diff --git a/templates/components/agents/python/financial_report/app/workflows/financial_report.py b/templates/components/agents/python/financial_report/app/workflows/financial_report.py
index 8f2abb9ee386c07ce92aeae27f32f0c3259a83f9..af39435bf4e7e7b16d93a9e41bd59cc42aed0c0e 100644
--- a/templates/components/agents/python/financial_report/app/workflows/financial_report.py
+++ b/templates/components/agents/python/financial_report/app/workflows/financial_report.py
@@ -1,33 +1,86 @@
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Type
 from llama_index.core import Settings
-from llama_index.core.base.llms.types import ChatMessage, MessageRole
-from llama_index.core.llms.function_calling import FunctionCallingLLM
-from llama_index.core.memory import ChatMemoryBuffer
-from llama_index.core.tools import FunctionTool, QueryEngineTool, ToolSelection
-from llama_index.core.workflow import (
-    Context,
-    Event,
-    StartEvent,
-    StopEvent,
-    Workflow,
-    step,
+from llama_index.core.agent.workflow import (
+    AgentWorkflow,
+    FunctionAgent,
+    ReActAgent,
+from llama_index.core.llms import LLM
+from llama_index.core.tools import FunctionTool, QueryEngineTool
 from app.engine.index import IndexConfig, get_index
 from app.engine.tools import ToolFactory
 from app.engine.tools.query_engine import get_query_engine_tool
-from app.workflows.events import AgentRunEvent
-from app.workflows.tools import (
-    call_tools,
-    chat_with_tools,
 def create_workflow(
     params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
-) -> Workflow:
+    query_engine_tool, code_interpreter_tool, document_generator_tool = _prepare_tools(
+        params, **kwargs
+    )
+    agent_cls = _get_agent_cls_from_llm(Settings.llm)
+    research_agent = agent_cls(
+        name="researcher",
+        description="A financial researcher who are given a tasks that need to look up information from the financial documents about the user's request.",
+        tools=[query_engine_tool],
+        system_prompt="""
+        You are a financial researcher who are given a tasks that need to look up information from the financial documents about the user's request.
+        You should use the query engine tool to look up the information and return the result to the user.
+        Always handoff the task to the `analyst` agent after gathering information.
+        """,
+        llm=Settings.llm,
+        can_handoff_to=["analyst"],
+    )
+    analyst_agent = agent_cls(
+        name="analyst",
+        description="A financial analyst who takes responsibility to analyze the financial data and generate a report.",
+        tools=[code_interpreter_tool],
+        system_prompt="""
+        Use the given information, don't make up anything yourself.
+        If you have enough numerical information, it's good to include some charts/visualizations to the report so you can use the code interpreter tool to generate a report.
+        You can use the code interpreter tool to generate a report.
+        Always handoff the task and pass the researched information to the `reporter` agent.
+        """,
+        llm=Settings.llm,
+        can_handoff_to=["reporter"],
+    )
+    reporter_agent = agent_cls(
+        name="reporter",
+        description="A reporter who takes responsibility to generate a document for a report content.",
+        tools=[document_generator_tool],
+        system_prompt="""
+        Use the document generator tool to generate the document and return the result to the user.
+        Don't update the content of the document, just generate a new one.
+        After generating the document, tell the user for the content or the issue if there is any.
+        """,
+        llm=Settings.llm,
+    )
+    workflow = AgentWorkflow(
+        agents=[research_agent, analyst_agent, reporter_agent],
+        root_agent="researcher",
+        verbose=True,
+    )
+    return workflow
+def _get_agent_cls_from_llm(llm: LLM) -> Type[FunctionAgent | ReActAgent]:
+    if llm.metadata.is_function_calling_model:
+        return FunctionAgent
+    else:
+        return ReActAgent
+def _prepare_tools(
+    params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
+    **kwargs,
+) -> Tuple[QueryEngineTool, FunctionTool, FunctionTool]:
     # Create query engine tool
     index_config = IndexConfig(**params)
     index = get_index(index_config)
@@ -41,260 +94,4 @@ def create_workflow(
     code_interpreter_tool = configured_tools.get("interpret")
     document_generator_tool = configured_tools.get("generate_document")
-    return FinancialReportWorkflow(
-        query_engine_tool=query_engine_tool,
-        code_interpreter_tool=code_interpreter_tool,
-        document_generator_tool=document_generator_tool,
-    )
-class InputEvent(Event):
-    input: List[ChatMessage]
-    response: bool = False
-class ResearchEvent(Event):
-    input: list[ToolSelection]
-class AnalyzeEvent(Event):
-    input: list[ToolSelection] | ChatMessage
-class ReportEvent(Event):
-    input: list[ToolSelection]
-class FinancialReportWorkflow(Workflow):
-    """
-    A workflow to generate a financial report using indexed documents.
-    Requirements:
-    - Indexed documents containing financial data and a query engine tool to search them
-    - A code interpreter tool to analyze data and generate reports
-    - A document generator tool to create report files
-    Steps:
-    1. LLM Input: The LLM determines the next step based on function calling.
-       For example, if the model requests the query engine tool, it returns a ResearchEvent;
-       if it requests document generation, it returns a ReportEvent.
-    2. Research: Uses the query engine to find relevant chunks from indexed documents.
-       After gathering information, it requests analysis (step 3).
-    3. Analyze: Uses a custom prompt to analyze research results and can call the code
-       interpreter tool for visualization or calculation. Returns results to the LLM.
-    4. Report: Uses the document generator tool to create a report. Returns results to the LLM.
-    """
-    _default_system_prompt = """
-    You are a financial analyst who are given a set of tools to help you.
-    It's good to using appropriate tools for the user request and always use the information from the tools, don't make up anything yourself.
-    For the query engine tool, you should break down the user request into a list of queries and call the tool with the queries.
-    """
-    stream: bool = True
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        query_engine_tool: QueryEngineTool,
-        code_interpreter_tool: FunctionTool,
-        document_generator_tool: FunctionTool,
-        llm: Optional[FunctionCallingLLM] = None,
-        timeout: int = 360,
-        system_prompt: Optional[str] = None,
-    ):
-        super().__init__(timeout=timeout)
-        self.system_prompt = system_prompt or self._default_system_prompt
-        self.query_engine_tool = query_engine_tool
-        self.code_interpreter_tool = code_interpreter_tool
-        self.document_generator_tool = document_generator_tool
-        assert query_engine_tool is not None, (
-            "Query engine tool is not found. Try run generation script or upload a document file first."
-        )
-        assert code_interpreter_tool is not None, "Code interpreter tool is required"
-        assert document_generator_tool is not None, (
-            "Document generator tool is required"
-        )
-        self.tools = [
-            self.query_engine_tool,
-            self.code_interpreter_tool,
-            self.document_generator_tool,
-        ]
-        self.llm: FunctionCallingLLM = llm or Settings.llm
-        assert isinstance(self.llm, FunctionCallingLLM)
-        self.memory = ChatMemoryBuffer.from_defaults(llm=self.llm)
-    @step()
-    async def prepare_chat_history(self, ctx: Context, ev: StartEvent) -> InputEvent:
-        self.stream = ev.get("stream", True)
-        user_msg = ev.get("user_msg")
-        chat_history = ev.get("chat_history")
-        if chat_history is not None:
-            self.memory.put_messages(chat_history)
-        # Add user message to memory
-        self.memory.put(ChatMessage(role=MessageRole.USER, content=user_msg))
-        if self.system_prompt:
-            system_msg = ChatMessage(
-                role=MessageRole.SYSTEM, content=self.system_prompt
-            )
-            self.memory.put(system_msg)
-        return InputEvent(input=self.memory.get())
-    @step()
-    async def handle_llm_input(  # type: ignore
-        self,
-        ctx: Context,
-        ev: InputEvent,
-    ) -> ResearchEvent | AnalyzeEvent | ReportEvent | StopEvent:
-        """
-        Handle an LLM input and decide the next step.
-        """
-        # Always use the latest chat history from the input
-        chat_history: list[ChatMessage] = ev.input
-        # Get tool calls
-        response = await chat_with_tools(
-            self.llm,
-            self.tools,  # type: ignore
-            chat_history,
-        )
-        if not response.has_tool_calls():
-            if self.stream:
-                return StopEvent(result=response.generator)
-            else:
-                return StopEvent(result=await response.full_response())
-        # calling different tools at the same time is not supported at the moment
-        # add an error message to tell the AI to process step by step
-        if response.is_calling_different_tools():
-            self.memory.put(
-                ChatMessage(
-                    role=MessageRole.ASSISTANT,
-                    content="Cannot call different tools at the same time. Try calling one tool at a time.",
-                )
-            )
-            return InputEvent(input=self.memory.get())
-        self.memory.put(response.tool_call_message)
-        match response.tool_name():
-            case self.code_interpreter_tool.metadata.name:
-                return AnalyzeEvent(input=response.tool_calls)
-            case self.document_generator_tool.metadata.name:
-                return ReportEvent(input=response.tool_calls)
-            case self.query_engine_tool.metadata.name:
-                return ResearchEvent(input=response.tool_calls)
-            case _:
-                raise ValueError(f"Unknown tool: {response.tool_name()}")
-    @step()
-    async def research(self, ctx: Context, ev: ResearchEvent) -> AnalyzeEvent:
-        """
-        Do a research to gather information for the user's request.
-        A researcher should have these tools: query engine, search engine, etc.
-        """
-        ctx.write_event_to_stream(
-            AgentRunEvent(
-                name="Researcher",
-                msg="Starting research",
-            )
-        )
-        tool_calls = ev.input
-        tool_messages = await call_tools(
-            ctx=ctx,
-            agent_name="Researcher",
-            tools=[self.query_engine_tool],
-            tool_calls=tool_calls,
-        )
-        self.memory.put_messages(tool_messages)
-        return AnalyzeEvent(
-            input=ChatMessage(
-                role=MessageRole.ASSISTANT,
-                content="I've finished the research. Please analyze the result.",
-            ),
-        )
-    @step()
-    async def analyze(self, ctx: Context, ev: AnalyzeEvent) -> InputEvent:
-        """
-        Analyze the research result.
-        """
-        ctx.write_event_to_stream(
-            AgentRunEvent(
-                name="Analyst",
-                msg="Starting analysis",
-            )
-        )
-        event_requested_by_workflow_llm = isinstance(ev.input, list)
-        # Requested by the workflow LLM Input step, it's a tool call
-        if event_requested_by_workflow_llm:
-            # Set the tool calls
-            tool_calls = ev.input
-        else:
-            # Otherwise, it's triggered by the research step
-            # Use a custom prompt and independent memory for the analyst agent
-            analysis_prompt = """
-            You are a financial analyst, you are given a research result and a set of tools to help you.
-            Always use the given information, don't make up anything yourself. If there is not enough information, you can asking for more information.
-            If you have enough numerical information, it's good to include some charts/visualizations to the report so you can use the code interpreter tool to generate a report.
-            """
-            # This is handled by analyst agent
-            # Clone the shared memory to avoid conflicting with the workflow.
-            chat_history = self.memory.get()
-            chat_history.append(
-                ChatMessage(role=MessageRole.SYSTEM, content=analysis_prompt)
-            )
-            chat_history.append(ev.input)  # type: ignore
-            # Check if the analyst agent needs to call tools
-            response = await chat_with_tools(
-                self.llm,
-                [self.code_interpreter_tool],
-                chat_history,
-            )
-            if not response.has_tool_calls():
-                # If no tool call, fallback analyst message to the workflow
-                analyst_msg = ChatMessage(
-                    role=MessageRole.ASSISTANT,
-                    content=await response.full_response(),
-                )
-                self.memory.put(analyst_msg)
-                return InputEvent(input=self.memory.get())
-            else:
-                # Set the tool calls and the tool call message to the memory
-                tool_calls = response.tool_calls
-                self.memory.put(response.tool_call_message)
-        # Call tools
-        tool_messages = await call_tools(
-            ctx=ctx,
-            agent_name="Analyst",
-            tools=[self.code_interpreter_tool],
-            tool_calls=tool_calls,  # type: ignore
-        )
-        self.memory.put_messages(tool_messages)
-        # Fallback to the input with the latest chat history
-        return InputEvent(input=self.memory.get())
-    @step()
-    async def report(self, ctx: Context, ev: ReportEvent) -> InputEvent:
-        """
-        Generate a report based on the analysis result.
-        """
-        ctx.write_event_to_stream(
-            AgentRunEvent(
-                name="Reporter",
-                msg="Starting report generation",
-            )
-        )
-        tool_calls = ev.input
-        tool_messages = await call_tools(
-            ctx=ctx,
-            agent_name="Reporter",
-            tools=[self.document_generator_tool],
-            tool_calls=tool_calls,
-        )
-        self.memory.put_messages(tool_messages)
-        # After the tool calls, fallback to the input with the latest chat history
-        return InputEvent(input=self.memory.get())
+    return query_engine_tool, code_interpreter_tool, document_generator_tool
diff --git a/templates/components/multiagent/python/app/workflows/function_calling_agent.py b/templates/components/multiagent/python/app/workflows/function_calling_agent.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 452fc5e7b668d7377cdd1f11a8a05f662e9ed1ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/components/multiagent/python/app/workflows/function_calling_agent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Any, List, Optional
-from app.workflows.events import AgentRunEvent
-from app.workflows.tools import ToolCallResponse, call_tools, chat_with_tools
-from llama_index.core.base.llms.types import ChatMessage
-from llama_index.core.llms.function_calling import FunctionCallingLLM
-from llama_index.core.memory import ChatMemoryBuffer
-from llama_index.core.settings import Settings
-from llama_index.core.tools.types import BaseTool
-from llama_index.core.workflow import (
-    Context,
-    Event,
-    StartEvent,
-    StopEvent,
-    Workflow,
-    step,
-class InputEvent(Event):
-    input: list[ChatMessage]
-class ToolCallEvent(Event):
-    input: ToolCallResponse
-class FunctionCallingAgent(Workflow):
-    """
-    A simple workflow to request LLM with tools independently.
-    You can share the previous chat history to provide the context for the LLM.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *args: Any,
-        llm: FunctionCallingLLM | None = None,
-        chat_history: Optional[List[ChatMessage]] = None,
-        tools: List[BaseTool] | None = None,
-        system_prompt: str | None = None,
-        verbose: bool = False,
-        timeout: float = 360.0,
-        name: str,
-        write_events: bool = True,
-        **kwargs: Any,
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__(*args, verbose=verbose, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)  # type: ignore
-        self.tools = tools or []
-        self.name = name
-        self.write_events = write_events
-        if llm is None:
-            llm = Settings.llm
-        self.llm = llm
-        if not self.llm.metadata.is_function_calling_model:
-            raise ValueError("The provided LLM must support function calling.")
-        self.system_prompt = system_prompt
-        self.memory = ChatMemoryBuffer.from_defaults(
-            llm=self.llm, chat_history=chat_history
-        )
-        self.sources = []  # type: ignore
-    @step()
-    async def prepare_chat_history(self, ctx: Context, ev: StartEvent) -> InputEvent:
-        # clear sources
-        self.sources = []
-        # set streaming
-        ctx.data["streaming"] = getattr(ev, "streaming", False)
-        # set system prompt
-        if self.system_prompt is not None:
-            system_msg = ChatMessage(role="system", content=self.system_prompt)
-            self.memory.put(system_msg)
-        # get user input
-        user_input = ev.input
-        user_msg = ChatMessage(role="user", content=user_input)
-        self.memory.put(user_msg)
-        if self.write_events:
-            ctx.write_event_to_stream(
-                AgentRunEvent(name=self.name, msg=f"Start to work on: {user_input}")
-            )
-        return InputEvent(input=self.memory.get())
-    @step()
-    async def handle_llm_input(
-        self,
-        ctx: Context,
-        ev: InputEvent,
-    ) -> ToolCallEvent | StopEvent:
-        chat_history = ev.input
-        response = await chat_with_tools(
-            self.llm,
-            self.tools,
-            chat_history,
-        )
-        is_tool_call = isinstance(response, ToolCallResponse)
-        if not is_tool_call:
-            if ctx.data["streaming"]:
-                return StopEvent(result=response)
-            else:
-                full_response = ""
-                async for chunk in response.generator:
-                    full_response += chunk.message.content
-                return StopEvent(result=full_response)
-        return ToolCallEvent(input=response)
-    @step()
-    async def handle_tool_calls(self, ctx: Context, ev: ToolCallEvent) -> InputEvent:
-        tool_calls = ev.input.tool_calls
-        tool_call_message = ev.input.tool_call_message
-        self.memory.put(tool_call_message)
-        tool_messages = await call_tools(self.name, self.tools, ctx, tool_calls)
-        self.memory.put_messages(tool_messages)
-        return InputEvent(input=self.memory.get())
diff --git a/templates/components/multiagent/python/app/workflows/tools.py b/templates/components/multiagent/python/app/workflows/tools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index faab4595596189ff340aa46693aefb5a90e79c4a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/templates/components/multiagent/python/app/workflows/tools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import uuid
-from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
-from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, Callable, Optional
-from llama_index.core.base.llms.types import ChatMessage, ChatResponse, MessageRole
-from llama_index.core.llms.function_calling import FunctionCallingLLM
-from llama_index.core.tools import (
-    BaseTool,
-    FunctionTool,
-    ToolOutput,
-    ToolSelection,
-from llama_index.core.workflow import Context
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
-from app.workflows.events import AgentRunEvent, AgentRunEventType
-logger = logging.getLogger("uvicorn")
-class ContextAwareTool(FunctionTool, ABC):
-    @abstractmethod
-    async def acall(self, ctx: Context, input: Any) -> ToolOutput:  # type: ignore
-        pass
-class ChatWithToolsResponse(BaseModel):
-    """
-    A tool call response from chat_with_tools.
-    """
-    tool_calls: Optional[list[ToolSelection]]
-    tool_call_message: Optional[ChatMessage]
-    generator: Optional[AsyncGenerator[ChatResponse | None, None]]
-    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
-    def is_calling_different_tools(self) -> bool:
-        tool_names = {tool_call.tool_name for tool_call in self.tool_calls}
-        return len(tool_names) > 1
-    def has_tool_calls(self) -> bool:
-        return self.tool_calls is not None and len(self.tool_calls) > 0
-    def tool_name(self) -> str:
-        assert self.has_tool_calls()
-        assert not self.is_calling_different_tools()
-        return self.tool_calls[0].tool_name
-    async def full_response(self) -> str:
-        assert self.generator is not None
-        full_response = ""
-        async for chunk in self.generator:
-            content = chunk.message.content
-            if content:
-                full_response += content
-        return full_response
-async def chat_with_tools(  # type: ignore
-    llm: FunctionCallingLLM,
-    tools: list[BaseTool],
-    chat_history: list[ChatMessage],
-) -> ChatWithToolsResponse:
-    """
-    Request LLM to call tools or not.
-    This function doesn't change the memory.
-    """
-    generator = _tool_call_generator(llm, tools, chat_history)
-    is_tool_call = await generator.__anext__()
-    if is_tool_call:
-        # Last chunk is the full response
-        # Wait for the last chunk
-        full_response = None
-        async for chunk in generator:
-            full_response = chunk
-        assert isinstance(full_response, ChatResponse)
-        return ChatWithToolsResponse(
-            tool_calls=llm.get_tool_calls_from_response(full_response),
-            tool_call_message=full_response.message,
-            generator=None,
-        )
-    else:
-        return ChatWithToolsResponse(
-            tool_calls=None,
-            tool_call_message=None,
-            generator=generator,
-        )
-async def call_tools(
-    ctx: Context,
-    agent_name: str,
-    tools: list[BaseTool],
-    tool_calls: list[ToolSelection],
-    emit_agent_events: bool = True,
-) -> list[ChatMessage]:
-    if len(tool_calls) == 0:
-        return []
-    tools_by_name = {tool.metadata.get_name(): tool for tool in tools}
-    if len(tool_calls) == 1:
-        return [
-            await call_tool(
-                ctx,
-                tools_by_name[tool_calls[0].tool_name],
-                tool_calls[0],
-                lambda msg: ctx.write_event_to_stream(
-                    AgentRunEvent(
-                        name=agent_name,
-                        msg=msg,
-                    )
-                ),
-            )
-        ]
-    # Multiple tool calls, show progress
-    tool_msgs: list[ChatMessage] = []
-    progress_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
-    total_steps = len(tool_calls)
-    if emit_agent_events:
-        ctx.write_event_to_stream(
-            AgentRunEvent(
-                name=agent_name,
-                msg=f"Making {total_steps} tool calls",
-            )
-        )
-    for i, tool_call in enumerate(tool_calls):
-        tool = tools_by_name.get(tool_call.tool_name)
-        if not tool:
-            tool_msgs.append(
-                ChatMessage(
-                    role=MessageRole.ASSISTANT,
-                    content=f"Tool {tool_call.tool_name} does not exist",
-                )
-            )
-            continue
-        tool_msg = await call_tool(
-            ctx,
-            tool,
-            tool_call,
-            event_emitter=lambda msg: ctx.write_event_to_stream(
-                AgentRunEvent(
-                    name=agent_name,
-                    msg=msg,
-                    event_type=AgentRunEventType.PROGRESS,
-                    data={
-                        "id": progress_id,
-                        "total": total_steps,
-                        "current": i,
-                    },
-                )
-            ),
-        )
-        tool_msgs.append(tool_msg)
-    return tool_msgs
-async def call_tool(
-    ctx: Context,
-    tool: BaseTool,
-    tool_call: ToolSelection,
-    event_emitter: Optional[Callable[[str], None]],
-) -> ChatMessage:
-    if event_emitter:
-        event_emitter(
-            f"Calling tool {tool_call.tool_name}, {str(tool_call.tool_kwargs)}"
-        )
-    try:
-        if isinstance(tool, ContextAwareTool):
-            if ctx is None:
-                raise ValueError("Context is required for context aware tool")
-            # inject context for calling an context aware tool
-            response = await tool.acall(ctx=ctx, **tool_call.tool_kwargs)
-        else:
-            response = await tool.acall(**tool_call.tool_kwargs)  # type: ignore
-        return ChatMessage(
-            role=MessageRole.TOOL,
-            content=str(response.raw_output),
-            additional_kwargs={
-                "tool_call_id": tool_call.tool_id,
-                "name": tool.metadata.get_name(),
-            },
-        )
-    except Exception as e:
-        logger.error(f"Got error in tool {tool_call.tool_name}: {str(e)}")
-        if event_emitter:
-            event_emitter(f"Got error in tool {tool_call.tool_name}: {str(e)}")
-        return ChatMessage(
-            role=MessageRole.TOOL,
-            content=f"Error: {str(e)}",
-            additional_kwargs={
-                "tool_call_id": tool_call.tool_id,
-                "name": tool.metadata.get_name(),
-            },
-        )
-async def _tool_call_generator(
-    llm: FunctionCallingLLM,
-    tools: list[BaseTool],
-    chat_history: list[ChatMessage],
-) -> AsyncGenerator[ChatResponse | bool, None]:
-    response_stream = await llm.astream_chat_with_tools(
-        tools,
-        chat_history=chat_history,
-        allow_parallel_tool_calls=False,
-    )
-    full_response = None
-    yielded_indicator = False
-    async for chunk in response_stream:
-        if "tool_calls" not in chunk.message.additional_kwargs:
-            # Yield a boolean to indicate whether the response is a tool call
-            if not yielded_indicator:
-                yield False
-                yielded_indicator = True
-            # if not a tool call, yield the chunks!
-            yield chunk  # type: ignore
-        elif not yielded_indicator:
-            # Yield the indicator for a tool call
-            yield True
-            yielded_indicator = True
-        full_response = chunk
-    if full_response:
-        yield full_response  # type: ignore