From eb228e9941ed532e40fd929dfdfd128ab317fc32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ali asaria <>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 14:58:33 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] remove most of the code from AIProviderModal

 .../components/Settings/AIProviderModal.tsx   | 236 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 119 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/renderer/components/Settings/AIProviderModal.tsx b/src/renderer/components/Settings/AIProviderModal.tsx
index 03aab3e0..484518c0 100644
--- a/src/renderer/components/Settings/AIProviderModal.tsx
+++ b/src/renderer/components/Settings/AIProviderModal.tsx
@@ -8,48 +8,52 @@ import {
+  IconButton,
 } from '@mui/joy';
+import useSWR from 'swr';
+import * as chatAPI from 'renderer/lib/transformerlab-api-sdk';
+import { EyeIcon, EyeOffIcon } from 'lucide-react';
+const fetcher = (url: string) => fetch(url).then((res) => res.json());
 interface Provider {
   name: string;
   keyName: string;
-  setKeyEndpoint: () => string;
-  checkKeyEndpoint: () => string;
-interface AIProviderModalProps {
-  dialogOpen: boolean;
-  setDialogOpen: (open: boolean) => void;
-  selectedProvider: Provider | null;
-  apiKey: string;
-  setApiKey: (key: string) => void;
-  customApiName: string;
-  setCustomApiName: (name: string) => void;
-  customBaseURL: string;
-  setCustomBaseURL: (url: string) => void;
-  customApiKey: string;
-  setCustomApiKey: (key: string) => void;
-  customModelName: string;
-  setCustomModelName: (name: string) => void;
-  handleSave: () => void;
 export default function AIProviderModal({
-  apiKey,
-  setApiKey,
-  customApiName,
-  setCustomApiName,
-  customBaseURL,
-  setCustomBaseURL,
-  customApiKey,
-  setCustomApiKey,
-  customModelName,
-  setCustomModelName,
-  handleSave,
-}: AIProviderModalProps) {
+}: {
+  dialogOpen: boolean;
+  setDialogOpen: (open: boolean) => void;
+  selectedProvider: Provider | null;
+}) {
+  const [showApiKey, setShowApiKey] = React.useState(false);
+  const { data: apiKey, mutate: mutateApiKey } = useSWR(
+    chatAPI.Endpoints.Config.Get(selectedProvider?.keyName),
+    fetcher,
+  );
+  const saveProvider = async (provider: Provider, token: string) => {
+    await fetch(chatAPI.Endpoints.Config.Set(provider.keyName, token));
+    mutateApiKey();
+  };
+  const handleSubmit = (e: React.FormEvent) => {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    const data = new FormData( as HTMLFormElement);
+    const apiKey = data.get('apiKey') as string;
+    alert(JSON.stringify(Object.fromEntries(data.entries())));
+    saveProvider(selectedProvider!, apiKey);
+    setDialogOpen(false);
+  };
+  if (!selectedProvider) {
+    return null;
+  }
   return (
     <Modal open={dialogOpen} onClose={() => setDialogOpen(false)}>
@@ -66,97 +70,95 @@ export default function AIProviderModal({
         <Typography id="connect-dialog-title" component="h2">
           Connect to {selectedProvider?.name}
-        {selectedProvider?.name === 'Custom API' ? (
-          <>
+        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
+          {selectedProvider?.name === 'Custom API' ? (
+            <>
+              <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
+                <FormLabel>API Name</FormLabel>
+                <Input name="customApiName" />
+              </FormControl>
+              <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
+                <FormLabel>Base URL</FormLabel>
+                <Input name="customBaseURL" />
+              </FormControl>
+              <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
+                <FormLabel>API Key</FormLabel>
+                <Input name="customApiKey" type="password" />
+              </FormControl>
+              <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
+                <FormLabel>Model Name</FormLabel>
+                <Input name="customModelName" />
+              </FormControl>
+            </>
+          ) : (
             <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
-              <FormLabel>API Name</FormLabel>
+              <FormLabel>{selectedProvider?.name} API Key</FormLabel>
-                value={customApiName}
-                onChange={(e) => setCustomApiName(}
+                endDecorator={
+                  <IconButton
+                    onClick={() => {
+                      setShowApiKey(!showApiKey);
+                    }}
+                  >
+                    {showApiKey ? <EyeOffIcon /> : <EyeIcon />}
+                  </IconButton>
+                }
+                name="apiKey"
+                type={showApiKey ? 'text' : 'password'}
+                defaultValue={apiKey}
-            <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
-              <FormLabel>Base URL</FormLabel>
-              <Input
-                value={customBaseURL}
-                onChange={(e) => setCustomBaseURL(}
-              />
-            </FormControl>
-            <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
-              <FormLabel>API Key</FormLabel>
-              <Input
-                type="password"
-                value={customApiKey}
-                onChange={(e) => setCustomApiKey(}
-              />
-            </FormControl>
-            <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
-              <FormLabel>Model Name</FormLabel>
-              <Input
-                value={customModelName}
-                onChange={(e) => setCustomModelName(}
-              />
-            </FormControl>
-          </>
-        ) : (
-          <FormControl sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
-            <FormLabel>{selectedProvider?.name} API Key</FormLabel>
-            <Input
-              type="password"
-              value={apiKey}
-              onChange={(e) => setApiKey(}
-            />
-          </FormControl>
-        )}
-        {/* Conditional help steps */}
-        {selectedProvider?.name === 'OpenAI' && (
-          <Box sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
-            <Typography level="body2">
-              Steps to get an OpenAI API Key:
-            </Typography>
-            <ol>
-              <li>
-                Visit{' '}
-                <a
-                  href=""
-                  target="_blank"
-                  rel="noreferrer"
-                >
-                  OpenAI API website
-                </a>
-              </li>
-              <li>Log in to your OpenAI account.</li>
-              <li>Create a new API key and copy it.</li>
-            </ol>
-          </Box>
-        )}
-        {selectedProvider?.name === 'Anthropic' && (
-          <Box sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
-            <Typography level="body2">
-              Steps to get a Anthropic API Key:
-            </Typography>
-            <ol>
-              <li>
-                Visit{' '}
-                <a
-                  href=""
-                  target="_blank"
-                  rel="noreferrer"
-                >
-                  Anthropic API Keys Console
-                </a>
-              </li>
-              <li>Log in/Create an account.</li>
-              <li>Follow instructions to generate an API key.</li>
-            </ol>
+          )}
+          {/* Conditional help steps */}
+          {selectedProvider?.name === 'OpenAI' && (
+            <>
+              <Typography level="title-md" mt={2}>
+                Steps to get an OpenAI API Key:
+              </Typography>
+              <ol>
+                <li>
+                  Visit{' '}
+                  <a
+                    href=""
+                    target="_blank"
+                    rel="noreferrer"
+                  >
+                    OpenAI API website
+                  </a>
+                </li>
+                <li>Log in to your OpenAI account.</li>
+                <li>Create a new API key and copy it.</li>
+              </ol>
+            </>
+          )}
+          {selectedProvider?.name === 'Anthropic' && (
+            <>
+              <Typography level="title-md" mt={2}>
+                Steps to get a Anthropic API Key:
+              </Typography>
+              <ol>
+                <li>
+                  Visit{' '}
+                  <a
+                    href=""
+                    target="_blank"
+                    rel="noreferrer"
+                  >
+                    Anthropic API Keys Console
+                  </a>
+                </li>
+                <li>Log in/Create an account.</li>
+                <li>Follow instructions to generate an API key.</li>
+              </ol>
+            </>
+          )}
+          <Box
+            sx={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end', gap: 1, mt: 2 }}
+          >
+            <Button onClick={() => setDialogOpen(false)}>Cancel</Button>
+            <Button type="submit">Save</Button>
-        )}
-        <Box
-          sx={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end', gap: 1, mt: 2 }}
-        >
-          <Button onClick={() => setDialogOpen(false)}>Cancel</Button>
-          <Button onClick={handleSave}>Save</Button>
-        </Box>
+        </form>