diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index a3e9023c19904291817b73f2b47b14c328b5d0ac..f94862c0d44dd19a6c431c3ea5f15febb5e0179d 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ Please follow these guidelines when making a contribution: - Ensure that the Pull Request title is prepended with a [valid type](https://flank.github.io/flank/pr_titles/). E.g. `feat: My New Feature`. - Run linting (and fix any issues that are flagged) by: - Navigating to /semantic-router. - - Running `poetry run make lint` to fix linting issues. - - Running `poetry run black .` to fix `black` linting issues. - - Running `poetry run ruff . --fix` to fix `ruff` linting issues (where possible, others may need manual changes). - - Confirming the linters pass using `poetry run make lint` again. - - Running `ruff . --fix`. + - Running `make lint` to fix linting issues. + - Running `black .` to fix `black` linting issues. + - Running `ruff . --fix` to fix `ruff` linting issues (where possible, others may need manual changes). + - Running `mypy .` and then fixing any of the issues that are raised. + - Confirming the linters pass using `make lint` again. - Ensure that, for any new code, new [PyTests are written](https://github.com/aurelio-labs/semantic-router/tree/main/tests/unit). If any code is removed, then ensure that corresponding PyTests are also removed. Finally, ensure that all remaining PyTests pass using `pytest ./tests` (to avoid integration tests you can run `pytest ./tests/unit`. - Codecov checks will inform you if any code is not covered by PyTests upon creating the PR. You should aim to cover new code with PyTests.