diff --git a/lv.json b/lv.json index 952ee72f0a9eec54cdfbf7870139ece81b258fd1..d41d73c311c341970c008959a1664a1a330e7748 100644 --- a/lv.json +++ b/lv.json @@ -142,862 +142,862 @@ "label-single-font-currently-in-effect": " Å obrÄ«d izmantotais fonts: ", "label-multiple-fonts-currently-in-effect": " Å obrÄ«d tiek izmantoti sekojoÅ¡ie fonti:", "option-font-placeholder": "Ievadi fonta nosaukumu...", - "label-no-custom-font-set": "No custom font is applied right now. Add one below.", - "label-font-applied": "The first font from this list that is available on your system will be applied.", - "msg-font-not-found": "This font is not detected on your system.", - "msg-font-found": "This font is detected on your system.", - "label-font-name": "Font name", - "option-community-themes": "Open community themes", - "option-community-themes-description": "Preview and use amazing themes created by the community.", - "button-browse-community-themes": "Browse", - "option-font-size": "Font size", - "option-font-size-description": "Font size in pixels that affects editor and preview.", - "option-font-size-action": "Quick font size adjustment", - "option-font-size-action-description": "Adjust the font size using Ctrl + Scroll, or using the trackpad pinch-zoom gesture.", - "option-themes": "Themes", - "option-manage-themes-description": "Manage installed themes and browse community themes.", - "option-theme-button-manage": "Manage", - "option-choice-none": "None", - "option-native-menus": "Native menus", - "option-native-menus-desc": "Menus throughout the app will match the operating system. They will not be affected by your theme.", - "button-reload-themes": "Reload themes", - "msg-reloaded-themes": "Reloaded custom CSS themes.", - "button-open-themes-folder": "Open themes folder", - "option-css-snippets": "CSS snippets", - "label-no-css-snippets-found": "No CSS snippets found in the snippets folder.", - "no-snippet-description": "CSS Snippets are stored in \"{{path}}\".", - "button-reload-snippets": "Reload snippets", - "button-open-snippets-folder": "Open snippets folder", - "msg-reloaded-snippets": "Reloaded CSS snippets.", - "option-toggle-snippet-description": "Apply CSS snippet at \"{{path}}\".", - "label-installed-themes": "Installed themes", - "label-screenshot-unavailable": "Screenshot unavailable", - "label-default-theme": "Default", - "tooltip-click-to-enlarge": "Click to enlarge", - "button-update": "Update", - "label-currently-active": "Active", - "option-frame-style": "Window frame style", - "option-frame-description": "Determines the styling of the title bar of Obsidian windows. Requires a full restart to take effect.", - "option-frame-hidden": "Hidden (default)", - "option-frame-obsidian": "Obsidian frame", - "option-frame-native": "Native frame", - "option-custom-icon": "Custom app icon", - "option-custom-icon-desc": "Set a custom icon for the app", - "button-choose-custom-icon": "Choose custom icon", - "option-configure-ribbon": "Ribbon menu", - "option-configure-ribbon-desc": "Configure what commands appear in the ribbon menu in the navigation bar.", - "option-mobile-quick-ribbon-item": "Quick access ribbon item", - "option-mobile-quick-ribbon-item-desc": "Tapping on the ribbon item in the navigation menu will active this ribbon item. Tap and hold will still show the menu.", - "option-mobile-quick-ribbon-default": "Open ribbon menu", - "button-configure": "Configure", - "option-show-ribbon": "Show ribbon", - "option-show-ribbon-desc": "Display vertical toolbar on the side of the window.", - "label-additional-ribbon-items": "Other ribbon items", - "label-modal-configuration": "Ribbon Configuration", - "label-modal-configuration-desc": "Choose what items you want to be active in the ribbon. Drag and drop to change the order.", - "option-show-view-header": "Show tab title bar", - "option-show-view-header-desc": "Display the header at the top of every tab.", - "msg-updates-found": "Found {{count}} theme to update.", - "msg-updates-found_plural": "Found {{count}} themes to update.", - "button-check-for-updates": "Check for updates", - "button-view-updates": "View updates", - "button-update-all-themes": "Update all", - "label-current-themes": "Current community themes", - "label-currently-installed": "You currently have {{count}} theme installed.", - "label-currently-installed_plural": "You currently have {{count}} themes installed." + "label-no-custom-font-set": "PaÅ¡laik nav piemÄ“rota pielÄgota fonta. Pievienojiet vienu zemÄk.", + "label-font-applied": "Pirmais fonts no Å¡Ä« saraksta, kas ir pieejams jÅ«su sistÄ“mÄ, tiks piemÄ“rots.", + "msg-font-not-found": "Å is fonts nav atrasts jÅ«su sistÄ“mÄ.", + "msg-font-found": "Å is fonts ir atrasts jÅ«su sistÄ“mÄ.", + "label-font-name": "Fonta nosaukums", + "option-community-themes": "AtvÄ“rt kopienas tÄ“mas", + "option-community-themes-description": "Apskatiet un izmantojiet kopienas radÄ«tÄs fantastiskÄs tÄ“mas.", + "button-browse-community-themes": "PÄrlÅ«kot", + "option-font-size": "Fonta izmÄ“rs", + "option-font-size-description": "Fonta izmÄ“rs pikseļos, kas ietekmÄ“ redaktoru un priekÅ¡skatÄ«jumu.", + "option-font-size-action": "Ä€tra fonta izmÄ“ra regulÄ“Å¡ana", + "option-font-size-action-description": "RegulÄ“jiet fonta izmÄ“ru, izmantojot Ctrl + Scroll vai paliktņa žestu pietuvinÄÅ¡anai/pietuvinÄÅ¡anas samazinÄÅ¡anai.", + "option-themes": "TÄ“mas", + "option-manage-themes-description": "PÄrvaldÄ«t instalÄ“tÄs tÄ“mas un pÄrlÅ«kot kopienas tÄ“mas.", + "option-theme-button-manage": "PÄrvaldÄ«t", + "option-choice-none": "Nav", + "option-native-menus": "VietÄ“jÄs izvÄ“lnes", + "option-native-menus-desc": "IzvÄ“lnes visÄ lietotnÄ“ atbildÄ«s operÄ“tÄjsistÄ“mai. TÄs netiks ietekmÄ“tas ar jÅ«su tÄ“mu.", + "button-reload-themes": "PÄrlÄdÄ“t tÄ“mas", + "msg-reloaded-themes": "PielÄgotÄs CSS tÄ“mas ir pÄrlÄdÄ“tas.", + "button-open-themes-folder": "AtvÄ“rt tÄ“mu mapi", + "option-css-snippets": "CSS fragmenti", + "label-no-css-snippets-found": "Snippets mapÄ“ nav atrasti CSS fragmenti.", + "no-snippet-description": "CSS fragmenti tiek glabÄti \"{{path}}\".", + "button-reload-snippets": "PÄrlÄdÄ“t fragmentus", + "button-open-snippets-folder": "AtvÄ“rt fragmentu mapi", + "msg-reloaded-snippets": "CSS fragmenti ir pÄrlÄdÄ“ti.", + "option-toggle-snippet-description": "Pielietot CSS fragmentu \"{{path}}\".", + "label-installed-themes": "InstalÄ“tÄs tÄ“mas", + "label-screenshot-unavailable": "EkrÄnuzņēmums nav pieejams", + "label-default-theme": "NoklusÄ“juma", + "tooltip-click-to-enlarge": "NoklikÅ¡Ä·iniet, lai palielinÄtu", + "button-update": "AtjauninÄt", + "label-currently-active": "AktÄ«vs", + "option-frame-style": "Loga rÄmja stils", + "option-frame-description": "Nosaka Obsidian loga nosaukuma joslas stilizÄciju. Lai izmaiņas stÄtos spÄ“kÄ, nepiecieÅ¡ama pilnÄ«ga restartÄ“Å¡ana.", + "option-frame-hidden": "PaslÄ“pts (noklusÄ“juma)", + "option-frame-obsidian": "Obsidian rÄmis", + "option-frame-native": "VietÄ“jais rÄmis", + "option-custom-icon": "PielÄgota lietotnes ikona", + "option-custom-icon-desc": "Iestatiet pielÄgotu ikonu lietotnei", + "button-choose-custom-icon": "IzvÄ“lieties pielÄgotu ikonu", + "option-configure-ribbon": "Lentas izvÄ“lne", + "option-configure-ribbon-desc": "KonfigurÄ“jiet, kuras komandas tiek parÄdÄ«tas lentas izvÄ“lnÄ“ navigÄcijas joslÄ.", + "option-mobile-quick-ribbon-item": "Ä€trÄs piekļuves lentas vienÄ«ba", + "option-mobile-quick-ribbon-item-desc": "Pieskaroties lentas vienÄ«bai navigÄcijas izvÄ“lnÄ“, tiks aktivizÄ“ta Å¡Ä« lentas vienÄ«ba. Pieskarieties un turiet, lai parÄdÄ«tu izvÄ“lni.", + "option-mobile-quick-ribbon-default": "AtvÄ“rt lentas izvÄ“lni", + "button-configure": "KonfigurÄ“t", + "option-show-ribbon": "RÄdÄ«t lenti", + "option-show-ribbon-desc": "RÄdÄ«t vertikÄlu rÄ«kjoslu loga malÄ.", + "label-additional-ribbon-items": "Citas lentas vienÄ«bas", + "label-modal-configuration": "Lentas konfigurÄcija", + "label-modal-configuration-desc": "IzvÄ“lieties, kuras vienÄ«bas vÄ“laties aktivizÄ“t lentÄ. VilkÅ¡ana un nomeÅ¡ana, lai mainÄ«tu secÄ«bu.", + "option-show-view-header": "RÄdÄ«t cilnes nosaukuma joslu", + "option-show-view-header-desc": "RÄdÄ«t galveni katras cilnes augÅ¡pusÄ“.", + "msg-updates-found": "Atrasta {{count}} tÄ“ma atjauninÄÅ¡anai.", + "msg-updates-found_plural": "Atrastas {{count}} tÄ“mas atjauninÄÅ¡anai.", + "button-check-for-updates": "PÄrbaudÄ«t atjauninÄjumus", + "button-view-updates": "SkatÄ«t atjauninÄjumus", + "button-update-all-themes": "AtjauninÄt visas", + "label-current-themes": "PaÅ¡reizÄ“jÄs kopienas tÄ“mas", + "label-currently-installed": "Jums paÅ¡laik ir instalÄ“ta {{count}} tÄ“ma.", + "label-currently-installed_plural": "Jums paÅ¡laik ir instalÄ“tas {{count}} tÄ“mas." }, "hotkeys": { - "name": "Hotkeys", - "option-search": "Search hotkeys", - "option-search-desc": "Showing {{count}} hotkey. ", - "option-search-desc_plural": "Showing {{count}} hotkeys. ", - "option-search-conflict": "{{count}} command with conflicts.", - "option-search-conflict_plural": "{{count}} commands with conflicts.", - "prompt-filter": "Filter...", - "tooltip-delete-hotkey": "Delete hotkey", - "label-waiting-for-hotkey-press": "Press hotkey...", - "label-show-all": "All", - "label-show-unassigned": "Unassigned", - "label-show-assigned": "Assigned", - "label-show-user-assigned": "Assigned by me", - "tooltip-restore-default": "Restore default", - "tooltip-customize-command": "Customize this command", - "tooltip-hotkey-single-conflict": "This hotkey conflicts with \"{{command}}\"", - "tooltip-hotkey-multiple-conflicts": "This hotkey conflicts with {{count}} other commands", - "label-blank-hotkey": "Blank" + "name": "Karstie taustiņi", + "option-search": "MeklÄ“t karstos taustiņus", + "option-search-desc": "RÄdÄ«ti {{count}} karstais taustiņš.", + "option-search-desc_plural": "RÄdÄ«ti {{count}} karstie taustiņi.", + "option-search-conflict": "{{count}} komanda ar konfliktiem.", + "option-search-conflict_plural": "{{count}} komandas ar konfliktiem.", + "prompt-filter": "FiltrÄ“t...", + "tooltip-delete-hotkey": "DzÄ“st karsto taustiņu", + "label-waiting-for-hotkey-press": "Nospiediet karsto taustiņu...", + "label-show-all": "Visi", + "label-show-unassigned": "NeatvÄ“lÄ“ti", + "label-show-assigned": "AtvÄ“lÄ“ti", + "label-show-user-assigned": "AtvÄ“lÄ“ti manis", + "tooltip-restore-default": "Atjaunot noklusÄ“jumus", + "tooltip-customize-command": "PielÄgot Å¡o komandu", + "tooltip-hotkey-single-conflict": "Å is karstais taustiņš konfliktÄ“ ar \"{{command}}\"", + "tooltip-hotkey-multiple-conflicts": "Å is karstais taustiņš konfliktÄ“ ar {{count}} citÄm komandÄm", + "label-blank-hotkey": "TukÅ¡s" }, "about": { - "name": "General", - "label-commercial-license": "Commercial license", - "label-license-key": "License key", - "license-key-placeholder": "Your license key...", - "label-activate-license": "Activate license", - "button-activate": "Activate", - "label-unknown-version": "Unknown", - "label-current-version": "Current version: ", - "label-install-version": "(Installer version: {{version}})", - "label-up-to-date": "Your app is up to date!", - "label-read-changelog": "Read the changelog.", - "label-manual-update-required": "To support the latest features and to receive the latest security patches, Obsidian needs a major installer update. You need to manually download and reinstall Obsidian.", - "label-download": "Download", - "label-new-version-ready": "A new version is ready to be installed. ", - "label-relaunch-to-update": "Relaunch the app to update.", - "label-disabled-updates": "Updates are disabled.", - "label-checking-for-updates": "Checking for updates...", - "button-relaunch": "Relaunch", - "button-check-for-updates": "Check for updates", - "option-auto-update": "Automatic updates", - "option-auto-update-description": "Turn this off to prevent the app from checking for updates.", - "option-get-help": "Get help", - "option-get-help-description": "Get help on using Obsidian.", - "button-open": "Open", - "option-language": "Language", - "option-language-description": "Change the display language.", - "option-insider-build": "Receive insider builds", - "option-insider-build-description": "Auto-update to insider builds to try out new features. Note that these builds are bleeding edge and might be less stable.", - "option-advanced": "Advanced", - "option-hw-acceleration": "Hardware Acceleration", - "option-hw-acceleration-description": "Turns on Hardware Acceleration, which uses your GPU to make Obsidian smoother.", - "option-hw-acceleration-warning": "If you turn this off, app performance will be severely degraded.", - "option-config-location": "Override config folder", - "option-config-location-description": "Use a different config folder than the default one. Must start with a dot.", - "option-config-location-warning": "Config location must be a valid folder name that starts with a dot.", - "label-license": "License", - "label-your-commercial-license-key": "Your commercial license key is \"{{key}}\".", - "label-commercial-license-info": "Registered to \"{{company}}\" for {{seats}} users. Valid until {{expiry}}.", - "label-validating-commercial-license": "Validating...", - "label-invalid-commercial-license": "License invalid: ", - "button-remove-commercial-license": "Remove", - "option-catalyst": "Catalyst license", - "option-catalyst-desc": "You currently have the {{tier}} Catalyst license. Thanks for your support!", - "option-catalyst-desc-no-license": "You don't have a Catalyst license right now. Catalyst license is a one-time donation to support Obsidian development.", - "label-app": "App", - "label-add-own-language": "See how to add your language to Obsidian." + "name": "VispÄrÄ«gi", + "label-commercial-license": "KomerciÄlÄ licence", + "label-license-key": "Licences atslÄ“ga", + "license-key-placeholder": "JÅ«su licences atslÄ“ga...", + "label-activate-license": "AktivizÄ“t licenci", + "button-activate": "AktivizÄ“t", + "label-unknown-version": "NezinÄma versija", + "label-current-version": "PaÅ¡reizÄ“jÄ versija: ", + "label-install-version": "(InstalÄ“Å¡anas versija: {{version}})", + "label-up-to-date": "JÅ«su lietotne ir atjauninÄta!", + "label-read-changelog": "LasÄ«t izmaiņu sarakstu.", + "label-manual-update-required": "Lai saņemtu jaunÄkÄs funkcijas un droÅ¡Ä«bas labojumus, Obsidian nepiecieÅ¡ama liela atjauninÄÅ¡ana. Jums manuÄli jÄnolÄdÄ“ un jÄinstalÄ“ Obsidian.", + "label-download": "LejupielÄdÄ“t", + "label-new-version-ready": "Jauna versija ir gatava instalÄ“Å¡anai. ", + "label-relaunch-to-update": "AtkÄrtoti palaidiet lietotni, lai atjauninÄtu.", + "label-disabled-updates": "AtjauninÄjumi ir atspÄ“joti.", + "label-checking-for-updates": "PÄrbaudu atjauninÄjumus...", + "button-relaunch": "AtkÄrtoti palaist", + "button-check-for-updates": "PÄrbaudÄ«t atjauninÄjumus", + "option-auto-update": "AutomÄtiski atjauninÄjumi", + "option-auto-update-description": "IzslÄ“dziet Å¡o iespÄ“ju, lai novÄ“rstu lietotnes atjauninÄjumu pÄrbaudi.", + "option-get-help": "Saņemt palÄ«dzÄ«bu", + "option-get-help-description": "Saņemiet palÄ«dzÄ«bu par Obsidian izmantoÅ¡anu.", + "button-open": "AtvÄ“rt", + "option-language": "Valoda", + "option-language-description": "MainÄ«t lietotnes valodu.", + "option-insider-build": "Saņemt testa versijas", + "option-insider-build-description": "AutomÄtiski atjauninÄt uz testa versijÄm, lai izmÄ“Ä£inÄtu jaunas funkcijas. Å Ä«s versijas var bÅ«t nestabilÄkas.", + "option-advanced": "Papildu", + "option-hw-acceleration": "AparatÅ«ras paÄtrinÄÅ¡ana", + "option-hw-acceleration-description": "IeslÄ“dziet AparatÅ«ras paÄtrinÄÅ¡anu, lai uzlabotu Obsidian veiktspÄ“ju, izmantojot GPU.", + "option-hw-acceleration-warning": "Ja to izslÄ“dzat, lietotnes veiktspÄ“ja ievÄ“rojami pasliktinÄsies.", + "option-config-location": "MainÄ«t konfigurÄcijas mapi", + "option-config-location-description": "Izmantojiet citu konfigurÄcijas mapi nekÄ noklusÄ“to. JÄuzsÄk ar punktu.", + "option-config-location-warning": "KonfigurÄcijas mapei jÄbÅ«t derÄ«gai mapes nosaukumam, kas sÄkas ar punktu.", + "label-license": "Licence", + "label-your-commercial-license-key": "JÅ«su komerciÄlÄs licences atslÄ“ga ir \"{{key}}\".", + "label-commercial-license-info": "ReÄ£istrÄ“ta \"{{company}}\" {{seats}} lietotÄjiem. DerÄ«ga lÄ«dz {{expiry}}.", + "label-validating-commercial-license": "PÄrbauda...", + "label-invalid-commercial-license": "Licence nav derÄ«ga: ", + "button-remove-commercial-license": "Noņemt", + "option-catalyst": "Catalyst licence", + "option-catalyst-desc": "Jums ir {{tier}} Catalyst licence. Paldies par jÅ«su atbalstu!", + "option-catalyst-desc-no-license": "Å obrÄ«d jums nav Catalyst licences. Catalyst licence ir vienreizÄ“js ziedojums, lai atbalstÄ«tu Obsidian izstrÄdi.", + "label-app": "Lietotne", + "label-add-own-language": "Uzziniet, kÄ pievienot savu valodu Obsidian." }, "account": { - "name": "Account", - "option-your-account": "Your account", - "option-your-account-desc": "You're currently signed in {{name}} ({{email}}).", - "option-your-account-desc-no-login": "You're not logged in right now. An account is only needed for Obsidian Sync, Obsidian Publish, and Catalyst insider builds.", + "name": "Konts", + "option-your-account": "JÅ«su konts", + "option-your-account-desc": "JÅ«s esat pieteicies kÄ {{name}} ({{email}}).", + "option-your-account-desc-no-login": "JÅ«s neesat pieteicies. Konts ir nepiecieÅ¡ams tikai Obsidian Sync, Obsidian Publish un Catalyst testa versijÄm.", "label-insider": "insider", - "label-supporter": "supporter", + "label-supporter": "atbalstÄ«tÄjs", "label-vip": "VIP", - "button-upgrade-catalyst": "Upgrade", - "option-commercial-license": "Commercial license", - "option-commercial-license-desc": "If you use Obsidian for commercial purposes, you may need to get a commercial license.", - "button-purchase": "Purchase", - "button-log-out": "Log out", - "label-log-in": "Log in", - "label-sign-up": "Sign up", - "label-email": "Email", - "placeholder-email": "Your email...", - "label-password": "Password", - "placeholder-password": "Your password...", - "label-forgot-password": "Forgot password?", - "button-login": "Login", - "message-empty-email": "Email cannot be empty.", - "message-invalid-email": "Email is not valid.", - "message-empty-password": "Password cannot be empty.", - "message-login-failed": "Login failed, please double-check your email and password.", - "label-no-account": "Don't have an account? ", - "link-sign-up-now": "Sign up now", - "label-mfa-code": "6-digit 2FA code", - "mfa-wrong-format": "The 2FA authenticator code must be 6 digits.", - "mfa-verification-failed": "2FA code is incorrect, please double check your authenticator app." + "button-upgrade-catalyst": "Uzlabot", + "option-commercial-license": "KomerciÄlÄ licence", + "option-commercial-license-desc": "Ja lietojat Obsidian komerciÄliem nolÅ«kiem, jums var bÅ«t nepiecieÅ¡ama komerciÄlÄ licence.", + "button-purchase": "IegÄdÄties", + "button-log-out": "IzrakstÄ«ties", + "label-log-in": "Pieteikties", + "label-sign-up": "ReÄ£istrÄ“ties", + "label-email": "E-pasts", + "placeholder-email": "JÅ«su e-pasts...", + "label-password": "Parole", + "placeholder-password": "JÅ«su parole...", + "label-forgot-password": "Aizmirsi paroli?", + "button-login": "Pieteikties", + "message-empty-email": "E-pasts nevar bÅ«t tukÅ¡s.", + "message-invalid-email": "NederÄ«gs e-pasts.", + "message-empty-password": "Parole nevar bÅ«t tukÅ¡a.", + "message-login-failed": "PieteikÅ¡anÄs neizdevÄs, pÄrbaudiet e-pastu un paroli.", + "label-no-account": "Nav konta? ", + "link-sign-up-now": "ReÄ£istrÄ“ties tagad", + "label-mfa-code": "6 ciparu 2FA kods", + "mfa-wrong-format": "2FA autentifikatora kodam jÄbÅ«t 6 cipariem.", + "mfa-verification-failed": "Nepareizs 2FA kods, lÅ«dzu, pÄrbaudiet savu autentifikatora lietotni." }, "core-plugin": { - "plugin-list": "Plugin list", - "option-search-plugin": "Search core plugins", - "option-search-plugin-description": "Filter plugins by name or description.", - "placeholder-search-plugin": "Search plugins..." + "plugin-list": "Spraudņu saraksts", + "option-search-plugin": "MeklÄ“t galvenos spraudņus", + "option-search-plugin-description": "FiltrÄ“t spraudņus pÄ“c nosaukuma vai apraksta.", + "placeholder-search-plugin": "MeklÄ“t spraudņus..." }, "third-party-plugin": { - "name": "Third-party plugin", - "option-restricted-mode": "Restricted mode", - "option-restricted-mode-description": "Restricted Mode is off. Turn on to disable community plugins.", - "button-turn-on": "Turn on", - "option-browse-community-plugins": "Community plugins", - "option-browse-community-plugins-description": "Browse and install third-party plugins made by our amazing community.", - "button-browse": "Browse", - "label-exit-restricted-mode": "Exit Restricted Mode", - "label-exit-restricted-mode-description-1": "Community plugins, like any other software you install, could potentially cause data integrity and security issues.", - "label-exit-restricted-mode-description-2": "Plugin security is important to us. Here's what we do:", - "label-exit-restricted-mode-description-3": "Despite our efforts, there is still a small chance that a community plugin might misbehave.", - "label-code-review": "Initial code review", - "label-code-review-desc": "Plugins undergo an initial code review by our team before they appear in the store.", - "label-open-source": "Open source", - "label-open-source-desc": "Most plugins are open source on GitHub, so you can inspect the code yourself.", - "label-peer-audit": "Peer audit", - "label-peer-audit-desc": "We have a large community of developers who watch out for each other.", - "label-report-mechanism": "Report mechanism", - "label-report-mechanism-desc": "We follow up and remove faulty plugins upon user report.", - "label-exit-restricted-mode-disable-confirmation": "Would you like to exit Restricted Mode to enable community plugins? We strongly recommend making backups of your data before doing so.", - "label-learn-more": "Learn more about plugin security", - "button-turn-on-community-plugins": "Turn on community plugins", - "label-trust-author": "Do you trust the author of this vault?", - "label-trust-author-description-1": "You're opening this vault for the first time, and it comes with some plugins.", - "label-trust-author-description-2": "If you obtained this vault from someone else, please note that plugins of unknown origin might pose security risks.", - "label-trust-author-description-3": "If you do not fully trust the author of this vault, we recommend staying in Restricted Mode, so the plugins in this vault do not run.", - "button-enable-plugins": "Trust author and enable plugins", - "button-dont-trust-author": "Browse vault in Restricted Mode", - "placeholder-community-plugins": "Search community plugins...", - "msg-failed-load-plugins": "Failed to load community plugins.", - "label-installed": "Installed", - "button-install": "Install", - "button-enable": "Enable", - "button-disable": "Disable", - "button-copy-share-link": "Copy share link", - "button-donate": "Donate", - "label-no-results-found": "No results found.", - "label-no-recent-files-found": "No recent files found. Type to search...", - "msg-failed-to-load-manifest": "Failed to load plugin manifest.", - "label-version": "Version: {{version}}", - "label-currently-installed-version": " (currently installed: {{version}})", - "label-by-author": "By ", - "label-repository": "Repository: ", - "label-last-update": "Last update: ", - "tooltip-view-last-update": "View the latest update", - "label-unsupported": "This plugin does not support your device.", - "button-update": "Update", - "label-no-readme": "This plugin did not provide a README file.", - "msg-installing-plugin": "Installing plugin \"{{name}}\"...", - "msg-failed-to-install-plugin": "Failed to install plugin \"{{name}}\".", - "msg-successfully-installed-plugin": "Successfully installed plugin \"{{name}}\".", - "label-installed-plugins": "Installed plugins", - "button-reload-plugins": "Reload plugins", - "msg-reloaded-third-party-plugins": "Reloaded third-party plugins.", - "label-uninstall": "Uninstall", - "label-uninstall-plugin": "Uninstall plugin", - "label-uninstall-plugin-confirmation": "Are you sure you want to uninstall this plugin? This will delete the folder of the plugin.", - "button-open-plugins-folder": "Open plugins folder", - "button-check-for-updates": "Check for updates", - "button-update-all-plugins": "Update all", - "label-current-plugins": "Current plugins", - "label-currently-installed": "You currently have {{count}} plugin installed.", - "label-currently-installed_plural": "You currently have {{count}} plugins installed.", - "label-debug-startup-time": "Debug startup time", - "label-debug-startup-time-description": "Show a message with how long each plugin took to initialize when starting the app.", - "msg-no-updates-found": "No plugin updates found.", - "msg-updates-found": "Found {{count}} plugin to update.", - "msg-updates-found_plural": "Found {{count}} plugins to update.", - "msg-update-plugin": "Update to version {{version}}", - "option-search-installed-plugin": "Search installed plugins", - "option-search-installed-plugin-description": "Filter installed plugins by name or description.", - "placeholder-search-installed-plugin": "Search installed plugins...", - "show-installed-only": "Show installed only", - "label-donate-modal-title": "Donate to support {{name}}", - "label-donate-modal-text1": "Plugin developers are community volunteers who make amazing things out of passion. If you find this plugin useful, please consider funding its development.", - "label-donate-modal-text2": "100% of your contribution will go to the plugin developer; Obsidian does not take a cut. The funding platform they choose might charge a fee.", - "label-donate-modal-text3": "Thanks for your generous support!", - "label-support-this-plugin": "Support this plugin:", - "label-search-summary": "Showing {{pluginCount}}:", - "label-by-popularity": "Most downloaded", - "label-by-released": "Recently released", - "label-by-updated": "Recently updated", - "label-alphabetical": "Alphabetical", - "label-last-updated": "Updated {{time}}" + "name": "TreÅ¡o puÅ¡u spraudnis", + "option-restricted-mode": "Ierobežotais režīms", + "option-restricted-mode-description": "Ierobežotais režīms ir izslÄ“gts. IeslÄ“dziet, lai atspÄ“jotu kopienas spraudņus.", + "button-turn-on": "IeslÄ“gt", + "option-browse-community-plugins": "Kopienas spraudņi", + "option-browse-community-plugins-description": "PÄrlÅ«kojiet un instalÄ“jiet treÅ¡o puÅ¡u spraudņus, ko izveidojusi mÅ«su lieliskÄ kopiena.", + "button-browse": "PÄrlÅ«kot", + "label-exit-restricted-mode": "Iziet no ierobežotÄ režīma", + "label-exit-restricted-mode-description-1": "Kopienas spraudņi, tÄpat kÄ jebkura cita instalÄ“ta programmatÅ«ra, var radÄ«t datu integritÄtes un droÅ¡Ä«bas problÄ“mas.", + "label-exit-restricted-mode-description-2": "Spraudņu droÅ¡Ä«ba ir svarÄ«ga mums. LÅ«k, ko mÄ“s darÄm:", + "label-exit-restricted-mode-description-3": "Neskatoties uz mÅ«su centieniem, joprojÄm pastÄv neliela iespÄ“ja, ka kÄds kopienas spraudnis varÄ“tu darboties nepareizi.", + "label-code-review": "SÄkotnÄ“jÄ koda pÄrbaude", + "label-code-review-desc": "Spraudņiem tiek veikta sÄkotnÄ“jÄ koda pÄrbaude, pirms tie tiek parÄdÄ«ti veikalÄ.", + "label-open-source": "AtvÄ“rtÄ koda", + "label-open-source-desc": "LielÄkÄ daļa spraudņu ir pieejami kÄ atvÄ“rtÄ koda projekti GitHub, tÄpÄ“c jÅ«s varat pats pÄrbaudÄ«t kodu.", + "label-peer-audit": "Vienaudžu audits", + "label-peer-audit-desc": "MÅ«su lielÄ izstrÄdÄtÄju kopiena palÄ«dz viens otram pÄrraudzÄ«t spraudņus.", + "label-report-mechanism": "ZiņoÅ¡anas mehÄnisms", + "label-report-mechanism-desc": "MÄ“s reaģējam uz lietotÄju ziņojumiem un noņemam problemÄtiskos spraudņus.", + "label-exit-restricted-mode-disable-confirmation": "Vai vÄ“laties iziet no ierobežotÄ režīma, lai iespÄ“jotu kopienas spraudņus? MÄ“s iesakÄm izveidot datu rezerves kopijas pirms to izdarÄ«Å¡anas.", + "label-learn-more": "Uzziniet vairÄk par spraudņu droÅ¡Ä«bu", + "button-turn-on-community-plugins": "IeslÄ“gt kopienas spraudņus", + "label-trust-author": "Vai uzticaties Å¡Ä« seifa autoram?", + "label-trust-author-description-1": "JÅ«s pirmo reizi atverat Å¡o seifu, un tam pievienoti daži spraudņi.", + "label-trust-author-description-2": "Ja Å¡is seifs nÄk no kÄda cita, ņemiet vÄ“rÄ, ka nezinÄmas izcelsmes spraudņi var radÄ«t droÅ¡Ä«bas riskus.", + "label-trust-author-description-3": "Ja jÅ«s pilnÄ«bÄ neuzticaties Å¡Ä« seifa autoram, mÄ“s iesakÄm palikt ierobežotajÄ režīmÄ, lai Å¡Ä« seifa spraudņi netiktu palaisti.", + "button-enable-plugins": "UzticÄ“ties autoram un iespÄ“jot spraudņus", + "button-dont-trust-author": "PÄrlÅ«kot seifu ierobežotajÄ režīmÄ", + "placeholder-community-plugins": "MeklÄ“t kopienas spraudņus...", + "msg-failed-load-plugins": "NeizdevÄs ielÄdÄ“t kopienas spraudņus.", + "label-installed": "InstalÄ“ts", + "button-install": "InstalÄ“t", + "button-enable": "IespÄ“jot", + "button-disable": "AtspÄ“jot", + "button-copy-share-link": "KopÄ“t saiti", + "button-donate": "Ziedot", + "label-no-results-found": "RezultÄti nav atrasti.", + "label-no-recent-files-found": "Nesenie faili nav atrasti. Rakstiet, lai meklÄ“tu...", + "msg-failed-to-load-manifest": "NeizdevÄs ielÄdÄ“t spraudņa manifestu.", + "label-version": "Versija: {{version}}", + "label-currently-installed-version": " (paÅ¡laik instalÄ“ta: {{version}})", + "label-by-author": "Autors: ", + "label-repository": "KrÄtuve: ", + "label-last-update": "PÄ“dÄ“jais atjauninÄjums: ", + "tooltip-view-last-update": "SkatÄ«t jaunÄko atjauninÄjumu", + "label-unsupported": "Å is spraudnis neatbalsta jÅ«su ierÄ«ci.", + "button-update": "AtjauninÄt", + "label-no-readme": "Å is spraudnis nav pievienojis README failu.", + "msg-installing-plugin": "InstalÄ“ spraudni \"{{name}}\"...", + "msg-failed-to-install-plugin": "NeizdevÄs instalÄ“t spraudni \"{{name}}\".", + "msg-successfully-installed-plugin": "Spraudnis \"{{name}}\" veiksmÄ«gi instalÄ“ts.", + "label-installed-plugins": "InstalÄ“tie spraudņi", + "button-reload-plugins": "PÄrlÄdÄ“t spraudņus", + "msg-reloaded-third-party-plugins": "TreÅ¡o puÅ¡u spraudņi ir pÄrlÄdÄ“ti.", + "label-uninstall": "AtinstalÄ“t", + "label-uninstall-plugin": "AtinstalÄ“t spraudni", + "label-uninstall-plugin-confirmation": "Vai tieÅ¡Äm vÄ“laties atinstalÄ“t Å¡o spraudni? Tas dzÄ“sÄ«s spraudņa mapi.", + "button-open-plugins-folder": "AtvÄ“rt spraudņu mapi", + "button-check-for-updates": "PÄrbaudÄ«t atjauninÄjumus", + "button-update-all-plugins": "AtjauninÄt visus", + "label-current-plugins": "PaÅ¡reizÄ“jie spraudņi", + "label-currently-installed": "PaÅ¡laik ir instalÄ“ts {{count}} spraudnis.", + "label-currently-installed_plural": "PaÅ¡laik ir instalÄ“ti {{count}} spraudņi.", + "label-debug-startup-time": "AtkļūdoÅ¡anas startÄ“Å¡anas laiks", + "label-debug-startup-time-description": "RÄdÄ«t ziņojumu par to, cik ilgs laiks bija nepiecieÅ¡ams katram spraudnim, lai inicializÄ“tos, startÄ“jot lietotni.", + "msg-no-updates-found": "Nav atrasti spraudņu atjauninÄjumi.", + "msg-updates-found": "Atrasts {{count}} spraudnis atjauninÄÅ¡anai.", + "msg-updates-found_plural": "Atrasti {{count}} spraudņi atjauninÄÅ¡anai.", + "msg-update-plugin": "AtjauninÄt uz versiju {{version}}", + "option-search-installed-plugin": "MeklÄ“t instalÄ“tos spraudņus", + "option-search-installed-plugin-description": "FiltrÄ“t instalÄ“tos spraudņus pÄ“c nosaukuma vai apraksta.", + "placeholder-search-installed-plugin": "MeklÄ“t instalÄ“tos spraudņus...", + "show-installed-only": "RÄdÄ«t tikai instalÄ“tos", + "label-donate-modal-title": "Ziedot, lai atbalstÄ«tu {{name}}", + "label-donate-modal-text1": "Spraudņu izstrÄdÄtÄji ir kopienas brÄ«vprÄtÄ«gie, kuri no aizrautÄ«bas rada pÄrsteidzoÅ¡as lietas. Ja jÅ«s uzskatÄt Å¡o spraudni par noderÄ«gu, lÅ«dzu, apsveriet iespÄ“ju finansÄ“t tÄ attÄ«stÄ«bu.", + "label-donate-modal-text2": "100% jÅ«su ieguldÄ«juma nonÄks spraudņa izstrÄdÄtÄjam; Obsidian neveic nekÄdu atskaitÄ«jumu. IespÄ“jams, platforma, kuru viņi izvÄ“las, var iekasÄ“t maksu.", + "label-donate-modal-text3": "Paldies par jÅ«su dÄsno atbalstu!", + "label-support-this-plugin": "Atbalstiet Å¡o spraudni:", + "label-search-summary": "ParÄdÄs {{pluginCount}}:", + "label-by-popularity": "VisvairÄk lejuplÄdÄ“tie", + "label-by-released": "Nesen izlaistie", + "label-by-updated": "Nesen atjauninÄtie", + "label-alphabetical": "AlfabÄ“tiskÄ secÄ«bÄ", + "label-last-updated": "AtjauninÄts {{time}}" }, "mobile-toolbar": { - "name": "Mobile toolbar", - "option-configure-quick-action": "Configure mobile Quick Action", - "option-configure-quick-action-description": "Configure which command to trigger when pull down from the top. The current command is set to \"{{command}}\".", - "button-configure": "Configure", - "placeholder-select-quick-action": "Select Quick Action...", - "quick-action-disabled": "None", - "manage-toolbar-options": "Manage toolbar options", - "option-internal-link": "Add internal link", - "option-internal-embed": "Add embed", - "option-tag": "Add tag", - "option-heading": "Toggle heading", - "option-strikethrough": "Toggle strikethrough", - "option-highlight": "Toggle highlight", - "option-code": "Toggle code", - "option-blockquote": "Toggle blockquote", - "option-inline-math": "Toggle inline math", - "option-math-block": "Toggle math block", - "option-markdown-link": "Add Markdown link", - "option-bullet-list": "Toggle bullet list", - "option-numbered-list": "Toggle numbered list", - "option-indent-list": "Indent list item", - "option-unindent-list": "Unindent list item", - "option-undo": "Undo", - "option-redo": "Redo", - "option-move-caret-up": "Move caret up", - "option-move-caret-down": "Move caret down", - "option-move-caret-left": "Move caret left", - "option-move-caret-right": "Move caret right", - "option-first-line": "Go to first line", - "option-last-line": "Go to last line", - "option-toggle-keyboard": "Toggle keyboard", - "option-configure-toolbar": "Configure mobile toolbar", - "option-added-options": "Added options", - "option-more-toolbar-options": "More toolbar options", - "option-attach": "Insert attachment", - "option-add-command": "Add global command", - "option-add-command-description": "Select any global command to add to the toolbar." + "name": "MobilÄ rÄ«kjosla", + "option-configure-quick-action": "KonfigurÄ“t Ätro darbÄ«bu mobilajÄ versijÄ", + "option-configure-quick-action-description": "KonfigurÄ“jiet komandu, kas tiks izpildÄ«ta, velkot uz leju. PaÅ¡reizÄ“jÄ komanda ir iestatÄ«ta uz \"{{command}}\".", + "button-configure": "KonfigurÄ“t", + "placeholder-select-quick-action": "IzvÄ“lieties Ätro darbÄ«bu...", + "quick-action-disabled": "Nav", + "manage-toolbar-options": "PÄrvaldÄ«t rÄ«kjoslas opcijas", + "option-internal-link": "Pievienot iekÅ¡Ä“jo saiti", + "option-internal-embed": "Pievienot iegulumu", + "option-tag": "Pievienot tagu", + "option-heading": "PÄrslÄ“gt virsrakstu", + "option-strikethrough": "PÄrslÄ“gt pÄrsvÄ«trojumu", + "option-highlight": "PÄrslÄ“gt izcÄ“lumu", + "option-code": "PÄrslÄ“gt kodu", + "option-blockquote": "PÄrslÄ“gt citÄtu", + "option-inline-math": "PÄrslÄ“gt inline matemÄtiku", + "option-math-block": "PÄrslÄ“gt matemÄtikas bloku", + "option-markdown-link": "Pievienot Markdown saiti", + "option-bullet-list": "PÄrslÄ“gt aizzÄ«mju sarakstu", + "option-numbered-list": "PÄrslÄ“gt numurÄ“to sarakstu", + "option-indent-list": "IekavÄ“t saraksta vienumu", + "option-unindent-list": "Noņemt iekavu no saraksta vienuma", + "option-undo": "Atsaukt", + "option-redo": "AtkÄrtot", + "option-move-caret-up": "PÄrvietot kursoru uz augÅ¡u", + "option-move-caret-down": "PÄrvietot kursoru uz leju", + "option-move-caret-left": "PÄrvietot kursoru pa kreisi", + "option-move-caret-right": "PÄrvietot kursoru pa labi", + "option-first-line": "PÄriet uz pirmo lÄ«niju", + "option-last-line": "PÄriet uz pÄ“dÄ“jo lÄ«niju", + "option-toggle-keyboard": "PÄrslÄ“gt tastatÅ«ru", + "option-configure-toolbar": "KonfigurÄ“t mobilo rÄ«kjoslu", + "option-added-options": "PievienotÄs opcijas", + "option-more-toolbar-options": "VairÄk rÄ«kjoslas opciju", + "option-attach": "Pievienot pielikumu", + "option-add-command": "Pievienot globÄlo komandu", + "option-add-command-description": "IzvÄ“lieties jebkuru globÄlo komandu, lai pievienotu to rÄ«kjoslai." } }, "editor": { "search": { - 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"no-suggestion": "No suggestions...", - "add-to-dictionary": "Add to dictionary" + "no-suggestion": "Nav ieteikumu...", + "add-to-dictionary": "Pievienot vÄrdnÄ«cai" }, "menu": { - "edit-link": "Edit link", - "edit-tag": "Edit tag", - "label-edit-block": "Edit this block" + "edit-link": "Rediģēt saiti", + "edit-tag": "Rediģēt tagu", + "label-edit-block": "Rediģēt Å¡o bloku" }, "heading-suggestion": { - "label-no-heading": "No heading", - "label-heading-level": "Heading {{level}}" + "label-no-heading": "Nav virsraksta", + "label-heading-level": "Virsraksts {{level}}" }, "print-modal": { - "title": "Export to PDF", - "caption": "Export \"{{filename}}\" to PDF with the setting below.", - "setting-page-size": "Page size", + "title": "EksportÄ“t uz PDF", + "caption": "EksportÄ“t \"{{filename}}\" uz PDF ar Å¡iem iestatÄ«jumiem.", + "setting-page-size": "Lapas izmÄ“rs", "setting-page-size-a3": "A3", "setting-page-size-a4": "A4", "setting-page-size-a5": "A5", "setting-page-size-legal": "Legal", "setting-page-size-letter": "Letter", "setting-page-size-tabloid": "Tabloid", - 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"embed-open-in-default-app-tooltip": "Open in default app", - "empty-sidebar": "The sidebar is empty, try dragging a pane here.", - "sidebar-expand": "Expand", - "sidebar-collapse": "Collapse", - "msg-fail-to-save-file": "Failed to save file \"{{filepath}}\". {{message}}.", - "msg-failed-to-load-plugin": "Failed to load plugin “{{plugin}}â€", - "msg-failed-to-load-file": "Failed to open “{{filepath}}â€", - "msg-failed-to-open-href": "Cannot open location “{{href}}â€", - "no-file": "No file", - "msg-file-changed": "\"{{file}}\" has been modified externally, merging changes automatically.", - "switch-vault": "Open another vault", - "manage-vaults": "Manage vaults...", - "help": "Help", - "settings": "Settings", - "drag-to-rearrange": "Drag to rearrange", - "msg-switched-to-read": "Switched default view mode to reading view.", - "msg-switched-to-edit": "Switched default view mode to editor.", - "msg-upgrade-installer": "To use this feature, please re-install with latest installer available from our website.", - "tooltip-restore-default-settings": "Restore default settings", - "label-copy": "Copy to clipboard", - "label-copy-short": "Copy", - "copied_generic": "Copied to your clipboard", - "copied": "{{item}} copied to your clipboard", - "url": "Url", - "msg-open-file-through-uri": "Opened file \"{{path}}\"", - "msg-file-not-found-through-uri": "File \"{{name}}\" not found.", - "delete-action-short-name": "Delete", - "msg-indexing": "Obsidian is indexing your vault...\nThis should only happen once.\nSome functionality may not be available until this is complete.", - "msg-indexing-complete": "Indexing complete.", - "msg-sandbox-vault": "This is a sandbox vault.\nChanges you make in this vault will be lost.", - "label-enter-to-create": "Enter to create", - "label-update-available": "Update Available", - "label-debug-info": "Debug info", - "button-learn-more": "Learn more", - "button-not-now": "Not now", - "button-add": "Add", - "button-manage": "Manage", - "label-new-tab": "New tab", - "option-hide-ribbon": "Hide ribbon", - "msg-tab-busy": "This tab is currently busy, please try again later", + "embed-cannot-find": "Nevar atrast:", + "embed-open-in-default-app-tooltip": "AtvÄ“rt noklusÄ“juma lietotnÄ“", + "empty-sidebar": "SÄnjosla ir tukÅ¡a, mÄ“Ä£iniet Å¡eit vilkt kÄdu logu.", + "sidebar-expand": "IzvÄ“rst", + "sidebar-collapse": "Sakļaut", + "msg-fail-to-save-file": "NeizdevÄs saglabÄt failu \"{{filepath}}\". {{message}}.", + "msg-failed-to-load-plugin": "NeizdevÄs ielÄdÄ“t spraudni “{{plugin}}â€", + "msg-failed-to-load-file": "NeizdevÄs atvÄ“rt “{{filepath}}â€", + "msg-failed-to-open-href": "Nevar atvÄ“rt atraÅ¡anÄs vietu “{{href}}â€", + "no-file": "Nav faila", + "msg-file-changed": "\"{{file}}\" ir mainÄ«ts ÄrÄ“ji, izmaiņas tiek automÄtiski apvienotas.", + "switch-vault": "AtvÄ“rt citu seifu", + "manage-vaults": "PÄrvaldÄ«t seifus...", + "help": "PalÄ«dzÄ«ba", + "settings": "IestatÄ«jumi", + "drag-to-rearrange": "Vilkt, lai pÄrvietotu", + "msg-switched-to-read": "NoklusÄ“juma skata režīms pÄrslÄ“gts uz lasÄ«Å¡anas režīmu.", + "msg-switched-to-edit": "NoklusÄ“juma skata režīms pÄrslÄ“gts uz rediģēšanas režīmu.", + "msg-upgrade-installer": "Lai izmantotu Å¡o funkciju, lÅ«dzu, pÄrinstalÄ“jiet ar jaunÄko instalÄ“tÄju no mÅ«su tÄ«mekļa vietnes.", + "tooltip-restore-default-settings": "Atjaunot noklusÄ“juma iestatÄ«jumus", + "label-copy": "KopÄ“t uz starpliktuvi", + "label-copy-short": "KopÄ“t", + "copied_generic": "NokopÄ“ts uz jÅ«su starpliktuvi", + "copied": "{{item}} nokopÄ“ts uz jÅ«su starpliktuvi", + "url": "URL", + "msg-open-file-through-uri": "Fails \"{{path}}\" atvÄ“rts", + "msg-file-not-found-through-uri": "Fails \"{{name}}\" nav atrasts.", + "delete-action-short-name": "DzÄ“st", + "msg-indexing": "Obsidian indeksÄ“ jÅ«su seifu...\nTam vajadzÄ“tu notikt tikai vienreiz.\nDažas funkcijas var nebÅ«t pieejamas lÄ«dz tam brÄ«dim.", + "msg-indexing-complete": "IndeksÄ“Å¡ana pabeigta.", + "msg-sandbox-vault": "Å is ir smilÅ¡kastes seifs.\nIzmaiņas, ko veicat Å¡ajÄ seifÄ, tiks zaudÄ“tas.", + "label-enter-to-create": "Spiediet Enter, lai izveidotu", + "label-update-available": "Pieejams atjauninÄjums", + "label-debug-info": "AtkļūdoÅ¡anas informÄcija", + "button-learn-more": "UzzinÄt vairÄk", + "button-not-now": "Ne tagad", + "button-add": "Pievienot", + "button-manage": "PÄrvaldÄ«t", + "label-new-tab": "Jauna cilne", + "option-hide-ribbon": "SlÄ“pt lenti", + "msg-tab-busy": "Å Ä« cilne paÅ¡laik ir aizņemta, lÅ«dzu, mÄ“Ä£iniet vÄ“lÄk", "formatting": { - "label-formatting": "Format", - "label-paragraph": "Paragraph", - "label-insert": "Insert", - "insert-link": "Add link", - "insert-external-link": "Add external link", - "insert-callout": "Callout", - "insert-horizontal-rule": "Horizontal rule", - "insert-code-block": "Code block", - "insert-math-block": "Math block", - "insert-table": "Table", - "toggle-bold": "Bold", - "toggle-code": "Code", - "toggle-comments": "Comment", - "toggle-highlight": "Highlight", - "toggle-italics": "Italic", - "toggle-strikethrough": "Strikethrough", - "toggle-math": "Math", - "toggle-bullet-list": "Bullet list", - "toggle-checklist": "Task list", - "toggle-numbered-list": "Numbered list", - "set-heading": "Heading {{level}}", - "no-heading": "Body", - "clear": "Clear formatting", - "toggle-quote": "Quote" + "label-formatting": "FormatÄ“Å¡ana", + "label-paragraph": "ParagrÄfs", + "label-insert": "Ievietot", + "insert-link": "Pievienot saiti", + "insert-external-link": "Pievienot ÄrÄ“jo saiti", + "insert-callout": "Izcelts teksts", + "insert-horizontal-rule": "HorizontÄlÄ lÄ«nija", + "insert-code-block": "Koda bloks", + "insert-math-block": "MatemÄtikas bloks", + "insert-table": "Tabula", + "toggle-bold": "Treknraksts", + "toggle-code": "Kods", + "toggle-comments": "KomentÄrs", + "toggle-highlight": "IezÄ«mÄ“t", + "toggle-italics": "SlÄ«praksts", + "toggle-strikethrough": "NosvÄ«trots", + "toggle-math": "MatemÄtika", + "toggle-bullet-list": "Punktu saraksts", + "toggle-checklist": "Uzdevumu saraksts", + "toggle-numbered-list": "NumurÄ“ts saraksts", + "set-heading": "Virsraksts {{level}}", + "no-heading": "Teksta Ä·ermenis", + "clear": "NotÄ«rÄ«t formatÄ“jumu", + "toggle-quote": "CitÄts" }, "empty-state": { - "no-file-open": "No file is open", - "create-new-file": "Create new file", - "go-to-file": "Go to file", - "see-recent-files": "See recent files", - "close": "Close", - "unknown-pane-title": "Plugin no longer active", - "unknown-pane-desc": "The plugin that created this pane ({{type}}) has gone away" + "no-file-open": "Neviens fails nav atvÄ“rts", + "create-new-file": "Izveidot jaunu failu", + "go-to-file": "Doties uz failu", + "see-recent-files": "SkatÄ«t nesenos failus", + "close": "AizvÄ“rt", + "unknown-pane-title": "Spraudnis vairs nav aktÄ«vs", + "unknown-pane-desc": "Spraudnis, kas izveidoja Å¡o logu ({{type}}), ir izslÄ“gts" }, "menu": { - "edit-view": "Edit (Ctrl/Cmd+Click to edit in new pane)", - "read-view": "Current view: reading", - "ribbon": "Ribbon", - "left-sidebar": "Left sidebar", - "right-sidebar": "Right sidebar", - "switch-to-edit-view": "Click to edit", - "switch-to-read-view": "Click to read", - "mod-click-open-new-tab": "{{key}}+Click to open in new tab", - "find": "Find...", - "replace": "Replace...", - "edit": "Edit", - "remove": "Remove", - "rename": "Rename", - "preview": "Preview", - "more-options": "More options", - "close": "Close", - "close-all": "Close all", - "close-others": "Close others", - "close-right": "Close tabs to the right", - "pin": "Pin", - "unpin": "Unpin", - "unlink-tab": "Unlink tab", - "link-tab": "Link with tab...", - "toggle-source-mode": "Source mode", - "toggle-reading-view": "Reading view", - "add-property": "Add file property", - "delete-file": "Delete file", - "create-file": "Create this file", - "open-link": "Open link", - "open-in-new-tab": "Open in new tab", - "open-to-the-right": "Open to the right", - "copy-url": "Copy url", - "close-current-tab": "Close current tab", - "copy": "Copy", - "cut": "Cut", - "paste": "Paste", - "paste-as-plain-text": "Paste as plain text", - "lookup-selection": "Look up “{{selection}}â€", - "select-all": "Select all", - "rename-heading": "Rename this heading...", - "rename-blockid": "Rename this block ID...", - "open-in-new-window": "Open in new window", - "move-to-new-window": "Move to new window", - "open-in-browser": "Open in browser", - "stack-tabs": "Stack tabs", - "unstack-tabs": "Unstack tabs", - "open-linked-view": "Open linked view" + "edit-view": "Rediģēt (Ctrl/Cmd+KlikÅ¡Ä·is, lai rediģētu jaunÄ logÄ)", + "read-view": "PaÅ¡reizÄ“jais skats: lasÄ«Å¡ana", + "ribbon": "Lente", + "left-sidebar": "KreisÄ sÄnjosla", + "right-sidebar": "LabÄ sÄnjosla", + "switch-to-edit-view": "KlikÅ¡Ä·iniet, lai rediģētu", + "switch-to-read-view": "KlikÅ¡Ä·iniet, lai lasÄ«tu", + "mod-click-open-new-tab": "{{key}}+KlikÅ¡Ä·is, lai atvÄ“rtu jaunÄ cilnÄ“", + "find": "MeklÄ“t...", + "replace": "AizstÄt...", + "edit": "Rediģēt", + "remove": "Noņemt", + "rename": "PÄrsaukt", + "preview": "PriekÅ¡skatÄ«jums", + "more-options": "VairÄk iespÄ“ju", + "close": "AizvÄ“rt", + "close-all": "AizvÄ“rt visu", + "close-others": "AizvÄ“rt pÄrÄ“jos", + "close-right": "AizvÄ“rt cilnes pa labi", + "pin": "Piespraust", + "unpin": "Atspraust", + "unlink-tab": "Atvienot cilni", + "link-tab": "SaistÄ«t ar cilni...", + "toggle-source-mode": "Avota režīms", + "toggle-reading-view": "LasÄ«Å¡anas režīms", + "add-property": "Pievienot faila Ä«paÅ¡Ä«bu", + "delete-file": "DzÄ“st failu", + "create-file": "Izveidot Å¡o failu", + "open-link": "AtvÄ“rt saiti", + "open-in-new-tab": "AtvÄ“rt jaunÄ cilnÄ“", + "open-to-the-right": "AtvÄ“rt pa labi", + "copy-url": "KopÄ“t URL", + "close-current-tab": "AizvÄ“rt paÅ¡reizÄ“jo cilni", + "copy": "KopÄ“t", + "cut": "Izgriezt", + "paste": "IelÄ«mÄ“t", + "paste-as-plain-text": "IelÄ«mÄ“t kÄ vienkÄrÅ¡u tekstu", + "lookup-selection": "MeklÄ“t “{{selection}}â€", + "select-all": "IzvÄ“lÄ“ties visu", + "rename-heading": "PÄrsaukt Å¡o virsrakstu...", + "rename-blockid": "PÄrsaukt Å¡o bloka ID...", + "open-in-new-window": "AtvÄ“rt jaunÄ logÄ", + "move-to-new-window": "PÄrvietot uz jaunu logu", + "open-in-browser": "AtvÄ“rt pÄrlÅ«kÄ", + "stack-tabs": "Sakraut cilnes", + "unstack-tabs": "Atsakraut cilnes", + "open-linked-view": "AtvÄ“rt saistÄ«to skatu" }, "tooltip": { - "click-to-expand": "Click to expand", - "click-to-collapse": "Click to collapse", - "alias": "Alias", - "not-created-yet": "Not created yet, select to create" + "click-to-expand": "KlikÅ¡Ä·iniet, lai izvÄ“rstu", + "click-to-collapse": "KlikÅ¡Ä·iniet, lai sakļautu", + "alias": "AizstÄjvÄrds", + "not-created-yet": "VÄ“l nav izveidots, izvÄ“lieties, lai izveidotu" }, "start-screen": { - "label-version": "Version", - "label-create-local-vault": "Create local vault", - "option-open-folder-as-vault": "Open folder as vault", - "option-open-folder-as-vault-description": "Choose an existing folder of Markdown files.", - "option-create-vault": "Create new vault", - "option-create-vault-description": "Create a new Obsidian vault under a folder.", - "option-connect-obsidian-sync": "Connect to Obsidian Sync", - "option-connect-obsidian-sync-description": "Set up a synced vault with existing remote vault.", - "option-new-vault-name": "Vault name", - "option-new-vault-name-description": "Pick a name for your awesome vault.", - "option-new-vault-location": "Location", - "option-new-vault-location-description": "Pick a place to put your new vault.", - "label-new-vault-location-preview": "Your new vault will be placed in: ", - "option-reveal-vault-in-explorer": "Reveal vault in system explorer", - "option-reveal-vault-in-explorer-mac": "Reveal vault in Finder", - "option-rename-vault": "Rename vault...", - "option-copy-vault-i-d": "Copy vault ID", - "msg-error-rename-exists": "There is already a vault with this name.", - "msg-error-nested": "Cannot move vault into a subfolder of itself.", - "msg-error-rename-open": "Can't rename a currently open vault.", - "msg-rename-failed": "Failed to rename vault.", - "msg-rename-success": "Successfully renamed vault.", - "option-move-vault": "Move vault...", - "msg-move-select-dest": "Select destination folder", - "msg-error-move-exists": "There is already a vault at the destination.", - "msg-error-move-open": "Can't move a currently open vault.", - "msg-move-failed": "Failed to move vault.", - "msg-move-success": "Successfully moved vault.", - "option-remove": "Remove from list", - "button-quick-start": "Quick start", - "button-open": "Open", - "button-browse": "Browse", - "button-connect": "Connect", - "button-create-vault": "Create", - "button-back": "Back", - "msg-empty-vault-name": "Vault name cannot be empty.", - "msg-trailing-dot-vault-name": "Vault name cannot end with a dot.", - "msg-invalid-folder": "Please pick a valid folder.", - "msg-failed-to-create-vault": "Failed to create vault.", - "msg-failed-to-create-vault-at-location": "Could not create vault at the given location. Please double-check the location and permission.", - "msg-error-failed-to-open-vault": "Failed to open.", - "msg-error-remove-current-open-vault": "Can't remove a currently open vault.", - "option-get-help": "Get Help", - "option-user-email": "Email", - "placeholder-your-email": "Your email...", - "option-user-password": "Password", - "placeholder-your-password": "Your password...", - "button-sign-in": "Sign in", - "button-setup": "Setup", - "option-connect-vault-desc": "Create a synced vault on this device.", - "tooltip-own-vault": "This is a remote vault owned by you.", - "tooltip-shared-vault": "This is a remote vault shared with you." + "label-version": "Versija", + "label-create-local-vault": "Izveidot lokÄlu glabÄtuvi", + "option-open-folder-as-vault": "AtvÄ“rt mapi kÄ glabÄtuvi", + "option-open-folder-as-vault-description": "IzvÄ“lieties esoÅ¡u Markdown failu mapi.", + "option-create-vault": "Izveidot jaunu glabÄtuvi", + "option-create-vault-description": "Izveidot jaunu Obsidian glabÄtuvi mapÄ“.", + "option-connect-obsidian-sync": "Pievienot Obsidian Sync", + "option-connect-obsidian-sync-description": "IestatÄ«t sinhronizÄ“tu glabÄtuvi ar esoÅ¡u attÄlinÄto glabÄtuvi.", + "option-new-vault-name": "GlabÄtuves nosaukums", + "option-new-vault-name-description": "IzvÄ“lieties nosaukumu savai jaunajai glabÄtuvei.", + "option-new-vault-location": "AtraÅ¡anÄs vieta", + "option-new-vault-location-description": "IzvÄ“lieties vietu, kur novietot jauno glabÄtuvi.", + "label-new-vault-location-preview": "JÅ«su jaunÄ glabÄtuve tiks izvietota: ", + "option-reveal-vault-in-explorer": "ParÄdÄ«t glabÄtuvi sistÄ“mas pÄrlÅ«kÄ", + "option-reveal-vault-in-explorer-mac": "ParÄdÄ«t glabÄtuvi Finder programmÄ", + "option-rename-vault": "PÄrsaukt glabÄtuvi...", + "option-copy-vault-i-d": "KopÄ“t glabÄtuves ID", + "msg-error-rename-exists": "GlabÄtuve ar Å¡o nosaukumu jau pastÄv.", + "msg-error-nested": "Nevar pÄrvietot glabÄtuvi uz tÄs paÅ¡as apakÅ¡mapi.", + "msg-error-rename-open": "Nevar pÄrsaukt paÅ¡laik atvÄ“rtu glabÄtuvi.", + "msg-rename-failed": "NeizdevÄs pÄrsaukt glabÄtuvi.", + "msg-rename-success": "GlabÄtuve veiksmÄ«gi pÄrsaukta.", + "option-move-vault": "PÄrvietot glabÄtuvi...", + "msg-move-select-dest": "IzvÄ“lieties mÄ“rÄ·a mapi", + "msg-error-move-exists": "MÄ“rÄ·a vietÄ jau ir glabÄtuve.", + "msg-error-move-open": "Nevar pÄrvietot paÅ¡laik atvÄ“rtu glabÄtuvi.", + "msg-move-failed": "NeizdevÄs pÄrvietot glabÄtuvi.", + "msg-move-success": "GlabÄtuve veiksmÄ«gi pÄrvietota.", + "option-remove": "Noņemt no saraksta", + "button-quick-start": "Ä€trÄ uzsÄkÅ¡ana", + "button-open": "AtvÄ“rt", + "button-browse": "PÄrlÅ«kot", + "button-connect": "Savienot", + "button-create-vault": "Izveidot", + "button-back": "Atpakaļ", + "msg-empty-vault-name": "GlabÄtuves nosaukums nevar bÅ«t tukÅ¡s.", + "msg-trailing-dot-vault-name": "GlabÄtuves nosaukums nevar beigties ar punktu.", + "msg-invalid-folder": "LÅ«dzu, izvÄ“lieties derÄ«gu mapi.", + "msg-failed-to-create-vault": "NeizdevÄs izveidot glabÄtuvi.", + "msg-failed-to-create-vault-at-location": "NeizdevÄs izveidot glabÄtuvi norÄdÄ«tajÄ vietÄ. LÅ«dzu, pÄrbaudiet atraÅ¡anÄs vietu un atļaujas.", + "msg-error-failed-to-open-vault": "NeizdevÄs atvÄ“rt.", + "msg-error-remove-current-open-vault": "Nevar noņemt paÅ¡laik atvÄ“rtu glabÄtuvi.", + "option-get-help": "Saņemt palÄ«dzÄ«bu", + "option-user-email": "E-pasts", + "placeholder-your-email": "JÅ«su e-pasts...", + "option-user-password": "Parole", + "placeholder-your-password": "JÅ«su parole...", + "button-sign-in": "Pieteikties", + "button-setup": "IestatÄ«t", + "option-connect-vault-desc": "Izveidot sinhronizÄ“tu glabÄtuvi Å¡ajÄ ierÄ«cÄ“.", + "tooltip-own-vault": "Å Ä« ir jÅ«su attÄlinÄtÄ glabÄtuve.", + "tooltip-shared-vault": "Å Ä« ir attÄlinÄta glabÄtuve, kas koplietota ar jums." }, "starter-content": { - "welcome-filename": "Welcome", - "welcome-file-content": "This is your new *vault*.\n\nMake a note of something, [[create a link]], or try [the Importer](https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Importer)!\n\nWhen you're ready, delete this note and make the vault your own." + "welcome-filename": "SveicinÄti", + "welcome-file-content": "Å Ä« ir jÅ«su jaunÄ *glabÄtuve*.\n\nPierakstiet kaut ko, [[izveidojiet saiti]] vai izmÄ“Ä£iniet [Importer](https://help.obsidian.md/Plugins/Importer) spraudni!\n\nKad bÅ«siet gatavs, dzÄ“siet Å¡o piezÄ«mi un pielÄgojiet glabÄtuvi savÄm vajadzÄ«bÄm." }, "drag-and-drop": { - "insert-link-here": "Insert link here", - "insert-links-here": "Insert links here", - "move-into-folder": "Move into \"{{folder}}\"", - "star-this-file": "Star this file", - "star-these-files": "Star these files", - "open-in-this-tab": "Open in this tab", - "open-as-tab": "Open as new tab" + "insert-link-here": "Ievietot saiti Å¡eit", + "insert-links-here": "Ievietot saites Å¡eit", + "move-into-folder": "PÄrvietot uz \"{{folder}}\"", + "star-this-file": "Pievienot Å¡o failu favorÄ«tiem", + "star-these-files": "Pievienot Å¡os failus favorÄ«tiem", + "open-in-this-tab": "AtvÄ“rt Å¡ajÄ cilnÄ“", + "open-as-tab": "AtvÄ“rt kÄ jaunu cilni" }, "window": { - "maximize": "Maximize", - "minimize": "Minimize", - "restore-down": "Restore down", - "close-window": "Close window", - "go-back": "Go back", - "go-forward": "Go forward" + "maximize": "MaksimizÄ“t", + "minimize": "MinimizÄ“t", + "restore-down": "Atjaunot sÄkotnÄ“jo izmÄ“ru", + "close-window": "AizvÄ“rt logu", + "go-back": "Atpakaļ", + "go-forward": "Uz priekÅ¡u" }, "start-up": { - "loading-obsidian": "Loading Obsidian...", - "obsidian-load-error": "An error occurred while loading Obsidian.", - "button-reload-app": "Reload app", - "button-reload-app-in-safe-mode": "Reload app in safe mode", - "button-open-another-vault": "Open another vault", - "loading-components": "Loading components...", - "loading-plugins": "Loading plugins...", - "loading-vault": "Loading vault...", - "msg-failed-to-load-vault": "Failed to load vault: ", - "loading-cache": "Loading cache...", - "loading-workspace": "Loading workspace..." + "loading-obsidian": "IelÄdÄ“ Obsidian...", + "obsidian-load-error": "Notika kļūda, ielÄdÄ“jot Obsidian.", + "button-reload-app": "PÄrlÄdÄ“t programmu", + "button-reload-app-in-safe-mode": "PÄrlÄdÄ“t programmu droÅ¡ajÄ režīmÄ", + "button-open-another-vault": "AtvÄ“rt citu glabÄtuvi", + "loading-components": "IelÄdÄ“ komponentes...", + "loading-plugins": "IelÄdÄ“ spraudņus...", + "loading-vault": "IelÄdÄ“ glabÄtuvi...", + "msg-failed-to-load-vault": "NeizdevÄs ielÄdÄ“t glabÄtuvi: ", + "loading-cache": "IelÄdÄ“ keÅ¡atmiņu...", + "loading-workspace": "IelÄdÄ“ darbvietu..." }, "mobile": { - "action-import": "Import into vault", - "action-insert-text-desc": "Add text to file:", - "action-choose-file-to-insert": "Choose a file to insert", - "action-insert-text-into-file": "Insert text into {{filename}}", - "action-insert-link-into-file": "Insert link into {{filename}}", - "msg-importing": "Importing...", - "msg-import-success": "Import success", - "msg-failed-to-import-file": "Failed to import file {{filename}}", - "msg-back-again-to-exit": "Press back again to exit." + "action-import": "ImportÄ“t glabÄtuvÄ“", + "action-insert-text-desc": "Pievienot tekstu failam:", + "action-choose-file-to-insert": "IzvÄ“lieties failu, ko ievietot", + "action-insert-text-into-file": "Ievietot tekstu failÄ {{filename}}", + "action-insert-link-into-file": "Ievietot saiti failÄ {{filename}}", + "msg-importing": "ImportÄ“...", + "msg-import-success": "ImportÄ“Å¡ana veiksmÄ«ga", + "msg-failed-to-import-file": "NeizdevÄs importÄ“t failu {{filename}}", + "msg-back-again-to-exit": "VÄ“lreiz nospiediet atpakaļ, lai izietu." + }, + "help-screen": { + "label-official-help-site": "OficiÄlÄ palÄ«dzÄ«bas vietne", + "label-official-help-site-desc": "Izlasiet oficiÄlo Obsidian palÄ«dzÄ«bas dokumentÄciju, pieejamu vairÄkÄs valodÄs.", + "action-visit": "ApmeklÄ“t", + "label-discord-chat": "Discord tÄ“rzÄ“Å¡ana", + "label-discord-chat-desc": "Discord ir labÄkÄ vieta, kur sarunÄties ar pieredzÄ“juÅ¡iem Obsidian lietotÄjiem no visas pasaules.", + "action-join": "Pievienoties", + "label-forum": "OficiÄlais forums", + "label-forum-desc": "PalÄ«dziet viens otram, iesniedziet funkciju pieprasÄ«jumus, ziņojiet par kļūdÄm un piedalieties diskusijÄs par zinÄÅ¡anu pÄrvaldÄ«bu.", + "label-sandbox-vault": "SmilÅ¡kastes glabÄtuve", + "label-sandbox-vault-desc": "EksperimentÄ“jiet ar dažÄdÄm funkcijÄm. LÅ«dzu, ņemiet vÄ“rÄ, ka jÅ«su izmaiņas netiks saglabÄtas." + } + }, + "commands": { + "save-file": "SaglabÄt paÅ¡reizÄ“jo failu", + "follow-cursor-link": "Sekot saitei zem kursora", + "open-cursor-link-in-new-tab": "AtvÄ“rt saiti zem kursora jaunÄ cilnÄ“", + "open-cursor-link-to-the-right": "AtvÄ“rt saiti zem kursora pa labi", + "open-cursor-link-in-new-window": "AtvÄ“rt saiti zem kursora jaunÄ logÄ", + "navigate-tab-above": "FokusÄ“ties uz cilņu grupu augÅ¡Ä", + "navigate-tab-below": "FokusÄ“ties uz cilņu grupu apakÅ¡Ä", + "navigate-tab-left": "FokusÄ“ties uz cilņu grupu kreisajÄ pusÄ“", + "navigate-tab-right": "FokusÄ“ties uz cilņu grupu labajÄ pusÄ“", + "toggle-pin": "PÄrslÄ“gt piesprauÅ¡anu", + "split-right": "Sadalt pa labi", + "split-down": "Sadalt uz leju", + "toggle-stacked-tabs": "PÄrslÄ“gt sakrautas cilnes", + "navigate-back": "PÄrvietoties atpakaļ", + "navigate-forward": "PÄrvietoties uz priekÅ¡u", + "use-dark-mode": "Lietot tumÅ¡o režīmu", + "use-light-mode": "Lietot gaiÅ¡o režīmu", + "change-theme": "MainÄ«t tÄ“mu", + "search-current-file": "MeklÄ“t paÅ¡reizÄ“jÄ failÄ", + "search-replace-current-file": "MeklÄ“t un aizstÄt paÅ¡reizÄ“jÄ failÄ", + "add-property": "Pievienot faila rekvizÄ«tu", + "add-alias": "Pievienot aizstÄjvÄrdu", + "edit-property": "Rediģēt faila rekvizÄ«tu", + "clear-properties": "NotÄ«rÄ«t faila rekvizÄ«tus", + "open-settings": "AtvÄ“rt iestatÄ«jumus", + "open-help": "AtvÄ“rt palÄ«dzÄ«bu", + "toggle-edit": "PÄrslÄ“gt rediģēšanas/lasÄ«Å¡anas režīmu", + "toggle-source-mode": "PÄrslÄ“gt tieÅ¡Ä priekÅ¡skatÄ«juma/avota režīmu", + "delete-current-file": "DzÄ“st paÅ¡reizÄ“jo failu", + "new-tab": "Jauna cilne", + "show-trash": "RÄdÄ«t miskasti", + "close-all-tabs": "AizvÄ“rt visas cilnes", + "close-active-tab": "AizvÄ“rt paÅ¡reizÄ“jo cilni", + "close-others-in-tab-group": "AizvÄ“rt pÄrÄ“jÄs cilnes cilņu grupÄ", + "close-other-tabs": "AizvÄ“rt visas citas cilnes", + "close-tab-group": "AizvÄ“rt Å¡o cilņu grupu", + "toggle-left-sidebar": "PÄrslÄ“gt kreiso sÄnu joslu", + "toggle-ribbon": "PÄrslÄ“gt lenti", + "toggle-right-sidebar": "PÄrslÄ“gt labo sÄnu joslu", + "toggle-default-new-tab-mode": "PÄrslÄ“gt noklusÄ“juma režīmu jaunÄm cilnÄ“m", + "add-cursor-above": "Pievienot kursoru augstÄk", + "add-cursor-below": "Pievienot kursoru zemÄk", + "focus-editor": "FokusÄ“ties uz redaktoru", + "toggle-fold-properties": "PÄrslÄ“gt faila rekvizÄ«tu sakļauÅ¡anu", + "toggle-fold": "PÄrslÄ“gt sakļauÅ¡anu paÅ¡reizÄ“jÄ rindÄ", + "fold-all": "Sakļaut visus virsrakstus un sarakstus", + "unfold-all": "IzvÄ“rst visus virsrakstus un sarakstus", + "fold-more": "Sakļaut vairÄk", + "fold-less": "Sakļaut mazÄk", + "swap-line-up": "MainÄ«t rindu ar augÅ¡Ä“jo", + "swap-line-down": "MainÄ«t rindu ar apakÅ¡Ä“jo", + "remove-heading": "Noņemt virsrakstu", + "toggle-heading": "IestatÄ«t kÄ virsrakstu {{level}}", + "toggle-bold": "PÄrslÄ“gt treknrakstu atlasei", + "toggle-italics": "PÄrslÄ“gt slÄ«prakstu atlasei", + "toggle-highlight": "PÄrslÄ“gt izcÄ“lumu atlasei", + "toggle-comments": "PÄrslÄ“gt komentÄrus atlasei", + "clear-formatting": "NotÄ«rÄ«t formatÄ“jumu", + "insert-link": "Ievietot saiti", + "toggle-spellcheck": "PÄrslÄ“gt pareizrakstÄ«bas pÄrbaudi", + "delete-paragraph": "DzÄ“st rindkopu", + "toggle-checklist": "PÄrslÄ“gt kontrolsaraksta statusu", + "cycle-list-checklist": "Cikls saraksts/kontrollapa", + "insert-callout": "Ievietot piezÄ«mi", + "insert-code-block": "Ievietot koda bloku", + "insert-math-block": "Ievietot matemÄtikas bloku", + "insert-horizontal-rule": "Ievietot horizontÄlo lÄ«niju", + "insert-table": "Ievietot tabulu", + "edit-file-title": "Rediģēt faila nosaukumu", + "copy-path": "KopÄ“t faila ceļu", + "copy-url": "KopÄ“t Obsidian URL", + "export-pdf": "EksportÄ“t uz PDF", + "reload": "PÄrlÄdÄ“t lietotni bez saglabÄÅ¡anas", + "undo-close-tab": "Atsaukt cilnes aizvÄ“rÅ¡anu", + "context-menu": "RÄdÄ«t konteksta izvÄ“lni zem kursora", + "show-debug-info": "RÄdÄ«t atkļūdoÅ¡anas informÄciju", + "open-sandbox-vault": "AtvÄ“rt smilÅ¡kastes glabÄtuvi", + "always-on-top": "PÄrslÄ“gt logu, lai vienmÄ“r bÅ«tu virspusÄ“", + "zoom-in": "PietuvinÄt", + "zoom-out": "AttÄlinÄt", + "reset-zoom": "AtiestatÄ«t mÄ“rogu", + "toggle-preview": "PÄrslÄ“gt rediģēšanas/priekÅ¡skatÄ«juma režīmu", + "move-to-new-window": "PÄrvietot paÅ¡reizÄ“jo paneli uz jaunu logu", + "open-in-new-window": "AtvÄ“rt paÅ¡reizÄ“jo paneli jaunÄ logÄ", + "rename-current-file": "PÄrsaukt paÅ¡reizÄ“jo failu", + "go-to-prev-tab": "PÄriet uz iepriekÅ¡Ä“jo cilni", + "go-to-next-tab": "PÄriet uz nÄkamo cilni", + "go-to-last-tab": "PÄriet uz pÄ“dÄ“jo cilni", + "go-to-nth-tab": "PÄriet uz {{n}}. cilni", + "show-release-notes": "RÄdÄ«t izlaidumu piezÄ«mes" }, - "help-screen": { - "label-official-help-site": "Official help site", - "label-official-help-site-desc": "Read the official help documentation of Obsidian, available in multiple languages.", - "action-visit": "Visit", - "label-discord-chat": "Discord chat", - "label-discord-chat-desc": "Discord is the best place to chat with other experienced Obsidian users from around the world.", - "action-join": "Join", - "label-forum": "Official forum", - "label-forum-desc": "Help each other, post feature requests, report bugs, and have in-depth discussions about knowledge management.", - "label-sandbox-vault": "Sandbox vault", - "label-sandbox-vault-desc": "Play around and experiment with various features. Please note your changes will not be saved." - } - }, - "commands": { - "save-file": "Save current file", - "follow-cursor-link": "Follow link under cursor", - "open-cursor-link-in-new-tab": "Open link under cursor in new tab", - "open-cursor-link-to-the-right": "Open link under cursor to the right", - "open-cursor-link-in-new-window": "Open link under cursor in new window", - "navigate-tab-above": "Focus on tab group above", - "navigate-tab-below": "Focus on tab group below", - "navigate-tab-left": "Focus on tab group to the left", - "navigate-tab-right": "Focus on tab group to the right", - "toggle-pin": "Toggle pin", - "split-right": "Split right", - "split-down": "Split down", - "toggle-stacked-tabs": "Toggle stacked tabs", - "navigate-back": "Navigate back", - "navigate-forward": "Navigate forward", - "use-dark-mode": "Use dark mode", - "use-light-mode": "Use light mode", - "change-theme": "Change theme", - "search-current-file": "Search current file", - "search-replace-current-file": "Search & replace in current file", - 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"new-file": "Create Note", - "new-file-to-the-right": "New Note to the Right", - "new-window": "New Window", - "open-switcher": "Open Quickly...", - "open-vault": "Open Vault...", - "close-tab": "Close Tab", - "close-window": "Close Window", - "find": "Find", - "replace": "Replace", - "insert-callout": "Callout", - "insert-markdown-link": "Markdown Link", - "insert-wikilink": "Link", - "set-heading": "Heading {{level}}", - "no-heading": "No Heading", - "insert-quote": "Quote", - "export-pdf": "Export PDF", - "insert-attachment": "Insert Attachment...", - "insert-codeblock": "Code Block", - "insert-math-block": "Math Block", - "insert-table": "Table", - "toggle-bullet-list": "Bullet List", - "toggle-numbered-list": "Numbered List", - "toggle-checklist": "Task List", - "toggle-bold": "Bold", - "toggle-code": "Code", - "toggle-comment": "Comment", - "toggle-italics": "Italics", - "toggle-inline-math": "Math", - "toggle-highlight": "Highlight", - "toggle-strikethrough": "Strikethrough", - 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"name": "Plugins", + "name": "Spraudņi", "file-explorer": { - "name": "File explorer", - "desc": "See all the files in your vault.", - "action-open": "Open file explorer", - "action-show": "Show file explorer", - "action-create-note": "Create new note", - "action-create-folder": "Create new folder", - "action-create-note-in-current-tab": "Create new note in current tab", - "action-create-note-to-the-right": "Create note to the right", - "action-collapse-all": "Collapse all", - "action-expand-all": "Expand all", - "action-new-note": "New note", - "action-new-folder": "New folder", - "action-change-sort": "Change sort order", - "action-reveal-file": "Reveal file in file explorer", - "action-reveal-active-file": "Reveal active file in file explorer", - "command-make-a-copy": "Make a copy of the current file", - "command-move-file": "Move file to another folder", - "action-move-file": "Move file to...", - "action-move-folder": "Move folder to...", - "action-move-items": "Move {{count}} items to...", - "prompt-type-folder": "Type a folder", - "label-no-folders": "No folders found.", - "instruction-navigate": "to navigate", - "instruction-move": "to move", - "instruction-create": "to create", - "instruction-dismiss": "to dismiss", - "label-sort-a-to-z": "Sort by file name (A to Z)", - "label-sort-z-to-a": "Sort by file name (Z to A)", - "label-sort-new-to-old": "Sort by edit time (new to old)", - "label-sort-old-to-new": "Sort by edit time (old to new)", - "label-sort-created-old-to-new": "Created time (old to new)", - "label-sort-created-new-to-old": "Created time (new to old)", - "menu-opt-new-note": "New note", - "menu-opt-new-folder": "New folder", - "menu-opt-rename": "Rename", - "menu-opt-delete": "Delete", - "menu-opt-make-copy": "Make a copy", - "msg-invalid-characters": "File name cannot contain any of the following characters: ", - "msg-unsafe-characters": "Links will not work with file names containing any of these characters: ", - "msg-file-already-exists": "There's already a file with the same name", - "msg-empty-file-name": "File name cannot be empty.", - "msg-bad-dotfile": "File name must not start with a dot.", - "tooltip-modified-time": "Last modified at {{time}}", - "tooltip-created-time": "Created at {{time}}", - "tooltip-folders-files-count": "{{fileCount}}, {{folderCount}}", - "action-move-file-short-name": "Move", - "label-untitled-file": "Untitled", - "label-untitled-folder": "Untitled", - "msg-set-attachment-folder": "Attachments will be saved to \"{{path}}\" from now on." + "name": "Failu pÄrlÅ«ks", + "desc": "SkatÄ«t visus failus jÅ«su glabÄtuvÄ“.", + "action-open": "AtvÄ“rt failu pÄrlÅ«ku", + "action-show": "RÄdÄ«t failu pÄrlÅ«ku", + "action-create-note": "Izveidot jaunu piezÄ«mi", + "action-create-folder": "Izveidot jaunu mapi", + "action-create-note-in-current-tab": "Izveidot jaunu piezÄ«mi paÅ¡reizÄ“jÄ cilnÄ“", + "action-create-note-to-the-right": "Izveidot piezÄ«mi pa labi", + "action-collapse-all": "Sakļaut visu", + "action-expand-all": "IzvÄ“rst visu", + "action-new-note": "Jauna piezÄ«me", + "action-new-folder": "Jauna mape", + "action-change-sort": "MainÄ«t kÄrtoÅ¡anas secÄ«bu", + "action-reveal-file": "AtklÄt failu failu pÄrlÅ«kÄ", + "action-reveal-active-file": "AtklÄt aktÄ«vo failu failu pÄrlÅ«kÄ", + "command-make-a-copy": "Izveidot paÅ¡reizÄ“jÄ faila kopiju", + "command-move-file": "PÄrvietot failu uz citu mapi", + "action-move-file": "PÄrvietot failu uz...", + "action-move-folder": "PÄrvietot mapi uz...", + "action-move-items": "PÄrvietot {{count}} vienumus uz...", + "prompt-type-folder": "Ievadiet mapi", + "label-no-folders": "Nav atrastas mapes.", + "instruction-navigate": "navigÄ“t", + "instruction-move": "pÄrvietot", + "instruction-create": "izveidot", + "instruction-dismiss": "slÄ“pt", + "label-sort-a-to-z": "KÄrtot pÄ“c failu nosaukuma (A lÄ«dz Z)", + "label-sort-z-to-a": "KÄrtot pÄ“c failu nosaukuma (Z lÄ«dz A)", + "label-sort-new-to-old": "KÄrtot pÄ“c rediģēšanas laika (jauns lÄ«dz vecs)", + "label-sort-old-to-new": "KÄrtot pÄ“c rediģēšanas laika (vecs lÄ«dz jauns)", + "label-sort-created-old-to-new": "IzveidoÅ¡anas laiks (vecs lÄ«dz jauns)", + "label-sort-created-new-to-old": "IzveidoÅ¡anas laiks (jauns lÄ«dz vecs)", + "menu-opt-new-note": "Jauna piezÄ«me", + "menu-opt-new-folder": "Jauna mape", + "menu-opt-rename": "PÄrsaukt", + "menu-opt-delete": "DzÄ“st", + "menu-opt-make-copy": "Izveidot kopiju", + "msg-invalid-characters": "Faila nosaukumÄ nevar bÅ«t Å¡Ädi simboli: ", + "msg-unsafe-characters": "Saites nedarbosies ar failu nosaukumiem, kas satur Å¡os simbolus: ", + "msg-file-already-exists": "Fails ar Å¡o nosaukumu jau eksistÄ“", + "msg-empty-file-name": "Faila nosaukums nevar bÅ«t tukÅ¡s.", + "msg-bad-dotfile": "Faila nosaukums nedrÄ«kst sÄkties ar punktu.", + "tooltip-modified-time": "PÄ“dÄ“jo reizi modificÄ“ts {{time}}", + "tooltip-created-time": "Izveidots {{time}}", + "tooltip-folders-files-count": "{{fileCount}} faili, {{folderCount}} mapes", + "action-move-file-short-name": "PÄrvietot", + "label-untitled-file": "Bez nosaukuma", + "label-untitled-folder": "Bez nosaukuma", + "msg-set-attachment-folder": "Pielikumi turpmÄk tiks saglabÄti \"{{path}}\"." }, "search": { - "name": "Search", - "desc": "Search for keyword in all the notes.", - "action-open-search": "Search in all files", - "label-collapse-results": "Collapse results", - "label-match-case": "Match case", - "label-explain-search-term": "Explain search term", - "label-more-context": "Show more context", - "label-result-count": "{{count}} result", - "label-result-count_plural": "{{count}} results", - "label-toggle-search-settings": "Search settings", - "prompt-start-search": "Type to start search...", - "label-match-text": "Matches text: ", - "label-match-regex": "Matches regex: ", - "label-match-exact-text": "Contains exact text: ", - "label-match-greater-than": "Greater than: ", - "label-match-less-than": "Less than: ", - "label-match-true": "Is true", - "label-match-false": "Is false", - "label-match-empty": "Is empty", - "label-match-property": "Contains property:", - "label-match-all": "Match all of: ", + "name": "MeklÄ“Å¡ana", + "desc": "MeklÄ“t atslÄ“gvÄrdus visÄs piezÄ«mÄ“s.", + "action-open-search": "MeklÄ“t visos failos", + "label-collapse-results": "Sakļaut rezultÄtus", + "label-match-case": "SakritÄ«bas gadÄ«jums", + "label-explain-search-term": "Paskaidrot meklÄ“Å¡anas terminu", + "label-more-context": "RÄdÄ«t vairÄk konteksta", + "label-result-count": "{{count}} rezultÄts", + "label-result-count_plural": "{{count}} rezultÄti", + "label-toggle-search-settings": "MeklÄ“Å¡anas iestatÄ«jumi", + "prompt-start-search": "SÄciet rakstÄ«t, lai sÄktu meklÄ“Å¡anu...", + "label-match-text": "Atbilst tekstam: ", + "label-match-regex": "Atbilst regulÄrajai izteiksmei: ", + "label-match-exact-text": "Ietver precÄ«zu tekstu: ", + "label-match-greater-than": "LielÄks nekÄ: ", + "label-match-less-than": "MazÄks nekÄ: ", + "label-match-true": "Ir patiess", + "label-match-false": "Ir nepatiess", + "label-match-empty": "Ir tukÅ¡s", + "label-match-property": "Ietver rekvizÄ«tu:", + "label-match-all": "Atbilst visiem:", "label-match-any": "Match any of: ", "label-excluding": "Excluding: ", "label-case-sensitive": "Case sensitive",