🐛 util/pattern has issues
Description of the problem
[util/pattern] loses its' shit occasionally
Steps to reproduce it
some pages end up feeding weird data to our pattern partial. we need to robustify pattern to be able to deal with the fucky.
Expected behavior
some fucking magic.
Behavior detected
after hacking some debug into it:
WARN [util/pattern][/2023/january/enabling-ceph-rados-in-proxmox/enabling-rados] Something is seriously fucked..
scope: map[alterSVG:true fillcolor:neutral-400 return:permalink scheme:wpl stopcolor:neutral-300 strokecolor:neutral-200 targetFile:%!s(<nil>)_light]
context: Page(/2023/january/enabling-ceph-rados-in-proxmox/enabling-rados)
If relevant, copy and paste screenshots or photos of the problem here.