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This security release is to update our locked dependency on Twisted to 24.7.0rc1, which includes a security fix for [CVE-2024-41671 / GHSA-c8m8-j448-xjx7: Disordered HTTP pipeline response in twisted.web, again](

This issue means that, if multiple HTTP requests are pipelined in the same TCP connection, Synapse can send responses to the wrong HTTP request.
If a reverse proxy was configured to use HTTP pipelining, this could result in responses being sent to the wrong user, severely harming confidentiality.

With that said, despite being a high severity issue, **we consider it unlikely that Synapse installations will be affected**.
The use of HTTP pipelining in this fashion would cause worse performance for clients (request-response latencies would be increased as users' responses would be artificially blocked behind other users' slow requests). Further, Nginx and Haproxy, two common reverse proxies, do not appear to support configuring their upstreams to use HTTP pipelining and thus would not be affected. For both of these reasons, we consider it unlikely that a Synapse deployment would be set up in such a configuration.

Despite that, we cannot rule out that some installations may exist with this unusual setup and so we are releasing this security update today.

**pip users:** Note that by default, upgrading Synapse using pip will not automatically upgrade Twisted. **Please manually install the new version of Twisted** using `pip install Twisted==24.7.0rc1`. Note also that even the `--upgrade-strategy=eager` flag to `pip install -U matrix-synapse` will not upgrade Twisted to a patched version because it is only a release candidate at this time.

- Upgrade locked dependency on Twisted to 24.7.0rc1. ([\#17502](