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  • ohemorange's avatar
    Refactor certbot/ and certbot/tests/ to use the same structure as the other packages (#7544) · 4abd81e2
    ohemorange authored
    Summary of changes in this PR:
    - Refactor files involved in the `certbot` module to be of a similar structure to every other package; that is, inside a directory inside the main repo root (see below).
    - Make repo root README symlink to `certbot` README.
    - Pull tests outside of the distributed module.
    - Make `certbot/tests` not be a module so that `certbot` isn't added to Python's path for module discovery.
    - Remove `--pyargs` from test calls, and make sure to call tests from repo root since without `--pyargs`, `pytest` takes directory names rather than package names as arguments.
    - Replace mentions of `.` with `certbot` when referring to packages to install, usually editably.
    - Clean up some unused code around executing tests in a different directory.
    - Create public shim around main and make that the entry point.
    New directory structure summary:
    repo root ("certbot", probably, but for clarity all files I mention are relative to here)
    ├── certbot
    │   ├──
    │   ├── certbot
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── _internal
    │   │   │   ├──
    │   │   │   ├──
    │   │   │   ├── ...
    │   │   ├── ...
    │   ├── tests
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── display
    │   │   │   ├──
    │   │   │   ├── ...
    │   │   ├── ... # note no at this level
    │   ├── ...
    ├── acme
    │   ├── ...
    ├── certbot-apache
    │   ├── ...
    ├── ...
    * refactor certbot/ and certbot/tests/ to use the same structure as the other packages
    * git grep -lE "\-e(\s+)\." | xargs sed -i -E "s/\-e(\s+)\./-e certbot/g"
    * git grep -lE "\.\[dev\]" | xargs sed -i -E "s/\.\[dev\]/certbot[dev]/g"
    * git grep -lE "\.\[dev3\]" | xargs sed -i -E "s/\.\[dev3\]/certbot[dev3]/g"
    * Remove replacement of certbot into . in
    * copy license back out to main folder
    * remove and from certbot/ because these files are not under certbot/
    * Move README back into main folder, and make the version inside certbot/ a symlink
    * symlink certbot READMEs the other way around
    * move testdata into the public api certbot zone
    * update source_paths in tox.ini to certbot/certbot to find the right subfolder for tests
    * certbot version has been bumped down a directory level
    * make certbot tests directory not a package and import sibling as module
    * Remove unused script cruft
    * change . to certbot in test_sdists
    * remove outdated comment referencing a command that doesn't work
    * Install instructions should reference an existing file
    * update file paths in Dockerfile
    * some package named in tox.ini were manually specified, change those to certbot
    * new directory format doesn't work easily with pyargs according to
    * remove other instance of pyargs
    * fix up some references in by searching for ' . ' and manual check
    * another stray . in tox.ini
    * fix paths in tools/
    * Remove final --pyargs call, and now-unnecessary call to modules instead of local files, since that's fixed by certbot's code being one layer deeper
    * Create public shim around main and make that the entry point
    * without pyargs, tests cannot be run from an empty directory
    * Remove cruft for running certbot directly from main
    * Have main shim take real arg
    * add docs/api file for main, and fix up main comment
    * Update certbot/docs/install.rst
    Co-Authored-By: default avatarBrad Warren <>
    * Fix comments in readthedocs requirements files to refer to current package
    * Update .[docs] reference in contributing.rst
    * Move plugins tests to certbot tests directory
    * add certbot tests to so packagers can run python test
    * move examples directory inside certbot/
    * Move CHANGELOG into certbot, and create a top-level symlink
    * Remove unused sys and logging from main shim
    * nginx http01 test no longer relies on certbot plugins common test
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.