diff --git a/.changeset/yellow-walls-happen.md b/.changeset/yellow-walls-happen.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2385a69f5aead09a74249f2af21c12f2f8ef5283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/yellow-walls-happen.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+"@llamaindex/workflow": patch
+Fix: multi-agent handover
diff --git a/packages/workflow/src/agent/agent-workflow.ts b/packages/workflow/src/agent/agent-workflow.ts
index a1a4a579df6c7ba8be190f0513978232cd062beb..0b2117c269c4188a6df21d922bae23b12051dea9 100644
--- a/packages/workflow/src/agent/agent-workflow.ts
+++ b/packages/workflow/src/agent/agent-workflow.ts
@@ -163,6 +163,24 @@ export class AgentWorkflow {
+  private addAgents(agents: BaseWorkflowAgent[]): void {
+    const agentNames = new Set(agents.map((a) => a.name));
+    if (agentNames.size !== agents.length) {
+      throw new Error("The agent names must be unique!");
+    }
+    agents.forEach((agent) => {
+      this.agents.set(agent.name, agent);
+    });
+    if (agents.length > 1) {
+      agents.forEach((agent) => {
+        this.validateAgent(agent);
+        this.addHandoffTool(agent);
+      });
+    }
+  }
   private validateAgent(agent: BaseWorkflowAgent) {
     // Validate that all canHandoffTo agents exist
     const invalidAgents = agent.canHandoffTo.filter(
@@ -176,7 +194,14 @@ export class AgentWorkflow {
   private addHandoffTool(agent: BaseWorkflowAgent) {
-    const handoffTool = createHandoffTool(this.agents);
+    if (agent.tools.some((t) => t.metadata.name === "handOff")) {
+      return;
+    }
+    const toHandoffAgents: Map<string, BaseWorkflowAgent> = new Map();
+    agent.canHandoffTo.forEach((name) => {
+      toHandoffAgents.set(name, this.agents.get(name)!);
+    });
+    const handoffTool = createHandoffTool(toHandoffAgents);
     if (
       agent.canHandoffTo.length > 0 &&
       !agent.tools.some((t) => t.metadata.name === handoffTool.metadata.name)
@@ -185,24 +210,6 @@ export class AgentWorkflow {
-  private addAgents(agents: BaseWorkflowAgent[]): void {
-    const agentNames = new Set(agents.map((a) => a.name));
-    if (agentNames.size !== agents.length) {
-      throw new Error("The agent names must be unique!");
-    }
-    // First pass: add all agents to the map
-    agents.forEach((agent) => {
-      this.agents.set(agent.name, agent);
-    });
-    // Second pass: validate and setup handoff tools
-    agents.forEach((agent) => {
-      this.validateAgent(agent);
-      this.addHandoffTool(agent);
-    });
-  }
    * Adds a new agent to the workflow
@@ -226,7 +233,6 @@ export class AgentWorkflow {
    * @param params - Parameters for the single agent workflow
    * @returns A new AgentWorkflow instance
   static fromTools(params: SingleAgentParams): AgentWorkflow {
     const agent = new FunctionAgent({
       name: params.name,
@@ -234,6 +240,7 @@ export class AgentWorkflow {
       tools: params.tools,
       llm: params.llm,
       systemPrompt: params.systemPrompt,
+      canHandoffTo: params.canHandoffTo,
     const workflow = new AgentWorkflow({
diff --git a/packages/workflow/test/agent-workflow.test.ts b/packages/workflow/test/agent-workflow.test.ts
index e467d691c9c845eaebb7c814faaa8b54aa724a07..cb9cc895da92043c3509ea65a446126a5bf8d80a 100644
--- a/packages/workflow/test/agent-workflow.test.ts
+++ b/packages/workflow/test/agent-workflow.test.ts
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { FunctionTool } from "@llamaindex/core/tools";
 import { MockLLM } from "@llamaindex/core/utils";
 import { describe, expect, test, vi } from "vitest";
 import { z } from "zod";
-import { AgentWorkflow, FunctionAgent } from "../src/agent";
+import { AgentWorkflow, FunctionAgent, agent, multiAgent } from "../src/agent";
 import { setupToolCallingMockLLM } from "./mock";
 describe("AgentWorkflow", () => {
@@ -157,3 +157,125 @@ describe("AgentWorkflow", () => {
+describe("Multiple agents", () => {
+  test("multiple agents are set up correctly with handoff capabilities", () => {
+    // Create mock LLM
+    const mockLLM = new MockLLM();
+    mockLLM.supportToolCall = true;
+    // Create tools for agents
+    const addTool = FunctionTool.from(
+      (params: { x: number; y: number }) => params.x + params.y,
+      {
+        name: "add",
+        description: "Adds two numbers",
+        parameters: z.object({
+          x: z.number(),
+          y: z.number(),
+        }),
+      },
+    );
+    const multiplyTool = FunctionTool.from(
+      (params: { x: number; y: number }) => params.x * params.y,
+      {
+        name: "multiply",
+        description: "Multiplies two numbers",
+        parameters: z.object({
+          x: z.number(),
+          y: z.number(),
+        }),
+      },
+    );
+    const subtractTool = FunctionTool.from(
+      (params: { x: number; y: number }) => params.x - params.y,
+      {
+        name: "subtract",
+        description: "Subtracts two numbers",
+        parameters: z.object({
+          x: z.number(),
+          y: z.number(),
+        }),
+      },
+    );
+    // Create agents using the agent() function
+    const addAgent = agent({
+      name: "AddAgent",
+      description: "Agent that can add numbers",
+      tools: [addTool],
+      llm: mockLLM,
+    });
+    const multiplyAgent = agent({
+      name: "MultiplyAgent",
+      description: "Agent that can multiply numbers",
+      tools: [multiplyTool],
+      llm: mockLLM,
+    });
+    const mathAgent = agent({
+      name: "MathAgent",
+      description: "Agent that can do various math operations",
+      tools: [addTool, multiplyTool, subtractTool],
+      llm: mockLLM,
+      canHandoffTo: ["AddAgent", "MultiplyAgent"],
+    });
+    // Create workflow with multiple agents using multiAgent
+    const workflow = multiAgent({
+      agents: [mathAgent, addAgent, multiplyAgent],
+      rootAgent: mathAgent,
+      verbose: false,
+    });
+    // Verify agents are set up correctly
+    expect(workflow).toBeDefined();
+    expect(workflow.getAgents().length).toBe(3);
+    // Verify that the mathAgent has a handoff tool
+    const mathAgentInstance = workflow
+      .getAgents()
+      .find((agent) => agent.name === "MathAgent");
+    expect(mathAgentInstance).toBeDefined();
+    expect(
+      mathAgentInstance?.tools.some((tool) => tool.metadata.name === "handOff"),
+    ).toBe(true);
+    // Verify that addAgent and multiplyAgent don't have handoff tools since they don't handoff to other agents
+    const addAgentInstance = workflow
+      .getAgents()
+      .find((agent) => agent.name === "AddAgent");
+    expect(addAgentInstance).toBeDefined();
+    expect(
+      addAgentInstance?.tools.some((tool) => tool.metadata.name === "handOff"),
+    ).toBe(false);
+    const multiplyAgentInstance = workflow
+      .getAgents()
+      .find((agent) => agent.name === "MultiplyAgent");
+    expect(multiplyAgentInstance).toBeDefined();
+    expect(
+      multiplyAgentInstance?.tools.some(
+        (tool) => tool.metadata.name === "handOff",
+      ),
+    ).toBe(false);
+    // Verify agent specific tools are preserved
+    expect(
+      mathAgentInstance?.tools.some(
+        (tool) => tool.metadata.name === "subtract",
+      ),
+    ).toBe(true);
+    expect(
+      addAgentInstance?.tools.some((tool) => tool.metadata.name === "add"),
+    ).toBe(true);
+    expect(
+      multiplyAgentInstance?.tools.some(
+        (tool) => tool.metadata.name === "multiply",
+      ),
+    ).toBe(true);
+  });