diff --git a/docs/source/conf.py b/docs/source/conf.py
index 2dae787f1cb09b53476cd424cb45108ea15386d0..0340e029dfeb8e4c547313698748e475d1c173d0 100644
--- a/docs/source/conf.py
+++ b/docs/source/conf.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("../.."))  # Source code dir relative to this
 project = "Semantic Router"
 copyright = "2024, Aurelio AI"
 author = "Aurelio AI"
-release = "0.1.0.dev1"
+release = "0.1.0.dev2"
 # -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
 # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#general-configuration
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 68881c73da1889d6316580a45261065234881e7c..98fa4ec70b5c4f82a3ed839229a3b438f28e7eff 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "semantic-router"
-version = "0.1.0.dev1"
+version = "0.1.0.dev2"
 description = "Super fast semantic router for AI decision making"
 authors = ["Aurelio AI <hello@aurelio.ai>"]
 readme = "README.md"
diff --git a/semantic_router/__init__.py b/semantic_router/__init__.py
index a2ed0d0718f3ed59947678c574c44805c979afee..80f33f231ccb296fa8c9b81f1340d9bd37903a59 100644
--- a/semantic_router/__init__.py
+++ b/semantic_router/__init__.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-from semantic_router.hybrid_layer import HybridRouteLayer
-from semantic_router.layer import LayerConfig, RouteLayer
+from semantic_router.routers import LayerConfig, RouteLayer, HybridRouteLayer
 from semantic_router.route import Route
 __all__ = ["RouteLayer", "HybridRouteLayer", "Route", "LayerConfig"]
-__version__ = "0.1.0.dev1"
+__version__ = "0.1.0.dev2"
diff --git a/semantic_router/hybrid_layer.py b/semantic_router/hybrid_layer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aaf6f17b72b05d6c2d02958c8e098b312d37bf4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/semantic_router/hybrid_layer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
-import numpy as np
-from numpy.linalg import norm
-from semantic_router.encoders import (
-    BaseEncoder,
-    BM25Encoder,
-    TfidfEncoder,
-from semantic_router.route import Route
-from semantic_router.utils.logger import logger
-class HybridRouteLayer:
-    index = None
-    sparse_index = None
-    categories = None
-    score_threshold: float
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        encoder: BaseEncoder,
-        sparse_encoder: Optional[BM25Encoder] = None,
-        routes: List[Route] = [],
-        alpha: float = 0.3,
-        top_k: int = 5,
-        aggregation: str = "sum",
-    ):
-        self.encoder = encoder
-        if self.encoder.score_threshold is None:
-            raise ValueError(
-                "No score threshold provided for encoder. Please set the score threshold "
-                "in the encoder config."
-            )
-        self.score_threshold = self.encoder.score_threshold
-        if sparse_encoder is None:
-            logger.warning("No sparse_encoder provided. Using default BM25Encoder.")
-            self.sparse_encoder = BM25Encoder()
-        else:
-            self.sparse_encoder = sparse_encoder
-        self.alpha = alpha
-        self.top_k = top_k
-        if self.top_k < 1:
-            raise ValueError(f"top_k needs to be >= 1, but was: {self.top_k}.")
-        self.aggregation = aggregation
-        if self.aggregation not in ["sum", "mean", "max"]:
-            raise ValueError(
-                f"Unsupported aggregation method chosen: {aggregation}. Choose either 'SUM', 'MEAN', or 'MAX'."
-            )
-        self.aggregation_method = self._set_aggregation_method(self.aggregation)
-        self.routes = routes
-        if isinstance(self.sparse_encoder, TfidfEncoder) and hasattr(
-            self.sparse_encoder, "fit"
-        ):
-            self.sparse_encoder.fit(routes)
-        # if routes list has been passed, we initialize index now
-        if routes:
-            # initialize index now
-            # for route in tqdm(routes):
-            #     self._add_route(route=route)
-            self._add_routes(routes)
-    def __call__(self, text: str) -> Optional[str]:
-        results = self._query(text, self.top_k)
-        top_class, top_class_scores = self._semantic_classify(results)
-        passed = self._pass_threshold(top_class_scores, self.score_threshold)
-        if passed:
-            return top_class
-        else:
-            return None
-    def add(self, route: Route):
-        self._add_route(route=route)
-    def _add_route(self, route: Route):
-        self.routes += [route]
-        self.update_dense_embeddings_index(route.utterances)
-        if isinstance(self.sparse_encoder, TfidfEncoder) and hasattr(
-            self.sparse_encoder, "fit"
-        ):
-            self.sparse_encoder.fit(self.routes)
-            # re-build index
-            self.sparse_index = None
-            all_utterances = [
-                utterance for route in self.routes for utterance in route.utterances
-            ]
-            self.update_sparse_embeddings_index(all_utterances)
-        else:
-            self.update_sparse_embeddings_index(route.utterances)
-        # create route array
-        if self.categories is None:
-            self.categories = np.array([route.name] * len(route.utterances))
-        else:
-            str_arr = np.array([route.name] * len(route.utterances))
-            self.categories = np.concatenate([self.categories, str_arr])
-        self.routes.append(route)
-    def _add_routes(self, routes: List[Route]):
-        # create embeddings for all routes
-        logger.info("Creating embeddings for all routes...")
-        all_utterances = [
-            utterance for route in routes for utterance in route.utterances
-        ]
-        self.update_dense_embeddings_index(all_utterances)
-        self.update_sparse_embeddings_index(all_utterances)
-        # create route array
-        route_names = [route.name for route in routes for _ in route.utterances]
-        route_array = np.array(route_names)
-        self.categories = (
-            np.concatenate([self.categories, route_array])
-            if self.categories is not None
-            else route_array
-        )
-    def update_dense_embeddings_index(self, utterances: list):
-        dense_embeds = np.array(self.encoder(utterances))
-        # create utterance array (the dense index)
-        self.index = (
-            np.concatenate([self.index, dense_embeds])
-            if self.index is not None
-            else dense_embeds
-        )
-    def update_sparse_embeddings_index(self, utterances: list):
-        sparse_embeds = np.array(self.sparse_encoder(utterances))
-        # create sparse utterance array
-        self.sparse_index = (
-            np.concatenate([self.sparse_index, sparse_embeds])
-            if self.sparse_index is not None
-            else sparse_embeds
-        )
-    def _query(self, text: str, top_k: int = 5):
-        """Given some text, encodes and searches the index vector space to
-        retrieve the top_k most similar records.
-        """
-        # create dense query vector
-        xq_d = np.array(self.encoder([text]))
-        xq_d = np.squeeze(xq_d)  # Reduce to 1d array.
-        # create sparse query vector
-        xq_s = np.array(self.sparse_encoder([text]))
-        xq_s = np.squeeze(xq_s)
-        # convex scaling
-        xq_d, xq_s = self._convex_scaling(xq_d, xq_s)
-        if self.index is not None and self.sparse_index is not None:
-            # calculate dense vec similarity
-            index_norm = norm(self.index, axis=1)
-            xq_d_norm = norm(xq_d.T)
-            sim_d = np.dot(self.index, xq_d.T) / (index_norm * xq_d_norm)
-            # calculate sparse vec similarity
-            sparse_norm = norm(self.sparse_index, axis=1)
-            xq_s_norm = norm(xq_s.T)
-            sim_s = np.dot(self.sparse_index, xq_s.T) / (sparse_norm * xq_s_norm)
-            total_sim = sim_d + sim_s
-            # get indices of top_k records
-            top_k = min(top_k, total_sim.shape[0])
-            idx = np.argpartition(total_sim, -top_k)[-top_k:]
-            scores = total_sim[idx]
-            # get the utterance categories (route names)
-            routes = self.categories[idx] if self.categories is not None else []
-            return [{"route": d, "score": s.item()} for d, s in zip(routes, scores)]
-        else:
-            logger.warning("No index found. Please add routes to the layer.")
-            return []
-    def _convex_scaling(self, dense: np.ndarray, sparse: np.ndarray):
-        # scale sparse and dense vecs
-        dense = np.array(dense) * self.alpha
-        sparse = np.array(sparse) * (1 - self.alpha)
-        return dense, sparse
-    def _set_aggregation_method(self, aggregation: str = "sum"):
-        if aggregation == "sum":
-            return lambda x: sum(x)
-        elif aggregation == "mean":
-            return lambda x: np.mean(x)
-        elif aggregation == "max":
-            return lambda x: max(x)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                f"Unsupported aggregation method chosen: {aggregation}. Choose either 'SUM', 'MEAN', or 'MAX'."
-            )
-    def _semantic_classify(self, query_results: List[Dict]) -> Tuple[str, List[float]]:
-        scores_by_class: Dict[str, List[float]] = {}
-        for result in query_results:
-            score = result["score"]
-            route = result["route"]
-            if route in scores_by_class:
-                scores_by_class[route].append(score)
-            else:
-                scores_by_class[route] = [score]
-        # Calculate total score for each class
-        total_scores = {
-            route: self.aggregation_method(scores)
-            for route, scores in scores_by_class.items()
-        }
-        top_class = max(total_scores, key=lambda x: total_scores[x], default=None)
-        # Return the top class and its associated scores
-        if top_class is not None:
-            return str(top_class), scores_by_class.get(top_class, [])
-        else:
-            logger.warning("No classification found for semantic classifier.")
-            return "", []
-    def _pass_threshold(self, scores: List[float], threshold: float) -> bool:
-        if scores:
-            return max(scores) > threshold
-        else:
-            return False
diff --git a/semantic_router/index/__init__.py b/semantic_router/index/__init__.py
index 9a01b996985414a5b60bd1c4f1280a4488999275..3a43abe936a929cf9811d0b8d6a47b6cbf3af34d 100644
--- a/semantic_router/index/__init__.py
+++ b/semantic_router/index/__init__.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 from semantic_router.index.base import BaseIndex
+from semantic_router.index.hybrid_local import HybridLocalIndex
 from semantic_router.index.local import LocalIndex
 from semantic_router.index.pinecone import PineconeIndex
 from semantic_router.index.qdrant import QdrantIndex
 __all__ = [
+    "HybridLocalIndex",
diff --git a/semantic_router/index/base.py b/semantic_router/index/base.py
index 4893987a78335f2dda3039c9929b2c8503d108d7..65f2cf1e0e3e1ec3a31be519ab61784cfd4c1ba8 100644
--- a/semantic_router/index/base.py
+++ b/semantic_router/index/base.py
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ class BaseIndex(BaseModel):
     # You can define common attributes here if there are any.
     # For example, a placeholder for the index attribute:
-    index: Optional[Any] = None
     routes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
     utterances: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
     dimensions: Union[int, None] = None
     type: str = "base"
     init_async_index: bool = False
+    index: Optional[Any] = None
     def add(
diff --git a/semantic_router/index/hybrid_local.py b/semantic_router/index/hybrid_local.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9316487e33d193494fec0cfd7b1664951413d8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semantic_router/index/hybrid_local.py
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.linalg import norm
+from semantic_router.schema import ConfigParameter, Utterance
+from semantic_router.index.local import LocalIndex
+from semantic_router.linear import similarity_matrix, top_scores
+from semantic_router.utils.logger import logger
+from typing import Any
+class HybridLocalIndex(LocalIndex):
+    type: str = "hybrid_local"
+    sparse_index: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
+    route_names: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
+    class Config:
+        # Stop pydantic from complaining about Optional[np.ndarray]type hints.
+        arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+    def add(
+        self,
+        embeddings: List[List[float]],
+        routes: List[str],
+        utterances: List[str],
+        function_schemas: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
+        metadata_list: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [],
+        sparse_embeddings: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None,
+    ):
+        if sparse_embeddings is None:
+            raise ValueError("Sparse embeddings are required for HybridLocalIndex.")
+        if function_schemas is not None:
+            raise ValueError("Function schemas are not supported for HybridLocalIndex.")
+        if metadata_list:
+            raise ValueError("Metadata is not supported for HybridLocalIndex.")
+        embeds = np.array(embeddings)
+        sparse_embeds = np.array(sparse_embeddings)
+        routes_arr = np.array(routes)
+        if isinstance(utterances[0], str):
+            utterances_arr = np.array(utterances)
+        else:
+            utterances_arr = np.array(utterances, dtype=object)
+        if self.index is None or self.sparse_index is None:
+            self.index = embeds
+            self.sparse_index = sparse_embeds
+            self.routes = routes_arr
+            self.utterances = utterances_arr
+        else:
+            # TODO: we should probably switch to an `upsert` method and standardize elsewhere
+            self.index = np.concatenate([self.index, embeds])
+            self.sparse_index = np.concatenate([self.sparse_index, sparse_embeds])
+            self.routes = np.concatenate([self.routes, routes_arr])
+            self.utterances = np.concatenate([self.utterances, utterances_arr])
+    def get_utterances(self) -> List[Utterance]:
+        """Gets a list of route and utterance objects currently stored in the index.
+        Returns:
+            List[Tuple]: A list of (route_name, utterance) objects.
+        """
+        if self.routes is None or self.utterances is None:
+            return []
+        return [Utterance.from_tuple(x) for x in zip(self.routes, self.utterances)]
+    def describe(self) -> Dict:
+        return {
+            "type": self.type,
+            "dimensions": self.index.shape[1] if self.index is not None else 0,
+            "vectors": self.index.shape[0] if self.index is not None else 0,
+        }
+    def query(
+        self,
+        vector: np.ndarray,
+        top_k: int = 5,
+        route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        sparse_vector: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
+    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[str]]:
+        """Search the index for the query and return top_k results.
+        :param vector: The query vector to search for.
+        :type vector: np.ndarray
+        :param top_k: The number of top results to return, defaults to 5.
+        :type top_k: int, optional
+        :param route_filter: A list of route names to filter the search results, defaults to None.
+        :type route_filter: Optional[List[str]], optional
+        :param sparse_vector: The sparse vector to search for, must be provided.
+        :type sparse_vector: np.ndarray
+        """
+        if route_filter:
+            raise ValueError("Route filter is not supported for HybridLocalIndex.")
+        xq_d = vector.copy()
+        if sparse_vector is None:
+            raise ValueError("Sparse vector is required for HybridLocalIndex.")
+        xq_s = sparse_vector.copy()
+        if self.index is not None and self.sparse_index is not None:
+            # calculate dense vec similarity
+            index_norm = norm(self.index, axis=1)
+            xq_d_norm = norm(xq_d)  # TODO: this used to be xq_d.T, should work without
+            sim_d = np.squeeze(np.dot(self.index, xq_d.T)) / (index_norm * xq_d_norm)
+            # calculate sparse vec similarity
+            sparse_norm = norm(self.sparse_index, axis=1)
+            xq_s_norm = norm(xq_s)  # TODO: this used to be xq_s.T, should work without
+            sim_s = np.squeeze(np.dot(self.sparse_index, xq_s.T)) / (sparse_norm * xq_s_norm)
+            total_sim = sim_d + sim_s
+            # get indices of top_k records
+            top_k = min(top_k, total_sim.shape[0])
+            idx = np.argpartition(total_sim, -top_k)[-top_k:]
+            scores = total_sim[idx]
+            # get the utterance categories (route names)
+            route_names = self.routes[idx] if self.routes is not None else []
+            return scores, route_names
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Index or sparse index is not populated.")
+    async def aquery(
+        self,
+        vector: np.ndarray,
+        top_k: int = 5,
+        route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        sparse_vector: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
+    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[str]]:
+        """Search the index for the query and return top_k results. This method calls the
+        sync `query` method as everything uses numpy computations which is CPU-bound
+        and so no benefit can be gained from making this async.
+        :param vector: The query vector to search for.
+        :type vector: np.ndarray
+        :param top_k: The number of top results to return, defaults to 5.
+        :type top_k: int, optional
+        :param route_filter: A list of route names to filter the search results, defaults to None.
+        :type route_filter: Optional[List[str]], optional
+        :param sparse_vector: The sparse vector to search for, must be provided.
+        :type sparse_vector: np.ndarray
+        """
+        return self.query(
+            vector=vector,
+            top_k=top_k,
+            route_filter=route_filter,
+            sparse_vector=sparse_vector,
+        )
+    def aget_routes(self):
+        logger.error("Sync remove is not implemented for LocalIndex.")
+    def _write_config(self, config: ConfigParameter):
+        logger.warning("No config is written for LocalIndex.")
+    def delete(self, route_name: str):
+        """
+        Delete all records of a specific route from the index.
+        """
+        if (
+            self.index is not None
+            and self.routes is not None
+            and self.utterances is not None
+        ):
+            delete_idx = self._get_indices_for_route(route_name=route_name)
+            self.index = np.delete(self.index, delete_idx, axis=0)
+            self.routes = np.delete(self.routes, delete_idx, axis=0)
+            self.utterances = np.delete(self.utterances, delete_idx, axis=0)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Attempted to delete route records but either index, routes or "
+                "utterances is None."
+            )
+    def delete_index(self):
+        """
+        Deletes the index, effectively clearing it and setting it to None.
+        """
+        self.index = None
+        self.routes = None
+        self.utterances = None
+    def _get_indices_for_route(self, route_name: str):
+        """Gets an array of indices for a specific route."""
+        if self.routes is None:
+            raise ValueError("Routes are not populated.")
+        idx = [i for i, route in enumerate(self.routes) if route == route_name]
+        return idx
+    def __len__(self):
+        if self.index is not None:
+            return self.index.shape[0]
+        else:
+            return 0
diff --git a/semantic_router/index/local.py b/semantic_router/index/local.py
index 509e0fdfded4b3021b328b14d0bf7ffdd55ccb31..420ad30f6ec29c0f1bfffbc432582b85e2f6d6fa 100644
--- a/semantic_router/index/local.py
+++ b/semantic_router/index/local.py
@@ -10,14 +10,10 @@ from typing import Any
 class LocalIndex(BaseIndex):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        index: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
-        routes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
-        utterances: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
-    ):
-        super().__init__(index=index, routes=routes, utterances=utterances)
-        self.type = "local"
+    type: str = "local"
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
     class Config:
         # Stop pydantic from complaining about Optional[np.ndarray]type hints.
@@ -47,7 +43,9 @@ class LocalIndex(BaseIndex):
             self.utterances = np.concatenate([self.utterances, utterances_arr])
     def _remove_and_sync(self, routes_to_delete: dict):
-        logger.warning("Sync remove is not implemented for LocalIndex.")
+        logger.warning(
+            f"Sync remove is not implemented for {self.__class__.__name__}."
+        )
     def get_utterances(self) -> List[Utterance]:
diff --git a/semantic_router/routers/__init__.py b/semantic_router/routers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c8031ab50bd7512f23225c91deed5c1e0908c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semantic_router/routers/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from semantic_router.routers.base import BaseRouteLayer, LayerConfig
+from semantic_router.routers.semantic import RouteLayer
+from semantic_router.routers.hybrid import HybridRouteLayer
+__all__ = [
+    "BaseRouteLayer",
+    "LayerConfig",
+    "RouteLayer",
+    "HybridRouteLayer",
diff --git a/semantic_router/routers/base.py b/semantic_router/routers/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..100663da12f369b729fcca6823b82c9c900cab30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semantic_router/routers/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1240 @@
+import importlib
+import json
+import os
+import random
+import hashlib
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel, Field, validator
+import numpy as np
+import yaml  # type: ignore
+from tqdm.auto import tqdm
+from semantic_router.encoders import AutoEncoder, BaseEncoder, OpenAIEncoder
+from semantic_router.index.base import BaseIndex
+from semantic_router.index.local import LocalIndex
+from semantic_router.index.pinecone import PineconeIndex
+from semantic_router.llms import BaseLLM, OpenAILLM
+from semantic_router.route import Route
+from semantic_router.schema import (
+    ConfigParameter,
+    EncoderType,
+    RouteChoice,
+    Utterance,
+    UtteranceDiff,
+from semantic_router.utils.defaults import EncoderDefault
+from semantic_router.utils.logger import logger
+def is_valid(layer_config: str) -> bool:
+    """Make sure the given string is json format and contains the 3 keys:
+    ["encoder_name", "encoder_type", "routes"]"""
+    try:
+        output_json = json.loads(layer_config)
+        required_keys = ["encoder_name", "encoder_type", "routes"]
+        if isinstance(output_json, list):
+            for item in output_json:
+                missing_keys = [key for key in required_keys if key not in item]
+                if missing_keys:
+                    logger.warning(
+                        f"Missing keys in layer config: {', '.join(missing_keys)}"
+                    )
+                    return False
+            return True
+        else:
+            missing_keys = [key for key in required_keys if key not in output_json]
+            if missing_keys:
+                logger.warning(
+                    f"Missing keys in layer config: {', '.join(missing_keys)}"
+                )
+                return False
+            else:
+                return True
+    except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
+        logger.error(e)
+        return False
+class LayerConfig:
+    """
+    Generates a LayerConfig object that can be used for initializing a
+    RouteLayer.
+    """
+    routes: List[Route] = []
+    class Config:
+        arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        routes: List[Route] = [],
+        encoder_type: str = "openai",
+        encoder_name: Optional[str] = None,
+    ):
+        self.encoder_type = encoder_type
+        if encoder_name is None:
+            for encode_type in EncoderType:
+                if encode_type.value == self.encoder_type:
+                    if self.encoder_type == EncoderType.HUGGINGFACE.value:
+                        raise NotImplementedError(
+                            "HuggingFace encoder not supported by LayerConfig yet."
+                        )
+                    encoder_name = EncoderDefault[encode_type.name].value[
+                        "embedding_model"
+                    ]
+                    break
+            logger.info(f"Using default {encoder_type} encoder: {encoder_name}")
+        self.encoder_name = encoder_name
+        self.routes = routes
+    @classmethod
+    def from_file(cls, path: str) -> "LayerConfig":
+        logger.info(f"Loading route config from {path}")
+        _, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
+        with open(path, "r") as f:
+            if ext == ".json":
+                layer = json.load(f)
+            elif ext in [".yaml", ".yml"]:
+                layer = yaml.safe_load(f)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Unsupported file type. Only .json and .yaml are supported"
+                )
+            if not is_valid(json.dumps(layer)):
+                raise Exception("Invalid config JSON or YAML")
+            encoder_type = layer["encoder_type"]
+            encoder_name = layer["encoder_name"]
+            routes = []
+            for route_data in layer["routes"]:
+                # Handle the 'llm' field specially if it exists
+                if "llm" in route_data and route_data["llm"] is not None:
+                    llm_data = route_data.pop(
+                        "llm"
+                    )  # Remove 'llm' from route_data and handle it separately
+                    # Use the module path directly from llm_data without modification
+                    llm_module_path = llm_data["module"]
+                    # Dynamically import the module and then the class from that module
+                    llm_module = importlib.import_module(llm_module_path)
+                    llm_class = getattr(llm_module, llm_data["class"])
+                    # Instantiate the LLM class with the provided model name
+                    llm = llm_class(name=llm_data["model"])
+                    # Reassign the instantiated llm object back to route_data
+                    route_data["llm"] = llm
+                # Dynamically create the Route object using the remaining route_data
+                route = Route(**route_data)
+                routes.append(route)
+            return cls(
+                encoder_type=encoder_type, encoder_name=encoder_name, routes=routes
+            )
+    @classmethod
+    def from_tuples(
+        cls,
+        route_tuples: List[
+            Tuple[str, str, Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]], Dict[str, Any]]
+        ],
+        encoder_type: str = "openai",
+        encoder_name: Optional[str] = None,
+    ):
+        """Initialize a LayerConfig from a list of tuples of routes and
+        utterances.
+        :param route_tuples: A list of tuples, each containing a route name and an
+            associated utterance.
+        :type route_tuples: List[Tuple[str, str]]
+        :param encoder_type: The type of encoder to use, defaults to "openai".
+        :type encoder_type: str, optional
+        :param encoder_name: The name of the encoder to use, defaults to None.
+        :type encoder_name: Optional[str], optional
+        """
+        routes_dict: Dict[str, Route] = {}
+        # first create a dictionary of route names to Route objects
+        # TODO: duplicated code with BaseIndex.get_routes()
+        for route_name, utterance, function_schema, metadata in route_tuples:
+            # if the route is not in the dictionary, add it
+            if route_name not in routes_dict:
+                routes_dict[route_name] = Route(
+                    name=route_name,
+                    utterances=[utterance],
+                    function_schemas=function_schema,
+                    metadata=metadata,
+                )
+            else:
+                # otherwise, add the utterance to the route
+                routes_dict[route_name].utterances.append(utterance)
+        # then create a list of routes from the dictionary
+        routes: List[Route] = []
+        for route_name, route in routes_dict.items():
+            routes.append(route)
+        return cls(routes=routes, encoder_type=encoder_type, encoder_name=encoder_name)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_index(
+        cls,
+        index: BaseIndex,
+        encoder_type: str = "openai",
+        encoder_name: Optional[str] = None,
+    ):
+        """Initialize a LayerConfig from a BaseIndex object.
+        :param index: The index to initialize the LayerConfig from.
+        :type index: BaseIndex
+        :param encoder_type: The type of encoder to use, defaults to "openai".
+        :type encoder_type: str, optional
+        :param encoder_name: The name of the encoder to use, defaults to None.
+        :type encoder_name: Optional[str], optional
+        """
+        remote_routes = index.get_utterances()
+        return cls.from_tuples(
+            route_tuples=[utt.to_tuple() for utt in remote_routes],
+            encoder_type=encoder_type,
+            encoder_name=encoder_name,
+        )
+    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+        return {
+            "encoder_type": self.encoder_type,
+            "encoder_name": self.encoder_name,
+            "routes": [route.to_dict() for route in self.routes],
+        }
+    def to_file(self, path: str):
+        """Save the routes to a file in JSON or YAML format"""
+        logger.info(f"Saving route config to {path}")
+        _, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
+        # Check file extension before creating directories or files
+        if ext not in [".json", ".yaml", ".yml"]:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Unsupported file type. Only .json and .yaml are supported"
+            )
+        dir_name = os.path.dirname(path)
+        # Create the directory if it doesn't exist and dir_name is not an empty string
+        if dir_name and not os.path.exists(dir_name):
+            os.makedirs(dir_name)
+        with open(path, "w") as f:
+            if ext == ".json":
+                json.dump(self.to_dict(), f, indent=4)
+            elif ext in [".yaml", ".yml"]:
+                yaml.safe_dump(self.to_dict(), f)
+    def to_utterances(self) -> List[Utterance]:
+        """Convert the routes to a list of Utterance objects.
+        :return: A list of Utterance objects.
+        :rtype: List[Utterance]
+        """
+        utterances = []
+        for route in self.routes:
+            utterances.extend(
+                [
+                    Utterance(
+                        route=route.name,
+                        utterance=x,
+                        function_schemas=route.function_schemas,
+                        metadata=route.metadata or {},
+                    )
+                    for x in route.utterances
+                ]
+            )
+        return utterances
+    def add(self, route: Route):
+        self.routes.append(route)
+        logger.info(f"Added route `{route.name}`")
+    def get(self, name: str) -> Optional[Route]:
+        for route in self.routes:
+            if route.name == name:
+                return route
+        logger.error(f"Route `{name}` not found")
+        return None
+    def remove(self, name: str):
+        if name not in [route.name for route in self.routes]:
+            logger.error(f"Route `{name}` not found")
+        else:
+            self.routes = [route for route in self.routes if route.name != name]
+            logger.info(f"Removed route `{name}`")
+    def get_hash(self) -> ConfigParameter:
+        layer = self.to_dict()
+        return ConfigParameter(
+            field="sr_hash",
+            value=hashlib.sha256(json.dumps(layer).encode()).hexdigest(),
+        )
+class BaseRouteLayer(BaseModel):
+    encoder: BaseEncoder
+    index: BaseIndex = Field(default_factory=BaseIndex)
+    score_threshold: Optional[float] = None
+    routes: List[Route] = []
+    llm: Optional[BaseLLM] = None
+    top_k: int = 5
+    aggregation: str = "mean"
+    aggregation_method: Optional[Callable] = None
+    auto_sync: Optional[str] = None
+    class Config:
+        arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+    @validator("score_threshold", pre=True, always=True)
+    def set_score_threshold(cls, v):
+        return float(v) if v is not None else None
+    @validator("index", pre=True, always=True)
+    def set_index(cls, v):
+        return v if v is not None else LocalIndex()
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        encoder: Optional[BaseEncoder] = None,
+        llm: Optional[BaseLLM] = None,
+        routes: List[Route] = [],
+        index: Optional[BaseIndex] = None,  # type: ignore
+        top_k: int = 5,
+        aggregation: str = "mean",
+        auto_sync: Optional[str] = None,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            encoder=encoder,
+            llm=llm,
+            routes=routes,
+            index=index,
+            top_k=top_k,
+            aggregation=aggregation,
+            auto_sync=auto_sync,
+        )
+        if encoder is None:
+            logger.warning(
+                "No encoder provided. Using default OpenAIEncoder. Ensure "
+                "that you have set OPENAI_API_KEY in your environment."
+            )
+            self.encoder = OpenAIEncoder()
+        else:
+            self.encoder = encoder
+        self.llm = llm
+        self.routes = routes if routes else []
+        if self.encoder.score_threshold is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "No score threshold provided for encoder. Please set the score threshold "
+                "in the encoder config."
+            )
+        self.score_threshold = self.encoder.score_threshold
+        self.top_k = top_k
+        if self.top_k < 1:
+            raise ValueError(f"top_k needs to be >= 1, but was: {self.top_k}.")
+        self.aggregation = aggregation
+        if self.aggregation not in ["sum", "mean", "max"]:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Unsupported aggregation method chosen: {aggregation}. Choose either 'SUM', 'MEAN', or 'MAX'."
+            )
+        self.aggregation_method = self._set_aggregation_method(self.aggregation)
+        self.auto_sync = auto_sync
+        # set route score thresholds if not already set
+        for route in self.routes:
+            if route.score_threshold is None:
+                route.score_threshold = self.score_threshold
+        # if routes list has been passed, we initialize index now
+        if self.auto_sync:
+            # initialize index now, check if we need dimensions
+            if self.index.dimensions is None:
+                dims = len(self.encoder(["test"])[0])
+                self.index.dimensions = dims
+            # now init index
+            if isinstance(self.index, PineconeIndex):
+                self.index.index = self.index._init_index(force_create=True)
+            local_utterances = self.to_config().to_utterances()
+            remote_utterances = self.index.get_utterances()
+            diff = UtteranceDiff.from_utterances(
+                local_utterances=local_utterances,
+                remote_utterances=remote_utterances,
+            )
+            sync_strategy = diff.get_sync_strategy(self.auto_sync)
+            self._execute_sync_strategy(sync_strategy)
+    def check_for_matching_routes(self, top_class: str) -> Optional[Route]:
+        matching_route = next(
+            (route for route in self.routes if route.name == top_class), None
+        )
+        if matching_route is None:
+            logger.error(
+                f"No route found with name {top_class}. Check to see if any Routes "
+                "have been defined."
+            )
+            return None
+        return matching_route
+    def __call__(
+        self,
+        text: Optional[str] = None,
+        vector: Optional[List[float]] = None,
+        simulate_static: bool = False,
+        route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    ) -> RouteChoice:
+        # if no vector provided, encode text to get vector
+        if vector is None:
+            if text is None:
+                raise ValueError("Either text or vector must be provided")
+            vector = self._encode(text=text)
+        route, top_class_scores = self._retrieve_top_route(vector, route_filter)
+        passed = self._check_threshold(top_class_scores, route)
+        if passed and route is not None and not simulate_static:
+            if route.function_schemas and text is None:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Route has a function schema, but no text was provided."
+                )
+            if route.function_schemas and not isinstance(route.llm, BaseLLM):
+                if not self.llm:
+                    logger.warning(
+                        "No LLM provided for dynamic route, will use OpenAI LLM "
+                        "default. Ensure API key is set in OPENAI_API_KEY environment "
+                        "variable."
+                    )
+                    self.llm = OpenAILLM()
+                    route.llm = self.llm
+                else:
+                    route.llm = self.llm
+            return route(text)
+        elif passed and route is not None and simulate_static:
+            return RouteChoice(
+                name=route.name,
+                function_call=None,
+                similarity_score=None,
+            )
+        else:
+            # if no route passes threshold, return empty route choice
+            return RouteChoice()
+    async def acall(
+        self,
+        text: Optional[str] = None,
+        vector: Optional[List[float]] = None,
+        simulate_static: bool = False,
+        route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    ) -> RouteChoice:
+        # if no vector provided, encode text to get vector
+        if vector is None:
+            if text is None:
+                raise ValueError("Either text or vector must be provided")
+            vector = await self._async_encode(text=text)
+        route, top_class_scores = await self._async_retrieve_top_route(
+            vector, route_filter
+        )
+        passed = self._check_threshold(top_class_scores, route)
+        if passed and route is not None and not simulate_static:
+            if route.function_schemas and text is None:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Route has a function schema, but no text was provided."
+                )
+            if route.function_schemas and not isinstance(route.llm, BaseLLM):
+                if not self.llm:
+                    logger.warning(
+                        "No LLM provided for dynamic route, will use OpenAI LLM default"
+                    )
+                    self.llm = OpenAILLM()
+                    route.llm = self.llm
+                else:
+                    route.llm = self.llm
+            return await route.acall(text)
+        elif passed and route is not None and simulate_static:
+            return RouteChoice(
+                name=route.name,
+                function_call=None,
+                similarity_score=None,
+            )
+        else:
+            # if no route passes threshold, return empty route choice
+            return RouteChoice()
+    def retrieve_multiple_routes(
+        self,
+        text: Optional[str] = None,
+        vector: Optional[List[float]] = None,
+    ) -> List[RouteChoice]:
+        if vector is None:
+            if text is None:
+                raise ValueError("Either text or vector must be provided")
+            vector_arr = self._encode(text=text)
+        else:
+            vector_arr = np.array(vector)
+        # get relevant utterances
+        results = self._retrieve(xq=vector_arr)
+        # decide most relevant routes
+        categories_with_scores = self._semantic_classify_multiple_routes(results)
+        route_choices = []
+        for category, score in categories_with_scores:
+            route = self.check_for_matching_routes(category)
+            if route:
+                route_choice = RouteChoice(name=route.name, similarity_score=score)
+                route_choices.append(route_choice)
+        return route_choices
+    def sync(self, sync_mode: str, force: bool = False) -> List[str]:
+        """Runs a sync of the local routes with the remote index.
+        :param sync_mode: The mode to sync the routes with the remote index.
+        :type sync_mode: str
+        :param force: Whether to force the sync even if the local and remote
+            hashes already match. Defaults to False.
+        :type force: bool, optional
+        :return: A list of diffs describing the addressed differences between
+            the local and remote route layers.
+        :rtype: List[str]
+        """
+        if not force and self.is_synced():
+            logger.warning("Local and remote route layers are already synchronized.")
+            # create utterance diff to return, but just using local instance
+            # for speed
+            local_utterances = self.to_config().to_utterances()
+            diff = UtteranceDiff.from_utterances(
+                local_utterances=local_utterances,
+                remote_utterances=local_utterances,
+            )
+            return diff.to_utterance_str()
+        # otherwise we continue with the sync, first creating a diff
+        local_utterances = self.to_config().to_utterances()
+        remote_utterances = self.index.get_utterances()
+        diff = UtteranceDiff.from_utterances(
+            local_utterances=local_utterances,
+            remote_utterances=remote_utterances,
+        )
+        # generate sync strategy
+        sync_strategy = diff.get_sync_strategy(sync_mode=sync_mode)
+        # and execute
+        self._execute_sync_strategy(sync_strategy)
+        return diff.to_utterance_str()
+    def _execute_sync_strategy(self, strategy: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Utterance]]]):
+        """Executes the provided sync strategy, either deleting or upserting
+        routes from the local and remote instances as defined in the strategy.
+        :param strategy: The sync strategy to execute.
+        :type strategy: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Utterance]]]
+        """
+        if strategy["remote"]["delete"]:
+            data_to_delete = {}  # type: ignore
+            for utt_obj in strategy["remote"]["delete"]:
+                data_to_delete.setdefault(utt_obj.route, []).append(utt_obj.utterance)
+            # TODO: switch to remove without sync??
+            self.index._remove_and_sync(data_to_delete)
+        if strategy["remote"]["upsert"]:
+            utterances_text = [utt.utterance for utt in strategy["remote"]["upsert"]]
+            self.index.add(
+                embeddings=self.encoder(utterances_text),
+                routes=[utt.route for utt in strategy["remote"]["upsert"]],
+                utterances=utterances_text,
+                function_schemas=[
+                    utt.function_schemas for utt in strategy["remote"]["upsert"]  # type: ignore
+                ],
+                metadata_list=[utt.metadata for utt in strategy["remote"]["upsert"]],
+            )
+        if strategy["local"]["delete"]:
+            self._local_delete(utterances=strategy["local"]["delete"])
+        if strategy["local"]["upsert"]:
+            self._local_upsert(utterances=strategy["local"]["upsert"])
+        # update hash
+        self._write_hash()
+    def _local_upsert(self, utterances: List[Utterance]):
+        """Adds new routes to the RouteLayer.
+        :param utterances: The utterances to add to the local RouteLayer.
+        :type utterances: List[Utterance]
+        """
+        new_routes = {route.name: route for route in self.routes}
+        for utt_obj in utterances:
+            if utt_obj.route not in new_routes.keys():
+                new_routes[utt_obj.route] = Route(
+                    name=utt_obj.route,
+                    utterances=[utt_obj.utterance],
+                    function_schemas=utt_obj.function_schemas,
+                    metadata=utt_obj.metadata,
+                )
+            else:
+                if utt_obj.utterance not in new_routes[utt_obj.route].utterances:
+                    new_routes[utt_obj.route].utterances.append(utt_obj.utterance)
+                new_routes[utt_obj.route].function_schemas = utt_obj.function_schemas
+                new_routes[utt_obj.route].metadata = utt_obj.metadata
+        temp = "\n".join([f"{name}: {r.utterances}" for name, r in new_routes.items()])
+        logger.warning("TEMP | _local_upsert:\n" + temp)
+        self.routes = list(new_routes.values())
+    def _local_delete(self, utterances: List[Utterance]):
+        """Deletes routes from the local RouteLayer.
+        :param utterances: The utterances to delete from the local RouteLayer.
+        :type utterances: List[Utterance]
+        """
+        # create dictionary of route names to utterances
+        route_dict: dict[str, List[str]] = {}
+        for utt in utterances:
+            route_dict.setdefault(utt.route, []).append(utt.utterance)
+        temp = "\n".join([f"{r}: {u}" for r, u in route_dict.items()])
+        logger.warning("TEMP | _local_delete:\n" + temp)
+        # iterate over current routes and delete specific utterance if found
+        new_routes = []
+        for route in self.routes:
+            if route.name in route_dict.keys():
+                # drop utterances that are in route_dict deletion list
+                new_utterances = list(
+                    set(route.utterances) - set(route_dict[route.name])
+                )
+                if len(new_utterances) == 0:
+                    # the route is now empty, so we skip it
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    new_routes.append(
+                        Route(
+                            name=route.name,
+                            utterances=new_utterances,
+                            # use existing function schemas and metadata
+                            function_schemas=route.function_schemas,
+                            metadata=route.metadata,
+                        )
+                    )
+                logger.warning(
+                    f"TEMP | _local_delete OLD | {route.name}: {route.utterances}"
+                )
+                logger.warning(
+                    f"TEMP | _local_delete NEW | {route.name}: {new_routes[-1].utterances}"
+                )
+            else:
+                # the route is not in the route_dict, so we keep it as is
+                new_routes.append(route)
+        temp = "\n".join([f"{r}: {u}" for r, u in route_dict.items()])
+        logger.warning("TEMP | _local_delete:\n" + temp)
+        self.routes = new_routes
+    def _retrieve_top_route(
+        self, vector: List[float], route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None
+    ) -> Tuple[Optional[Route], List[float]]:
+        """
+        Retrieve the top matching route based on the given vector.
+        Returns a tuple of the route (if any) and the scores of the top class.
+        """
+        # get relevant results (scores and routes)
+        results = self._retrieve(
+            xq=np.array(vector), top_k=self.top_k, route_filter=route_filter
+        )
+        # decide most relevant routes
+        top_class, top_class_scores = self._semantic_classify(results)
+        # TODO do we need this check?
+        route = self.check_for_matching_routes(top_class)
+        return route, top_class_scores
+    async def _async_retrieve_top_route(
+        self, vector: List[float], route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None
+    ) -> Tuple[Optional[Route], List[float]]:
+        # get relevant results (scores and routes)
+        results = await self._async_retrieve(
+            xq=np.array(vector), top_k=self.top_k, route_filter=route_filter
+        )
+        # decide most relevant routes
+        top_class, top_class_scores = await self._async_semantic_classify(results)
+        # TODO do we need this check?
+        route = self.check_for_matching_routes(top_class)
+        return route, top_class_scores
+    def _check_threshold(self, scores: List[float], route: Optional[Route]) -> bool:
+        """
+        Check if the route's score passes the specified threshold.
+        """
+        if route is None:
+            return False
+        threshold = (
+            route.score_threshold
+            if route.score_threshold is not None
+            else self.score_threshold
+        )
+        return self._pass_threshold(scores, threshold)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return (
+            f"{self.__class__.__name__}(encoder={self.encoder}, "
+            f"score_threshold={self.score_threshold}, "
+            f"routes={self.routes})"
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def from_json(cls, file_path: str):
+        config = LayerConfig.from_file(file_path)
+        encoder = AutoEncoder(type=config.encoder_type, name=config.encoder_name).model
+        return cls(encoder=encoder, routes=config.routes)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_yaml(cls, file_path: str):
+        config = LayerConfig.from_file(file_path)
+        encoder = AutoEncoder(type=config.encoder_type, name=config.encoder_name).model
+        return cls(encoder=encoder, routes=config.routes)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_config(cls, config: LayerConfig, index: Optional[BaseIndex] = None):
+        encoder = AutoEncoder(type=config.encoder_type, name=config.encoder_name).model
+        return cls(encoder=encoder, routes=config.routes, index=index)
+    def add(self, route: Route):
+        """Add a route to the local RouteLayer and index.
+        :param route: The route to add.
+        :type route: Route
+        """
+        current_local_hash = self._get_hash()
+        current_remote_hash = self.index._read_hash()
+        if current_remote_hash.value == "":
+            # if remote hash is empty, the index is to be initialized
+            current_remote_hash = current_local_hash
+        embedded_utterances = self.encoder(route.utterances)
+        self.index.add(
+            embeddings=embedded_utterances,
+            routes=[route.name] * len(route.utterances),
+            utterances=route.utterances,
+            function_schemas=(
+                route.function_schemas * len(route.utterances)
+                if route.function_schemas
+                else [{}] * len(route.utterances)
+            ),
+            metadata_list=[route.metadata if route.metadata else {}]
+            * len(route.utterances),
+        )
+        self.routes.append(route)
+        if current_local_hash.value == current_remote_hash.value:
+            self._write_hash()  # update current hash in index
+        else:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Local and remote route layers were not aligned. Remote hash "
+                "not updated. Use `RouteLayer.get_utterance_diff()` to see "
+                "details."
+            )
+    def list_route_names(self) -> List[str]:
+        return [route.name for route in self.routes]
+    def update(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        threshold: Optional[float] = None,
+        utterances: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    ):
+        """Updates the route specified in name. Allows the update of
+        threshold and/or utterances. If no values are provided via the
+        threshold or utterances parameters, those fields are not updated.
+        If neither field is provided raises a ValueError.
+        The name must exist within the local RouteLayer, if not a
+        KeyError will be raised.
+        """
+        current_local_hash = self._get_hash()
+        current_remote_hash = self.index._read_hash()
+        if current_remote_hash.value == "":
+            # if remote hash is empty, the index is to be initialized
+            current_remote_hash = current_local_hash
+        if threshold is None and utterances is None:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "At least one of 'threshold' or 'utterances' must be provided."
+            )
+        if utterances:
+            raise NotImplementedError(
+                "The update method cannot be used for updating utterances yet."
+            )
+        route = self.get(name)
+        if route:
+            if threshold:
+                old_threshold = route.score_threshold
+                route.score_threshold = threshold
+                logger.info(
+                    f"Updated threshold for route '{route.name}' from {old_threshold} to {threshold}"
+                )
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f"Route '{name}' not found. Nothing updated.")
+        if current_local_hash.value == current_remote_hash.value:
+            self._write_hash()  # update current hash in index
+        else:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Local and remote route layers were not aligned. Remote hash "
+                f"not updated. Use `{self.__class__.__name__}.get_utterance_diff()` "
+                "to see details."
+            )
+    def delete(self, route_name: str):
+        """Deletes a route given a specific route name.
+        :param route_name: the name of the route to be deleted
+        :type str:
+        """
+        current_local_hash = self._get_hash()
+        current_remote_hash = self.index._read_hash()
+        if current_remote_hash.value == "":
+            # if remote hash is empty, the index is to be initialized
+            current_remote_hash = current_local_hash
+        if route_name not in [route.name for route in self.routes]:
+            err_msg = f"Route `{route_name}` not found in {self.__class__.__name__}"
+            logger.warning(err_msg)
+            try:
+                self.index.delete(route_name=route_name)
+            except Exception as e:
+                logger.error(f"Failed to delete route from the index: {e}")
+        else:
+            self.routes = [route for route in self.routes if route.name != route_name]
+            self.index.delete(route_name=route_name)
+        if current_local_hash.value == current_remote_hash.value:
+            self._write_hash()  # update current hash in index
+        else:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Local and remote route layers were not aligned. Remote hash "
+                f"not updated. Use `{self.__class__.__name__}.get_utterance_diff()` "
+                "to see details."
+            )
+    def _refresh_routes(self):
+        """Pulls out the latest routes from the index."""
+        raise NotImplementedError("This method has not yet been implemented.")
+        route_mapping = {route.name: route for route in self.routes}
+        index_routes = self.index.get_utterances()
+        new_routes_names = []
+        new_routes = []
+        for route_name, utterance in index_routes:
+            if route_name in route_mapping:
+                if route_name not in new_routes_names:
+                    existing_route = route_mapping[route_name]
+                    new_routes.append(existing_route)
+                new_routes.append(Route(name=route_name, utterances=[utterance]))
+            route = route_mapping[route_name]
+            self.routes.append(route)
+    def _add_routes(self, routes: List[Route]):
+        current_local_hash = self._get_hash()
+        current_remote_hash = self.index._read_hash()
+        if current_remote_hash.value == "":
+            # if remote hash is empty, the index is to be initialized
+            current_remote_hash = current_local_hash
+        if not routes:
+            logger.warning("No routes provided to add.")
+            return
+        # create embeddings for all routes
+        route_names, all_utterances, all_function_schemas, all_metadata = (
+            self._extract_routes_details(routes, include_metadata=True)
+        )
+        embedded_utterances = self.encoder(all_utterances)
+        try:
+            # Batch insertion into the index
+            self.index.add(
+                embeddings=embedded_utterances,
+                routes=route_names,
+                utterances=all_utterances,
+                function_schemas=all_function_schemas,
+                metadata_list=all_metadata,
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            logger.error(f"Failed to add routes to the index: {e}")
+            raise Exception("Indexing error occurred") from e
+        if current_local_hash.value == current_remote_hash.value:
+            self._write_hash()  # update current hash in index
+        else:
+            logger.warning(
+                "Local and remote route layers were not aligned. Remote hash "
+                f"not updated. Use `{self.__class__.__name__}.get_utterance_diff()` "
+                "to see details."
+            )
+    def _get_hash(self) -> ConfigParameter:
+        config = self.to_config()
+        return config.get_hash()
+    def _write_hash(self) -> ConfigParameter:
+        config = self.to_config()
+        hash_config = config.get_hash()
+        self.index._write_config(config=hash_config)
+        return hash_config
+    def is_synced(self) -> bool:
+        """Check if the local and remote route layer instances are
+        synchronized.
+        :return: True if the local and remote route layers are synchronized,
+            False otherwise.
+        :rtype: bool
+        """
+        # first check hash
+        local_hash = self._get_hash()
+        remote_hash = self.index._read_hash()
+        if local_hash.value == remote_hash.value:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def get_utterance_diff(self, include_metadata: bool = False) -> List[str]:
+        """Get the difference between the local and remote utterances. Returns
+        a list of strings showing what is different in the remote when compared
+        to the local. For example:
+        ["  route1: utterance1",
+         "  route1: utterance2",
+         "- route2: utterance3",
+         "- route2: utterance4"]
+        Tells us that the remote is missing "route2: utterance3" and "route2:
+        utterance4", which do exist locally. If we see:
+        ["  route1: utterance1",
+         "  route1: utterance2",
+         "+ route2: utterance3",
+         "+ route2: utterance4"]
+        This diff tells us that the remote has "route2: utterance3" and
+        "route2: utterance4", which do not exist locally.
+        """
+        # first we get remote and local utterances
+        remote_utterances = self.index.get_utterances()
+        local_utterances = self.to_config().to_utterances()
+        diff_obj = UtteranceDiff.from_utterances(
+            local_utterances=local_utterances, remote_utterances=remote_utterances
+        )
+        return diff_obj.to_utterance_str(include_metadata=include_metadata)
+    def _extract_routes_details(
+        self, routes: List[Route], include_metadata: bool = False
+    ) -> Tuple:
+        route_names = [route.name for route in routes for _ in route.utterances]
+        utterances = [utterance for route in routes for utterance in route.utterances]
+        function_schemas = [
+            route.function_schemas[0] if route.function_schemas is not None else {}
+            for route in routes
+            for _ in route.utterances
+        ]
+        if include_metadata:
+            metadata = [route.metadata for route in routes for _ in route.utterances]
+            return route_names, utterances, function_schemas, metadata
+        return route_names, utterances, function_schemas
+    def _encode(self, text: str) -> Any:
+        """Generates embeddings for a given text.
+        Must be implemented by a subclass.
+        :param text: The text to encode.
+        :type text: str
+        :return: The embeddings of the text.
+        :rtype: Any
+        """
+        # TODO: should encode "content" rather than text
+        raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented by subclasses.")
+    async def _async_encode(self, text: str) -> Any:
+        """Asynchronously generates embeddings for a given text.
+        Must be implemented by a subclass.
+        :param text: The text to encode.
+        :type text: str
+        :return: The embeddings of the text.
+        :rtype: Any
+        """
+        # TODO: should encode "content" rather than text
+        raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented by subclasses.")
+    def _retrieve(
+        self, xq: Any, top_k: int = 5, route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None
+    ) -> List[Dict]:
+        """Given a query vector, retrieve the top_k most similar records."""
+        # get scores and routes
+        scores, routes = self.index.query(
+            vector=xq, top_k=top_k, route_filter=route_filter
+        )
+        return [{"route": d, "score": s.item()} for d, s in zip(routes, scores)]
+    async def _async_retrieve(
+        self, xq: Any, top_k: int = 5, route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None
+    ) -> List[Dict]:
+        """Given a query vector, retrieve the top_k most similar records."""
+        # get scores and routes
+        scores, routes = await self.index.aquery(
+            vector=xq, top_k=top_k, route_filter=route_filter
+        )
+        return [{"route": d, "score": s.item()} for d, s in zip(routes, scores)]
+    def _set_aggregation_method(self, aggregation: str = "sum"):
+        # TODO is this really needed?
+        if aggregation == "sum":
+            return lambda x: sum(x)
+        elif aggregation == "mean":
+            return lambda x: np.mean(x)
+        elif aggregation == "max":
+            return lambda x: max(x)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Unsupported aggregation method chosen: {aggregation}. Choose either 'SUM', 'MEAN', or 'MAX'."
+            )
+    def _semantic_classify(self, query_results: List[Dict]) -> Tuple[str, List[float]]:
+        scores_by_class = self.group_scores_by_class(query_results)
+        # Calculate total score for each class
+        total_scores = {
+            route: self.aggregation_method(scores)
+            for route, scores in scores_by_class.items()
+        }
+        top_class = max(total_scores, key=lambda x: total_scores[x], default=None)
+        # Return the top class and its associated scores
+        if top_class is not None:
+            return str(top_class), scores_by_class.get(top_class, [])
+        else:
+            logger.warning("No classification found for semantic classifier.")
+            return "", []
+    async def _async_semantic_classify(
+        self, query_results: List[Dict]
+    ) -> Tuple[str, List[float]]:
+        scores_by_class = await self.async_group_scores_by_class(query_results)
+        # Calculate total score for each class
+        total_scores = {
+            route: self.aggregation_method(scores)
+            for route, scores in scores_by_class.items()
+        }
+        top_class = max(total_scores, key=lambda x: total_scores[x], default=None)
+        # Return the top class and its associated scores
+        if top_class is not None:
+            return str(top_class), scores_by_class.get(top_class, [])
+        else:
+            logger.warning("No classification found for semantic classifier.")
+            return "", []
+    def get(self, name: str) -> Optional[Route]:
+        for route in self.routes:
+            if route.name == name:
+                return route
+        logger.error(f"Route `{name}` not found")
+        return None
+    def _semantic_classify_multiple_routes(
+        self, query_results: List[Dict]
+    ) -> List[Tuple[str, float]]:
+        scores_by_class = self.group_scores_by_class(query_results)
+        # Filter classes based on threshold and find max score for each
+        classes_above_threshold = []
+        for route_name, scores in scores_by_class.items():
+            # Use the get method to find the Route object by its name
+            route_obj = self.get(route_name)
+            if route_obj is not None:
+                # Use the Route object's threshold if it exists, otherwise use the provided threshold
+                _threshold = (
+                    route_obj.score_threshold
+                    if route_obj.score_threshold is not None
+                    else self.score_threshold
+                )
+                if self._pass_threshold(scores, _threshold):
+                    max_score = max(scores)
+                    classes_above_threshold.append((route_name, max_score))
+        return classes_above_threshold
+    def group_scores_by_class(
+        self, query_results: List[Dict]
+    ) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
+        scores_by_class: Dict[str, List[float]] = {}
+        for result in query_results:
+            score = result["score"]
+            route = result["route"]
+            if route in scores_by_class:
+                scores_by_class[route].append(score)
+            else:
+                scores_by_class[route] = [score]
+        return scores_by_class
+    async def async_group_scores_by_class(
+        self, query_results: List[Dict]
+    ) -> Dict[str, List[float]]:
+        scores_by_class: Dict[str, List[float]] = {}
+        for result in query_results:
+            score = result["score"]
+            route = result["route"]
+            if route in scores_by_class:
+                scores_by_class[route].append(score)
+            else:
+                scores_by_class[route] = [score]
+        return scores_by_class
+    def _pass_threshold(self, scores: List[float], threshold: float) -> bool:
+        if scores:
+            return max(scores) > threshold
+        else:
+            return False
+    def _update_thresholds(self, score_thresholds: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None):
+        """
+        Update the score thresholds for each route.
+        """
+        if score_thresholds:
+            for route in self.routes:
+                route.score_threshold = score_thresholds.get(
+                    route.name, self.score_threshold
+                )
+    def to_config(self) -> LayerConfig:
+        return LayerConfig(
+            encoder_type=self.encoder.type,
+            encoder_name=self.encoder.name,
+            routes=self.routes,
+        )
+    def to_json(self, file_path: str):
+        config = self.to_config()
+        config.to_file(file_path)
+    def to_yaml(self, file_path: str):
+        config = self.to_config()
+        config.to_file(file_path)
+    def get_thresholds(self) -> Dict[str, float]:
+        # TODO: float() below is hacky fix for lint, fix this with new type?
+        thresholds = {
+            route.name: float(route.score_threshold or self.score_threshold)
+            for route in self.routes
+        }
+        return thresholds
+    def fit(
+        self,
+        X: List[str],
+        y: List[str],
+        batch_size: int = 500,
+        max_iter: int = 500,
+        local_execution: bool = False,
+    ):
+        original_index = self.index
+        if local_execution:
+            # Switch to a local index for fitting
+            from semantic_router.index.local import LocalIndex
+            remote_routes = self.index.get_utterances()
+            # TODO Enhance by retrieving directly the vectors instead of embedding all utterances again
+            routes, utterances, function_schemas, metadata = map(
+                list, zip(*remote_routes)
+            )
+            embeddings = self.encoder(utterances)
+            self.index = LocalIndex()
+            self.index.add(
+                embeddings=embeddings,
+                routes=routes,
+                utterances=utterances,
+                metadata_list=metadata,
+            )
+        # convert inputs into array
+        Xq: List[List[float]] = []
+        for i in tqdm(range(0, len(X), batch_size), desc="Generating embeddings"):
+            emb = np.array(self.encoder(X[i : i + batch_size]))
+            Xq.extend(emb)
+        # initial eval (we will iterate from here)
+        best_acc = self._vec_evaluate(Xq=np.array(Xq), y=y)
+        best_thresholds = self.get_thresholds()
+        # begin fit
+        for _ in (pbar := tqdm(range(max_iter), desc="Training")):
+            pbar.set_postfix({"acc": round(best_acc, 2)})
+            # Find the best score threshold for each route
+            thresholds = threshold_random_search(
+                route_layer=self,
+                search_range=0.8,
+            )
+            # update current route layer
+            self._update_thresholds(score_thresholds=thresholds)
+            # evaluate
+            acc = self._vec_evaluate(Xq=Xq, y=y)
+            # update best
+            if acc > best_acc:
+                best_acc = acc
+                best_thresholds = thresholds
+        # update route layer to best thresholds
+        self._update_thresholds(score_thresholds=best_thresholds)
+        if local_execution:
+            # Switch back to the original index
+            self.index = original_index
+    def evaluate(self, X: List[str], y: List[str], batch_size: int = 500) -> float:
+        """
+        Evaluate the accuracy of the route selection.
+        """
+        Xq: List[List[float]] = []
+        for i in tqdm(range(0, len(X), batch_size), desc="Generating embeddings"):
+            emb = np.array(self.encoder(X[i : i + batch_size]))
+            Xq.extend(emb)
+        accuracy = self._vec_evaluate(Xq=np.array(Xq), y=y)
+        return accuracy
+    def _vec_evaluate(self, Xq: Union[List[float], Any], y: List[str]) -> float:
+        """
+        Evaluate the accuracy of the route selection.
+        """
+        correct = 0
+        for xq, target_route in zip(Xq, y):
+            # We treate dynamic routes as static here, because when evaluating we use only vectors, and dynamic routes expect strings by default.
+            route_choice = self(vector=xq, simulate_static=True)
+            if route_choice.name == target_route:
+                correct += 1
+        accuracy = correct / len(Xq)
+        return accuracy
+    def _get_route_names(self) -> List[str]:
+        return [route.name for route in self.routes]
+def threshold_random_search(
+    route_layer: BaseRouteLayer,
+    search_range: Union[int, float],
+) -> Dict[str, float]:
+    """Performs a random search iteration given a route layer and a search range."""
+    # extract the route names
+    routes = route_layer.get_thresholds()
+    route_names = list(routes.keys())
+    route_thresholds = list(routes.values())
+    # generate search range for each
+    score_threshold_values = []
+    for threshold in route_thresholds:
+        score_threshold_values.append(
+            np.linspace(
+                start=max(threshold - search_range, 0.0),
+                stop=min(threshold + search_range, 1.0),
+                num=100,
+            )
+        )
+    # Generate a random threshold for each route
+    score_thresholds = {
+        route: random.choice(score_threshold_values[i])
+        for i, route in enumerate(route_names)
+    }
+    return score_thresholds
diff --git a/semantic_router/routers/hybrid.py b/semantic_router/routers/hybrid.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b65607e74add2c642b478373e83d033d5cffa736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semantic_router/routers/hybrid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+import asyncio
+from pydantic.v1 import validator, Field
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.linalg import norm
+from semantic_router.encoders import (
+    BaseEncoder,
+    BM25Encoder,
+    TfidfEncoder,
+from semantic_router.route import Route
+from semantic_router.index.hybrid_local import HybridLocalIndex
+from semantic_router.schema import RouteChoice
+from semantic_router.utils.logger import logger
+from semantic_router.routers.base import BaseRouteLayer
+from semantic_router.llms import BaseLLM
+class HybridRouteLayer(BaseRouteLayer):
+    """A hybrid layer that uses both dense and sparse embeddings to classify routes.
+    """
+    # there are a few additional attributes for hybrid
+    sparse_encoder: BM25Encoder = Field(default_factory=BM25Encoder)
+    alpha: float = 0.3
+    index: HybridLocalIndex = Field(default_factory=HybridLocalIndex)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        encoder: BaseEncoder,
+        sparse_encoder: Optional[BM25Encoder] = None,
+        llm: Optional[BaseLLM] = None,
+        routes: List[Route] = [],
+        index: Optional[HybridLocalIndex] = None,
+        top_k: int = 5,
+        aggregation: str = "mean",
+        auto_sync: Optional[str] = None,
+        alpha: float = 0.3,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            encoder=encoder,
+            llm=llm,
+            routes=routes.copy(),
+            index=index,
+            top_k=top_k,
+            aggregation=aggregation,
+            auto_sync=auto_sync,
+        )
+        # initialize sparse encoder
+        if sparse_encoder is None:
+            logger.warning("No sparse_encoder provided. Using default BM25Encoder.")
+            self.sparse_encoder = BM25Encoder()
+        else:
+            self.sparse_encoder = sparse_encoder
+        # set alpha
+        self.alpha = alpha
+        # fit sparse encoder if needed
+        if isinstance(self.sparse_encoder, TfidfEncoder) and hasattr(
+            self.sparse_encoder, "fit"
+        ):
+            self.sparse_encoder.fit(routes)
+        # initialize index if not provided
+        # TODO: add check for hybrid compatible index
+        if self.index is None:
+            logger.warning("No index provided. Using default HybridLocalIndex.")
+            self.index = HybridLocalIndex()
+        # add routes if we have them
+        if routes:
+            for route in routes:
+                self.add(route)
+    @validator("sparse_encoder", pre=True, always=True)
+    def set_sparse_encoder(cls, v):
+        return v if v is not None else BM25Encoder()
+    @validator("index", pre=True, always=True)
+    def set_index(cls, v):
+        return v if v is not None else HybridLocalIndex()
+    def _encode(self, text: List[str]) -> Any:
+        """Given some text, generates dense and sparse embeddings, then scales them
+        using the chosen alpha value.
+        """
+        # TODO: should encode "content" rather than text
+        # TODO: add alpha as a parameter
+        # create dense query vector
+        xq_d = np.array(self.encoder(text))
+        #xq_d = np.squeeze(xq_d)  # Reduce to 1d array.
+        # create sparse query vector
+        xq_s = np.array(self.sparse_encoder(text))
+        #xq_s = np.squeeze(xq_s)
+        # convex scaling
+        xq_d, xq_s = self._convex_scaling(xq_d, xq_s)
+        return xq_d, xq_s
+    async def _async_encode(self, text: List[str]) -> Any:
+        """Given some text, generates dense and sparse embeddings, then scales them
+        using the chosen alpha value.
+        """
+        # TODO: should encode "content" rather than text
+        # TODO: add alpha as a parameter
+        # async encode both dense and sparse
+        dense_coro = self.encoder.acall(text)
+        sparse_coro = self.sparse_encoder.acall(text)
+        dense_vec, sparse_vec = await asyncio.gather(dense_coro, sparse_coro)
+        # create dense query vector
+        xq_d = np.array(dense_vec)
+        #xq_d = np.squeeze(xq_d)  # reduce to 1d array
+        # create sparse query vector
+        xq_s = np.array(sparse_vec)
+        #xq_s = np.squeeze(xq_s)
+        # convex scaling
+        xq_d, xq_s = self._convex_scaling(xq_d, xq_s)
+        return xq_d, xq_s
+    def __call__(
+        self,
+        text: Optional[str] = None,
+        vector: Optional[List[float]] = None,
+        simulate_static: bool = False,
+        route_filter: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        sparse_vector: Optional[List[float]] = None,
+    ) -> RouteChoice:
+        # if no vector provided, encode text to get vector
+        if vector is None:
+            if text is None:
+                raise ValueError("Either text or vector must be provided")
+            vector, potential_sparse_vector = self._encode(text=[text])
+        if sparse_vector is None:
+            if text is None:
+                raise ValueError("Either text or sparse_vector must be provided")
+            sparse_vector = potential_sparse_vector
+        # TODO: add alpha as a parameter
+        scores, route_names = self.index.query(
+            vector=np.array(vector) if isinstance(vector, list) else vector,
+            top_k=self.top_k,
+            route_filter=route_filter,
+            sparse_vector=np.array(sparse_vector) if isinstance(sparse_vector, list) else sparse_vector,
+        )
+        top_class, top_class_scores = self._semantic_classify(list(zip(scores, route_names)))
+        passed = self._pass_threshold(top_class_scores, self.score_threshold)
+        if passed:
+            return RouteChoice(
+                name=top_class,
+                similarity_score=max(top_class_scores)
+            )
+        else:
+            return RouteChoice()
+    def add(self, route: Route):
+        self.routes += [route]
+        route_names = [route.name] * len(route.utterances)
+        # create embeddings for all routes
+        logger.info(f"Encoding route {route.name}")
+        dense_embeds, sparse_embeds = self._encode(route.utterances)
+        self.index.add(
+            embeddings=dense_embeds,
+            sparse_embeddings=sparse_embeds,
+            routes=route_names,  # TODO: aligning names of routes v route_names
+            utterances=route.utterances,
+        )
+        # TODO: in some places we say vector, sparse_vector and in others
+        # TODO: we say embeddings, sparse_embeddings
+    def _convex_scaling(self, dense: np.ndarray, sparse: np.ndarray):
+        # scale sparse and dense vecs
+        dense = np.array(dense) * self.alpha
+        sparse = np.array(sparse) * (1 - self.alpha)
+        return dense, sparse
+    def _set_aggregation_method(self, aggregation: str = "sum"):
+        if aggregation == "sum":
+            return lambda x: sum(x)
+        elif aggregation == "mean":
+            return lambda x: np.mean(x)
+        elif aggregation == "max":
+            return lambda x: max(x)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                f"Unsupported aggregation method chosen: {aggregation}. Choose either 'SUM', 'MEAN', or 'MAX'."
+            )
+    def _semantic_classify(self, query_results: List[Tuple]) -> Tuple[str, List[float]]:
+        scores_by_class: Dict[str, List[float]] = {}
+        for score, route in query_results:
+            if route in scores_by_class:
+                scores_by_class[route].append(score)
+            else:
+                scores_by_class[route] = [score]
+        # Calculate total score for each class
+        total_scores = {
+            route: self.aggregation_method(scores)
+            for route, scores in scores_by_class.items()
+        }
+        top_class = max(total_scores, key=lambda x: total_scores[x], default=None)
+        # Return the top class and its associated scores
+        if top_class is not None:
+            return str(top_class), scores_by_class.get(top_class, [])
+        else:
+            logger.warning("No classification found for semantic classifier.")
+            return "", []
+    def _pass_threshold(self, scores: List[float], threshold: float) -> bool:
+        if scores:
+            return max(scores) > threshold
+        else:
+            return False
diff --git a/semantic_router/layer.py b/semantic_router/routers/semantic.py
similarity index 98%
rename from semantic_router/layer.py
rename to semantic_router/routers/semantic.py
index ec051633364696ebf3c0361bd229e4a445a1f392..499bdd73722df88b9e02d3abd5d0afaee4e73cdd 100644
--- a/semantic_router/layer.py
+++ b/semantic_router/routers/semantic.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os
 import random
 import hashlib
 from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from pydantic.v1 import BaseModel
 import numpy as np
 import yaml  # type: ignore
@@ -271,10 +272,14 @@ class LayerConfig:
-class RouteLayer:
+class RouteLayer(BaseModel):
     score_threshold: float
     encoder: BaseEncoder
     index: BaseIndex
+    llm: Optional[BaseLLM] = None
+    top_k: int = 5
+    aggregation: str = "mean"
+    auto_sync: Optional[str] = None
     def __init__(
@@ -283,7 +288,7 @@ class RouteLayer:
         routes: Optional[List[Route]] = None,
         index: Optional[BaseIndex] = None,  # type: ignore
         top_k: int = 5,
-        aggregation: str = "sum",
+        aggregation: str = "mean",
         auto_sync: Optional[str] = None,
         self.index: BaseIndex = index if index is not None else LocalIndex()
@@ -891,20 +896,6 @@ class RouteLayer:
         return diff_obj.to_utterance_str(include_metadata=include_metadata)
-    def _add_and_sync_routes(self, routes: List[Route]):
-        self.routes.extend(routes)
-        # first we get remote and local utterances
-        remote_utterances = self.index.get_utterances()
-        local_utterances = self.to_config().to_utterances()
-        diff_obj = UtteranceDiff.from_utterances(
-            local_utterances=local_utterances, remote_utterances=remote_utterances
-        )
-        sync_strategy = diff_obj.get_sync_strategy(sync_mode=self.auto_sync)
-        self._execute_sync_strategy(strategy=sync_strategy)
-        # update remote hash
-        self._write_hash()
     def _extract_routes_details(
         self, routes: List[Route], include_metadata: bool = False
     ) -> Tuple:
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_hybrid_layer.py b/tests/unit/test_hybrid_layer.py
index fbf14566e3c9051331a3825fe7d952213ec38985..0859fc8394fd71c0b23071c95e08b66d1049c945 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_hybrid_layer.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_hybrid_layer.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from semantic_router.encoders import (
-from semantic_router.hybrid_layer import HybridRouteLayer
+from semantic_router.OLD_hybrid_layer import HybridRouteLayer
 from semantic_router.route import Route
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_layer.py b/tests/unit/test_router.py
similarity index 99%
rename from tests/unit/test_layer.py
rename to tests/unit/test_router.py
index ead3f6d39204d9873785791a4b05fb9562441f1b..2b39410d2f400017865308b02f1766ac1b618b21 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_layer.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_router.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from semantic_router.encoders import BaseEncoder, CohereEncoder, OpenAIEncoder
 from semantic_router.index.local import LocalIndex
 from semantic_router.index.pinecone import PineconeIndex
 from semantic_router.index.qdrant import QdrantIndex
-from semantic_router.layer import LayerConfig, RouteLayer
+from semantic_router.routers import LayerConfig, RouteLayer
 from semantic_router.llms.base import BaseLLM
 from semantic_router.route import Route
 from platform import python_version
diff --git a/tests/unit/test_sync.py b/tests/unit/test_sync.py
index 6235088fcbf4dca05afafccdd4e0a35a397cbc41..f38635c2a164b90698877105c8882bb5e17723a4 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_sync.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_sync.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from typing import Optional
 from semantic_router.encoders import BaseEncoder, CohereEncoder, OpenAIEncoder
 from semantic_router.index.pinecone import PineconeIndex
 from semantic_router.schema import Utterance
-from semantic_router.layer import RouteLayer
+from semantic_router.routers.base import RouteLayer
 from semantic_router.route import Route
 from platform import python_version