Projects with this topic
🔧 🔗 https://github.com/coddingtonbear/jirafsEdit your Jira tickets using locally-stored text files in a git/hg-inspired way
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🔧 🔗 https://github.com/bytedance/batchRunbatchRun is an ansible-similar IT automation system, which is more suitable for IC industry.
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🔧 🔗 https://github.com/Infisical/python-sdk-officialThe offical Infisical Python SDK
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https://github.com/gyptazy/ProxLB ProxLB - (Re)Balance VM Workloads Across Nodes in Proxmox Clusters. A Load Balancer for Proxmox - and more!
🔗 https://proxlb.de/Updated -
https://github.com/Voice-Lab/VoiceLab Automated Reproducible Acoustical Analysis voice-lab.github.io/VoiceLab