import { copy } from "../helpers/copy"; import { callPackageManager } from "../helpers/install"; import fs from "fs/promises"; import os from "os"; import path from "path"; import { bold, cyan } from "picocolors"; import { version } from "../../core/package.json"; import { PackageManager } from "../helpers/get-pkg-manager"; import { InstallTemplateArgs, TemplateEngine, TemplateFramework, } from "./types"; const envFileNameMap: Record<TemplateFramework, string> = { nextjs: ".env.local", express: ".env", fastapi: ".env", }; const createEnvLocalFile = async ( root: string, framework: TemplateFramework, openAIKey?: string, ) => { if (openAIKey) { const envFileName = envFileNameMap[framework]; if (!envFileName) return; await fs.writeFile( path.join(root, envFileName), `OPENAI_API_KEY=${openAIKey}\n`, ); console.log(`Created '${envFileName}' file containing OPENAI_API_KEY`); } }; const copyTestData = async ( root: string, framework: TemplateFramework, packageManager?: PackageManager, engine?: TemplateEngine, ) => { if (engine === "context" || framework === "fastapi") { const srcPath = path.join(__dirname, "components", "data"); const destPath = path.join(root, "data"); console.log(`\nCopying test data to ${cyan(destPath)}\n`); await copy("**", destPath, { parents: true, cwd: srcPath, }); } if (packageManager && engine === "context") { console.log( `\nRunning ${cyan("npm run generate")} to generate the context data.\n`, ); await callPackageManager(packageManager, true, ["run", "generate"]); console.log(); } }; const rename = (name: string) => { switch (name) { case "gitignore": case "eslintrc.json": { return `.${name}`; } // is ignored by webpack-asset-relocator-loader used by ncc: // case "": { return ""; } default: { return name; } } }; /** * Install a LlamaIndex internal template to a given `root` directory. */ const installTSTemplate = async ({ appName, root, packageManager, isOnline, template, framework, engine, ui, eslint, customApiPath, }: InstallTemplateArgs) => { console.log(bold(`Using ${packageManager}.`)); /** * Copy the template files to the target directory. */ console.log("\nInitializing project with template:", template, "\n"); const templatePath = path.join(__dirname, "types", template, framework); const copySource = ["**"]; if (!eslint) copySource.push("!eslintrc.json"); await copy(copySource, root, { parents: true, cwd: templatePath, rename, }); /** * Copy the selected chat engine files to the target directory and reference it. */ let relativeEngineDestPath; const compPath = path.join(__dirname, "components"); if (engine && (framework === "express" || framework === "nextjs")) { console.log("\nUsing chat engine:", engine, "\n"); const enginePath = path.join(compPath, "engines", engine); relativeEngineDestPath = framework === "nextjs" ? path.join("app", "api", "chat") : path.join("src", "controllers"); await copy("**", path.join(root, relativeEngineDestPath, "engine"), { parents: true, cwd: enginePath, }); } /** * Copy the selected UI files to the target directory and reference it. */ if (framework === "nextjs" && ui !== "html") { console.log("\nUsing UI:", ui, "\n"); const uiPath = path.join(compPath, "ui", ui); const destUiPath = path.join(root, "app", "components", "ui"); // remove the default ui folder await fs.rm(destUiPath, { recursive: true }); // copy the selected ui folder await copy("**", destUiPath, { parents: true, cwd: uiPath, rename, }); } /** * Update the package.json scripts. */ const packageJsonFile = path.join(root, "package.json"); const packageJson: any = JSON.parse( await fs.readFile(packageJsonFile, "utf8"), ); = appName; packageJson.version = "0.1.0"; packageJson.dependencies = { ...packageJson.dependencies, llamaindex: version, }; if (framework === "nextjs" && customApiPath) { console.log( "\nUsing external API with custom API path:", customApiPath, "\n", ); // remove the default api folder const apiPath = path.join(root, "app", "api"); await fs.rm(apiPath, { recursive: true }); // modify the dev script to use the custom api path packageJson.scripts = { ...packageJson.scripts, dev: `NEXT_PUBLIC_CHAT_API=${customApiPath} next dev`, }; } if (engine === "context" && relativeEngineDestPath) { // add generate script if using context engine packageJson.scripts = { ...packageJson.scripts, generate: `node ${path.join( relativeEngineDestPath, "engine", "generate.mjs", )}`, }; } if (framework === "nextjs" && ui === "shadcn") { // add shadcn dependencies to package.json packageJson.dependencies = { ...packageJson.dependencies, "tailwind-merge": "^2", "@radix-ui/react-slot": "^1", "class-variance-authority": "^0.7", "lucide-react": "^0.291", remark: "^14.0.3", "remark-code-import": "^1.2.0", "remark-gfm": "^3.0.1", "remark-math": "^5.1.1", "react-markdown": "^8.0.7", "react-syntax-highlighter": "^15.5.0", }; packageJson.devDependencies = { ...packageJson.devDependencies, "@types/react-syntax-highlighter": "^15.5.6", }; } if (!eslint) { // Remove packages starting with "eslint" from devDependencies packageJson.devDependencies = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(packageJson.devDependencies).filter( ([key]) => !key.startsWith("eslint"), ), ); } await fs.writeFile( packageJsonFile, JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2) + os.EOL, ); console.log("\nInstalling dependencies:"); for (const dependency in packageJson.dependencies) console.log(`- ${cyan(dependency)}`); console.log("\nInstalling devDependencies:"); for (const dependency in packageJson.devDependencies) console.log(`- ${cyan(dependency)}`); console.log(); await callPackageManager(packageManager, isOnline); }; const installPythonTemplate = async ({ root, template, framework, }: Pick<InstallTemplateArgs, "root" | "framework" | "template">) => { console.log("\nInitializing Python project with template:", template, "\n"); const templatePath = path.join(__dirname, "types", template, framework); await copy("**", root, { parents: true, cwd: templatePath, rename(name) { switch (name) { case "gitignore": { return `.${name}`; } // is ignored by webpack-asset-relocator-loader used by ncc: // case "": { return ""; } default: { return name; } } }, }); console.log( "\nPython project, dependencies won't be installed automatically.\n", ); }; export const installTemplate = async ( props: InstallTemplateArgs & { backend: boolean }, ) => { process.chdir(props.root); if (props.framework === "fastapi") { await installPythonTemplate(props); } else { await installTSTemplate(props); } if (props.backend) { // This is a backend, so we need to copy the test data and create the env file. // Copy the environment file to the target directory. await createEnvLocalFile(props.root, props.framework, props.openAIKey); // Copy test pdf file await copyTestData( props.root, props.framework, props.packageManager, props.engine, ); } }; export * from "./types";