From 08c82cbaca65f09752bbc70c727fc63d39dd250d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ming Ding <>
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2021 17:13:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] change to more sr

 generation/ | 28 ++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/generation/ b/generation/
index 69d3d7c..30ac2fd 100644
--- a/generation/
+++ b/generation/
@@ -76,26 +76,29 @@ def filling_sequence_cuda_2d(
         step_cnt += 1
         # warmup 
-        real_topk = 200
-        # real_temp = 0.7 #- min(1,((step_cnt) / iterative_step)) * .3
+        real_topk = 15
+        real_temp = 0.5 #- min(1,((step_cnt) / iterative_step)) * .3
         # real_temp = args.temperature
         if step_cnt <= 5:
-            real_temp = 0.1
+            real_temp = 0.4
         elif step_cnt == 6:
             real_temp = 0.55
         elif step_cnt > 6:
             real_temp = 0.45
-        if  5 < step_cnt:
-            real_topk = 200
+        # if  5 < step_cnt:
+        #     real_topk = 200
         # sampling
         for invalid_slice in invalid_slices: # forbide to generate other tokens
             logits[..., invalid_slice] = -float('Inf')
         assert args.top_k > 0
-        probs0 = F.softmax(logits/real_temp, dim=-1)
-        topsum = torch.topk(probs0, 20, dim=-1)[0].sum(dim=-1)
-        if step_cnt >= 6:
-            real_temp2 = torch.tensor([[[real_temp]]], device=probs0.device).expand(*probs0.shape[:2], 1) * (topsum < 0.95).unsqueeze(-1) + 0.6
+        # probs0 = F.softmax(logits/real_temp, dim=-1)
+        topraw = (torch.topk(logits, 5, dim=-1)[0]).softmax(dim=-1)
+        ent = -(topraw * topraw.log()).sum(dim=-1)
+        # topsum = topraw.sum(dim=-1)
+        if step_cnt > 5:
+            # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
+            real_temp2 = torch.tensor([[[real_temp]]], device=logits.device).expand(*logits.shape[:2], 1) * (ent > 1.2).unsqueeze(-1) + 0.6
             # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
             real_temp2 = real_temp
@@ -137,9 +140,10 @@ def filling_sequence_cuda_2d(
             new_fixed = unfixed & False # TODO
         new_fixed[:, -1] = True
-        with open(f'bed{step_cnt}.txt', 'w') as fout:
-            for i, prob in enumerate(topsum[0, -4096:]):
-                fout.write(f'{i} {prob}\n')
+        # with open(f'bed{step_cnt}.txt', 'w') as fout:
+        #     for i, prob in enumerate(topraw[0, -4096:]):
+        #         s = ' '.join([str(x) for x in prob.tolist()])
+        #         fout.write(f'{i} {s}\n')
         unfixed &= new_fixed.logical_not()
         # update seq and tokens