diff --git a/tests/unit/test_text.py b/tests/unit/test_text.py
index 0685f89ee25a0faecf63378614b7cfc500a686b5..749c9b92bf4ddf672bd734d561414880ec1fe847 100644
--- a/tests/unit/test_text.py
+++ b/tests/unit/test_text.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from semantic_router.splitters.cumulative_sim import CumulativeSimSplitter
 from semantic_router.encoders.cohere import (
 )  # Adjust this import based on your project structure
+from semantic_router.schema import DocumentSplit
@@ -74,3 +75,125 @@ def test_split_by_topic_with_no_unclustered_messages(
     captured = capsys.readouterr()
     assert "No unclustered messages to process." in captured.out
+def test_print_topics_empty(conversation_instance, capsys):
+    # Test printing topics when there are no topics
+    conversation_instance.print_topics()
+    captured = capsys.readouterr()
+    assert "No topics to display." in captured.out
+def test_print_topics_with_data(conversation_instance, capsys):
+    # Add some topics to the conversation instance
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((0, "Hello, how are you?"))
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((0, "I'm fine, thanks!"))
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((1, "What's the weather like?"))
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((2, "It's sunny."))
+    # Test printing topics with data
+    conversation_instance.print_topics()
+    captured = capsys.readouterr()
+    # Expected output based on the topics added
+    expected_output = (
+        "Topics:\n"
+        "Topic 1:\n"
+        " - Hello, how are you?\n"
+        " - I'm fine, thanks!\n"
+        "\n"
+        "Topic 2:\n"
+        " - What's the weather like?\n"
+        "\n"
+        "Topic 3:\n"
+        " - It's sunny."
+    )
+    # Normalize newlines for Windows compatibility
+    normalized_output = captured.out.replace("\r\n", "\n")
+    assert normalized_output.strip() == expected_output
+def test_get_last_message_and_topic_id_with_no_topics(conversation_instance):
+    # Test the method when there are no topics in the conversation
+    last_topic_id, last_message = conversation_instance.get_last_message_and_topic_id()
+    assert (
+        last_topic_id is None and last_message is None
+    ), "Expected None for both topic ID and message when there are no topics"
+def test_get_last_message_and_topic_id_with_topics(conversation_instance):
+    # Add some topics to the conversation instance
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((0, "First message"))
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((1, "Second message"))
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((2, "Third message"))
+    # Test the method when there are topics in the conversation
+    last_topic_id, last_message = conversation_instance.get_last_message_and_topic_id()
+    assert (
+        last_topic_id == 2 and last_message == "Third message"
+    ), "Expected last topic ID and message to match the last topic added"
+def test_determine_topic_start_index_no_existing_topics(conversation_instance):
+    # Scenario where there are no existing topics
+    new_topics = [
+        DocumentSplit(docs=["User: Hello!"], is_triggered=True, triggered_score=0.4)
+    ]
+    start_index = conversation_instance.determine_topic_start_index(
+        new_topics, None, None
+    )
+    assert (
+        start_index == 1
+    ), "Expected start index to be 1 when there are no existing topics"
+def test_determine_topic_start_index_with_existing_topics_not_including_last_message(
+    conversation_instance,
+    # Scenario where existing topics do not include the last message
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((0, "First message"))
+    new_topics = [
+        DocumentSplit(docs=["User: Hello!"], is_triggered=True, triggered_score=0.4)
+    ]
+    start_index = conversation_instance.determine_topic_start_index(
+        new_topics, 0, "Non-existent last message"
+    )
+    assert (
+        start_index == 1
+    ), "Expected start index to increment when last message is not in new topics"
+def test_determine_topic_start_index_with_existing_topics_including_last_message(
+    conversation_instance,
+    # Scenario where the first new topic includes the last message
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((0, "First message"))
+    new_topics = [
+        DocumentSplit(
+            docs=["First message", "Another message"],
+            is_triggered=True,
+            triggered_score=0.4,
+        )
+    ]
+    start_index = conversation_instance.determine_topic_start_index(
+        new_topics, 0, "First message"
+    )
+    assert (
+        start_index == 0
+    ), "Expected start index to be the same as last topic ID when last message is included in new topics"
+def test_determine_topic_start_index_increment_from_last_topic_id(
+    conversation_instance,
+    # Scenario to test increment from the last topic ID when last message is not in new topics
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((1, "First message"))
+    conversation_instance.topics.append((2, "Second message"))
+    new_topics = [
+        DocumentSplit(docs=["User: Hello!"], is_triggered=True, triggered_score=0.4)
+    ]
+    start_index = conversation_instance.determine_topic_start_index(
+        new_topics, 2, "Non-existent last message"
+    )
+    assert start_index == 3, "Expected start index to be last topic ID + 1"