import fs from "fs/promises"; import got from "got"; import path from "path"; import { parse } from "smol-toml"; import { LLAMA_PACK_FOLDER, LLAMA_PACK_FOLDER_PATH, LLAMA_PACK_OWNER, LLAMA_PACK_REPO, } from "./constant"; import { copy } from "./copy"; import { templatesDir } from "./dir"; import { addDependencies, installPythonDependencies } from "./python"; import { getRepoRawContent } from "./repo"; import { InstallTemplateArgs } from "./types"; const getLlamaPackFolderSHA = async () => { const url = `${LLAMA_PACK_OWNER}/${LLAMA_PACK_REPO}/contents`; const response = await got(url, { responseType: "json", }); const data = response.body as any[]; const llamaPackFolder = data.find((item) => === LLAMA_PACK_FOLDER); return llamaPackFolder.sha; }; const getLLamaPackFolderTree = async ( sha: string, ): Promise< Array<{ path: string; }> > => { const url = `${LLAMA_PACK_OWNER}/${LLAMA_PACK_REPO}/git/trees/${sha}?recursive=1`; const response = await got(url, { responseType: "json", }); return (response.body as any).tree; }; export async function getAvailableLlamapackOptions(): Promise< { name: string; folderPath: string; }[] > { const EXAMPLE_RELATIVE_PATH = "/examples/"; const PACK_FOLDER_SUBFIX = "llama-index-packs"; const llamaPackFolderSHA = await getLlamaPackFolderSHA(); const llamaPackTree = await getLLamaPackFolderTree(llamaPackFolderSHA); // Return options that have example files const exampleFiles = llamaPackTree.filter((item) => item.path.endsWith(EXAMPLE_RELATIVE_PATH), ); const options = => { const packFolder = file.path.substring( 0, file.path.indexOf(EXAMPLE_RELATIVE_PATH), ); const packName = packFolder.substring(PACK_FOLDER_SUBFIX.length + 1); return { name: packName, folderPath: packFolder, }; }); return options; } const copyLlamapackEmptyProject = async ({ root, }: Pick<InstallTemplateArgs, "root">) => { const templatePath = path.join( templatesDir, "components/sample-projects/llamapack", ); await copy("**", root, { parents: true, cwd: templatePath, }); }; const copyData = async ({ root, }: Pick<InstallTemplateArgs, "root" | "llamapack">) => { const dataPath = path.join(templatesDir, "components/data"); await copy("**", path.join(root, "data"), { parents: true, cwd: dataPath, }); }; const installLlamapackExample = async ({ root, llamapack, }: Pick<InstallTemplateArgs, "root" | "llamapack">) => { const exampleFileName = ""; const readmeFileName = ""; const projectTomlFileName = "pyproject.toml"; const exampleFilePath = `${LLAMA_PACK_FOLDER_PATH}/${llamapack}/examples/${exampleFileName}`; const readmeFilePath = `${LLAMA_PACK_FOLDER_PATH}/${llamapack}/${readmeFileName}`; const projectTomlFilePath = `${LLAMA_PACK_FOLDER_PATH}/${llamapack}/${projectTomlFileName}`; // Download from llamapack and save to root const exampleContent = await getRepoRawContent(exampleFilePath); await fs.writeFile(path.join(root, exampleFileName), exampleContent); // Download from llamapack and combine with, // save to root and then delete template file const readmeContent = await getRepoRawContent(readmeFilePath); const readmeTemplateContent = await fs.readFile( path.join(root, ""), "utf-8", ); await fs.writeFile( path.join(root, readmeFileName), `${readmeContent}\n${readmeTemplateContent}`, ); await fs.unlink(path.join(root, "")); // Download pyproject.toml from llamapack, parse it to get package name and version, // then add it as a dependency to current toml file in the project const projectTomlContent = await getRepoRawContent(projectTomlFilePath); const fileParsed = parse(projectTomlContent) as any; const packageName =; const packageVersion = fileParsed.tool.poetry.version; await addDependencies(root, [ { name: packageName, version: packageVersion, }, ]); }; export const installLlamapackProject = async ({ root, llamapack, postInstallAction, }: Pick<InstallTemplateArgs, "root" | "llamapack" | "postInstallAction">) => { console.log("\nInstalling Llamapack project:", llamapack!); await copyLlamapackEmptyProject({ root }); await copyData({ root }); await installLlamapackExample({ root, llamapack }); if (postInstallAction === "runApp" || postInstallAction === "dependencies") { installPythonDependencies({ noRoot: true }); } };