diff --git a/src/renderer/components/Experiment/Eval/EvalJobsTable.tsx b/src/renderer/components/Experiment/Eval/EvalJobsTable.tsx
index 7abddcb1b73f2b77e784731ccd80ef063ab3f48e..21156cb0d5eedd9a33da196c760b13623656e088 100644
--- a/src/renderer/components/Experiment/Eval/EvalJobsTable.tsx
+++ b/src/renderer/components/Experiment/Eval/EvalJobsTable.tsx
@@ -93,53 +93,87 @@ function RenderScore({ score }) {
 function transformMetrics(
   data: Array<{
+    test_case_id: string;
     metric_name: string;
     score: number;
     evaluator_name: string;
     job_id: string;
     [key: string]: any;
-  }>
+  }>,
+  type: 'summary' | 'detailed' = 'summary'
 ) {
-  const grouped: {
-    [key: string]: {
-      evaluator_name: string;
-      job_id: string;
-      type: string;
-      sum: number;
-      count: number;
-    };
-  } = {};
+  if (type === 'summary') {
+    const grouped: {
+      [key: string]: {
+        evaluator_name: string;
+        job_id: string;
+        type: string;
+        sum: number;
+        count: number;
+      };
+    } = {};
-  data.forEach((entry) => {
-    // Extract only the fields we care about.
-    let { metric_name, score, evaluator_name, job_id } = entry;
-    if (!metric_name || score === undefined || score === null || !evaluator_name || !job_id) {
-      return;
-    }
+    data.forEach((entry) => {
+      // Extract only the fields we care about.
+      let { metric_name, score, evaluator_name, job_id } = entry;
+      if (!metric_name || score === undefined || score === null || !evaluator_name || !job_id) {
+        return;
+      }
-    // Use a combined key to group only entries that share evaluator_name, job_id AND metric_name.
-    const key = `${evaluator_name}|${job_id}|${metric_name}`;
-    if (grouped[key]) {
-      grouped[key].sum += score;
-      grouped[key].count += 1;
-    } else {
-      grouped[key] = {
-        evaluator_name,
-        job_id,
-        type: metric_name,
-        sum: score,
-        count: 1,
-      };
-    }
-  });
+      // Use a combined key to group only entries that share evaluator_name, job_id AND metric_name.
+      const key = `${evaluator_name}|${job_id}|${metric_name}`;
+      if (grouped[key]) {
+        grouped[key].sum += score;
+        grouped[key].count += 1;
+      } else {
+        grouped[key] = {
+          evaluator_name,
+          job_id,
+          type: metric_name,
+          sum: score,
+          count: 1,
+        };
+      }
+    });
+    // Generate deduplicated list with averaged scores rounded to 5 decimals.
+    return Object.values(grouped).map((item) => ({
+      evaluator: item.evaluator_name,
+      job_id: item.job_id,
+      type: item.type,
+      score: Number((item.sum / item.count).toFixed(5)),
+    }));
+  } else if (type === 'detailed') {
+    // For detailed output we are not averaging.
+    // Expected header sequence: test_case_id, metric_name, job_id, evaluator_name, metric_name, score, ...extra
+    // Determine extra keys from the entry (excluding core ones).
+    const extraKeysSet = new Set<string>();
+    data.forEach((entry) => {
+      Object.keys(entry).forEach((k) => {
+        if (!['test_case_id', 'metric_name', 'job_id', 'evaluator_name', 'score'].includes(k)) {
+          extraKeysSet.add(k);
+        }
+      });
+    });
+    const extraKeys = Array.from(extraKeysSet).sort();
+    const header = ['test_case_id', 'metric_name', 'job_id', 'evaluator_name', 'metric_name', 'score', ...extraKeys];
-  // Generate deduplicated list with averaged scores rounded to 5 decimals.
-  return Object.values(grouped).map((item) => ({
-    evaluator: item.evaluator_name,
-    job_id: item.job_id,
-    type: item.type,
-    score: Number((item.sum / item.count).toFixed(5)),
-  }));
+    const body = data.map((entry) => {
+      const extraValues = extraKeys.map((key) => entry[key]);
+      return [
+        entry.test_case_id, // using test_case_id instead of job_id
+        entry.metric_name,
+        entry.job_id,
+        entry.evaluator_name,
+        entry.metric_name,
+        entry.score,
+        ...extraValues,
+      ];
+    });
+    return { header, body };
+  }
@@ -147,6 +181,7 @@ const EvalJobsTable = () => {
   const [selected, setSelected] = useState<readonly string[]>([]);
   const [viewOutputFromJob, setViewOutputFromJob] = useState(-1);
   const [openCSVModal, setOpenCSVModal] = useState(false);
+  const [compareData, setCompareData] = useState(null);
   const [openPlotModal, setOpenPlotModal] = useState(false);
   const [currentJobId, setCurrentJobId] = useState('');
   const [currentData, setCurrentData] = useState('');
@@ -173,32 +208,40 @@ const EvalJobsTable = () => {
     fallbackData: [],
-    const handleCombinedReports = async () => {
-      try {
-        const jobIdsParam = selected.join(',');
-        const compareEvalsUrl = chatAPI.Endpoints.Charts.CompareEvals(jobIdsParam);
-        const response = await fetch(compareEvalsUrl, { method: 'GET' });
-        if (!response.ok) {
-          throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
-        }
-        const data = await response.json();
-        const transformedData = transformMetrics(JSON.parse(data));
+  const handleCombinedReports = async (comparisonType: 'summary' | 'detailed' = 'summary') => {
+    try {
+      const jobIdsParam = selected.join(',');
+      const compareEvalsUrl = chatAPI.Endpoints.Charts.CompareEvals(jobIdsParam);
+      const response = await fetch(compareEvalsUrl, { method: 'GET' });
+      if (!response.ok) {
+        throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
+      }
+      const data = await response.json();
+      if (comparisonType === 'summary') {
+        const transformedData = transformMetrics(JSON.parse(data), "summary");
-        // setCurrentData(JSON.stringify(data));
-      } catch (error) {
-        console.error('Failed to fetch combined reports:', error);
+      } else if (comparisonType === 'detailed') {
+          const transformedData = transformMetrics(JSON.parse(data), "detailed");
+          setCompareData(transformedData);
+          handleOpenCSVModal('-1');
-    };
+    } catch (error) {
+      console.error('Failed to fetch combined reports:', error);
+    }
+  };
   const handleOpenCSVModal = (jobId) => {
   const handleOpenPlotModal = (jobId, score) => {
@@ -220,6 +263,7 @@ const EvalJobsTable = () => {
         onClose={() => setOpenCSVModal(false)}
+        compareData={compareData}
@@ -248,18 +292,24 @@ const EvalJobsTable = () => {
         <Typography level="h3">Executions</Typography>
         {selected.length > 1 && (
-          <Typography
-            level="body-sm"
-            startDecorator={<ChartColumnIncreasingIcon size="20px" />}
-            // Uncomment this line to enable the combined reports feature
-            onClick={handleCombinedReports}
-            // onClick={() => {
-            //   alert('this feature coming soon');
-            // }}
-            sx={{ cursor: 'pointer' }}
-          >
-            <>Compare Selected Evals</>
-          </Typography>
+          <Box sx={{ display: 'flex', gap: 2 }}>
+            <Typography
+              level="body-sm"
+              startDecorator={<ChartColumnIncreasingIcon size="20px" />}
+              onClick={() => handleCombinedReports('summary')}
+              sx={{ cursor: 'pointer' }}
+            >
+              Compare Selected Evals
+            </Typography>
+            <Typography
+              level="body-sm"
+              startDecorator={<Grid3X3Icon size="20px" />}
+              onClick={() => handleCombinedReports('detailed')}
+              sx={{ cursor: 'pointer' }}
+            >
+              Detailed Comparison
+            </Typography>
+          </Box>
diff --git a/src/renderer/components/Experiment/Eval/ViewCSVModal.tsx b/src/renderer/components/Experiment/Eval/ViewCSVModal.tsx
index e933f1c9f63d27f72699b673da332baefce2f65e..bfd604f4bbcba7632eb306908c47fd22d5be616f 100644
--- a/src/renderer/components/Experiment/Eval/ViewCSVModal.tsx
+++ b/src/renderer/components/Experiment/Eval/ViewCSVModal.tsx
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function heatedColor(value) {
 // This function formats the eval data to combine rows that have the same name
 // based on the first column
-function formatEvalData(data) {
+function formatEvalData(data, compareEvals = false) {
   let header = data?.header;
   let body = data?.body;
   const formattedData: any[] = [];
@@ -41,36 +41,77 @@ function formatEvalData(data) {
     return data;
-  // remove the header named "metric_name"
-  if (header[1] === 'metric_name') {
-    header = header.slice(1);
-  }
   const seen = new Set();
-  body.forEach((row) => {
-    if (!seen.has(row[0])) {
-      seen.add(row[0]);
-      const newRow = [row[0]];
-      newRow.push({ [row[1]]: row[2] });
-      // now push the rest of the columns:
-      for (let i = 3; i < row.length; i++) {
-        newRow.push(row[i]);
-      }
-      formattedData.push(newRow);
-    } else {
-      const index = formattedData.findIndex((r) => r[0] === row[0]);
-      let newScore = [];
-      // if formattedData[index][1] is an array, then we need to push to it
-      if (Array.isArray(formattedData[index][1])) {
-        newScore = formattedData[index][1];
+  if (compareEvals) {
+    // Ensure the header has at least the expected columns:
+    // test_case_id, metric_name, job_id, evaluator_name, metric_name, score, ...
+    if (header.length < 6) {
+      return data;
+    }
+    // Remove columns: drop the first metric_name (index 1), job_id (index 2), evaluator_name (index 3)
+    // and the metric_name/score pair (indices 4 and 5) will be combined
+    // New header: test_case_id, combined_scores, then any extra columns (starting from index 6)
+    header = [header[0], 'score', ...header.slice(6)];
+    body.forEach((row) => {
+      // Sanity check row length
+      if (row.length < 6) return;
+      const testCaseId = row[0];
+      const jobId = row[2];
+      const evaluatorName = row[3];
+      const metricName = row[4];
+      const scoreVal = row[5];
+      const combinedScore = { [`${evaluatorName}-${jobId}-${metricName}`]: scoreVal };
+      // Append additional columns after the 6th column, if any
+      const extraColumns = row.slice(6);
+      if (!seen.has(testCaseId)) {
+        seen.add(testCaseId);
+        // newRow: [test_case_id, combinedScore, extra columns...]
+        formattedData.push([testCaseId, combinedScore, ...extraColumns]);
       } else {
-        newScore.push(formattedData[index][1]);
+        const index = formattedData.findIndex((r) => r[0] === testCaseId);
+        let newScore = [];
+        if (Array.isArray(formattedData[index][1])) {
+          newScore = formattedData[index][1];
+        } else {
+          newScore.push(formattedData[index][1]);
+        }
+        newScore.push(combinedScore);
+        formattedData[index][1] = newScore;
-      newScore.push({ [row[1]]: row[2] });
-      formattedData[index][1] = newScore;
+    });
+  } else {
+    // original processing: remove "metric_name" if it is header[1]
+    if (header[1] === 'metric_name') {
+      header = header.slice(1);
-  });
+    body.forEach((row) => {
+      if (!seen.has(row[0])) {
+        seen.add(row[0]);
+        const newRow = [row[0]];
+        newRow.push({ [row[1]]: row[2] });
+        for (let i = 3; i < row.length; i++) {
+          newRow.push(row[i]);
+        }
+        console.log("NEW ROW", newRow);
+        formattedData.push(newRow);
+      } else {
+        const index = formattedData.findIndex((r) => r[0] === row[0]);
+        let newScore = [];
+        if (Array.isArray(formattedData[index][1])) {
+          newScore = formattedData[index][1];
+        } else {
+          newScore.push(formattedData[index][1]);
+        }
+        newScore.push({ [row[1]]: row[2] });
+        formattedData[index][1] = newScore;
+      }
+    });
+  }
   return { header: header, body: formattedData };
@@ -125,10 +166,14 @@ function formatScore(score) {
-const ViewCSVModal = ({ open, onClose, jobId, fetchCSV }) => {
+const ViewCSVModal = ({ open, onClose, jobId, fetchCSV, compareData = null }) => {
   const [report, setReport] = useState({});
   useEffect(() => {
+    if (!compareData) {
     if (open && jobId) {
       fetchCSV(jobId).then((data) => {
         try {
@@ -138,8 +183,20 @@ const ViewCSVModal = ({ open, onClose, jobId, fetchCSV }) => {
+  } else {
+    try {
+      console.log('compareData', compareData);
+      setReport(formatEvalData(compareData, true));
+    } catch (e) {
+      setReport({ header: ['Error'], body: [[compareData]] });
+    }
+  }
   }, [open, jobId, fetchCSV]);
   const handleDownload = async () => {
     const response = await fetch(
       chatAPI.Endpoints.Experiment.GetAdditionalDetails(jobId, 'download')