route 1", utterances=["Hello"]),
        Route(name="Route 2", utterances=["Asparagus"]),

def dynamic_routes():
    return [
            name="Route 1", utterances=["Hello", "Hi"], function_schema={"name": "test"}
            name="Route 2",
            utterances=["Goodbye", "Bye", "Au revoir"],
            function_schema={"name": "test"},

def test_data():
    return [
        ("What's your opinion on the current government?", "politics"),
        ("what's the weather like today?", "chitchat"),
        ("what is the Pythagorean theorem?", "mathematics"),
        ("what is photosynthesis?", "biology"),
        ("tell me an interesting fact", None),

def get_test_indexes():
    indexes = [LocalIndex]

    if importlib.util.find_spec("qdrant_client") is not None:
    return indexes

@pytest.mark.parametrize("index_cls", get_test_indexes())
class TestRouteLayer:
    def test_initialization(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, top_k=10, index=index_cls()
        assert openai_encoder.score_threshold == 0.82
        assert route_layer.score_threshold == 0.82
        assert route_layer.top_k == 10
        assert len(route_layer.index) if route_layer.index is not None else 0 == 5
        assert (
            if route_layer._get_route_names() is not None
            else 0 == 2

    def test_initialization_different_encoders(
        self, cohere_encoder, openai_encoder, index_cls
        route_layer_cohere = RouteLayer(encoder=cohere_encoder, index=index_cls())
        assert cohere_encoder.score_threshold == 0.3
        assert route_layer_cohere.score_threshold == 0.3
        route_layer_openai = RouteLayer(encoder=openai_encoder, index=index_cls())
        assert route_layer_openai.score_threshold == 0.82

    def test_initialization_no_encoder(self, openai_encoder, index_cls):
        os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "test_api_key"
        route_layer_none = RouteLayer(encoder=None)
        assert route_layer_none.score_threshold == openai_encoder.score_threshold

    def test_initialization_dynamic_route(
        self, cohere_encoder, openai_encoder, dynamic_routes, index_cls
        route_layer_cohere = RouteLayer(
            encoder=cohere_encoder, routes=dynamic_routes, index=index_cls()
        assert route_layer_cohere.score_threshold == 0.3
        route_layer_openai = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=dynamic_routes, index=index_cls()
        assert openai_encoder.score_threshold == 0.82
        assert route_layer_openai.score_threshold == 0.82

    def test_add_route(self, openai_encoder, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(encoder=openai_encoder, index=index_cls())
        route1 = Route(name="Route 1", utterances=["Yes", "No"])
        route2 = Route(name="Route 2", utterances=["Maybe", "Sure"])

        # Initially, the routes list should be empty
        assert route_layer.routes == []

        # Add route1 and check
        assert route_layer.routes == [route1]
        assert route_layer.index is not None
        # Use the describe method to get the number of vectors
        assert route_layer.index.describe()["vectors"] == 2

        # Add route2 and check
        assert route_layer.routes == [route1, route2]
        assert route_layer.index.describe()["vectors"] == 4

    def test_list_route_names(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        route_names = route_layer.list_route_names()
        assert set(route_names) == {
   for route in routes
        }, "The list of route names should match the names of the routes added."

    def test_delete_route(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        # Delete a route by name
        route_to_delete = routes[0].name
        # Ensure the route is no longer in the route layer
        assert (
            route_to_delete not in route_layer.list_route_names()
        ), "The route should be deleted from the route layer."
        # Ensure the route's utterances are no longer in the index
        for utterance in routes[0].utterances:
            assert (
                utterance not in route_layer.index
            ), "The route's utterances should be deleted from the index."

    def test_remove_route_not_found(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        # Attempt to remove a route that does not exist
        non_existent_route = "non-existent-route"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            str(excinfo.value) == f"Route `{non_existent_route}` not found"
        ), "Attempting to remove a non-existent route should raise a ValueError."

    def test_add_multiple_routes(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(encoder=openai_encoder, index=index_cls())
        assert route_layer.index is not None
        assert route_layer.index.describe()["vectors"] == 5

    def test_query_and_classification(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        query_result = route_layer(text="Hello").name
        assert query_result in ["Route 1", "Route 2"]

    def test_query_filter(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        query_result = route_layer(text="Hello", route_filter=["Route 1"]).name

            route_layer(text="Hello", route_filter=["Route 8"]).name
        except ValueError:
            assert True

        assert query_result in ["Route 1"]

    def test_query_filter_pinecone(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        pinecone_api_key = os.environ["PINECONE_API_KEY"]
        pineconeindex = PineconeIndex(api_key=pinecone_api_key)
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=pineconeindex
        time.sleep(5)  # allow for index to be populated
        query_result = route_layer(text="Hello", route_filter=["Route 1"]).name

            route_layer(text="Hello", route_filter=["Route 8"]).name
        except ValueError:
            assert True

        # delete index

        assert query_result in ["Route 1"]

    def test_namespace_pinecone_index(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        pinecone_api_key = os.environ["PINECONE_API_KEY"]
        pineconeindex = PineconeIndex(api_key=pinecone_api_key, namespace="test")
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=pineconeindex
        time.sleep(5)  # allow for index to be populated
        query_result = route_layer(text="Hello", route_filter=["Route 1"]).name

            route_layer(text="Hello", route_filter=["Route 8"]).name
        except ValueError:
            assert True

        # delete index

        assert query_result in ["Route 1"]

    def test_query_with_no_index(self, openai_encoder, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(encoder=openai_encoder, index=index_cls())
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assert route_layer(text="Anything").name is None

    def test_query_with_vector(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        vector = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
        query_result = route_layer(vector=vector).name
        assert query_result in ["Route 1", "Route 2"]

    def test_query_with_no_text_or_vector(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_semantic_classify(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        classification, score = route_layer._semantic_classify(
                {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.9},
                {"route": "Route 2", "score": 0.1},
        assert classification == "Route 1"
        assert score == [0.9]

    def test_semantic_classify_multiple_routes(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        classification, score = route_layer._semantic_classify(
                {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.9},
                {"route": "Route 2", "score": 0.1},
                {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.8},
        assert classification == "Route 1"
        assert score == [0.9, 0.8]

    def test_query_no_text_dynamic_route(
        self, openai_encoder, dynamic_routes, index_cls
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=dynamic_routes, index=index_cls()
        vector = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_pass_threshold(self, openai_encoder, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(encoder=openai_encoder, index=index_cls())
        assert not route_layer._pass_threshold([], 0.5)
        assert route_layer._pass_threshold([0.6, 0.7], 0.5)

    def test_failover_score_threshold(self, base_encoder, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(encoder=base_encoder, index=index_cls())
        assert route_layer.score_threshold == 0.5

    def test_json(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".yaml", delete=False)
            temp_path =  # Save the temporary file's path
            temp.close()  # Close the file to ensure it can be opened again on Windows
            os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "test_api_key"
            route_layer = RouteLayer(
                encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
            assert os.path.exists(temp_path)
            route_layer_from_file = RouteLayer.from_json(temp_path)
            assert (
                route_layer_from_file.index is not None
                and route_layer_from_file._get_route_names() is not None
            os.remove(temp_path)  # Ensure the file is deleted even if the test fails

    def test_yaml(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".yaml", delete=False)
            temp_path =  # Save the temporary file's path
            temp.close()  # Close the file to ensure it can be opened again on Windows
            os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "test_api_key"
            route_layer = RouteLayer(
                encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
            assert os.path.exists(temp_path)
            route_layer_from_file = RouteLayer.from_yaml(temp_path)
            assert (
                route_layer_from_file.index is not None
                and route_layer_from_file._get_route_names() is not None
            os.remove(temp_path)  # Ensure the file is deleted even if the test fails

    def test_from_file_json(openai_encoder, tmp_path, index_cls):
        # Create a temporary JSON file with layer configuration
        config_path = tmp_path / "config.json"
        )  # Assuming layer_json() returns a valid JSON string

        # Load the LayerConfig from the temporary file
        layer_config = LayerConfig.from_file(str(config_path))

        # Assertions to verify the loaded configuration
        assert layer_config.encoder_type == "cohere"
        assert layer_config.encoder_name == "embed-english-v3.0"
        assert len(layer_config.routes) == 2
        assert layer_config.routes[0].name == "politics"

    def test_from_file_yaml(openai_encoder, tmp_path, index_cls):
        # Create a temporary YAML file with layer configuration
        config_path = tmp_path / "config.yaml"
        )  # Assuming layer_yaml() returns a valid YAML string

        # Load the LayerConfig from the temporary file
        layer_config = LayerConfig.from_file(str(config_path))

        # Assertions to verify the loaded configuration
        assert layer_config.encoder_type == "cohere"
        assert layer_config.encoder_name == "embed-english-v3.0"
        assert len(layer_config.routes) == 2
        assert layer_config.routes[0].name == "politics"

    def test_from_file_invalid_path(self, index_cls):
        with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError) as excinfo:
        assert "[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'nonexistent_path.json'" in str(

    def test_from_file_unsupported_type(self, tmp_path, index_cls):
        # Create a temporary unsupported file
        config_path = tmp_path / "config.unsupported"

        with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        assert "Unsupported file type" in str(excinfo.value)

    def test_from_file_invalid_config(self, tmp_path, index_cls):
        # Define an invalid configuration JSON
        invalid_config_json = """
            "encoder_type": "cohere",
            "encoder_name": "embed-english-v3.0",
            "routes": "This should be a list, not a string"

        # Write the invalid configuration to a temporary JSON file
        config_path = tmp_path / "invalid_config.json"
        with open(config_path, "w") as file:

        # Patch the is_valid function to return False for this test
        with patch("semantic_router.layer.is_valid", return_value=False):
            # Attempt to load the LayerConfig from the temporary file
            # and assert that it raises an exception due to invalid configuration
            with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
            assert "Invalid config JSON or YAML" in str(
            ), "Loading an invalid configuration should raise an exception."

    def test_from_file_with_llm(self, tmp_path, index_cls):
        llm_config_json = """
            "encoder_type": "cohere",
            "encoder_name": "embed-english-v3.0",
            "routes": [
                    "name": "llm_route",
                    "utterances": ["tell me a joke", "say something funny"],
                    "llm": {
                        "module": "semantic_router.llms.base",
                        "class": "BaseLLM",
                        "model": "fake-model-v1"

        config_path = tmp_path / "config_with_llm.json"
        with open(config_path, "w") as file:

        # Load the LayerConfig from the temporary file
        layer_config = LayerConfig.from_file(str(config_path))

        # Using BaseLLM because trying to create a usable Mock LLM is a nightmare.
        assert isinstance(
            layer_config.routes[0].llm, BaseLLM
        ), "LLM should be instantiated and associated with the route based on the "
        assert (
            layer_config.routes[0] == "fake-model-v1"
        ), "LLM instance should have the 'name' attribute set correctly"

    def test_config(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "test_api_key"
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        # confirm route creation functions as expected
        layer_config = route_layer.to_config()
        assert layer_config.routes == routes
        # now load from config and confirm it's the same
        route_layer_from_config = RouteLayer.from_config(layer_config, index_cls())
        assert (
            route_layer_from_config._get_route_names() == route_layer._get_route_names()
        assert route_layer_from_config.score_threshold == route_layer.score_threshold

    def test_get_thresholds(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        assert route_layer.get_thresholds() == {"Route 1": 0.82, "Route 2": 0.82}

    def test_with_multiple_routes_passing_threshold(
        self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        route_layer.score_threshold = 0.5  # Set the score_threshold if needed
        # Assuming route_layer is already set up with routes "Route 1" and "Route 2"
        query_results = [
            {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.6},
            {"route": "Route 2", "score": 0.7},
            {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.8},
        # Override _pass_threshold to always return True for this test
        route_layer._pass_threshold = lambda scores, threshold: True
        expected = [("Route 1", 0.8), ("Route 2", 0.7)]
        results = route_layer._semantic_classify_multiple_routes(query_results)
        assert sorted(results) == sorted(
        ), "Should classify and return routes above their thresholds"

    def test_with_no_routes_passing_threshold(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        route_layer.score_threshold = 0.5
        # Override _pass_threshold to always return False for this test
        route_layer._pass_threshold = lambda scores, threshold: False
        query_results = [
            {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.3},
            {"route": "Route 2", "score": 0.2},
        expected = []
        results = route_layer._semantic_classify_multiple_routes(query_results)
        assert (
            results == expected
        ), "Should return an empty list when no routes pass their thresholds"

    def test_with_no_query_results(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        route_layer.score_threshold = 0.5
        query_results = []
        expected = []
        results = route_layer._semantic_classify_multiple_routes(query_results)
        assert (
            results == expected
        ), "Should return an empty list when there are no query results"

    def test_with_unrecognized_route(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        route_layer.score_threshold = 0.5
        # Test with a route name that does not exist in the route_layer's routes
        query_results = [{"route": "UnrecognizedRoute", "score": 0.9}]
        expected = []
        results = route_layer._semantic_classify_multiple_routes(query_results)
        assert results == expected, "Should ignore and not return unrecognized routes"

    def test_retrieve_with_text(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        text = "Hello"
        results = route_layer.retrieve_multiple_routes(text=text)
        assert len(results) >= 1, "Expected at least one result"
        assert any(
   in ["Route 1", "Route 2"] for result in results
        ), "Expected the result to be either 'Route 1' or 'Route 2'"

    def test_retrieve_with_vector(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        vector = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]
        results = route_layer.retrieve_multiple_routes(vector=vector)
        assert len(results) >= 1, "Expected at least one result"
        assert any(
   in ["Route 1", "Route 2"] for result in results
        ), "Expected the result to be either 'Route 1' or 'Route 2'"

    def test_retrieve_without_text_or_vector(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Either text or vector must be provided"):

    def test_retrieve_no_matches(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        text = "Asparagus"
        results = route_layer.retrieve_multiple_routes(text=text)
        assert len(results) == 0, f"Expected no results, but got {len(results)}"

    def test_retrieve_one_match(self, openai_encoder, routes_3, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes_3, index=index_cls()
        text = "Hello"
        results = route_layer.retrieve_multiple_routes(text=text)
        assert len(results) == 1, f"Expected one result, and got {len(results)}"
        matched_routes = [ for result in results]
        assert "Route 1" in matched_routes, "Expected 'Route 1' to be a match"

    def test_retrieve_with_text_for_multiple_matches(
        self, openai_encoder, routes_2, index_cls
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes_2, index=index_cls()
        text = "Hello"
        results = route_layer.retrieve_multiple_routes(text=text)
        assert len(results) == 2, "Expected two results"
        matched_routes = [ for result in results]
        assert "Route 1" in matched_routes, "Expected 'Route 1' to be a match"
        assert "Route 2" in matched_routes, "Expected 'Route 2' to be a match"

    def test_set_aggregation_method_with_unsupported_value(
        self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        unsupported_aggregation = "unsupported_aggregation_method"
        with pytest.raises(
            match=f"Unsupported aggregation method chosen: {unsupported_aggregation}. Choose either 'SUM', 'MEAN', or 'MAX'.",

    def test_refresh_routes_not_implemented(self, openai_encoder, routes, index_cls):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(
            encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes, index=index_cls()
        with pytest.raises(
            NotImplementedError, match="This method has not yet been implemented."

class TestLayerFit:
    def test_eval(self, openai_encoder, routes, test_data):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes)
        # unpack test data
        X, y = zip(*test_data)
        # evaluate
        route_layer.evaluate(X=X, y=y, batch_size=int(len(test_data) / 5))

    def test_fit(self, openai_encoder, routes, test_data):
        route_layer = RouteLayer(encoder=openai_encoder, routes=routes)
        # unpack test data
        X, y = zip(*test_data), y=y, batch_size=int(len(test_data) / 5))

# Add more tests for edge cases and error handling as needed.

class TestLayerConfig:
    def test_init(self):
        layer_config = LayerConfig()
        assert layer_config.routes == []

    def test_to_file_json(self):
        route = Route(name="test", utterances=["utterance"])
        layer_config = LayerConfig(routes=[route])
        with patch("", mock_open()) as mocked_open:
            mocked_open.assert_called_once_with("data/test_output.json", "w")

    def test_to_file_yaml(self):
        route = Route(name="test", utterances=["utterance"])
        layer_config = LayerConfig(routes=[route])
        with patch("", mock_open()) as mocked_open:
            mocked_open.assert_called_once_with("data/test_output.yaml", "w")

    def test_to_file_invalid(self):
        route = Route(name="test", utterances=["utterance"])
        layer_config = LayerConfig(routes=[route])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_from_file_json(self):
        mock_json_data = layer_json()
        with patch("", mock_open(read_data=mock_json_data)) as mocked_open:
            layer_config = LayerConfig.from_file("data/test.json")
            mocked_open.assert_called_once_with("data/test.json", "r")
            assert isinstance(layer_config, LayerConfig)

    def test_from_file_yaml(self):
        mock_yaml_data = layer_yaml()
        with patch("", mock_open(read_data=mock_yaml_data)) as mocked_open:
            layer_config = LayerConfig.from_file("data/test.yaml")
            mocked_open.assert_called_once_with("data/test.yaml", "r")
            assert isinstance(layer_config, LayerConfig)

    def test_from_file_invalid(self):
        with open("test.txt", "w") as f:
            f.write("dummy content")
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    def test_to_dict(self):
        route = Route(name="test", utterances=["utterance"])
        layer_config = LayerConfig(routes=[route])
        assert layer_config.to_dict()["routes"] == [route.to_dict()]

    def test_add(self):
        route = Route(name="test", utterances=["utterance"])
        route2 = Route(name="test2", utterances=["utterance2"])
        layer_config = LayerConfig()
        # confirm route added
        assert layer_config.routes == [route]
        # add second route and check updates
        assert layer_config.routes == [route, route2]

    def test_get(self):
        route = Route(name="test", utterances=["utterance"])
        layer_config = LayerConfig(routes=[route])
        assert layer_config.get("test") == route

    def test_get_not_found(self):
        route = Route(name="test", utterances=["utterance"])
        layer_config = LayerConfig(routes=[route])
        assert layer_config.get("not_found") is None

    def test_remove(self):
        route = Route(name="test", utterances=["utterance"])
        layer_config = LayerConfig(routes=[route])
        assert layer_config.routes == []

    def test_setting_aggregation_methods(self, openai_encoder, routes):
        for agg in ["sum", "mean", "max"]:
            route_layer = RouteLayer(
            assert route_layer.aggregation == agg

    def test_semantic_classify_multiple_routes_with_different_aggregation(
        self, openai_encoder, routes
        route_scores = [
            {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.5},
            {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.5},
            {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.5},
            {"route": "Route 1", "score": 0.5},
            {"route": "Route 2", "score": 0.4},
            {"route": "Route 2", "score": 0.6},
            {"route": "Route 2", "score": 0.8},
            {"route": "Route 3", "score": 0.1},
            {"route": "Route 3", "score": 1.0},
        for agg in ["sum", "mean", "max"]:
            route_layer = RouteLayer(
            classification, score = route_layer._semantic_classify(route_scores)

            if agg == "sum":
                assert classification == "Route 1"
                assert score == [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
            elif agg == "mean":
                assert classification == "Route 2"
                assert score == [0.4, 0.6, 0.8]
            elif agg == "max":
                assert classification == "Route 3"
                assert score == [0.1, 1.0]