import { execSync } from "child_process"; import ciInfo from "ci-info"; import fs from "fs"; import path from "path"; import { blue, green, red } from "picocolors"; import prompts from "prompts"; import { InstallAppArgs } from "./create-app"; import { TemplateFramework } from "./helpers"; import { COMMUNITY_OWNER, COMMUNITY_REPO } from "./helpers/constant"; import { getAvailableLlamapackOptions } from "./helpers/llama-pack"; import { getRepoRootFolders } from "./helpers/repo"; export type QuestionArgs = Omit<InstallAppArgs, "appPath" | "packageManager">; const MACOS_FILE_SELECTION_SCRIPT = ` osascript -l JavaScript -e ' a = Application.currentApplication(); a.includeStandardAdditions = true; a.chooseFile({ withPrompt: "Please select a file to process:" }).toString() '`; const WINDOWS_FILE_SELECTION_SCRIPT = ` Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms $openFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog $openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') $result = $openFileDialog.ShowDialog() if ($result -eq 'OK') { $openFileDialog.FileName } `; const defaults: QuestionArgs = { template: "streaming", framework: "nextjs", engine: "simple", ui: "html", eslint: true, frontend: false, openAiKey: "", model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", communityProjectPath: "", llamapack: "", postInstallAction: "dependencies", dataSource: { type: "none", config: {}, }, }; const handlers = { onCancel: () => { console.error("Exiting."); process.exit(1); }, }; const getVectorDbChoices = (framework: TemplateFramework) => { const choices = [ { title: "No, just store the data in the file system", value: "none", }, { title: "MongoDB", value: "mongo" }, { title: "PostgreSQL", value: "pg" }, ]; const vectordbLang = framework === "fastapi" ? "python" : "typescript"; const compPath = path.join(__dirname, "..", "templates", "components"); const vectordbPath = path.join(compPath, "vectordbs", vectordbLang); const availableChoices = fs .readdirSync(vectordbPath) .filter((file) => fs.statSync(path.join(vectordbPath, file)).isDirectory()); const displayedChoices = choices.filter((choice) => availableChoices.includes(choice.value), ); return displayedChoices; }; const selectPDFFile = async () => { // Popup to select a PDF file try { let selectedFilePath: string = ""; switch (process.platform) { case "win32": // Windows selectedFilePath = execSync(WINDOWS_FILE_SELECTION_SCRIPT, { shell: "powershell.exe", }) .toString() .trim(); break; case "darwin": // MacOS selectedFilePath = execSync(MACOS_FILE_SELECTION_SCRIPT) .toString() .trim(); break; default: // Unsupported OS console.log(red("Unsupported OS error!")); process.exit(1); } // Check is pdf file if (!selectedFilePath.endsWith(".pdf")) { console.log( red("Unsupported file error! Please select a valid PDF file!"), ); process.exit(1); } return selectedFilePath; } catch (error) { console.log( red( "Got error when trying to select file! Please try again or select other options.", ), ); process.exit(1); } }; export const onPromptState = (state: any) => { if (state.aborted) { // If we don't re-enable the terminal cursor before exiting // the program, the cursor will remain hidden process.stdout.write("\x1B[?25h"); process.stdout.write("\n"); process.exit(1); } }; export const askQuestions = async ( program: QuestionArgs, preferences: QuestionArgs, ) => { const getPrefOrDefault = <K extends keyof QuestionArgs>( field: K, ): QuestionArgs[K] => preferences[field] ?? defaults[field]; // Ask for next action after installation async function askPostInstallAction() { if (program.postInstallAction === undefined) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.postInstallAction = getPrefOrDefault("postInstallAction"); } else { let actionChoices = [ { title: "Just generate code (~1 sec)", value: "none", }, { title: "Generate code and install dependencies (~2 min)", value: "dependencies", }, ]; const hasOpenAiKey = program.openAiKey || process.env["OPENAI_API_KEY"]; if (program.vectorDb === "none" && hasOpenAiKey) { actionChoices.push({ title: "Generate code, install dependencies, and run the app (~2 min)", value: "runApp", }); } const { action } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "action", message: "How would you like to proceed?", choices: actionChoices, initial: 1, }, handlers, ); program.postInstallAction = action; } } } if (!program.template) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.template = getPrefOrDefault("template"); } else { const styledRepo = blue( `${COMMUNITY_OWNER}/${COMMUNITY_REPO}`, ); const { template } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "template", message: "Which template would you like to use?", choices: [ { title: "Chat without streaming", value: "simple" }, { title: "Chat with streaming", value: "streaming" }, { title: `Community template from ${styledRepo}`, value: "community", }, { title: "Example using a LlamaPack", value: "llamapack", }, ], initial: 1, }, handlers, ); program.template = template; preferences.template = template; } } if (program.template === "community") { const rootFolderNames = await getRepoRootFolders( COMMUNITY_OWNER, COMMUNITY_REPO, ); const { communityProjectPath } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "communityProjectPath", message: "Select community template", choices: => ({ title: name, value: name, })), initial: 0, }, handlers, ); program.communityProjectPath = communityProjectPath; preferences.communityProjectPath = communityProjectPath; return; // early return - no further questions needed for community projects } if (program.template === "llamapack") { const availableLlamaPacks = await getAvailableLlamapackOptions(); const { llamapack } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "llamapack", message: "Select LlamaPack", choices: => ({ title:, value: pack.folderPath, })), initial: 0, }, handlers, ); program.llamapack = llamapack; preferences.llamapack = llamapack; await askPostInstallAction(); return; // early return - no further questions needed for llamapack projects } if (!program.framework) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.framework = getPrefOrDefault("framework"); } else { const choices = [ { title: "Express", value: "express" }, { title: "FastAPI (Python)", value: "fastapi" }, ]; if (program.template === "streaming") { // allow NextJS only for streaming template choices.unshift({ title: "NextJS", value: "nextjs" }); } const { framework } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "framework", message: "Which framework would you like to use?", choices, initial: 0, }, handlers, ); program.framework = framework; preferences.framework = framework; } } if ( program.template === "streaming" && (program.framework === "express" || program.framework === "fastapi") ) { // if a backend-only framework is selected, ask whether we should create a frontend // (only for streaming backends) if (program.frontend === undefined) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.frontend = getPrefOrDefault("frontend"); } else { const styledNextJS = blue("NextJS"); const styledBackend = green( program.framework === "express" ? "Express " : program.framework === "fastapi" ? "FastAPI (Python) " : "", ); const { frontend } = await prompts({ onState: onPromptState, type: "toggle", name: "frontend", message: `Would you like to generate a ${styledNextJS} frontend for your ${styledBackend}backend?`, initial: getPrefOrDefault("frontend"), active: "Yes", inactive: "No", }); program.frontend = Boolean(frontend); preferences.frontend = Boolean(frontend); } } } else { program.frontend = false; } if (program.framework === "nextjs" || program.frontend) { if (!program.ui) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.ui = getPrefOrDefault("ui"); } else { const { ui } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "ui", message: "Which UI would you like to use?", choices: [ { title: "Just HTML", value: "html" }, { title: "Shadcn", value: "shadcn" }, ], initial: 0, }, handlers, ); program.ui = ui; preferences.ui = ui; } } } if (!program.model) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.model = getPrefOrDefault("model"); } else { const { model } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "model", message: "Which model would you like to use?", choices: [ { title: "gpt-3.5-turbo", value: "gpt-3.5-turbo" }, { title: "gpt-4", value: "gpt-4" }, { title: "gpt-4-1106-preview", value: "gpt-4-1106-preview" }, { title: "gpt-4-vision-preview", value: "gpt-4-vision-preview", }, ], initial: 0, }, handlers, ); program.model = model; preferences.model = model; } } if (!program.engine) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.engine = getPrefOrDefault("engine"); } else { let choices = [ { title: "No data, just a simple chat", value: "simple", }, { title: "Use an example PDF", value: "exampleFile" }, ]; if (process.platform === "win32" || process.platform === "darwin") { choices.push({ title: "Use a local PDF file", value: "localFile" }); } if (program.framework === "fastapi") { choices.push({ title: "Use website content", value: "web" }); } const { dataSource } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "dataSource", message: "Which data source would you like to use?", choices: choices, initial: 1, }, handlers, ); // Initialize with default config program.dataSource = getPrefOrDefault("dataSource"); if (program.dataSource) { switch (dataSource) { case "simple": program.engine = "simple"; break; case "exampleFile": program.engine = "context"; break; case "localFile": program.engine = "context"; program.dataSource.type = "file"; // If the user selected the "pdf" option, ask them to select a file program.dataSource.config = { contextFile: await selectPDFFile(), }; break; case "web": program.engine = "context"; program.dataSource.type = "web"; break; } } } if (program.dataSource?.type === "web" && program.framework === "fastapi") { const { baseUrl } = await prompts( { type: "text", name: "baseUrl", message: "Please provide base URL of the website:", initial: "", }, handlers, ); program.dataSource.config = { baseUrl: baseUrl, depth: 2, }; } if (program.engine !== "simple" && !program.vectorDb) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.vectorDb = getPrefOrDefault("vectorDb"); } else { const { vectorDb } = await prompts( { type: "select", name: "vectorDb", message: "Would you like to use a vector database?", choices: getVectorDbChoices(program.framework), initial: 0, }, handlers, ); program.vectorDb = vectorDb; preferences.vectorDb = vectorDb; } } } if (!program.openAiKey) { const { key } = await prompts( { type: "text", name: "key", message: "Please provide your OpenAI API key (leave blank to skip):", }, handlers, ); program.openAiKey = key; preferences.openAiKey = key; } if (program.framework !== "fastapi" && program.eslint === undefined) { if (ciInfo.isCI) { program.eslint = getPrefOrDefault("eslint"); } else { const styledEslint = blue("ESLint"); const { eslint } = await prompts({ onState: onPromptState, type: "toggle", name: "eslint", message: `Would you like to use ${styledEslint}?`, initial: getPrefOrDefault("eslint"), active: "Yes", inactive: "No", }); program.eslint = Boolean(eslint); preferences.eslint = Boolean(eslint); } } await askPostInstallAction(); // TODO: consider using zod to validate the input (doesn't work like this as not every option is required) // templateUISchema.parse(program.ui); // templateEngineSchema.parse(program.engine); // templateFrameworkSchema.parse(program.framework); // templateTypeSchema.parse(program.template);`` };