diff --git a/collector/utils/extensions/Confluence/index.js b/collector/utils/extensions/Confluence/index.js
index 6df0631075989ae39cdb29cef615fe5f2f86a08c..22df1c7fea99f6a4d39ddb7a707df5c698c221f3 100644
--- a/collector/utils/extensions/Confluence/index.js
+++ b/collector/utils/extensions/Confluence/index.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ const path = require("path");
 const { default: slugify } = require("slugify");
 const { v4 } = require("uuid");
 const UrlPattern = require("url-pattern");
-const { writeToServerDocuments } = require("../../files");
+const { writeToServerDocuments, sanitizeFileName } = require("../../files");
 const { tokenizeString } = require("../../tokenizer");
 const {
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ async function loadConfluence({ pageUrl, username, accessToken }, response) {
       `[Confluence Loader]: Saving ${doc.metadata.title} to ${outFolder}`
-    writeToServerDocuments(
-      data,
-      `${slugify(doc.metadata.title)}-${data.id}`,
-      outFolderPath
+    const fileName = sanitizeFileName(
+      `${slugify(doc.metadata.title)}-${data.id}`
+    writeToServerDocuments(data, fileName, outFolderPath);
   return {
diff --git a/collector/utils/files/index.js b/collector/utils/files/index.js
index 9b56bb5b4d0b2e1b77a94d780e5fea389bc813b0..86b50c364c3b7d25b0e21a1283535ae614bed2cf 100644
--- a/collector/utils/files/index.js
+++ b/collector/utils/files/index.js
@@ -129,6 +129,11 @@ function normalizePath(filepath = "") {
   return result;
+function sanitizeFileName(fileName) {
+  if (!fileName) return fileName;
+  return fileName.replace(/[<>:"\/\\|?*]/g, "");
 module.exports = {
@@ -137,4 +142,5 @@ module.exports = {
+  sanitizeFileName,
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/EmbeddingSelection/LMStudioOptions/index.jsx b/frontend/src/components/EmbeddingSelection/LMStudioOptions/index.jsx
index 1192ce675fed914e381c1cedda05b6b53d0a6e72..8a18fb999eb007b5a7eada0f8a334bb54363ba41 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/EmbeddingSelection/LMStudioOptions/index.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/EmbeddingSelection/LMStudioOptions/index.jsx
@@ -1,48 +1,112 @@
 import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
 import System from "@/models/system";
+import PreLoader from "@/components/Preloader";
+import { LMSTUDIO_COMMON_URLS } from "@/utils/constants";
+import { CaretDown, CaretUp } from "@phosphor-icons/react";
+import useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery from "@/hooks/useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery";
 export default function LMStudioEmbeddingOptions({ settings }) {
-  const [basePathValue, setBasePathValue] = useState(
-    settings?.EmbeddingBasePath
+  const {
+    autoDetecting: loading,
+    basePath,
+    basePathValue,
+    showAdvancedControls,
+    setShowAdvancedControls,
+    handleAutoDetectClick,
+  } = useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery({
+    provider: "lmstudio",
+    initialBasePath: settings?.EmbeddingBasePath,
+  });
+  const [maxChunkLength, setMaxChunkLength] = useState(
+    settings?.EmbeddingModelMaxChunkLength || 8192
-  const [basePath, setBasePath] = useState(settings?.EmbeddingBasePath);
+  const handleMaxChunkLengthChange = (e) => {
+    setMaxChunkLength(Number(e.target.value));
+  };
   return (
     <div className="w-full flex flex-col gap-y-4">
-      <div className="w-full flex items-center gap-4">
-        <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-            LMStudio Base URL
-          </label>
-          <input
-            type="url"
-            name="EmbeddingBasePath"
-            className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
-            placeholder="http://localhost:1234/v1"
-            defaultValue={settings?.EmbeddingBasePath}
-            onChange={(e) => setBasePathValue(e.target.value)}
-            onBlur={() => setBasePath(basePathValue)}
-            required={true}
-            autoComplete="off"
-            spellCheck={false}
-          />
-        </div>
-        <LMStudioModelSelection settings={settings} basePath={basePath} />
+      <div className="w-full flex items-start gap-4">
+        <LMStudioModelSelection settings={settings} basePath={basePath.value} />
         <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-            Max embedding chunk length
+          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+            Max Embedding Chunk Length
-            className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
+            className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
+            value={maxChunkLength}
+            onChange={handleMaxChunkLengthChange}
             onScroll={(e) => e.target.blur()}
-            defaultValue={settings?.EmbeddingModelMaxChunkLength}
-            required={false}
+            required={true}
+          <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+            Maximum length of text chunks for embedding.
+          </p>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div className="flex justify-start mt-4">
+        <button
+          onClick={(e) => {
+            e.preventDefault();
+            setShowAdvancedControls(!showAdvancedControls);
+          }}
+          className="text-white hover:text-white/70 flex items-center text-sm"
+        >
+          {showAdvancedControls ? "Hide" : "Show"} Manual Endpoint Input
+          {showAdvancedControls ? (
+            <CaretUp size={14} className="ml-1" />
+          ) : (
+            <CaretDown size={14} className="ml-1" />
+          )}
+        </button>
+      </div>
+      <div hidden={!showAdvancedControls}>
+        <div className="w-full flex items-start gap-4">
+          <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
+            <div className="flex justify-between items-center mb-2">
+              <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold">
+                LM Studio Base URL
+              </label>
+              {loading ? (
+                <PreLoader size="6" />
+              ) : (
+                <>
+                  {!basePathValue.value && (
+                    <button
+                      onClick={handleAutoDetectClick}
+                      className="bg-primary-button text-xs font-medium px-2 py-1 rounded-lg hover:bg-secondary hover:text-white shadow-[0_4px_14px_rgba(0,0,0,0.25)]"
+                    >
+                      Auto-Detect
+                    </button>
+                  )}
+                </>
+              )}
+            </div>
+            <input
+              type="url"
+              name="EmbeddingBasePath"
+              className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
+              placeholder="http://localhost:1234/v1"
+              value={basePathValue.value}
+              required={true}
+              autoComplete="off"
+              spellCheck={false}
+              onChange={basePath.onChange}
+              onBlur={basePath.onBlur}
+            />
+            <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+              Enter the URL where LM Studio is running.
+            </p>
+          </div>
@@ -55,14 +119,23 @@ function LMStudioModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
   useEffect(() => {
     async function findCustomModels() {
-      if (!basePath || !basePath.includes("/v1")) {
+      if (!basePath) {
-      const { models } = await System.customModels("lmstudio", null, basePath);
-      setCustomModels(models || []);
+      try {
+        const { models } = await System.customModels(
+          "lmstudio",
+          null,
+          basePath
+        );
+        setCustomModels(models || []);
+      } catch (error) {
+        console.error("Failed to fetch custom models:", error);
+        setCustomModels([]);
+      }
@@ -71,8 +144,8 @@ function LMStudioModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
   if (loading || customModels.length == 0) {
     return (
       <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-        <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-          Chat Model Selection
+        <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+          LM Studio Embedding Model
@@ -80,19 +153,23 @@ function LMStudioModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
           className="bg-zinc-900 border-gray-500 text-white text-sm rounded-lg block w-full p-2.5"
           <option disabled={true} selected={true}>
-            {basePath?.includes("/v1")
-              ? "-- loading available models --"
-              : "-- waiting for URL --"}
+            {!!basePath
+              ? "--loading available models--"
+              : "Enter LM Studio URL first"}
+        <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+          Select the LM Studio model for embeddings. Models will load after
+          entering a valid LM Studio URL.
+        </p>
   return (
     <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-      <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-        Chat Model Selection
+      <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+        LM Studio Embedding Model
@@ -115,6 +192,9 @@ function LMStudioModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
+      <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+        Choose the LM Studio model you want to use for generating embeddings.
+      </p>
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/EmbeddingSelection/OllamaOptions/index.jsx b/frontend/src/components/EmbeddingSelection/OllamaOptions/index.jsx
index 3213f5d39af9286749fd1e1dfe9adf0f96ab5995..fca1ae7553fbf9982a3d8be174feecaf19240ff3 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/EmbeddingSelection/OllamaOptions/index.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/EmbeddingSelection/OllamaOptions/index.jsx
@@ -1,55 +1,122 @@
 import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
 import System from "@/models/system";
+import PreLoader from "@/components/Preloader";
+import { OLLAMA_COMMON_URLS } from "@/utils/constants";
+import { CaretDown, CaretUp } from "@phosphor-icons/react";
+import useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery from "@/hooks/useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery";
 export default function OllamaEmbeddingOptions({ settings }) {
-  const [basePathValue, setBasePathValue] = useState(
-    settings?.EmbeddingBasePath
+  const {
+    autoDetecting: loading,
+    basePath,
+    basePathValue,
+    showAdvancedControls,
+    setShowAdvancedControls,
+    handleAutoDetectClick,
+  } = useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery({
+    provider: "ollama",
+    initialBasePath: settings?.EmbeddingBasePath,
+  });
+  const [maxChunkLength, setMaxChunkLength] = useState(
+    settings?.EmbeddingModelMaxChunkLength || 8192
-  const [basePath, setBasePath] = useState(settings?.EmbeddingBasePath);
+  const handleMaxChunkLengthChange = (e) => {
+    setMaxChunkLength(Number(e.target.value));
+  };
   return (
     <div className="w-full flex flex-col gap-y-4">
-      <div className="w-full flex items-center gap-4">
-        <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-            Ollama Base URL
-          </label>
-          <input
-            type="url"
-            name="EmbeddingBasePath"
-            className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
-            placeholder=""
-            defaultValue={settings?.EmbeddingBasePath}
-            onChange={(e) => setBasePathValue(e.target.value)}
-            onBlur={() => setBasePath(basePathValue)}
-            required={true}
-            autoComplete="off"
-            spellCheck={false}
-          />
-        </div>
-        <OllamaLLMModelSelection settings={settings} basePath={basePath} />
+      <div className="w-full flex items-start gap-4">
+        <OllamaEmbeddingModelSelection
+          settings={settings}
+          basePath={basePath.value}
+        />
         <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-            Max embedding chunk length
+          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+            Max Embedding Chunk Length
-            className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
+            className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
+            value={maxChunkLength}
+            onChange={handleMaxChunkLengthChange}
             onScroll={(e) => e.target.blur()}
-            defaultValue={settings?.EmbeddingModelMaxChunkLength}
-            required={false}
+            required={true}
+          <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+            Maximum length of text chunks for embedding.
+          </p>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div className="flex justify-start mt-4">
+        <button
+          onClick={(e) => {
+            e.preventDefault();
+            setShowAdvancedControls(!showAdvancedControls);
+          }}
+          className="text-white hover:text-white/70 flex items-center text-sm"
+        >
+          {showAdvancedControls ? "Hide" : "Show"} Manual Endpoint Input
+          {showAdvancedControls ? (
+            <CaretUp size={14} className="ml-1" />
+          ) : (
+            <CaretDown size={14} className="ml-1" />
+          )}
+        </button>
+      </div>
+      <div hidden={!showAdvancedControls}>
+        <div className="w-full flex items-start gap-4">
+          <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
+            <div className="flex justify-between items-center mb-2">
+              <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold">
+                Ollama Base URL
+              </label>
+              {loading ? (
+                <PreLoader size="6" />
+              ) : (
+                <>
+                  {!basePathValue.value && (
+                    <button
+                      onClick={handleAutoDetectClick}
+                      className="bg-primary-button text-xs font-medium px-2 py-1 rounded-lg hover:bg-secondary hover:text-white shadow-[0_4px_14px_rgba(0,0,0,0.25)]"
+                    >
+                      Auto-Detect
+                    </button>
+                  )}
+                </>
+              )}
+            </div>
+            <input
+              type="url"
+              name="EmbeddingBasePath"
+              className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
+              placeholder=""
+              value={basePathValue.value}
+              required={true}
+              autoComplete="off"
+              spellCheck={false}
+              onChange={basePath.onChange}
+              onBlur={basePath.onBlur}
+            />
+            <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+              Enter the URL where Ollama is running.
+            </p>
+          </div>
-function OllamaLLMModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
+function OllamaEmbeddingModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
   const [customModels, setCustomModels] = useState([]);
   const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
@@ -61,8 +128,13 @@ function OllamaLLMModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
-      const { models } = await System.customModels("ollama", null, basePath);
-      setCustomModels(models || []);
+      try {
+        const { models } = await System.customModels("ollama", null, basePath);
+        setCustomModels(models || []);
+      } catch (error) {
+        console.error("Failed to fetch custom models:", error);
+        setCustomModels([]);
+      }
@@ -71,33 +143,37 @@ function OllamaLLMModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
   if (loading || customModels.length == 0) {
     return (
       <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-        <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-          Embedding Model Selection
+        <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+          Ollama Embedding Model
-          className="bg-zinc-900 border border-gray-500 text-white text-sm rounded-lg block w-full p-2.5"
+          className="bg-zinc-900 border-gray-500 text-white text-sm rounded-lg block w-full p-2.5"
           <option disabled={true} selected={true}>
-              ? "-- loading available models --"
-              : "-- waiting for URL --"}
+              ? "--loading available models--"
+              : "Enter Ollama URL first"}
+        <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+          Select the Ollama model for embeddings. Models will load after
+          entering a valid Ollama URL.
+        </p>
   return (
     <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-      <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-        Embedding Model Selection
+      <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+        Ollama Embedding Model
-        className="bg-zinc-900 border border-gray-500 text-white text-sm rounded-lg block w-full p-2.5"
+        className="bg-zinc-900 border-gray-500 text-white text-sm rounded-lg block w-full p-2.5"
         {customModels.length > 0 && (
           <optgroup label="Your loaded models">
@@ -115,6 +191,9 @@ function OllamaLLMModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
+      <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+        Choose the Ollama model you want to use for generating embeddings.
+      </p>
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/LLMSelection/LMStudioOptions/index.jsx b/frontend/src/components/LLMSelection/LMStudioOptions/index.jsx
index 9a1c59bc73f1c5ff4880a1de1a9779d4cdc89095..d3e1df58f9e74b859202ecced94384e41ee8c2be 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/LLMSelection/LMStudioOptions/index.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/LLMSelection/LMStudioOptions/index.jsx
@@ -1,13 +1,32 @@
 import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
-import { Info } from "@phosphor-icons/react";
+import { Info, CaretDown, CaretUp } from "@phosphor-icons/react";
 import paths from "@/utils/paths";
 import System from "@/models/system";
+import PreLoader from "@/components/Preloader";
+import { LMSTUDIO_COMMON_URLS } from "@/utils/constants";
+import useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery from "@/hooks/useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery";
 export default function LMStudioOptions({ settings, showAlert = false }) {
-  const [basePathValue, setBasePathValue] = useState(
-    settings?.LMStudioBasePath
+  const {
+    autoDetecting: loading,
+    basePath,
+    basePathValue,
+    showAdvancedControls,
+    setShowAdvancedControls,
+    handleAutoDetectClick,
+  } = useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery({
+    provider: "lmstudio",
+    initialBasePath: settings?.LMStudioBasePath,
+  });
+  const [maxTokens, setMaxTokens] = useState(
+    settings?.LMStudioTokenLimit || 4096
-  const [basePath, setBasePath] = useState(settings?.LMStudioBasePath);
+  const handleMaxTokensChange = (e) => {
+    setMaxTokens(Number(e.target.value));
+  };
   return (
     <div className="w-full flex flex-col">
@@ -28,45 +47,86 @@ export default function LMStudioOptions({ settings, showAlert = false }) {
-      <div className="w-full flex items-center gap-4">
+      <div className="w-full flex items-start gap-4">
+        <LMStudioModelSelection settings={settings} basePath={basePath.value} />
         <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-            LMStudio Base URL
+          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+            Max Tokens
-            type="url"
-            name="LMStudioBasePath"
+            type="number"
+            name="LMStudioTokenLimit"
             className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
-            placeholder="http://localhost:1234/v1"
-            defaultValue={settings?.LMStudioBasePath}
+            placeholder="4096"
+            defaultChecked="4096"
+            min={1}
+            value={maxTokens}
+            onChange={handleMaxTokensChange}
+            onScroll={(e) => e.target.blur()}
-            spellCheck={false}
-            onChange={(e) => setBasePathValue(e.target.value)}
-            onBlur={() => setBasePath(basePathValue)}
+          <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+            Maximum number of tokens for context and response.
+          </p>
-        {!settings?.credentialsOnly && (
-          <>
-            <LMStudioModelSelection settings={settings} basePath={basePath} />
-            <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-              <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-                Token context window
+      </div>
+      <div className="flex justify-start mt-4">
+        <button
+          onClick={(e) => {
+            e.preventDefault();
+            setShowAdvancedControls(!showAdvancedControls);
+          }}
+          className="text-white hover:text-white/70 flex items-center text-sm"
+        >
+          {showAdvancedControls ? "Hide" : "Show"} Manual Endpoint Input
+          {showAdvancedControls ? (
+            <CaretUp size={14} className="ml-1" />
+          ) : (
+            <CaretDown size={14} className="ml-1" />
+          )}
+        </button>
+      </div>
+      <div hidden={!showAdvancedControls}>
+        <div className="w-full flex items-start gap-4 mt-4">
+          <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
+            <div className="flex justify-between items-center mb-2">
+              <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold">
+                LM Studio Base URL
-              <input
-                type="number"
-                name="LMStudioTokenLimit"
-                className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
-                placeholder="4096"
-                min={1}
-                onScroll={(e) => e.target.blur()}
-                defaultValue={settings?.LMStudioTokenLimit}
-                required={true}
-                autoComplete="off"
-              />
+              {loading ? (
+                <PreLoader size="6" />
+              ) : (
+                <>
+                  {!basePathValue.value && (
+                    <button
+                      onClick={handleAutoDetectClick}
+                      className="bg-primary-button text-xs font-medium px-2 py-1 rounded-lg hover:bg-secondary hover:text-white shadow-[0_4px_14px_rgba(0,0,0,0.25)]"
+                    >
+                      Auto-Detect
+                    </button>
+                  )}
+                </>
+              )}
-          </>
-        )}
+            <input
+              type="url"
+              name="LMStudioBasePath"
+              className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
+              placeholder="http://localhost:1234/v1"
+              value={basePathValue.value}
+              required={true}
+              autoComplete="off"
+              spellCheck={false}
+              onChange={basePath.onChange}
+              onBlur={basePath.onBlur}
+            />
+            <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+              Enter the URL where LM Studio is running.
+            </p>
+          </div>
+        </div>
@@ -78,14 +138,23 @@ function LMStudioModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
   useEffect(() => {
     async function findCustomModels() {
-      if (!basePath || !basePath.includes("/v1")) {
+      if (!basePath) {
-      const { models } = await System.customModels("lmstudio", null, basePath);
-      setCustomModels(models || []);
+      try {
+        const { models } = await System.customModels(
+          "lmstudio",
+          null,
+          basePath
+        );
+        setCustomModels(models || []);
+      } catch (error) {
+        console.error("Failed to fetch custom models:", error);
+        setCustomModels([]);
+      }
@@ -94,8 +163,8 @@ function LMStudioModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
   if (loading || customModels.length == 0) {
     return (
       <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-        <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-          Chat Model Selection
+        <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+          LM Studio Model
@@ -103,19 +172,23 @@ function LMStudioModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
           className="bg-zinc-900 border-gray-500 text-white text-sm rounded-lg block w-full p-2.5"
           <option disabled={true} selected={true}>
-            {basePath?.includes("/v1")
-              ? "-- loading available models --"
-              : "-- waiting for URL --"}
+            {!!basePath
+              ? "--loading available models--"
+              : "Enter LM Studio URL first"}
+        <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+          Select the LM Studio model you want to use. Models will load after
+          entering a valid LM Studio URL.
+        </p>
   return (
     <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-      <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-        Chat Model Selection
+      <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+        LM Studio Model
@@ -138,6 +211,9 @@ function LMStudioModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
+      <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+        Choose the LM Studio model you want to use for your conversations.
+      </p>
diff --git a/frontend/src/components/LLMSelection/OllamaLLMOptions/index.jsx b/frontend/src/components/LLMSelection/OllamaLLMOptions/index.jsx
index b08f29447c4b3a1b8958c200701788b140428820..841943937adbb1abd272684f5e6cb27403f969c8 100644
--- a/frontend/src/components/LLMSelection/OllamaLLMOptions/index.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/components/LLMSelection/OllamaLLMOptions/index.jsx
@@ -1,53 +1,117 @@
-import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
 import System from "@/models/system";
+import PreLoader from "@/components/Preloader";
+import { OLLAMA_COMMON_URLS } from "@/utils/constants";
+import { CaretDown, CaretUp } from "@phosphor-icons/react";
+import useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery from "@/hooks/useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery";
 export default function OllamaLLMOptions({ settings }) {
-  const [basePathValue, setBasePathValue] = useState(
-    settings?.OllamaLLMBasePath
+  const {
+    autoDetecting: loading,
+    basePath,
+    basePathValue,
+    showAdvancedControls,
+    setShowAdvancedControls,
+    handleAutoDetectClick,
+  } = useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery({
+    provider: "ollama",
+    initialBasePath: settings?.OllamaLLMBasePath,
+  });
+  const [maxTokens, setMaxTokens] = useState(
+    settings?.OllamaLLMTokenLimit || 4096
-  const [basePath, setBasePath] = useState(settings?.OllamaLLMBasePath);
+  const handleMaxTokensChange = (e) => {
+    setMaxTokens(Number(e.target.value));
+  };
   return (
     <div className="w-full flex flex-col gap-y-4">
-      <div className="w-full flex items-center gap-4">
+      <div className="w-full flex items-start gap-4">
+        <OllamaLLMModelSelection
+          settings={settings}
+          basePath={basePath.value}
+        />
         <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-            Ollama Base URL
+          <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+            Max Tokens
-            type="url"
-            name="OllamaLLMBasePath"
+            type="number"
+            name="OllamaLLMTokenLimit"
             className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
-            placeholder=""
-            defaultValue={settings?.OllamaLLMBasePath}
+            placeholder="4096"
+            defaultChecked="4096"
+            min={1}
+            value={maxTokens}
+            onChange={handleMaxTokensChange}
+            onScroll={(e) => e.target.blur()}
-            spellCheck={false}
-            onChange={(e) => setBasePathValue(e.target.value)}
-            onBlur={() => setBasePath(basePathValue)}
+          <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+            Maximum number of tokens for context and response.
+          </p>
-        {!settings?.credentialsOnly && (
-          <>
-            <OllamaLLMModelSelection settings={settings} basePath={basePath} />
-            <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-              <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-                Token context window
+      </div>
+      <div className="flex justify-start mt-4">
+        <button
+          onClick={(e) => {
+            e.preventDefault();
+            setShowAdvancedControls(!showAdvancedControls);
+          }}
+          className="text-white hover:text-white/70 flex items-center text-sm"
+        >
+          {showAdvancedControls ? "Hide" : "Show"} Manual Endpoint Input
+          {showAdvancedControls ? (
+            <CaretUp size={14} className="ml-1" />
+          ) : (
+            <CaretDown size={14} className="ml-1" />
+          )}
+        </button>
+      </div>
+      <div hidden={!showAdvancedControls}>
+        <div className="w-full flex items-start gap-4">
+          <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
+            <div className="flex justify-between items-center mb-2">
+              <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold">
+                Ollama Base URL
-              <input
-                type="number"
-                name="OllamaLLMTokenLimit"
-                className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
-                placeholder="4096"
-                min={1}
-                onScroll={(e) => e.target.blur()}
-                defaultValue={settings?.OllamaLLMTokenLimit}
-                required={true}
-                autoComplete="off"
-              />
+              {loading ? (
+                <PreLoader size="6" />
+              ) : (
+                <>
+                  {!basePathValue.value && (
+                    <button
+                      onClick={handleAutoDetectClick}
+                      className="bg-primary-button text-xs font-medium px-2 py-1 rounded-lg hover:bg-secondary hover:text-white shadow-[0_4px_14px_rgba(0,0,0,0.25)]"
+                    >
+                      Auto-Detect
+                    </button>
+                  )}
+                </>
+              )}
-          </>
-        )}
+            <input
+              type="url"
+              name="OllamaLLMBasePath"
+              className="bg-zinc-900 text-white placeholder:text-white/20 text-sm rounded-lg focus:border-white block w-full p-2.5"
+              placeholder=""
+              value={basePathValue.value}
+              required={true}
+              autoComplete="off"
+              spellCheck={false}
+              onChange={basePath.onChange}
+              onBlur={basePath.onBlur}
+            />
+            <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+              Enter the URL where Ollama is running.
+            </p>
+          </div>
+        </div>
@@ -65,8 +129,13 @@ function OllamaLLMModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
-      const { models } = await System.customModels("ollama", null, basePath);
-      setCustomModels(models || []);
+      try {
+        const { models } = await System.customModels("ollama", null, basePath);
+        setCustomModels(models || []);
+      } catch (error) {
+        console.error("Failed to fetch custom models:", error);
+        setCustomModels([]);
+      }
@@ -75,8 +144,8 @@ function OllamaLLMModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
   if (loading || customModels.length == 0) {
     return (
       <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-        <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-          Chat Model Selection
+        <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+          Ollama Model
@@ -85,18 +154,22 @@ function OllamaLLMModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
           <option disabled={true} selected={true}>
-              ? "-- loading available models --"
-              : "-- waiting for URL --"}
+              ? "--loading available models--"
+              : "Enter Ollama URL first"}
+        <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+          Select the Ollama model you want to use. Models will load after
+          entering a valid Ollama URL.
+        </p>
   return (
     <div className="flex flex-col w-60">
-      <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-4">
-        Chat Model Selection
+      <label className="text-white text-sm font-semibold block mb-2">
+        Ollama Model
@@ -119,6 +192,9 @@ function OllamaLLMModelSelection({ settings, basePath = null }) {
+      <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white text-opacity-60 mt-2">
+        Choose the Ollama model you want to use for your conversations.
+      </p>
diff --git a/frontend/src/hooks/useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery.js b/frontend/src/hooks/useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..956b09075932e586b2c47b635d0e35006792617d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/hooks/useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery.js
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import System from "@/models/system";
+import showToast from "@/utils/toast";
+export default function useProviderEndpointAutoDiscovery({
+  provider = null,
+  initialBasePath = "",
+  ENDPOINTS = [],
+}) {
+  const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
+  const [basePath, setBasePath] = useState(initialBasePath);
+  const [basePathValue, setBasePathValue] = useState(initialBasePath);
+  const [autoDetectAttempted, setAutoDetectAttempted] = useState(false);
+  const [showAdvancedControls, setShowAdvancedControls] = useState(true);
+  async function autoDetect(isInitialAttempt = false) {
+    setLoading(true);
+    setAutoDetectAttempted(true);
+    const possibleEndpoints = [];
+    ENDPOINTS.forEach((endpoint) => {
+      possibleEndpoints.push(
+        new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+          System.customModels(provider, null, endpoint, 2_000)
+            .then((results) => {
+              if (!results?.models || results.models.length === 0)
+                throw new Error("No models");
+              resolve({ endpoint, models: results.models });
+            })
+            .catch(() => {
+              reject(`${provider} @ ${endpoint} did not resolve.`);
+            });
+        })
+      );
+    });
+    const { endpoint, models } = await Promise.any(possibleEndpoints)
+      .then((resolved) => resolved)
+      .catch(() => {
+        console.error("All endpoints failed to resolve.");
+        return { endpoint: null, models: null };
+      });
+    if (models !== null) {
+      setBasePath(endpoint);
+      setBasePathValue(endpoint);
+      setLoading(false);
+      showToast("Provider endpoint discovered automatically.", "success", {
+        clear: true,
+      });
+      setShowAdvancedControls(false);
+      return;
+    }
+    setLoading(false);
+    setShowAdvancedControls(true);
+    showToast(
+      "Couldn't automatically discover the provider endpoint. Please enter it manually.",
+      "info",
+      { clear: true }
+    );
+  }
+  function handleAutoDetectClick(e) {
+    e.preventDefault();
+    autoDetect();
+  }
+  function handleBasePathChange(e) {
+    const value = e.target.value;
+    setBasePathValue(value);
+  }
+  function handleBasePathBlur() {
+    setBasePath(basePathValue);
+  }
+  useEffect(() => {
+    if (!initialBasePath && !autoDetectAttempted) autoDetect(true);
+  }, [initialBasePath, autoDetectAttempted]);
+  return {
+    autoDetecting: loading,
+    autoDetectAttempted,
+    showAdvancedControls,
+    setShowAdvancedControls,
+    basePath: {
+      value: basePath,
+      set: setBasePathValue,
+      onChange: handleBasePathChange,
+      onBlur: handleBasePathBlur,
+    },
+    basePathValue: {
+      value: basePathValue,
+      set: setBasePathValue,
+    },
+    handleAutoDetectClick,
+    runAutoDetect: autoDetect,
+  };
diff --git a/frontend/src/locales/en/common.js b/frontend/src/locales/en/common.js
index 5254e3bd7aca48703cf5d27bbe5e6dbcaa1017da..a851f4cfbc1e3629c13b03a7dc54d363dcd3673f 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locales/en/common.js
+++ b/frontend/src/locales/en/common.js
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@ const TRANSLATIONS = {
       remove: "Remove Workspace Image",
     delete: {
+      title: "Delete Workspace",
+      description:
+        "Delete this workspace and all of its data. This will delete the workspace for all users.",
       delete: "Delete Workspace",
       deleting: "Deleting Workspace...",
       "confirm-start": "You are about to delete your entire",
diff --git a/frontend/src/locales/es/common.js b/frontend/src/locales/es/common.js
index d0609e9a33cf0bd244f80d4eb990584a8ce69f5b..5dc2daad952c8e61e5e8f120b92a6c8277b4e184 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locales/es/common.js
+++ b/frontend/src/locales/es/common.js
@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ const TRANSLATIONS = {
       remove: "Eliminar imagen del espacio de trabajo",
     delete: {
+      title: "Eliminar Espacio de Trabajo",
+      description:
+        "Eliminar este espacio de trabajo y todos sus datos. Esto eliminará el espacio de trabajo para todos los usuarios.",
       delete: "Eliminar espacio de trabajo",
       deleting: "Eliminando espacio de trabajo...",
       "confirm-start": "Estás a punto de eliminar tu",
diff --git a/frontend/src/locales/fr/common.js b/frontend/src/locales/fr/common.js
index 9e7a82e813533d5a791e40357bdae17e5ad73c06..71c37a7ef8835ebe82b5b9c8d7884d6db2da3ca1 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locales/fr/common.js
+++ b/frontend/src/locales/fr/common.js
@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ const TRANSLATIONS = {
       remove: "Supprimer l'image de l'espace de travail",
     delete: {
+      title: "Supprimer l'Espace de Travail",
+      description:
+        "Supprimer cet espace de travail et toutes ses données. Cela supprimera l'espace de travail pour tous les utilisateurs.",
       delete: "Supprimer l'espace de travail",
       deleting: "Suppression de l'espace de travail...",
       "confirm-start": "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer votre",
diff --git a/frontend/src/locales/ru/common.js b/frontend/src/locales/ru/common.js
index 34f9591c68d33f6f24adacd528994b1ce9e31461..da3b49f101b51f26e3749bc443da5ec59cf25ed8 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locales/ru/common.js
+++ b/frontend/src/locales/ru/common.js
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ const TRANSLATIONS = {
       remove: "Удалить изображение рабочего пространства",
     delete: {
+      title: "Удалить Рабочее Пространство",
+      description:
+        "Удалите это рабочее пространство и все его данные. Это удалит рабочее пространство для всех пользователей.",
       delete: "Удалить рабочее пространство",
       deleting: "Удаление рабочего пространства...",
       "confirm-start": "Вы собираетесь удалить весь ваш",
diff --git a/frontend/src/locales/zh/common.js b/frontend/src/locales/zh/common.js
index 0f30c4f74560f721616394d2086480123dd964c7..476533d12439835aaa2d55953e315ab05631315f 100644
--- a/frontend/src/locales/zh/common.js
+++ b/frontend/src/locales/zh/common.js
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ const TRANSLATIONS = {
       remove: "移除工作区图像",
     delete: {
+      title: "删除工作区",
+      description: "删除此工作区及其所有数据。这将删除所有用户的工作区。",
       delete: "删除工作区",
       deleting: "正在删除工作区...",
       "confirm-start": "您即将删除整个",
diff --git a/frontend/src/models/system.js b/frontend/src/models/system.js
index b922457b72b799f3cef669396f4758796ea5f0bc..095244a4858d5aefd39fee9c12e9478d9cba0264 100644
--- a/frontend/src/models/system.js
+++ b/frontend/src/models/system.js
@@ -420,22 +420,6 @@ const System = {
         return { success: false, error: e.message };
-  getCanDeleteWorkspaces: async function () {
-    return await fetch(`${API_BASE}/system/can-delete-workspaces`, {
-      method: "GET",
-      cache: "no-cache",
-      headers: baseHeaders(),
-    })
-      .then((res) => {
-        if (!res.ok) throw new Error("Could not fetch can delete workspaces.");
-        return res.json();
-      })
-      .then((res) => res?.canDelete)
-      .catch((e) => {
-        console.error(e);
-        return false;
-      });
-  },
   getWelcomeMessages: async function () {
     return await fetch(`${API_BASE}/system/welcome-messages`, {
       method: "GET",
@@ -512,10 +496,23 @@ const System = {
         return false;
-  customModels: async function (provider, apiKey = null, basePath = null) {
+  customModels: async function (
+    provider,
+    apiKey = null,
+    basePath = null,
+    timeout = null
+  ) {
+    const controller = new AbortController();
+    if (!!timeout) {
+      setTimeout(() => {
+        controller.abort("Request timed out.");
+      }, timeout);
+    }
     return fetch(`${API_BASE}/system/custom-models`, {
       method: "POST",
       headers: baseHeaders(),
+      signal: controller.signal,
       body: JSON.stringify({
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/Admin/System/index.jsx b/frontend/src/pages/Admin/System/index.jsx
index bdab765a5a7c40fda535cbd04cc8924331219e3d..3924c6e8f2e4e47f0703966e868bd0fe2311ba25 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/Admin/System/index.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/Admin/System/index.jsx
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import CTAButton from "@/components/lib/CTAButton";
 export default function AdminSystem() {
   const [saving, setSaving] = useState(false);
   const [hasChanges, setHasChanges] = useState(false);
-  const [canDelete, setCanDelete] = useState(false);
   const [messageLimit, setMessageLimit] = useState({
     enabled: false,
     limit: 10,
@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ export default function AdminSystem() {
     await Admin.updateSystemPreferences({
-      users_can_delete_workspaces: canDelete,
       limit_user_messages: messageLimit.enabled,
       message_limit: messageLimit.limit,
@@ -31,7 +29,6 @@ export default function AdminSystem() {
     async function fetchSettings() {
       const settings = (await Admin.systemPreferences())?.settings;
       if (!settings) return;
-      setCanDelete(settings?.users_can_delete_workspaces);
         enabled: settings.limit_user_messages,
         limit: settings.message_limit,
@@ -71,29 +68,6 @@ export default function AdminSystem() {
           <div className="mt-4 mb-8">
-            <div className="flex flex-col gap-y-1">
-              <h2 className="text-base leading-6 font-bold text-white">
-                Users can delete workspaces
-              </h2>
-              <p className="text-xs leading-[18px] font-base text-white/60">
-                Allow non-admin users to delete workspaces that they are a part
-                of. This would delete the workspace for everyone.
-              </p>
-              <label className="relative inline-flex cursor-pointer items-center mt-2">
-                <input
-                  type="checkbox"
-                  name="users_can_delete_workspaces"
-                  checked={canDelete}
-                  onChange={(e) => setCanDelete(e.target.checked)}
-                  className="peer sr-only"
-                />
-                <div className="pointer-events-none peer h-6 w-11 rounded-full bg-stone-400 after:absolute after:left-[2px] after:top-[2px] after:h-5 after:w-5 after:rounded-full after:shadow-xl after:border after:border-gray-600 after:bg-white after:box-shadow-md after:transition-all after:content-[''] peer-checked:bg-lime-300 peer-checked:after:translate-x-full peer-checked:after:border-white peer-focus:outline-none peer-focus:ring-4 peer-focus:ring-blue-800"></div>
-                <span className="ml-3 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-300"></span>
-              </label>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          <div className="mb-8">
             <div className="flex flex-col gap-y-1">
               <h2 className="text-base leading-6 font-bold text-white">
                 Limit messages per user per day
diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceSettings/GeneralAppearance/DeleteWorkspace/index.jsx b/frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceSettings/GeneralAppearance/DeleteWorkspace/index.jsx
index 32a3eaa4e9e105e4d15c48dba692991980260642..44c7127ae777b219e532ef04095021016a8778e2 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceSettings/GeneralAppearance/DeleteWorkspace/index.jsx
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceSettings/GeneralAppearance/DeleteWorkspace/index.jsx
@@ -1,22 +1,14 @@
-import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
+import { useState } from "react";
 import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
 import Workspace from "@/models/workspace";
 import paths from "@/utils/paths";
-import System from "@/models/system";
 import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
+import showToast from "@/utils/toast";
 export default function DeleteWorkspace({ workspace }) {
   const { slug } = useParams();
   const [deleting, setDeleting] = useState(false);
-  const [canDelete, setCanDelete] = useState(false);
   const { t } = useTranslation();
-  useEffect(() => {
-    async function fetchKeys() {
-      const canDelete = await System.getCanDeleteWorkspaces();
-      setCanDelete(canDelete);
-    }
-    fetchKeys();
-  }, [workspace?.slug]);
   const deleteWorkspace = async () => {
     if (
@@ -40,16 +32,20 @@ export default function DeleteWorkspace({ workspace }) {
       ? (window.location = paths.home())
       : window.location.reload();
-  if (!canDelete) return null;
   return (
-    <button
-      disabled={deleting}
-      onClick={deleteWorkspace}
-      type="button"
-      className="w-60 mt-[40px] transition-all duration-300 border border-transparent rounded-lg whitespace-nowrap text-sm px-5 py-2.5 focus:z-10 bg-red-500/25 text-red-200 hover:text-white hover:bg-red-600 disabled:bg-red-600 disabled:text-red-200 disabled:animate-pulse"
-    >
-      {deleting ? t("general.delete.deleting") : t("general.delete.delete")}
-    </button>
+    <div className="flex flex-col mt-10">
+      <label className="block input-label">{t("general.delete.title")}</label>
+      <p className="text-white text-opacity-60 text-xs font-medium py-1.5">
+        {t("general.delete.description")}
+      </p>
+      <button
+        disabled={deleting}
+        onClick={deleteWorkspace}
+        type="button"
+        className="w-60 mt-4 transition-all duration-300 border border-transparent rounded-lg whitespace-nowrap text-sm px-5 py-2.5 focus:z-10 bg-red-500/25 text-red-200 hover:text-white hover:bg-red-600 disabled:bg-red-600 disabled:text-red-200 disabled:animate-pulse"
+      >
+        {deleting ? t("general.delete.deleting") : t("general.delete.delete")}
+      </button>
+    </div>
diff --git a/frontend/src/utils/constants.js b/frontend/src/utils/constants.js
index 3f637617f42e7dd29730cdf8c978b95b44d16923..a08439d0ba34c5aa3ef7354c9ba71a5b64616316 100644
--- a/frontend/src/utils/constants.js
+++ b/frontend/src/utils/constants.js
@@ -10,6 +10,19 @@ export const SEEN_WATCH_ALERT = "anythingllm_watched_document_alert";
 export const USER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "bg-historical-msg-user";
 export const AI_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "bg-historical-msg-system";
+export const OLLAMA_COMMON_URLS = [
+  "",
+  "http://host.docker.internal:11434",
+  "",
+export const LMSTUDIO_COMMON_URLS = [
+  "http://localhost:1234/v1",
+  "",
+  "http://host.docker.internal:1234/v1",
+  "",
 export function fullApiUrl() {
   if (API_BASE !== "/api") return API_BASE;
   return `${window.location.origin}/api`;
diff --git a/server/endpoints/admin.js b/server/endpoints/admin.js
index 67d7210f0581e9054b82e1ab3ed4c29016df2b51..d7cab1f584604037b8d2d9091fbcb7113fbf609c 100644
--- a/server/endpoints/admin.js
+++ b/server/endpoints/admin.js
@@ -319,9 +319,6 @@ function adminEndpoints(app) {
       try {
         const embedder = getEmbeddingEngineSelection();
         const settings = {
-          users_can_delete_workspaces:
-            (await SystemSettings.get({ label: "users_can_delete_workspaces" }))
-              ?.value === "true",
             (await SystemSettings.get({ label: "limit_user_messages" }))
               ?.value === "true",
diff --git a/server/endpoints/api/admin/index.js b/server/endpoints/api/admin/index.js
index 600d36368cb17e7ffd84139f85215bca159f83ec..dd47f37469f0ac01bbc477f2e82c146967f5f7d7 100644
--- a/server/endpoints/api/admin/index.js
+++ b/server/endpoints/api/admin/index.js
@@ -616,7 +616,6 @@ function apiAdminEndpoints(app) {
             type: 'object',
             example: {
               settings: {
-                users_can_delete_workspaces: true,
                 limit_user_messages: false,
                 message_limit: 10,
@@ -641,9 +640,6 @@ function apiAdminEndpoints(app) {
       const settings = {
-        users_can_delete_workspaces:
-          (await SystemSettings.get({ label: "users_can_delete_workspaces" }))
-            ?.value === "true",
           (await SystemSettings.get({ label: "limit_user_messages" }))
             ?.value === "true",
@@ -673,7 +669,6 @@ function apiAdminEndpoints(app) {
       content: {
         "application/json": {
           example: {
-            users_can_delete_workspaces: false,
             limit_user_messages: true,
             message_limit: 5,
diff --git a/server/endpoints/system.js b/server/endpoints/system.js
index 1849a2fc4f30f9446ccefd7d7dcda07b31a17dac..05a24e5cadef0f83e6be9a82e8d81d286257653f 100644
--- a/server/endpoints/system.js
+++ b/server/endpoints/system.js
@@ -479,7 +479,6 @@ function systemEndpoints(app) {
         await SystemSettings._updateSettings({
           multi_user_mode: true,
-          users_can_delete_workspaces: false,
           limit_user_messages: false,
           message_limit: 25,
@@ -776,33 +775,6 @@ function systemEndpoints(app) {
-  app.get(
-    "/system/can-delete-workspaces",
-    [validatedRequest],
-    async function (request, response) {
-      try {
-        if (!response.locals.multiUserMode) {
-          return response.status(200).json({ canDelete: true });
-        }
-        const user = await userFromSession(request, response);
-        if ([ROLES.admin, ROLES.manager].includes(user?.role)) {
-          return response.status(200).json({ canDelete: true });
-        }
-        const canDelete = await SystemSettings.canDeleteWorkspaces();
-        response.status(200).json({ canDelete });
-      } catch (error) {
-        console.error("Error fetching can delete workspaces:", error);
-        response.status(500).json({
-          success: false,
-          message: "Internal server error",
-          canDelete: false,
-        });
-      }
-    }
-  );
     [validatedRequest, flexUserRoleValid([ROLES.all])],
diff --git a/server/models/systemSettings.js b/server/models/systemSettings.js
index 3f44f7228c423fe541afc42eaaf35294423c664b..ea1dd01e43489ffdc08b4907a76583e5b17623a9 100644
--- a/server/models/systemSettings.js
+++ b/server/models/systemSettings.js
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ function isNullOrNaN(value) {
 const SystemSettings = {
   protectedFields: ["multi_user_mode"],
   supportedFields: [
-    "users_can_delete_workspaces",
@@ -302,16 +301,6 @@ const SystemSettings = {
-  canDeleteWorkspaces: async function () {
-    try {
-      const setting = await this.get({ label: "users_can_delete_workspaces" });
-      return setting?.value === "true";
-    } catch (error) {
-      console.error(error.message);
-      return false;
-    }
-  },
   hasEmbeddings: async function () {
     try {
       const { Document } = require("./documents");
diff --git a/server/prisma/seed.js b/server/prisma/seed.js
index 829b812ab4eb02d8fb2ca80e3c992cb55ae16b3a..c58e4556976e966b5e28e34556850e8f52e5cb2b 100644
--- a/server/prisma/seed.js
+++ b/server/prisma/seed.js
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ const prisma = new PrismaClient();
 async function main() {
   const settings = [
     { label: "multi_user_mode", value: "false" },
-    { label: "users_can_delete_workspaces", value: "false" },
     { label: "limit_user_messages", value: "false" },
     { label: "message_limit", value: "25" },
     { label: "logo_filename", value: "anything-llm.png" },
diff --git a/server/swagger/openapi.json b/server/swagger/openapi.json
index 2b5ee82ef5c0ea986353e812a1c97d2eaa5c751d..571fef5922cf4f7f2b5d78a9130491143091fbfa 100644
--- a/server/swagger/openapi.json
+++ b/server/swagger/openapi.json
@@ -710,7 +710,6 @@
                   "type": "object",
                   "example": {
                     "settings": {
-                      "users_can_delete_workspaces": true,
                       "limit_user_messages": false,
                       "message_limit": 10
@@ -792,7 +791,6 @@
           "content": {
             "application/json": {
               "example": {
-                "users_can_delete_workspaces": false,
                 "limit_user_messages": true,
                 "message_limit": 5