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DDD Firework is a framework that supports the implementation of DDD (Domain-Driven Design). It provides a complete lifecycle wrapper for domain entities, including creation, modification, persistence, event sending, event listening, and integration with components such as locks, databases, and eventbuses.
- Providing a unified application-level interface ICommand to encapsulate the entire lifecycle (build, behavior, persistence, event sending, etc.) management of domain layer entities.
- Automatic detection of changes to domain entities and persistence, without the need for users to handle complex storage logic.
- Support for rapid rebuild of complex aggregations (multiple levels of entity combinations), without the need to write specific query statements.
- Support for domain events, including domain event sending, registration of listener functions, and event callbacks.
- Hexagonal architecture with abstract definitions of each underlying component (locks, persistence, event buses, etc.) allows for flexible pluggable components.
Define domain entities
import ddd "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework" type Order struct { ddd.BaseEntity UserID string TotalAmount int64 Remark string }
Register persistence models
import ddd "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework" import "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework/executor/mysql" func init() { mysql.RegisterEntity2Model(&domain.Order{}, func(entity, parent ddd.IEntity, op ddd.OpType) (mysql.IModel, error) { do := entity.(*domain.Order) return &po.OrderPO{ ID: do.GetID(), User: do.UserID, TotalAmount: do.TotalAmount, Remark: do.Remark, }, nil }, func(m mysql.IModel, do ddd.IEntity) error { orderPO, order := m.(*po.OrderPO), do.(*domain.Order) order.UserID = orderPO.User order.TotalAmount = orderPO.TotalAmount order.Remark = orderPO.Remark return nil } }
Define Command
type UpdateOrderOpt struct { Remark *string } type UpdateOrderCommand struct { ddd.Command orderID string opt UpdateOrderOpt } func NewUpdateOrderCommand(orderID string, opt UpdateOrderOpt) *UpdateOrderCommand { return &UpdateOrderCommand{ orderID: orderID, opt: opt, } } func (c *UpdateOrderCommand) Init(ctx context.Context) (lockIDs []string, err error) { return []string{c.orderID}, nil } func (c *UpdateOrderCommand) Build(ctx context.Context, builder dddfirework.DomainBuilder) (roots []dddfirework.IEntity, err error) { order := &domain.Order{ ID: id, Items: []*domain.SaleItem{}, Coupons: []*domain.Coupon{}, } if err := builder.Build(ctx, order, &order.Items, &order.Coupons); err != nil { return nil, err } return []dddfirework.IEntity{order}, nil } func (c *UpdateOrderCommand) Act(ctx context.Context, container dddfirework.RootContainer, roots ...dddfirework.IEntity) error { order := roots[0].(*domain.Order) if c.opt.Remark != nil { order.Remark = *c.opt.Remark order.Dirty() } return nil }
Execute command
import ( ddd "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework" db_executor "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework/executor/mysql" db_eventbus "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework/eventbus/mysql" db_lock "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework/lock/db" "gorm.io/driver/mysql" "gorm.io/gorm" ) func main() { lock := db_lock.NewDBLock(db, time.Second*10) executor := db_executor.NewExecutor(db) eventBus := db_eventbus.NewEventBus("svc_example", db) engine := dddfirework.NewEngine(lock, executor, eventBus.Options()...) engine.RunCommand(ctx, command.NewUpdateOrderCommand( req.ID, command.UpdateOrderOpt{Remark: req.Remark}, )) }
More Example
ref: example/main.go