/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */ import path from "path"; import { green } from "picocolors"; import { tryGitInit } from "./helpers/git"; import { isFolderEmpty } from "./helpers/is-folder-empty"; import { getOnline } from "./helpers/is-online"; import { isWriteable } from "./helpers/is-writeable"; import { makeDir } from "./helpers/make-dir"; import fs from "fs"; import terminalLink from "terminal-link"; import type { InstallTemplateArgs } from "./templates"; import { installTemplate } from "./templates"; export async function createApp({ template, framework, engine, ui, appPath, packageManager, eslint, frontend, openAIKey, }: Omit< InstallTemplateArgs, "appName" | "root" | "isOnline" | "customApiPath" > & { appPath: string; frontend: boolean; }): Promise<void> { const root = path.resolve(appPath); if (!(await isWriteable(path.dirname(root)))) { console.error( "The application path is not writable, please check folder permissions and try again.", ); console.error( "It is likely you do not have write permissions for this folder.", ); process.exit(1); } const appName = path.basename(root); await makeDir(root); if (!isFolderEmpty(root, appName)) { process.exit(1); } const useYarn = packageManager === "yarn"; const isOnline = !useYarn || (await getOnline()); console.log(`Creating a new LlamaIndex app in ${green(root)}.`); console.log(); const args = { appName, root, template, framework, engine, ui, packageManager, isOnline, eslint, openAIKey, }; if (frontend) { // install backend const backendRoot = path.join(root, "backend"); await makeDir(backendRoot); await installTemplate({ ...args, root: backendRoot }); // install frontend const frontendRoot = path.join(root, "frontend"); await makeDir(frontendRoot); await installTemplate({ ...args, root: frontendRoot, framework: "nextjs", customApiPath: "http://localhost:8000/api/chat", }); // copy readme for fullstack await fs.promises.copyFile( path.join(__dirname, "templates", "README-fullstack.md"), path.join(root, "README.md"), ); } else { await installTemplate(args); } process.chdir(root); if (tryGitInit(root)) { console.log("Initialized a git repository."); console.log(); } console.log(`${green("Success!")} Created ${appName} at ${appPath}`); console.log( `Now have a look at the ${terminalLink( "README.md", "file://${appName}/README.md", )} and learn how to get started.`, ); console.log(); }