English | [中文README](README.zh_CN.md) # Overview DDD Firework is a framework that supports the implementation of DDD (Domain-Driven Design). It provides a complete lifecycle wrapper for domain entities, including creation, modification, persistence, event sending, event listening, and integration with components such as locks, databases, and eventbuses. # Features 1. Providing a unified application-level interface ICommand to encapsulate the entire lifecycle (build, behavior, persistence, event sending, etc.) management of domain layer entities. 2. Automatic detection of changes to domain entities and persistence, without the need for users to handle complex storage logic. 3. Support for rapid rebuild of complex aggregations (multiple levels of entity combinations), without the need to write specific query statements. 4. Support for domain events, including domain event sending, registration of listener functions, and event callbacks. 5. Hexagonal architecture with abstract definitions of each underlying component (locks, persistence, event buses, etc.) allows for flexible pluggable components. # Architecture  # Usage 1. Define domain entities import ddd "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework" type Order struct { ddd.BaseEntity UserID string TotalAmount int64 Remark string } 2. Register persistence models import ddd "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework" import "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework/executor/sql" func init() { mysql.RegisterEntity2Model(&domain.Order{}, func(entity, parent ddd.IEntity, op ddd.OpType) (mysql.IModel, error) { do := entity.(*domain.Order) return &po.OrderPO{ ID: do.GetID(), User: do.UserID, TotalAmount: do.TotalAmount, Remark: do.Remark, }, nil }, func(m mysql.IModel, do ddd.IEntity) error { orderPO, order := m.(*po.OrderPO), do.(*domain.Order) order.UserID = orderPO.User order.TotalAmount = orderPO.TotalAmount order.Remark = orderPO.Remark return nil } } 3. Define Command type UpdateOrderOpt struct { Remark *string } type UpdateOrderCommand struct { ddd.Command orderID string opt UpdateOrderOpt } func NewUpdateOrderCommand(orderID string, opt UpdateOrderOpt) *UpdateOrderCommand { return &UpdateOrderCommand{ orderID: orderID, opt: opt, } } func (c *UpdateOrderCommand) Init(ctx context.Context) (lockIDs []string, err error) { return []string{c.orderID}, nil } func (c *UpdateOrderCommand) Build(ctx context.Context, builder dddfirework.DomainBuilder) (roots []dddfirework.IEntity, err error) { order := &domain.Order{ ID: id, Items: []*domain.SaleItem{}, Coupons: []*domain.Coupon{}, } if err := builder.Build(ctx, order, &order.Items, &order.Coupons); err != nil { return nil, err } return []dddfirework.IEntity{order}, nil } func (c *UpdateOrderCommand) Act(ctx context.Context, container dddfirework.RootContainer, roots ...dddfirework.IEntity) error { order := roots[0].(*domain.Order) if c.opt.Remark != nil { order.Remark = *c.opt.Remark order.Dirty() } return nil } 4. Execute command import ( ddd "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework" db_executor "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework/executor/sql" db_eventbus "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework/eventbus/mysql" db_lock "github.com/bytedance/dddfirework/lock/db" "gorm.io/driver/mysql" "gorm.io/gorm" ) func main() { lock := db_lock.NewDBLock(db, time.Second*10) executor := db_executor.NewExecutor(db) eventBus := db_eventbus.NewEventBus("svc_example", db) engine := dddfirework.NewEngine(lock, executor, eventBus.Options()...) engine.RunCommand(ctx, command.NewUpdateOrderCommand( req.ID, command.UpdateOrderOpt{Remark: req.Remark}, )) } # More Example ref: [example/main.go](example/main.go)