diff --git a/homeassistant/components/light/rfxtrx.py b/homeassistant/components/light/rfxtrx.py
index 60d61c95a424a4a6c3e64af950d24cc4d8537ff4..194676c805449c6a2127a4a155f7f30fb93f14d8 100644
--- a/homeassistant/components/light/rfxtrx.py
+++ b/homeassistant/components/light/rfxtrx.py
@@ -26,24 +26,22 @@ def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None):
     import RFXtrx as rfxtrxmod
     lights = []
-    devices = config.get('devices', None)
     signal_repetitions = config.get('signal_repetitions', SIGNAL_REPETITIONS)
-    if devices:
-        for entity_id, entity_info in devices.items():
-            if entity_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
-                _LOGGER.info("Add %s rfxtrx.light", entity_info[ATTR_NAME])
+    for device_id, entity_info in config.get('devices', {}).items():
+        if device_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
+            _LOGGER.info("Add %s rfxtrx.light", entity_info[ATTR_NAME])
-                # Check if i must fire event
-                fire_event = entity_info.get(ATTR_FIREEVENT, False)
-                datas = {ATTR_STATE: False, ATTR_FIREEVENT: fire_event}
+            # Check if i must fire event
+            fire_event = entity_info.get(ATTR_FIREEVENT, False)
+            datas = {ATTR_STATE: False, ATTR_FIREEVENT: fire_event}
-                rfxobject = rfxtrx.get_rfx_object(entity_info[ATTR_PACKETID])
-                new_light = RfxtrxLight(
-                    entity_info[ATTR_NAME], rfxobject, datas,
-                    signal_repetitions)
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id] = new_light
-                lights.append(new_light)
+            rfxobject = rfxtrx.get_rfx_object(entity_info[ATTR_PACKETID])
+            new_light = RfxtrxLight(
+                entity_info[ATTR_NAME], rfxobject, datas,
+                signal_repetitions)
+            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id] = new_light
+            lights.append(new_light)
@@ -54,33 +52,33 @@ def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None):
         # Add entity if not exist and the automatic_add is True
-        entity_id = slugify(event.device.id_string.lower())
-        if entity_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
+        device_id = slugify(event.device.id_string.lower())
+        if device_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
             automatic_add = config.get('automatic_add', False)
             if not automatic_add:
                 "Automatic add %s rfxtrx.light (Class: %s Sub: %s)",
-                entity_id,
+                device_id,
             pkt_id = "".join("{0:02x}".format(x) for x in event.data)
-            entity_name = "%s : %s" % (entity_id, pkt_id)
+            entity_name = "%s : %s" % (device_id, pkt_id)
             datas = {ATTR_STATE: False, ATTR_FIREEVENT: False}
             signal_repetitions = config.get('signal_repetitions',
             new_light = RfxtrxLight(entity_name, event, datas,
-            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id] = new_light
+            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id] = new_light
         # Check if entity exists or previously added automatically
-        if entity_id in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
+        if device_id in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
                 "EntityID: %s light_update. Command: %s",
-                entity_id,
+                device_id,
@@ -90,27 +88,27 @@ def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None):
                 # Update the rfxtrx device state
                 is_on = event.values['Command'] == 'On'
                 # pylint: disable=protected-access
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id]._state = is_on
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].update_ha_state()
+                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id]._state = is_on
+                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].update_ha_state()
             elif event.values['Command'] == 'Set level':
                 # pylint: disable=protected-access
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id]._brightness = \
+                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id]._brightness = \
                     (event.values['Dim level'] * 255 // 100)
                 # Update the rfxtrx device state
-                is_on = rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id]._brightness > 0
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id]._state = is_on
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].update_ha_state()
+                is_on = rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id]._brightness > 0
+                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id]._state = is_on
+                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].update_ha_state()
             # Fire event
-            if rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].should_fire_event:
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].hass.bus.fire(
+            if rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].should_fire_event:
+                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].hass.bus.fire(
                     EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED, {
-                            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].entity_id,
+                            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].device_id,
                         ATTR_STATE: event.values['Command'].lower()
diff --git a/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx.py b/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx.py
index 4789348c69a656af62d270875eb67449967965a8..4b971530584cb444a1f57cbc8ac6ab100365fa43 100644
--- a/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx.py
+++ b/homeassistant/components/rfxtrx.py
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ ATTR_STATE = 'state'
 ATTR_NAME = 'name'
 ATTR_PACKETID = 'packetid'
 ATTR_FIREEVENT = 'fire_event'
+ATTR_DATA_TYPE = 'data_type'
 EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED = 'button_pressed'
diff --git a/homeassistant/components/sensor/rfxtrx.py b/homeassistant/components/sensor/rfxtrx.py
index d424d899bccb63bc97ce5c1599663df94e430a4d..4c1a96ce40db14a24fc466837d8c02aada86baee 100644
--- a/homeassistant/components/sensor/rfxtrx.py
+++ b/homeassistant/components/sensor/rfxtrx.py
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import homeassistant.components.rfxtrx as rfxtrx
 from homeassistant.const import TEMP_CELCIUS
 from homeassistant.helpers.entity import Entity
 from homeassistant.util import slugify
+from homeassistant.components.rfxtrx import (
 DEPENDENCIES = ['rfxtrx']
@@ -29,25 +31,41 @@ def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None):
     """Setup the RFXtrx platform."""
     from RFXtrx import SensorEvent
+    sensors = []
+    for device_id, entity_info in config.get('devices', {}).items():
+        if device_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
+            _LOGGER.info("Add %s rfxtrx.sensor", entity_info[ATTR_NAME])
+            event = rfxtrx.get_rfx_object(entity_info[ATTR_PACKETID])
+            new_sensor = RfxtrxSensor(event, entity_info[ATTR_NAME],
+                                      entity_info.get(ATTR_DATA_TYPE, None))
+            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id] = new_sensor
+            sensors.append(new_sensor)
+    add_devices_callback(sensors)
     def sensor_update(event):
         """Callback for sensor updates from the RFXtrx gateway."""
-        if isinstance(event, SensorEvent):
-            entity_id = slugify(event.device.id_string.lower())
-            # Add entity if not exist and the automatic_add is True
-            if entity_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
-                automatic_add = config.get('automatic_add', True)
-                if automatic_add:
-                    _LOGGER.info("Automatic add %s rfxtrx.sensor", entity_id)
-                    new_sensor = RfxtrxSensor(event)
-                    rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id] = new_sensor
-                    add_devices_callback([new_sensor])
-            else:
-                _LOGGER.debug(
-                    "EntityID: %s sensor_update",
-                    entity_id,
-                )
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].event = event
+        if not isinstance(event, SensorEvent):
+            return
+        device_id = "sensor_" + slugify(event.device.id_string.lower())
+        if device_id in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
+            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].event = event
+            return
+        # Add entity if not exist and the automatic_add is True
+        if config.get('automatic_add', True):
+            pkt_id = "".join("{0:02x}".format(x) for x in event.data)
+            entity_name = "%s : %s" % (device_id, pkt_id)
+            _LOGGER.info(
+                "Automatic add rfxtrx.sensor: (%s : %s)",
+                device_id,
+                pkt_id)
+            new_sensor = RfxtrxSensor(event, entity_name)
+            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id] = new_sensor
+            add_devices_callback([new_sensor])
     if sensor_update not in rfxtrx.RECEIVED_EVT_SUBSCRIBERS:
@@ -56,21 +74,21 @@ def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None):
 class RfxtrxSensor(Entity):
     """Represents a RFXtrx sensor."""
-    def __init__(self, event):
+    def __init__(self, event, name, data_type=None):
         self.event = event
         self._unit_of_measurement = None
         self._data_type = None
+        self._name = name
+        if data_type:
+            self._data_type = data_type
+            self._unit_of_measurement = DATA_TYPES[data_type]
+            return
         for data_type in DATA_TYPES:
             if data_type in self.event.values:
                 self._unit_of_measurement = DATA_TYPES[data_type]
                 self._data_type = data_type
-        id_string = int(event.device.id_string.replace(":", ""), 16)
-        self._name = "{} {} ({})".format(self._data_type,
-                                         self.event.device.type_string,
-                                         id_string)
     def __str__(self):
         """Returns the name."""
         return self._name
diff --git a/homeassistant/components/switch/rfxtrx.py b/homeassistant/components/switch/rfxtrx.py
index 52cbac2319d45be4c711a1712a0f179b5cbb1db1..52168db3167bffe377ba230fdb7db13431df206f 100644
--- a/homeassistant/components/switch/rfxtrx.py
+++ b/homeassistant/components/switch/rfxtrx.py
@@ -27,23 +27,21 @@ def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None):
     # Add switch from config file
     switchs = []
-    devices = config.get('devices')
     signal_repetitions = config.get('signal_repetitions', SIGNAL_REPETITIONS)
-    if devices:
-        for entity_id, entity_info in devices.items():
-            if entity_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
-                _LOGGER.info("Add %s rfxtrx.switch", entity_info[ATTR_NAME])
-                # Check if i must fire event
-                fire_event = entity_info.get(ATTR_FIREEVENT, False)
-                datas = {ATTR_STATE: False, ATTR_FIREEVENT: fire_event}
-                rfxobject = rfxtrx.get_rfx_object(entity_info[ATTR_PACKETID])
-                newswitch = RfxtrxSwitch(
-                    entity_info[ATTR_NAME], rfxobject, datas,
-                    signal_repetitions)
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id] = newswitch
-                switchs.append(newswitch)
+    for device_id, entity_info in config.get('devices', {}).items():
+        if device_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
+            _LOGGER.info("Add %s rfxtrx.switch", entity_info[ATTR_NAME])
+            # Check if i must fire event
+            fire_event = entity_info.get(ATTR_FIREEVENT, False)
+            datas = {ATTR_STATE: False, ATTR_FIREEVENT: fire_event}
+            rfxobject = rfxtrx.get_rfx_object(entity_info[ATTR_PACKETID])
+            newswitch = RfxtrxSwitch(
+                entity_info[ATTR_NAME], rfxobject, datas,
+                signal_repetitions)
+            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id] = newswitch
+            switchs.append(newswitch)
@@ -54,33 +52,33 @@ def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None):
         # Add entity if not exist and the automatic_add is True
-        entity_id = slugify(event.device.id_string.lower())
-        if entity_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
+        device_id = slugify(event.device.id_string.lower())
+        if device_id not in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
             automatic_add = config.get('automatic_add', False)
             if not automatic_add:
                 "Automatic add %s rfxtrx.switch (Class: %s Sub: %s)",
-                entity_id,
+                device_id,
             pkt_id = "".join("{0:02x}".format(x) for x in event.data)
-            entity_name = "%s : %s" % (entity_id, pkt_id)
+            entity_name = "%s : %s" % (device_id, pkt_id)
             datas = {ATTR_STATE: False, ATTR_FIREEVENT: False}
             signal_repetitions = config.get('signal_repetitions',
             new_switch = RfxtrxSwitch(entity_name, event, datas,
-            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id] = new_switch
+            rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id] = new_switch
         # Check if entity exists or previously added automatically
-        if entity_id in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
+        if device_id in rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES:
                 "EntityID: %s switch_update. Command: %s",
-                entity_id,
+                device_id,
             if event.values['Command'] == 'On'\
@@ -89,15 +87,15 @@ def setup_platform(hass, config, add_devices_callback, discovery_info=None):
                 # Update the rfxtrx device state
                 is_on = event.values['Command'] == 'On'
                 # pylint: disable=protected-access
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id]._state = is_on
-                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].update_ha_state()
+                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id]._state = is_on
+                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].update_ha_state()
                 # Fire event
-                if rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].should_fire_event:
-                    rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].hass.bus.fire(
+                if rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].should_fire_event:
+                    rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].hass.bus.fire(
                         EVENT_BUTTON_PRESSED, {
-                                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[entity_id].entity_id,
+                                rfxtrx.RFX_DEVICES[device_id].device_id,
                             ATTR_STATE: event.values['Command'].lower()