diff --git a/src/renderer/components/Experiment/DynamicPluginForm.tsx b/src/renderer/components/Experiment/DynamicPluginForm.tsx
index 8000699d668be69b8319cf1d06f561c8a9e7062d..81adccf3f04137340219f81d39ab0717fbcd45ef 100644
--- a/src/renderer/components/Experiment/DynamicPluginForm.tsx
+++ b/src/renderer/components/Experiment/DynamicPluginForm.tsx
@@ -461,153 +461,6 @@ function CustomAutocompleteWidget<T = any, S extends StrictRJSFSchema = RJSFSche
-// type EvaluationField = {
-//   name: string;
-//   expression: string;
-//   return_type: 'boolean' | 'number';
-// };
-// const CustomEvaluationWidget = (props: WidgetProps<any>) => {
-//   const { id, value, onChange, disabled, readonly } = props;
-//   const valueSent = value;
-//   console.log("Value", valueSent);
-//   const parseValue = (val: any): EvaluationField[] => {
-//     if (Array.isArray(val)) {
-//       if (val.every(item => typeof item === "string")) {
-//         // If every element is a string: join them and parse the result.
-//         try {
-//           const joined = val.join(',');
-//           console.log("Joined", joined);
-//           console.log("TYPE", typeof joined);
-//           const parsed = JSON.parse(joined);
-//           console.log("PARSED HERE", parsed);
-//           return Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [];
-//         } catch (err) {
-//           console.error("Error parsing evaluation widget value:", err);
-//           return [];
-//         }
-//       } else {
-//         // If not all elements are strings, assume it's already an array of EvaluationField.
-//         return val;
-//       }
-//     } else if (typeof val === "string") {
-//       try {
-//         return JSON.parse(val);
-//       } catch (err) {
-//         console.error("Error parsing evaluation widget value string:", err);
-//         return [];
-//       }
-//     }
-//     return [];
-//   };
-//   // const parsed = parseValue(value);
-//   // Initialize state by parsing the incoming value
-//   const [evalMetrics, setEvalMetrics] = React.useState<EvaluationField[]>(parseValue(valueSent));
-//   // Update state if a new default value is provided
-//   React.useEffect(() => {
-//     const parsed = parseValue(valueSent);
-//     if (JSON.stringify(parsed) !== JSON.stringify(evalMetrics)) {
-//       setEvalMetrics(parsed);
-//     }
-//   }, [value]);
-//   // Propagate state changes upstream.
-//   React.useEffect(() => {
-//     onChange(evalMetrics);
-//   }, [evalMetrics]);
-//   const handleAddField = () => {
-//     setEvalMetrics([
-//       ...evalMetrics,
-//       { name: '', expression: '', return_type: 'boolean' }
-//     ]);
-//   };
-//   const handleFieldChange = (
-//     index: number,
-//     field: keyof EvaluationField,
-//     newValue: string
-//   ) => {
-//     const updated = evalMetrics.map((evaluation, i) =>
-//       i === index ? { ...evaluation, [field]: newValue } : evaluation
-//     );
-//     setEvalMetrics(updated);
-//   };
-//   const handleRemoveField = (index: number) => {
-//     const updated = evalMetrics.filter((_, i) => i !== index);
-//     setEvalMetrics(updated);
-//   };
-//   return (
-//     <div id={id}>
-//       {evalMetrics.map((evaluation, index) => (
-//         <div
-//           key={index}
-//           style={{
-//             marginBottom: '1rem',
-//             border: '1px solid #ccc',
-//             padding: '0.5rem'
-//           }}
-//         >
-//           <Input
-//             placeholder="Evaluation Name"
-//             value={evaluation.name}
-//             onChange={(e) =>
-//               handleFieldChange(index, 'name', e.target.value)
-//             }
-//             disabled={disabled || readonly}
-//             style={{ marginBottom: '0.5rem' }}
-//           />
-//           <Textarea
-//             placeholder="Regular Expression"
-//             value={evaluation.expression}
-//             onChange={(e) =>
-//               handleFieldChange(index, 'expression', e.target.value)
-//             }
-//             disabled={disabled || readonly}
-//             style={{ marginBottom: '0.5rem' }}
-//           />
-//           <Select
-//             placeholder="Output Type"
-//             value={evaluation.return_type}
-//             onChange={(e, newValue) =>
-//               handleFieldChange(index, 'return_type', newValue as string)
-//             }
-//             disabled={disabled || readonly}
-//             style={{ marginBottom: '0.5rem' }}
-//           >
-//             <Option value="boolean">Boolean</Option>
-//             <Option value="number">Number</Option>
-//           </Select>
-//           <Button
-//             onClick={() => handleRemoveField(index)}
-//             disabled={disabled || readonly}
-//             size="sm"
-//             variant="outlined"
-//           >
-//             Remove Field
-//           </Button>
-//         </div>
-//       ))}
-//       <Button
-//         onClick={handleAddField}
-//         disabled={disabled || readonly}
-//         variant="solid"
-//       >
-//         Add Field
-//       </Button>
-//       {/* Hidden input to capture the JSON result on form submission */}
-//       <input type="hidden" id={id} name={id} value={JSON.stringify(evalMetrics)} />
-//     </div>
-//   );
-// };
 function CustomFieldTemplate(props: FieldTemplateProps) {
   const {