import { callPackageManager } from "./install"; import path from "path"; import { cyan } from "picocolors"; import fsExtra from "fs-extra"; import { writeLoadersConfig } from "./datasources"; import { createBackendEnvFile, createFrontendEnvFile } from "./env-variables"; import { PackageManager } from "./get-pkg-manager"; import { installLlamapackProject } from "./llama-pack"; import { makeDir } from "./make-dir"; import { isHavingPoetryLockFile, tryPoetryRun } from "./poetry"; import { installPythonTemplate } from "./python"; import { downloadAndExtractRepo } from "./repo"; import { ConfigFileType, writeToolsConfig } from "./tools"; import { FileSourceConfig, InstallTemplateArgs, ModelConfig, TemplateDataSource, TemplateFramework, TemplateVectorDB, } from "./types"; import { installTSTemplate } from "./typescript"; const checkForGenerateScript = ( modelConfig: ModelConfig, vectorDb?: TemplateVectorDB, llamaCloudKey?: string, useLlamaParse?: boolean, ) => { const missingSettings = []; if (!modelConfig.isConfigured()) { missingSettings.push("your model provider API key"); } const llamaCloudApiKey = llamaCloudKey ?? process.env["LLAMA_CLOUD_API_KEY"]; const isRequiredLlamaCloudKey = useLlamaParse || vectorDb === "llamacloud"; if (isRequiredLlamaCloudKey && !llamaCloudApiKey) { missingSettings.push("your LLAMA_CLOUD_API_KEY"); } if (vectorDb !== "none" && vectorDb !== "llamacloud") { missingSettings.push("your Vector DB environment variables"); } return missingSettings; }; // eslint-disable-next-line max-params async function generateContextData( framework: TemplateFramework, modelConfig: ModelConfig, packageManager?: PackageManager, vectorDb?: TemplateVectorDB, llamaCloudKey?: string, useLlamaParse?: boolean, ) { if (packageManager) { const runGenerate = `${cyan( framework === "fastapi" ? "poetry run generate" : `${packageManager} run generate`, )}`; const missingSettings = checkForGenerateScript( modelConfig, vectorDb, llamaCloudKey, useLlamaParse, ); if (!missingSettings.length) { // If all the required environment variables are set, run the generate script if (framework === "fastapi") { if (isHavingPoetryLockFile()) { console.log(`Running ${runGenerate} to generate the context data.`); const result = tryPoetryRun("poetry run generate"); if (!result) { console.log(`Failed to run ${runGenerate}.`); process.exit(1); } console.log(`Generated context data`); return; } } else { console.log(`Running ${runGenerate} to generate the context data.`); await callPackageManager(packageManager, true, ["run", "generate"]); return; } } const settingsMessage = `After setting ${missingSettings.join(" and ")}, run ${runGenerate} to generate the context data.`; console.log(`\n${settingsMessage}\n\n`); } } const downloadFile = async (url: string, destPath: string) => { const response = await fetch(url); const fileBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer(); await fsExtra.writeFile(destPath, Buffer.from(fileBuffer)); }; const prepareContextData = async ( root: string, dataSources: TemplateDataSource[], ) => { await makeDir(path.join(root, "data")); for (const dataSource of dataSources) { const dataSourceConfig = dataSource?.config as FileSourceConfig; // If the path is URLs, download the data and save it to the data directory if ("url" in dataSourceConfig) { console.log( "Downloading file from URL:", dataSourceConfig.url.toString(), ); const destPath = path.join( root, "data", path.basename(dataSourceConfig.url.toString()), ); await downloadFile(dataSourceConfig.url.toString(), destPath); } else { // Copy local data console.log("Copying data from path:", dataSourceConfig.path); const destPath = path.join( root, "data", path.basename(dataSourceConfig.path), ); await fsExtra.copy(dataSourceConfig.path, destPath); } } }; const installCommunityProject = async ({ root, communityProjectConfig, }: Pick<InstallTemplateArgs, "root" | "communityProjectConfig">) => { const { owner, repo, branch, filePath } = communityProjectConfig!; console.log("\nInstalling community project:", filePath || repo); await downloadAndExtractRepo(root, { username: owner, name: repo, branch, filePath: filePath || "", }); }; export const installTemplate = async ( props: InstallTemplateArgs & { backend: boolean }, ) => { process.chdir(props.root); if (props.template === "community" && props.communityProjectConfig) { await installCommunityProject(props); return; } if (props.template === "llamapack" && props.llamapack) { await installLlamapackProject(props); return; } if (props.framework === "fastapi") { await installPythonTemplate(props); if (props.vectorDb !== "llamacloud") { // write loaders configuration (currently Python only) // not needed for LlamaCloud as it has its own loaders await writeLoadersConfig( props.root, props.dataSources, props.useLlamaParse, ); } } else { await installTSTemplate(props); } // write tools configuration await writeToolsConfig( props.root,, props.framework === "fastapi" ? ConfigFileType.YAML : ConfigFileType.JSON, ); if (props.backend) { // This is a backend, so we need to copy the test data and create the env file. // Copy the environment file to the target directory. if ( props.template === "streaming" || props.template === "multiagent" || props.template === "extractor" ) { await createBackendEnvFile(props.root, props); } await prepareContextData( props.root, props.dataSources.filter((ds) => ds.type === "file"), ); if ( props.dataSources.length > 0 && (props.postInstallAction === "runApp" || props.postInstallAction === "dependencies") ) { console.log("\nGenerating context data...\n"); await generateContextData( props.framework, props.modelConfig, props.packageManager, props.vectorDb, props.llamaCloudKey, props.useLlamaParse, ); } // Create outputs directory await makeDir(path.join(props.root, "output/tools")); await makeDir(path.join(props.root, "output/uploaded")); await makeDir(path.join(props.root, "output/llamacloud")); } else { // this is a frontend for a full-stack app, create .env file with model information await createFrontendEnvFile(props.root, { vectorDb: props.vectorDb, }); } }; export * from "./types";