/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */ import { green, blue } from 'picocolors' import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' export function isFolderEmpty(root: string, name: string): boolean { const validFiles = [ '.DS_Store', '.git', '.gitattributes', '.gitignore', '.gitlab-ci.yml', '.hg', '.hgcheck', '.hgignore', '.idea', '.npmignore', '.travis.yml', 'LICENSE', 'Thumbs.db', 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml', 'npm-debug.log', 'yarn-debug.log', 'yarn-error.log', 'yarnrc.yml', '.yarn', ] const conflicts = fs .readdirSync(root) .filter((file) => !validFiles.includes(file)) // Support IntelliJ IDEA-based editors .filter((file) => !/\.iml$/.test(file)) if (conflicts.length > 0) { console.log( `The directory ${green(name)} contains files that could conflict:` ) console.log() for (const file of conflicts) { try { const stats = fs.lstatSync(path.join(root, file)) if (stats.isDirectory()) { console.log(` ${blue(file)}/`) } else { console.log(` ${file}`) } } catch { console.log(` ${file}`) } } console.log() console.log( 'Either try using a new directory name, or remove the files listed above.' ) console.log() return false } return true }